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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2018

Does Judaism Condone Violence?: Holiness and Ethics in the Jewish Tradition by Mittleman, Alan L.
The New American Judaism: How Jews Practice Their Religion Today by Wertheimer, Jack
Goy: Israel's Multiple Others and the Birth of the Gentile by Rosen-Zvi, Ishay, Ophir, Adi
Rav Heinemann Hilchos Chanuka by Miller, Ny, Heinemann, Rav Moshe
Reading the Rav: Exploring Religious Themes in the Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik by Sokolow, Moshe
Judaism and the Economy: A Sourcebook by
Judaism and the Economy: A Sourcebook by
Zohar, El I -V2* by Bar Iojai, Rabi Shimon
Birkas Hamazon - Bencher Pocket Edition: The Pirchei Shoshanim Pictorial Series by Channen, Rabbi Daniel, Todd, Rabbi Fischel
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism, Volume 13 by
Tratados de Sukká & Rosh Hashaná: El Talmud a la Luz del Nuevo Testamento by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
Tratados de Beitzah & Meguilá: El Talmud a la Luz del Nuevo Testamento by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
A Journey Into Holiness by Steinerman, Moshe
Pathways of the Righteous by Steinerman, Moshe
Yom LeYom: Day by Day by Steinerman, Moshe
Prayers of the Heart by Steinerman, Moshe
From Sinai Came Torah: Essays on the Festivals by Gross, Ronald H.
Passages of Torah: Pesukei Torah by Steinerman, Moshe
Tovim Meoros A Glimpse of Light: Gems of Tanach by Steinerman, Moshe
A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations by Hullman, Barak
Chassidus Kabbalah & Meditation by Steinerman, Moshe
Kavanos Halev: Meditations of the Heart by Steinerman, Moshe
The First Book of Jewish Jokes: The Collection of L. M. Büschenthal by
The First Book of Jewish Jokes: The Collection of L. M. Büschenthal by
Three Doors to the Soul: A Journey Through Religion, Science and Spirituality to Reveal Our Souls Real Purpose by Avery, Lynetta, Siedler, Rabbi Mark
A meditação do umbigo do mundo by Roshveder, Eliel
Le diable pour père: Introduction à la question juive by Veritas, Omnia
The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law by Wiener Dow, Leon
Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo by Anziska, Seth
Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law by Saiman, Chaim N.
The Tao of Solomon: Unlocking the Perennial Wisdom of Ecclesiastes by Shapiro, Rami
Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul by Levy, Naomi
Masechet Berachot: Talmud Israeli-Daf Yomi for US by Rath, Avi, Jakobsohn, Meir
Emunah: A Guide for Coping with Questions by Kaufman, Dovid a.
Les Petits Livres de La Hassidout & de La KABBALE: La porte des Réincarnations 1, du ARI"ZAL. by Segoula, Isaac, Ohayon, Joseph David, Ohayon, Simon
The Torah: The first five books of the Hebrew bible by Anonym
A Semicha Aid For Learning The Laws of Basar Bechalav-New Edition by Goldstein, Rabbi Yaakov
Como Abrir las Puertas de la Teshuva: Basado en Shaarei Teshuva de Rabenu Iona by Rab Asher Baruj Wegbreit, Rabenu Iona
Como Abrir las Puertas de la Teshuva: Basado en Shaarei Teshuva de Rabenu Iona by Rabenu Iona, Rab Asher Baruj Wegbreit
The Central Ideas of Kabbalah: For Beginners by Polonsky, Pinchas
Libro del Angel Raziel: Versión de Sonia Hidalgo Zurita by Hidalgo Zurita, Sonia Helena
Rewriting Maimonides: Early Commentaries on the Guide of the Perplexed by de Souza, Igor H.
A Story of Purim by Mardokhi, Esther
Performance of Identity of Polish Tatars: From Religious Holidays to Everyday Rituals by Pawlic-Miskiewicz, Barbara
Rabbinic Reference Bible: The Connection Between Tanach and Tradition: Volume II Exodus by
The Story of Hebrew by Glinert, Lewis
For Every Season: Illuminating Insights into the Jewish Holidays by Juskowitz, Yisroel
Decalogue: An Anthology of Ten Short Stories On a Basic Theme by Shansky, mo Joe, Shansky, Daniel
Memory in a Time of Prose: Studies in Epistemology, Hebrew Scribalism, and the Biblical Past by Pioske, Daniel D.
Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages: Science, Rationalism, and Religion by Rudavsky, T. M.
Messianic Expectations: From the Second Temple Era through the Early Centuries of the Common Era by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Marcos
Tradition and Innovation: English and German Studies on the Septuagint by Rösel, Martin
Tradition and Innovation: English and German Studies on the Septuagint by Rösel, Martin
Das Rachelgrab. Eine jüdische Frauengrabtradition by Carafa, Melanie
New Messianic Version by Rose, Tov
The Anointing of the Shofar/ A Navi Battle Axe: How to Summonse Malaks(angels) to Fight for You(hebrew 1:14) by Yah, Eliyahu Shmuel Ben
Music and Religious Change among Progressive Jews in London: Being Liberal and Doing Traditional by Illman, Ruth
The Book of Enoch: (Translated by R. H. Charles) by Enoch
The Kabbalah: The Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews by Franck, Adolphe
Scènes de la Vie Juive En Alsace: Récit Historique by Stauben, Daniel
The Book of Separation: A Memoir by Mirvis, Tova
Masechet Makkot: Talmud Israeli-Daf Yomi for US by Rath, Avi, Jakobsohn, Meir
Israel And The Jew Make The Bible True: From Abel To Armageddon by McCray, Gerald
Juden, Christen und Vereine im Römischen Reich by Eckhardt, Benedikt, Leonhard, Clemens
Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought by
A guerra essênia entre a luz e as trevas by Roshveder, Eliel
Apocalypticism and Mysticism in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity by
Fragile Spaces: Forays Into Jewish Memory, European History and Complex Identities by Aschheim, Steven E.
Jewish Medicine and Healthcare in Central Eastern Europe: Shared Identities, Entangled Histories by
Tratado de Taanit: La Sabiduría Rabínica a la Luz de las Enseñanzas de Yeshúa HaMashíaj by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
Tiptoe Through Genesis: The Easy Way To Learn and Experience The First Book of Torah by Greenfield, Nancy Reuben
Jewish Population and Identity: Concept and Reality by
Jesus in the Jewish Wedding: Messianic Fulfillment in the Bible and Tradition by Rose, Tov
Three Cities of Yiddish: St Petersburg, Warsaw and Moscow by
For the Good of the Nation: Institutions for Jewish Children in Interwar Poland. a Documentary History by Martin, Sean
La meditación del ombligo del mundo by Roshveder, Eliel
Rabbi A.Y.Kook: His Personality and Teaching by Polonsky, Dr Pinchas
Ccar Journal, the Reform Jewish Quarterly, Fall 2018: Pay Equity Within the Reform Movement by
Latinos in Israel: Language and Unexpected Citizenship by Paz, Alejandro I.
The Talmud of Relationships, Volume 1: God, Self, and Family Volume 1 by Scheinerman, Amy
The Talmud of Relationships, Volume 2: The Jewish Community and Beyond Volume 2 by Scheinerman, Amy
I Am: A Journey in Jewish Faith: A Spiritual/Theological Reflection on the Shema by Eron, Lewis John
I Am: A Journey in Jewish Faith: A Spiritual/Theological Reflection on the Shema by Eron, Lewis John
Jewish and Christian Views on Bodily Pleasure: Their Origins and Relevance in the Twentieth-Century by Cherry, Robert
Jewish and Christian Views on Bodily Pleasure: Their Origins and Relevance in the Twentieth-Century by Cherry, Robert
Three Doors to the Soul - Deluxe Edition: A Journey through Religion, Science and Spirituality to Reveal Our Souls TRUE Purpose by Avery, Lynetta, Siedler, Rabbi Mark
Search Engine: Volume 2: Jewish Leadership by Student, Gil
Wisdom from Reb Zalman: Embracing the Jewish Spirit by
Before the Bible: The Liturgical Body and the Formation of Scriptures in Early Judaism by Newman, Judith H.
The Mystical Qabalah by Fortune, Dion
La Torá de Komlós by
Do Less Be More: Right Being Verses Wrong Doing by Ben Yehoshua, Yaakov
Words by Yehoshua, Yaakov Ben
My Father's Room: A Collection of Parables and Poetry by Ben Yehoshua, Yaakov
Jews and Muslims in South Asia: Reflections on Difference, Religion, and Race by Egorova, Yulia
Daniel: Dialogues on Realization by Buber, Martin
The Practical Laws of Meat & Milk by Goldstein, Rabbi Yaakov
Tratados de Beitzah & Meguilá: El Talmud a la Luz del Mesías by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
The Samaritans in Historical, Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives by
Masechet Shevuot: Talmud Israeli-Daf Yomi for US by Rath, Avi, Jakobsohn, Meir
The Soul by Steinsaltz, Adin
Uncovering Ancient Editing: Documented Evidence of Changes in Joshua 24 and Related Texts by Mäkipelto, Ville
Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Official Songbook: Hebrew - English by Laitman, Michael
Kovetz Nizkei Shcheinim 2 by Rosenberg, Yehoshua
929 Questions of the Tanakh by Richesin, L. Dale
Ani Ve-Ami Jewish Year Curriculum Guide by Litvak, Yehudis
Amen by Ryan, Sj Patrick
The Cambridge History of Judaism by
Jewish Fictional Letters from Hellenistic Egypt: The Epistle of Aristeas and Related Literature by White, L. Michael, Keddie, G. Anthony
The Studia Philonica Annual XXX, 2018: Studies in Hellenistic Judaism by
Hacked: Hebrew Christian: Restoring Stolen Identity and Embracing the Inherited Blessing. by Albin, Kenneth
Dominion Built of Praise: Panegyric and Legitimacy Among Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean by Decter, Jonathan
Jewish Fictional Letters from Hellenistic Egypt: The Epistle of Aristeas and Related Literature by White, L. Michael, Keddie, G. Anthony
Hebrew Bible Summaries-The Five Books of Moses by Goldstein, Rabbi Yaakov
A Jewish Public Theology: God and the Global City by Unger, Abraham
Is Judaism Democratic?: Reflections from Theory and Practice Throughout the Ages by
Magdala of Galilee: A Jewish City in the Hellenistic and Roman Period by
Hit the Mark: How Christians Can Walk in the Light of the Torah and Receive All Its Abundant Blessings by Albin, Kenneth
Making Judaism Safe for America: World War I and the Origins of Religious Pluralism by Cooperman, Jessica
Creative Haven Artful Jewish Designs Coloring Book by Adatto, Miryam
Strength to Strength: Essays in Honor of Shaye J. D. Cohen by
Strength to Strength: Essays in Honor of Shaye J. D. Cohen by
A Cabala da Consciência: Como ir direto para o Céu by Eldes
Hidden Blessings Revealed: A Christian Understanding for Celebrating the Biblical Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur by Albin, Kenneth
Tabernacles: It's a Celebration & Not Just an Option!: How Christians Can Celebrate This Biblical Feast and the True Birthday of Messiah by Albin, Kenneth
Echoes of Contempt: A History of Judeophobia and the Christian Church by Thompson, Bruce D.
Echoes of Contempt: A History of Judeophobia and the Christian Church by Thompson, Bruce D.
All On A Thursday Morning: An 'easy to use' collection of Rabbi Gourarie's weekly articles on personal growth by Gourarie, Michoel
All On A Thursday Morning: An 'easy to use' collection of Rabbi Gourarie's weekly articles on personal growth by Gourarie, Michoel
Tradition by the Lake: A Historical Outline of North Suburban Synagogue Beth El by Steinberg, Morton M.
Hanukkah and Purim Are for Christians, Too! by Albin, Kenneth
Reincarnation Again: The Kabbalistic Understanding of Reincarnation by Winston, Pinchas
Christians Get to Celebrate the Passover, Too!: Learning Its Secrets, Power and Abundant Blessings by Albin, Kenneth
The Ways That Often Parted: Essays in Honor of Joel Marcus by
The Ways That Often Parted: Essays in Honor of Joel Marcus by
La vérité sur les meurtres rituels juifs by To Gaste, Frederik
Masechet Bava Metzia: Talmud Israeli -- Daf Yomi for US by Rath, Avi, Jakobsohn, Meir
My Very Own Chanukah Guide [Transliteration Style: Ashkenazic]: Chanukah Guide Textbook and Workbook for Jewish Day School level study. Common holiday by Alevsky, Chayim B.
Wisdom Poured Out Like Water: Studies on Jewish and Christian Antiquity in Honor of Gabriele Boccaccini by
Aristobulos in Alexandria by Mülke, Markus
Jews Make the Best Demons: 'Palestine' and the Jewish Question by Rozenman, Eric
Sepher Yetzirah by Westcott, William Wynn
Inheritance Of Loss by Pollak, Edith
The Collected Plays of Chaim Potok by Potok, Chaim
Jewish Comedy: A Serious History by Dauber, Jeremy
Lost Hebrews Found!: The Prophecies of Hosea -2 by Davidiy, Yair
Immortal Eye: GOD THEORY: SECOND EDITION: God's View of Man, Man's View of God, Hawking vs. God, Predestination, Evolution, The ORIGIN of Everything by Blaha, Stephen
The Rabbi's Brain: Mystics, Moderns and the Science of Jewish Thinking by Halpern, David, Newberg, Andrew
No More Leaven!: The Blessings Christians Receive by Celebrating the Feast of Unleavened Bread by Albin, Kenneth
Latinos in Israel: Language and Unexpected Citizenship by Paz, Alejandro I.
Israel In Prophecy by Hill, Richard
Music of Kabbalah: Playing Notes by Ashlag, Yehuda
Star of David Menorah by Bethbirdbooks
Sefer Hajalomot - Interpretación de Sueños: Basado en la Torá, el Talmud, Midrash y otras fuentes de la milenaria tradición judía by Segal, Moty
Gastronomic Judaism as Culinary Midrash by Brumberg-Kraus, Jonathan D.
Early Philosophical Ṣūfism by El-Jaichi, Saer
The Kosher Supervision Guide - 2019 Edition by Kashrus Magazine
Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen: The Resurrected Messiah, the Jewish People, and the Land of Promise by Kinzer, Mark S.
Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen: The Resurrected Messiah, the Jewish People, and the Land of Promise by Kinzer, Mark S.
Meditacion y la Biblia/ Meditation and the Bible (Spanish Edition) by Kaplan, Aryeh
If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Say It in Yiddish: The Book of Yiddish Insults and Curses by Epstein, Lita
Meditacion y la Biblia/ Meditation and the Bible (Spanish Edition) by Kaplan, Aryeh
I Must Win This Battle: Expanded Edition by Atunnise, Timothy
The Book of David: David Horowitz: Dean of United Nations Press Corps and Founder: United Israel World Union by Buntyn, Ralph E.
Jubilees: A Commentary in Two Volumes by VanderKam, James C.
Discovering Second Temple Literature: The Scriptures and Stories That Shaped Early Judaism by Simkovich, Malka Zeiger
The Land of Truth: Talmud Tales, Timeless Teachings by Rubenstein, Jeffrey L.
Son of Chicken Qabalah: Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford's (Mostly Painless) Practical Qabalah Course by DuQuette, Lon Milo
Anti-Semitism and Its Metaphysical Origins by Patterson, David
The History of Bronze and Iron Age Israel by Matthews, Victor H.
The Secret History by Procopius
The Secret History by Procopius
Nietzsche and Jewish Political Theology by Ohana, David
Amsterdam's Sephardic Merchants and the Atlantic Sugar Trade in the Seventeenth Century by Schreuder, Yda
Isaac Orobio: The Jewish Argument with Dogma and Doubt by
Lovable Crooks and Loathsome Jews: Antisemitism in German and Austrian Crime Writing Before the World Wars by Kord, T. S.
The Last Days of the Kingdom of Israel by
Roots and Rituals: Insights into Hebrew, Holidays, and History by First, Mitchell
Hackeado! O Hebreu Crist by Albin, Kenneth
Children in Ancient Israel: The Hebrew Bible and Mesopotamia in Comparative Perspective by Flynn, Shawn W.
The Specter of the Jews: Emperor Julian and the Rhetoric of Ethnicity in Syrian Antioch by Finkelstein, Ari
A Separate Matter: Current Polarization Mystically Explained by Winston, Pinchas
Soulwaze: 3 Essential Tools To Upgrade your Life's Journey by Chyrek, Shimon
Social Protection in Islamic Law: Theoretical Perspective by Erol, Ayten
The Breath of Life: Torah, Intelligent Design and Evolution by Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
Envisioning God in the Humanities: Essays on Christianity, Judaism, and Ancient Religion in Honor of Melissa Harl Sellew by
Envisioning God in the Humanities: Essays on Christianity, Judaism, and Ancient Religion in Honor of Melissa Harl Sellew by
137: The Riddle of Creation by Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
Wisdom: Integrating Torah and Science by Genuth, Moshe, Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
Henry Ward Beecher and the Jews: In Commemoration of the Centenary of His Birth (June 24th, 1913) by Kohut, George Alexander
Catechism for Jewish Children by Leeser, Isaac
Hebrew Men and Times, from the Patriarchs to the Messiah by Allen, Joseph Henry
Oaths and Vows in the Synoptic Gospels by Mann, Jacob
Saadia Gaon, His Life and Works by Malter, Henry
An Historico-Critical Inquiry Into the Origin and Composition of the Hexateuch (Pentateuch and Book of Joshua) by Kuenen, Abraham
A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments; Volume 4 by Jamieson, Robert, Fausset, Andrew Robert, Brown, David
A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments; Volume 4 by Jamieson, Robert, Fausset, Andrew Robert, Brown, David
The Legends of the Jews; Volume 4 by Ginzberg, Louis, Cohen, Boaz
The Jews in Egypt and in Palestine Under the Fatimid Caliphs: A Contribution to Their Political and Communal History Based Chiefly on Genizah Material by Mann, Jacob
The Jews in Egypt and in Palestine Under the Fatimid Caliphs: A Contribution to Their Political and Communal History Based Chiefly on Genizah Material by Mann, Jacob
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