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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2020

Yeshua Ben Yosef: O que as profecias revelam sobre Mashiach by Summa, Bruno
Pérolas do Baal Shem Tov by Grun, Renato S.
Israel, the United States, and the War Against Hamas, July-August 2014: The Special Relationship Under Scrutiny by Shalom, Zakai
Vocal Rites and Broken Theologies Cleaving to Vocables in R. Israel Ba'al Shem Tov's Mysticism by Idel, Moshe
Spiritual Education The Educational Theory and Practice of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson by Solomon, Aryeh
Conflict & Resolution in the Early Prophets by Schwartz, Allen
Psalms of Exile and Return: A journey in search of inner healing and unity by Hill, Keith
I Am for My Beloved: A Guide to Enhanced Intimacy for Married Couples by Ribner, David S., Rosenbaum, Talli y.
Complete Jewish Bible: An English Version by David H. Stern - Giant Print (Large Print Edition) by Stern, David H.
Jewish Veganism and Vegetarianism: Studies and New Directions by
The Spiritual Transformation of Jews Who Become Orthodox by Sands, Roberta G.
The five books of Maccabees in English by Cotton, Henry
A meditação da tribo de Efraim by Roshveder, Eliel
The Fix: Modern Day Impact of An Ancient Event by Winston, Pinchas
Reading the Infinite: Jewish Poetry from Mexico by Asse Chayo, Jenny
Gate of Verses: Shemos: An English Translation of the Arizal's Commentary on the Torah by Winston, Pinchas
Yiddish in Israel: A History by Rojanski, Rachel
Yiddish in Israel: A History by Rojanski, Rachel
The Infinity Frequency by Safer, Stephen
Feasting and Fasting: The History and Ethics of Jewish Food by
KSTechnique: Healing the World One Person at a Time by Goldberg, Jordania
Feasting and Fasting: The History and Ethics of Jewish Food by
Tarot and the Gates of Light: A Kabbalistic Path to Liberation by Horn, Mark
The Abrahamic Religions: A Very Short Introduction by Cohen, Charles L.
Koren Talmud Bavli, Berkahot Volume 1d, Daf 51b-64a, Noe Color Pb, H/E by Steinsaltz, Adin
Why Odysseus Came Home as a Stranger and Other Puzzling Moments in the Life of Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, Abraham, and other Great Individuals by Abramovitch, Henry
The ancient Hebrew tradition as illustrated by the monuments; a protest against the modern school of Old Testament criticism by Hommel, Fritz
Level Three and Beyond: A Young Woman's Growth Through the Weekly Parsha by Hirsch, Chaim
A Visual Amidah: An Essence Of Prayers & Blessings by Winn-Lederer, Ilene
Why Odysseus Came Home as a Stranger and Other Puzzling Moments in the Life of Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, Abraham, and other Great Individuals by Abramovitch, Henry
You are that Tree (Book 1 Hardback ): The Garden of Eden by Cherry, T. S.
Understanding God's Great Plan: A Jewish, Christian, Bible Perspective by Wyns, Peter
Lost Archive: Traces of a Caliphate in a Cairo Synagogue by Rustow, Marina
Arizal On Reincarnation: An English translation of the eighth volume of the Arizal's teachings on the topic of reincarnation and personal rectificatio by Vital, Chaim
Untapped Potential: Discovering and Releasing God's Prophetic Anointing by Rocco D. D., Steve
Dry Bones Crawling Home: A poem of my identity by Yahwuda, Andy Owusu
Johdanto Kabbalaan: Opas Rauhallisempaan Elämään by Laitman, Michael
Upptäck Kabbala: Din guide till ett mer fridfullt liv by Laitman, Michael
Andligt Sökande by Laitman, Michael
Conversion, Circumcision, and Ritual Murder in Medieval Europe by Tartakoff, Paola
Dictionnaire de Guimatria: Valeurs numériques des termes hébraïques en usage dans la Kabbale et la spiritualité by Lahy, Georges
You are that Tree ( Book 1): The Garden of Eden by Cherry, T. S.
Kabbalan Valo: Johdatus kätkettyyn viisauteen by Laitman, Michael
Geulah b'Rachamim: 60 daily lessons to help a Jew yearn for redemption by Winston, Pinchas
Die Handschriften Aus Der Judäischen Wüste: Die Texte Außerhalb Qumrans. Einführung Und Deutsche Übersetzung by Geiger, Gregor
Imago Dei Versus Kultbild: Die Sapientia Salomonis ALS Jüdisch-Hellenistischer Beitrag Zur Antiken Bilderdebatte by Völkening, Helga
Chazarah Berurah CM Vol. 3: A Comprehensive Review on the Laws of Choshen Mishpat Arranged According to the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch by Zelikovitz, Ahron
Rabbinic Drinking: What Beverages Teach Us about Rabbinic Literature by Rosenblum, Jordan D.
Authentically Orthodox: A Tradition-Bound Faith in American Life by Eleff, Zev
Rabbinic Drinking: What Beverages Teach Us about Rabbinic Literature by Rosenblum, Jordan D.
How Yiddish Changed America and How America Changed Yiddish by
Deuteronomium: Erklärt by Bertholet, Alfred
Histoire des Juifs by de Ségur, Louis-Philippe
Shamati (He escuchado): Edición nueva y en letra grande by Ashlag, Yahuda Leib
The Teachings of Zoroaster and the philosophy of the Parsi religion by Kapadia, Shaporji Aspaniarji
Tangled Roots: The Emergence of Israeli Culture by Bartal, Israel
Tangled Roots: The Emergence of Israeli Culture by Bartal, Israel
Derech Hashem by Avraham, Eliyahu
Passover: A Seder for the American Family by Zalma
Is Theory Good for the Jews? by Chaouat, Bruno
The Jews in Egypt and in Palestine under the Fāṭimid caliphs; a contribution to their political and communal history based chiefly on geni by Mann, Jacob
Sources of Holocaust Insight: Learning and Teaching about the Genocide by Roth, John K.
Sources of Holocaust Insight: Learning and Teaching about the Genocide by Roth, John K.
Koren Shalem Siddur with Tabs, Compact, Blue by Koren Publishers
The Old Stories by Selcer, David
Jezebel & The Spirit Of Babylon by Boyer, Nanyamka a.
Hakibbutz Ha'artzi, Mapam, and the Demise of the Israeli Labor Movement by Elmaliach, Tal
Hakibbutz Ha'artzi, Mapam, and the Demise of the Israeli Labor Movement by Elmaliach, Tal
The Super Achievers: The Remarkable Jewish Contribution to Science and Human Well-being Highlighted by Nobel Prize Winners by Gerstl, Ronald
A Survivor Named Trauma: Holocaust Memory in Lithuania by Sklarew, Myra
A Survivor Named Trauma: Holocaust Memory in Lithuania by Sklarew, Myra
Pathways to the Heart: Opening the Teachings of the House of Izhbitz by Boshnack, Reuven
Koren Shalem Siddur, Sepharad by Koren Publishers
Light from the Darkness: A Ritual for Holocaust Remembrance by Fripp, Deborah
The Promise of the Land: A Passover Haggadah by Bernstein, Rabbi Ellen
The Essential Seder: A Contemporary Haggadah by Gross-Zuchman, Deborah
The Month of Adar: Transformation through Laughter and Holy Doubt by Pinson, Dovber
Los Secretos del Cielo: Las moradas filososfales by Hidalgo Zurita, Sonia Helena
In Pursuit of Godliness and a Living Judaism: The Life and Thought of Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis by Feinstein, Edward M.
Escape from Iran: The Exodus of Persian Jewry During the Islamic Revolution of 1979 by Hecht, Sholem Ber
In Pursuit of Godliness and a Living Judaism: The Life and Thought of Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis by Feinstein, Edward M.
The Seventh Heaven: Travels Through Jewish Latin America by Stavans, Ilan
What Every Christian Needs to Know about Judaism: Exploring the Ever-Connected World of Christians & Jews by Moffic, Evan
Honoring The Lord In Tithes & Offerings by Boyer, Nanyamka a.
Archival Historiography in Jewish Antiquity by Carlson Hasler, Laura
You are that Tree Prayer and Workbook: The Garden of Eden by Cherry, T. S.
From Child to Man: A Jewish Boy's Guide by Peysin, S.
Yeshua Ben Yosef: What the prophecies reveal about MASHIACH by Summa, Bruno
Borderland Generation: Soviet and Polish Jews Under Hitler by Koerber, Jeffrey
Borderland Generation: Soviet and Polish Jews Under Hitler by Koerber, Jeffrey
The Laws of Tefillin by Goldstein, Rabbi Yaakov
Jewish Feminism: Framed and Reframed by Fuchs, Esther
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (FRENCH): Nous Chantons Nous Restons Ensemble: Prières Du Service Du Matin De Shabbat by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (FRENCH): Nous Chantons Nous Restons Ensemble: Service Du Matin Du Shabbat by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (SPANISH): Cantamos y Permanecemos Juntos: Plegarias Del Servicio Matutino Del Shabbat by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (SPANISH): Cantamos y Permanecemos Juntos: Servicio Matutino Del Shabbat by Collis, Richard
Cosmos and Creation: Second Temple Perspectives by
The Tree of Life: The Palace of Zeir Anpin: Volume Four: Part One by Vital, Chayyim
Everlasting: God's Faithfulness to Israel by Cunliffe, Stuart
Everlasting: God's Faithfulness to Israel by Cunliffe, Stuart
The Idea of Tradition in the Late Modern World: An Ecumenical and Interreligious Conversation by
The Idea of Tradition in the Late Modern World: An Ecumenical and Interreligious Conversation by
Scriptures of Ancient Judaism: A Secular Introduction by Jigoulov, Vadim, Jacobs, Steven, Gericke, Jaco
2,711 Questions of the Talmud, vol. 2: Judaism by Richesin, L. Dale
You are that Tree Children: Children's Bible Study and Sunday School Lessons by Cherry, T. S.
2711 Questions of the Talmud, vol. 1: Judaism by Richesin, L. Dale
Shemhazai's Game by Ringel, Harry
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (GERMAN): Wir Singen, Wir Bleiben Zusammen: Morgengottesdienst am Shabbat by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (GERMAN): Wir Singen, Wir Bleiben Zusammen: Morgengottesdienst am Shabbat by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (MANDARIN CHINESE) by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (MANDARIN CHINESE) by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (PORTUGUESE BRA): O Louvor Que Nos Une: Cerimônia de Orações Matutina do Shabbat by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (PORTUGUESE BRA): O Louvor Que Nos Une: Cerimônia Matutina do Shabbat by Collis, Richard
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (RUSSIAN) by Collis, Richard
Living ShUM Monuments: The Jewish Heritage of Mainz, Worms and Speyer Germany by Vickers, Caroline
Defenders of the Faith: Studies in Nineteenth- And Twentieth-Century Orthodoxy and Reform by Bleich, Judith
Defenders of the Faith: Studies in Nineteenth- And Twentieth-Century Orthodoxy and Reform by Bleich, Judith
Invention of Jewish Theocracy: The Struggle for Legal Authority in Modern Israel by Kaye, Alexander
Esther: Power, Fate and Fragility in Exile by Brown, Erca
A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 3: The Maccabaean Revolt, Hasmonaean Rule, and Herod the Great (175-4 Bce) by Grabbe, Lester L.
Prepare My Prayer by Singer, Dov
Ani Maamin: Biblical Criticism, Historical Truth, and the Thirteen Principles of Faith by Berman, Joshua
To This Very Day: Fundamental Questions in the Bible Study by Bazak, Amnon
Bild und Darstellung des Judentums im Werke Clemens Brentanos by Niemuth-Engelmann, Susanne
Ten Myths about the Jews by Carneiro, Maria Luiza Tucci
Preparing For Redemption: What To Do Now For Then by Winston, Pinchas
Jesus, the Unprecedented Human Being by Ghisalberti, Giosuè
Machzor Brit Bracha: Livro de Orações das Grandes Festas: Rosh HaShanah e Yom HaKipurim by Baggio Scheneider, Charton
Translated Memories: Transgenerational Perspectives on the Holocaust by
Demons, Angels, and Writing in Ancient Judaism by Reed, Annette Yoshiko
What Am I Missing?: Questions about Being Human by Edelheit, Joseph A.
What Am I Missing?: Questions about Being Human by Edelheit, Joseph A.
For This I Survived?: Children of Survivors Beyond the Trauma by Cooperman, Bruria Lindenberg
Pirkei Avot: A Ética dos Pais by Baggio Scheneider, Charton
Manual Judaico: Instruções para: Conversão, Bar Mitzvah & Bat Mitzvah by Baggio Scheneider, Charton
Literatura Judaica by Baggio Scheneider, Charton
Ética Judaica by Baggio Scheneider, Charton
Israel: Terra de Leite e Mel: GEOGRAFIA by Baggio Sechneider, Charton
Jerusalém: Geografia by Baggio Scheneider, Charton
As Escrituras Sagradas by Baggio Scheneider, Charton
Sha'ar HaYahadut: O Portal do Judaísmo: Leis para uma vida pautada na Ética, Moral e Justiça Social by Cukierkorn, Jacques, Baggio Scheneider, Charton
Koren Youth Haggada, Magerman Edition by Rose, Daniel
A Permanent Beginning: R. Nachman of Braslav and Jewish Literary Modernity by Lewis, Yitzhak
A Guide To Hidden Wisdom Of Kabbalah by Laitman, Michael
Buen Shabat, Shabbat Shalom by Aroeste, Sarah
The Autobiography of Solomon Maimon: The Complete Translation by Maimon, Solomon
Two Gods in Heaven: Jewish Concepts of God in Antiquity by Schäfer, Peter
The Passover Haggadah: An Ancient Story for Modern Times by Newhouse, Alana, Tablet
Amor de Amigos by Laitman, Michael
Revealed: The Passover Seder Haggadah: A Messianic Jewish Pesach Celebration by Steinmeyer, Chris
Sobibor by Lev, Michael
Torah Down Under by Chalk, Pinchos
Hebraic Literature: Translations From The Talmud, Midrashim And Kabbala With Special Introduction By Maurice H. Harris, D.D. by Various
HaShem Is One: Ginat Egoz by Gikatilla, Rabbi Yosef
The Wars of the Jews; Or, The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Josephus, Flavius
The Wars of the Jews; Or, The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Josephus, Flavius
ETHICS OF INTERPERSONAL CONDUCT Part 1 Yeshiva Course by Ben Dovid, Yosef
ETHICS OF INTERPERSONAL CONDUCT Part 2 Yeshiva Course by Ben Dovid, Yosef
Eternally Yours - Numbers: God's Greatest Gift to Mankind by Mann, Rabbi Reuven
Toward a History of Jewish Thought: The Soul, Resurrection, and the Afterlife by Starr, Zachary Alan
Toward a History of Jewish Thought: The Soul, Resurrection, and the Afterlife by Starr, Zachary Alan
The Dairy Restaurant by Katchor, Ben
Reaching New Heights Through Health and Happiness: utilizing CBTT(TM) Cognitive Behavioral Torah Therapy by Yerushalmi, Miriam
The Voice Of God: How To Recognize It! by Boyer, Nanyamka a.
Our Lost Heritage: Understanding the Feasts of the Lord and their Prophetic Message by McLeod, Dennis R.
Text Transmiss in Cont Jewish Cult Scj C by Bar-Levav
Mahler's Forgotten Conductor: Heinz Unger and His Search for Jewish Meaning, 1895-1965 by Tesler-Mabé, Hernan
Jewish History: An essay in the philosophy of history by Dubnow, Simon M.
Mishkan Ga'avah: Where Pride Dwells by
Der Judenstaat: Versuch einer modernen Lösung der judenfrage by Herzl, Theodor
Parenting on a Prayer: Ancient Jewish Secrets for Raising Modern Children by Pessah, Amy Grossblatt
Behind the Scenes with David and Bathsheba by McDowell, Jana Jones
Magic and Religion in the Greco-Roman World: The Beginnings of Judaism and Christianity by Soltes, Ori Z.
Inscribed: Encounters with the Ten Commandments by
Into My Garden: Poems by Caplan, David
Moses: A Human Life by Zornberg, Avivah Gottlieb
The Passover Haggadah: A Biography by Ochs, Vanessa L.
Tertium Datur: A Reading of Rosenzweig's 'New Thinking' by Fortis, Beniamino
The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews by Kraemer, Ross Shepard
The Book of Jonah: A New Interlinear Translation with Commentary by Patten, Douglas
ETHICS OF INTERPERSONAL CONDUCT Part 3 Yeshiva Course by Ben Dovid, Yosef
Le livre du sang: Sven et l'ancien testament by Guyénot, Laurent, Bugnon-Mordant, Michel
La Table Dressée: Poésie juive by Chetboun, Ariela
Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything by Frankl, Viktor E.
The Jews of Ottoman Izmir: A Modern History by Danon, Dina
The Jews of Ottoman Izmir: A Modern History by Danon, Dina
Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo by Anziska, Seth
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (RUSSIAN) by Collis, Richard
El Futuro: El Mesias judio, Israel y el Fin de los Dias. by Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff
Queering the Text by Ramer, Andrew
Queering the Text by Ramer, Andrew
The Greatest Risk Of All: A Personal Testament of a Spiritual Quest to seek the Truth by Cohen, Stanley
The Greatest Risk Of All: A Personal Testament of a Spiritual Quest to seek the Truth by Cohen, Stanley
The Accidental Anarchist: A humorous (and true) story of a man who was sentenced to death 3 times in the early 1900s in Russia -- and lived to tell ab by Kranzler, Bryna
Power, Ethics, and Ecology in Jewish Late Antiquity by Belser, Julia Watts
Questions and Answers on Moshiach based upon Rambam's Laws of Kings by Kimelman, Yaron
A Hebraic Messianic Galatians: Yeshua's (Jesus') Message to Shaul (Paul) by Schwab, Moshe
A Toda Nación! No Habrá Más Demora!: Toda Gloria es de YHWH ELOHIM Y YESHUA Su Hijo by His Grace, Isabel
Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Volume 15 by
The Nations of the Old Testament: Their Relationship with Israel and Bible Prophecy by Hayes Press
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