• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Juvenile Graphic Novels in 2006

Cesar Chavez: Fighting for Farmworkers by Braun, Eric
Patrick Henry: Liberty or Death by Glaser, Jason
Betsy Ross and the American Flag by
The Buffalo Soldiers and the American West by Glaser, Jason
Lords of the Sea: The Vikings Explore the North Atlantic by Lassieur, Allison
The Story of Jamestown by Braun, Eric
The Voyage of the Mayflower by Lassieur, Allison
Winter at Valley Forge by Doeden, Matt
Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion by Burgan, Michael
The Story of the Star-Spangled Banner by Jacobson, Ryan
The Story of the Statue of Liberty by Niz, Xavier W.
Molly Pitcher: Young American Patriot by Glaser, Jason
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry by Glaser, Jason
George Washington: Leading a New Nation by Doeden, Matt
The Brave Escape of Ellen and William Craft by Lemke, Donald B.
Nathan Hale: Revolutionary Spy by Olson, Nathan
Paul Revere's Ride by Niz, Xavier W.
Benjamin Franklin: An American Genius by Olson, Kay Melchisedech
Young Riders of the Pony Express by Gunderson, Jessica
Jackie Robinson: Baseball's Great Pioneer by Glaser, Jason
The Boston Massacre by
Matthew Henson: Arctic Adventurer by Hoena, Blake A.
John Sutter and the California Gold Rush by Doeden, Matt
Eyes of the Storm: A Graphic Novel (Bone #3): Volume 3 by Smith, Jeff
Eyes of the Storm: A Graphic Novel (Bone #3): Volume 3 by Smith, Jeff
Deogratias, a Tale of Rwanda by Stassen, Jean-Philippe
Babymouse #3: Beach Babe by Holm, Matthew, Holm, Jennifer L.
The Revenge of the McNasty Brothers by Trine, Greg
Curse of the Bologna Sandwich by Trine, Greg
The Adventures of Rabbi Harvey: A Graphic Novel of Jewish Wisdom and Wit in the Wild West by Sheinkin, Steve
The Dragonslayer: A Graphic Novel (Bone #4): Volume 4 by Smith, Jeff
The Dragonslayer: A Graphic Novel (Bone #4): Volume 4 by Smith, Jeff
Nelson Mandela by Shone, Rob
Insect Ninja: Tiger Moth by Reynolds, Aaron
Bone 4: The Dragonslayer by Smith, Jeff
Robot Rampage: A Buzz Beaker Brainstorm by Nickel, Scott
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 by Olson, Kay Melchisedech
The Mystery of the Roanoke Colony by Niz, Xavier W.
Invaders from the Great Goo Galaxy: Eek & Ack by Hoena, Blake A.
The Boy Who Burped Too Much by Nickel, Scott
Spidey Strikes Back! by Dezago, Todd
The Building of the Transcontinental Railroad by Olson, Nathan
The First Moon Landing by Adamson, Thomas K.
The Pilgrims and the First Thanksgiving by Englar, Mary
The Lewis and Clark Expedition by Gunderson, Jessica
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Miller, Connie Colwell
The Creation of the U.S. Constitution by Burgan, Michael
Babymouse #4: Rock Star by Holm, Jennifer L., Holm, Matthew
The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish by Gaiman, Neil
The Grateful Fred by Trine, Greg
Alex Rider: Stormbreaker: The Graphic Novel by Johnston, Antony, Horowitz, Anthony
Stormbreaker: The Graphic Novel by Horowitz, Anthony
Heartbreaker by Holm, Jennifer L.
Babymouse #5: Heartbreaker by Holm, Matthew, Holm, Jennifer L.