• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Juvenile Graphic Novels in 2008

The Puzzling Pluto Plot: Eek & Ack by Hoena, Blake A.
The Attractive Story of Magnetism with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Gianopoulos, Andrea
Investigating the Scientific Method with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by
The Earth-Shaking Facts about Earthquakes with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Krohn, Katherine
Attack of the Mutant Lunch Lady by Nickel, Scott
The Stonekeeper: A Graphic Novel (Amulet #1): Volume 1 by Kibuishi, Kazu
Point Blank: The Graphic Novel by Horowitz, Anthony
The Explosive World of Volcanoes with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Harbo, Christopher L.
Understanding Global Warming with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Biskup, Agnieszka
Rodrick Rules by Kinney, Jeff
Ghost Circles: A Graphic Novel (Bone #7): Volume 7 by Smith, Jeff
Ghost Circles: A Graphic Novel (Bone #7): Volume 7 by Smith, Jeff
Rodrick Rules (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #2) by Kinney, Jeff
River of Words: Young Poets and Artists on the Nature of Things by
Silly Lilly and the Four Seasons: Toon Books Level 1 by Rosenstiehl, Agnes
Warrior's Return by Jolley, Dan
Warriors: Warrior's Return by Hunter, Erin
Little Orphan Annie and the Gila Monster Gang by
The Dangerous Alphabet by Gaiman, Neil
Magic Pickle: A Graphic Novel by Morse, Scott
Ellos by Bonilla Rodríguez, Joaquín
The Adventures of Brandon, Chris & Oly by Martinez, Orlando, Reyes, Alexis A.
The Raiders of Joppa by Martin, Gary
The Argon Deception: 4 by
Sons of Liberty by Poe, Marshall
Chiggers by Larson, Hope
The Rise of the Scourge by Jolley, Dan
Warriors: The Rise of Scourge by Hunter, Erin
Coraline by Gaiman, Neil
Agatha: A Fanciful Flight For A Gusty Night (1861) by Halse, George
Historical Plays For Children (1912) by Bird, Grace Electa, Starling, Maud
A Third Reader (1910) by Brooks, Sarah C., Carroll, Clarence Franklin
Knuffle Bunny Too by Willems, Mo
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!, Vol. 1 by Ihara, Shigekatsu
Little Rock Nine by Poe, Marshall
Saud el Leopardo by Alberto Vazquez-Figueroa
Beowulf: Monster Slayer [A British Legend] by Storrie, Paul D.
Treasure Hunters: A Graphic Novel (Bone #8): Volume 8 by Smith, Jeff
Treasure Hunters: A Graphic Novel (Bone #8): Volume 8 by Smith, Jeff
The Fall: Q & A Fallen Angel Tell The Story Of Satan's Fall by Q.
Be Confident in Who You Are by Fox, Annie
Babymouse #9: Monster MASH by Holm, Jennifer L., Holm, Matthew
Mystery at Manzanar: A WWII Internment Camp Story by Fein, Eric
Tripped by Campi, Alex De
Teacher Torture by Campi, Alex De
Stinky: Toon Books Level 2 by Davis, Eleanor
Beauty and the Beast: The Graphic Novel by
Beyond the Black Hole: Eek & Ack by Hoena, Blake A.
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Graphic Novel by
Secret of the Summer School Zombies: School Zombies by Nickel, Scott
Cinderella: The Graphic Novel by
Wind Power Whiz Kid: A Buzz Beaker Brainstorm by Nickel, Scott
Secret Weapons: A Tale of the Revolutionary War by Gunderson, Jessica
Rapunzel's Revenge by Hale, Dean, Hale, Shannon
Slam Dunk, Vol. 1 by Inoue, Takehiko
Hansel and Gretel: The Graphic Novel by
Red Riding Hood: The Graphic Novel by
Manga Metamorphosis by
Warriors: Tigerstar and Sasha #1: Into the Woods by Hunter, Erin
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!, Vol. 2 by Ihara, Shigekatsu
Korgi Book 2: The Cosmic Collector by Slade, Christian
William the Fairground Car by Harvey, Irene J.
Superhero ABC by McLeod, Bob
El baúl de la tía Berta by Parrado Gómez, Catalina
Jack and the Box: Toon Books Level 1 by Spiegelman, Art
The Legend of Zelda, Vol. 1: The Ocarina of Time - Part 1 by Himekawa, Akira
Peaches the Private Eye Poodle: Finding Dipsey Doodle by Hamilton, Patricia D.
Boneme: How To Kiss A Monster by Rip, Joy
The Savage by Almond, David
The Megadog Tales: Unleash the Power by Alderman, Dale
Chains by Anderson, Laurie Halse
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Vol. 1 (Manga) by Tanigawa, Nagaru
Perpetual Strangers by Ariniello, David
The Legend of Zelda, Vol. 2: The Ocarina of Time - Part 2 by Himekawa, Akira
Escape from the Forest by Jolley, Dan
Warriors: Tigerstar and Sasha #2: Escape from the Forest by Hunter, Erin