• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Landscaping in 2023

Low-Water Landscaping for Dummies by Chace, Teri Dunn
Urban Gardening: How To Set Up The Perfect Indoor Gardening Environment To Grow Luscious and Healthy Plants - Hydroponics by Henderson, Cherish
Raised Bed Gardening: Timeless Gardening Tips For Growing Healthy Plants: Horticulture & Permaculture by Watts, Laura
Groundcover Revolution: How to Use Sustainable, Low-Maintenance, Low-Water Groundcovers to Replace Your Turf - 40 Alternative Choices For: - N by Jentz, Kathy
Southeast Home Landscaping, 4th Edition: 54 Landscape Designs with 200+ Plants & Flowers for Your Region by Buchanan, Rita, Holmes, Roger
Garden Daily Logbook: Garden Tracker for Beginners and Avid Gardeners, Flowers, Fruit, Vegetable Planting, Care instructions and Many More by Vencic, Rachel
Zero To $100K!: The Complete Guide On How To Start A Successful Lawn Care Company by Fullerton, Brian
Garden Tracker Log: Gardening Daily Keeper for Gardening Lover, Flowers, Fruit, Vegetable Planting and Care instructions by Lowes, Josephine
Love My Garden Logbook: Gardening Tracker for Beginners and Avid Gardeners Amazing Gift Idea for Gardening Lover by Apfel, Sasha
Palm Beach Living by Rudick, Jennifer Ash
At Home with Nature: A Guide to Sustainable, Natural Landscaping by Gidding, John
The Beginnner's Landscape Transformation Manual by Hoag, Michael
How to Make a Wildflower Meadow: Tried-And-Tested Techniques for New Garden Landscapes by Hewetson-Brown, James
The Enchanted Garden: A Comprehensive Handbook on Building and Nurturing a Magical Garden Haven by Alie Allen
A Garden's Purpose: Cultivating Our Connection with the Natural World by de Rosen, Félix
Ultimate Guide: Decks, Updated 6th Edition: Plan, Design, Build by Editors of Creative Homeowner
Root Cellaring for Preppers: Advanced Methods for Better Food Preservation by McPhearson, John
Piet Oudolf at Work by
Livre de bord de la douleur: Livre parfait pour noter la date, l'énergie, l'activité, le sommeil, le niveau/la zone de douleur, les repas et bien d by Auberjonois, Danielle
Libro di bordo del giardinaggio: Custode quotidiano di giardini interni ed esterni per principianti e giardinieri appassionati, fiori, frutta, verdura by Angellini, Lucia
Livre de bord du jardinage: Le livre de jardinage pour les débutants et les jardiniers chevronnés, les fleurs, les fruits et les légumes by Choffard, Fernande
Le tout nouveau livre de bord du jardinage: Le livre de jardinage pour les débutants et les jardiniers chevronnés, les fleurs, les fruits et les légum by Gueguen, Olivia
Libro de jardinería: Jardinera diaria para principiantes y ávidos jardineros, flores, frutas, plantación de hortalizas Perfecto para los am by Ramos, Vaness
Libro di bordo del giardinaggio: Custode giornaliero del giardino per interni ed esterni per principianti e giardinieri appassionati, fiori, frutta, o by Lucci, Fabiana
Den nyeste logbog for havearbejde: Indendørs og udendørs havespejdere til begyndere og garagister by Fjeiberg, Holger
Serenity Cottage Coloring Book for Adults: A Cottage Style Escape into Nature's Beauty by Seidel, Laura
Tiny House Dreams Coloring Book for Adults: Relax and Unwind with Cozy and Quaint Tiny Homes by Seidel, Laura
Logbuch für die Gartenarbeit: Gartentagebuch für Gartenliebhaber, Blumen, Obst, Gemüse, Pflanz- und Pflegeanleitungen by Schenk, Jolina
Birds House Coloring Book for Adults: Find Peace and Inspiration in the Exquisite World of Birds by Seidel, Laura
John Ike: 9 Houses/9 Stories: An Architect and His Vision by Owens, Mitchell, Ike, John
Essbaren Wildpflanzen: Der Leitfaden zum Identifizieren, Ernten, Sammeln und Kochen von essbaren Wildpflanzen ohne Angst by Gutman, Chris
Permaculture Mantras: The Wisdom of Ancient Indian Permaculture by Faisal, Mohd
Libro di bordo del giardino: Custode quotidiano di giardini interni ed esterni per principianti e giardinieri accaniti, fiori, frutta, verdura - In by Mazzoni, Felicia
Grasses for Gardens and Landscapes by Lucas, Neil
Garden Futures: Designing with Nature by
Working efficiently with KRESS Landscaping Tools by Werndl, Christian
Logbuch für Gartenarbeit: Tracker für Anfänger und passionierte Gärtner, Blumen, Obst, Gemüse, Pflanz- und Pflegeanleitungen by Wegscheider, Sabina
Livre de bord du jardin: Livre quotidien de jardinage intérieur et extérieur pour les débutants et les jardiniers chevronnés, fleurs, fruits, p by Galopin, Bérangère
Libro de jardinería: Jardinera diaria de interior y exterior para principiantes y ávidos jardineros, plantación de flores, frutas y verdura by Montemayor, Jordi
Le tout nouveau livre de bord du jardinage: Livre de bord pour jardiniers débutants et confirmés Idée cadeau parfaite pour les amoureux du jardinage by Alméras, Constance
Logbuch für die Gartenarbeit: Gartentagebuch für Gartenliebhaber, Blumen, Obst, Gemüse, Pflanz- und Pflegeanleitungen by Schmadel, Roman
Dziennik ogrodowy: Codzienny opiekun ogrodu wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego dla początkujących i zapalonych ogrodników, k by Twardowska, Danuta
Livre de bord du jardinage: Le livre de jardinage pour les débutants et les jardiniers chevronnés, les fleurs, les fruits et les légumes Cadeau id by Coquelin, Constance
Gardening Tracker Log: Tracker for Beginners and Avid Gardeners, Flowers, Fruit, Vegetable Planting, Care instructions Gift for Gerdening Lov by Athelffled, Pam
Traité Des Jardins Par Le Sieur Saussay, ...... by
Gardens: Their Form and Design by Anonymous
The Gardener's Magazine and Register of Rural & Domestic Improvement; Volume 4 by Anonymous
The Wild Garden, Or, The Naturalization And Natural Grouping Of Hardy Exotic Plants With A Chapter On The Garden Of British Wild Flowers by Robinson, William
The Practical Book Of Garden Architecture by
Landscape Gardening; by
Landscape Gardening as Applied to School Grounds by Nicolet, Tell William
The Garden Beautiful: Home Woods, Home Landscape by Robinson, William
Die Felsen in Gärten Und Parkanlagen: Anleitung Zur Verschönerung Natürlicher Und Herstellung Künstlicher Felspartien Für Landschaftsgärtner, Gartenbe by Geschwind, Rudolf
Parks and Pleasure Grounds; or, Practical Notes on Country Residences, Villas, Public Parks, and Gar by Smith, Charles H. J.
Brooklyn's Garden; Views of Picturesque Flatbush by
Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei by Pückler-Muskau
The Codman Collection of Books on Landscape Gardening: Also, a List of Books on Trees and Forestry by
A Handbook For Planning And Planting Home Grounds by Mills, Talbot, Billerica, North, Manning, Warren Henry
Garden Design and Architects' Gardens: Two Reviews, Illustrated, to Show, by Actual Examples From British Gardens, That Clipping and Aligning Trees to by Robinson, William
How to Lay Out a Garden: Intended As a General Guide in Choosing, Forming, Or Improving an Estate, (From a Quarter of an Acre to a Hundred Acre by Kemp, Edward
The Garden Beautiful: Home Woods, Home Landscape by Robinson, William
American Plants for American Gardens; Plant Ecology--the Study of Plants in Relation to Their Environment by Roberts, Edith Adelaide 1881-, Rehmann, Elsa
Text-Book of Botany and Pharmacognosy by Kraemer, Henry
Southern Coastal Home Landscaping, Second Edition: 38 Landscape Designs with 160+ Plants & Flowers for Your Region by
Art Out-Of-Doors: Hints On Good Taste in Gardening by Van Rensselaer, Schuyler
Sea-Coast Gardens and Gardening by Bardswell, Frances Anne
Essai Sur La Composition Et L'Ornement Des Jardins, Ou, Recueil De Plans De Jardins De Ville Et De Campagne, De Fabriques Propres À Leur Décoration, E by Boitard, Pierre
Northeast Home Landscaping, 4th Edition: 54 Landscape Designs with 200+ Plants & Flowers for Your Region by Editors of Creative Homeowner
On the Laying Out, Planting, and Managing of Cemeteries: And On the Improvement of Churchyards by Loudon, John Claudius
Mid-Atlantic Home Landscaping, 4th Edition: 46 Landscape Designs with 200+ Plants & Flowers for Your Region by
Art Out-Of-Doors: Hints On Good Taste in Gardening by Van Rensselaer, Schuyler
Gartenarbeit Logbuch: Tracker für Anfänger und passionierte Gärtner, Blumen, Obst, Gemüse, Pflanz- und Pflegeanleitungen by Schoenberg, Tillmann
Eden - Garden Designs by Wolterinck, Marcel
Square foot gardening: The ultimate beginners guide to planting in small spaces by Daniels, Charlie
Livre de bord quotidien du jardinage: Le livre de jardinage pour les débutants et les jardiniers chevronnés, les fleurs, les fruits et les légumes by Jacquet, Franck
Sustainable Landscaping: A Practical Guide for Gardeners and Homeowners by Ingram, Blaise
Permaculture Gardening Handbook: The 9-Step Hands-On Beginners Guide to Design a Self-Sustaining Ecosystem by Richards, P. Joseph
Permaculture Gardening Handbook: The 9-Step Hands-On Beginners Guide to Design a Self-Sustaining Ecosystem by Richards, P. Joseph
Midwest Home Landscaping Including South-Central Canada 4th Edition: 46 Landscape Designs with 200+ Plants & Flowers for Your Region by Holmes, Roger, Buchanan, Rita
The Regenerative Landscaper: Design and Build Landscapes That Repair the Environment by Ohlsen, Erik
Nicolas Faure: The Order of Things by
Encyclopedia of Landscape Design: Planning, Building, and Planting Your Perfect Outdoor Space by DK
Garden Cottages in the Country Coloring Book by
Ultimate Guide to Walks, Patios & Walls, Updated 2nd Edition: Plan - Design - Build by Editors of Creative Homeowner
Northwest Home Landscaping, 4th Edition: 48 Landscape Designs, 200+ Plants & Flowers Best Suited to the Northwest by Holmes, Roger, Marshall, Don
How to have a green thumb without an aching back: A new method of mulch gardening by Stout, Ruth
How to have a green thumb without an aching back: A new method of mulch gardening by Stout, Ruth
What Makes a Garden: A Considered Approach to Garden Design by Blom, Jinny
California Home Landscaping, Fourth Edition: 48 Landscape Designs 200+ Plants & Flowers Best Suited to the Region by Holmes, Roger, Walheim, Lance
Gardening with Periwinkle Flower: Beginners Tips And Techniques To Planting And Caring For Periwinkle Flower by Wilson, Jesse
Whale Watching in Iceland by Mechlore, Rafeal
Growing Rhododendrons Flower: Comprehensive Guide To Rhododendrons Flower Care Tips And Techniques by Bobby, Frank
Growing Wax Flower: Comprehensive Guide To Wax Flower Care Tips And Techniques by Bobby, Frank
Botanic Gardens of the World: The Story of Science, Horticulture, and Discovery in 40 Gardens by Trentham, Deborah
Cultivating Ginkgo Biloba: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing and Caring for Ginkgo Trees: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Maidenhair Tree for by Miles, Kate
Electrocultura avanzada: Aprovechando la energía solar y la tecnología eléctrica para mejorar el rendimiento, sostenibilidad, crecimiento y rep by Holt, Cassian
Electrocultura: La guía fundamental para aprovechar la energía de la naturaleza, maximizar el rendimiento, aplicar técnicas avanzadas by Holt, Cassian
From Seed to Sweetness: Growing Fruit Trees Made Easy: A Beginners friendly-book: reader embark on a delightful learning how grow different tr by Woods, John J.
The Idiosyncratic Garden: How to crreate and enjoy a personalized outdoor space by Schumacher, H. Ralph
Growing Tall and Strong: A Guide to Successful Larch Tree Cultivation: Nurturing Resilient Forests and Landscapes for a Sustainable Future by Miles, Kate
How to Design Landscape Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Planning Perfect Landscape Environment by Qazi, Adil Masood
Growing roses: A novice Guide to Growing and propagating Beautiful Roses by Ortner, Philip
Garden design for everyone volume 2 by Johnson, Robin
Keyaki Chronicles: Nurturing the Majesty of Japanese Zelkova: Cultivation Techniques, Breathtaking Landscapes, and the Timeless Legacy of by Miles, Kate
Blooms of Elegance: A Guide to Cultivating Magnolia Trees: Nurturing Beauty from Root to Petal for a Flourishing Magnolia Garden by Miles, Kate
Growing Peonies: The Beginners Guide On Growing, Caring, Pruning, Propagation, Maintenance And Lot More by Ortner, Philip
Homesteading Unplugged: An Ultimate Guide for a Sustainable Living in a Digital World by Blacksmith, Alexander
Bamboo for Gardens: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Profitable Bamboo Farming Business (Planting & Harvesting) by Cross, Maddison
The Art of Sugi: A Comprehensive Guide to Cultivating and Nurturing Japan's Sacred Cryptomeria Trees: Unlocking the Secrets of Growth, by Miles, Kate
The Art of Ash: A Guide to Cultivating and Nurturing Majestic Trees: Unveiling the Secrets of Fraxinus: From Sapling to Canopy, A Comp by Miles, Kate
Exploring land use impact on conservation efforts by S, Sanyub
Thriving Timbers: A Guide to Successful Cedar Tree Cultivation: Nurturing, Harvesting, and Preserving Cedar Glory for a Sustainable Futu by Miles, Kate
Evergreen Endeavors: A Guide to Successful Spruce Tree Cultivation: Nurturing, Pruning, and Cultivating Resilient Spruce Trees for a Flouri by Miles, Kate
A Man and His Home: Ralph Dutton of Hinton Ampner, 8th Baron Sherborne by Holden, John
Native Plants Of The Midwest: A Complete Handbook for Identifying and Utilizing Medicinal Plants in the Midwest by M. Rinaldi, Edward
Cottagecore Coloring Book: CottageCore Flowers Coloring Book for Adults Relaxation by Sam17 Production
30 Trees: And Why Landscape Architects Love Them by
Stress Relief Coloring Book for Adults: Easy Large Print Nature Coloring Pages Featuring Tranquil Beaches, Scenic Landscapes, Blossoming Flowers, and by Rogers, Calla
Growing Hydrangeas: A little book of tips and tricks for the home gardener by de Vink, A. Y.
Beekeeping and Honey Production Guide: Everything You Need To Know About Honey, Beehive, and the Art of Apiculture to Make Profit by Michael, Roland D.
Growing Hardy Geraniums Made Easy: Expert tips for gardeners by de Vink, A. Y.
The Ultimate Seed Saving Guide: Comprehensive Solution To Harvesting, Growing and Storing Seeds For Beginners. by J. Furr, Hector
Garden and Metaphor: Essays on the Essence of the Garden by