• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Latin in 1991

Lucretius: de Rerum Natura VI by Godwin, John
Fränggisch gschriim? by Koller, Erwin
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Back from Exile: Six Speeches Upon His Return by Cicero, Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Rhetoric and Homiletics in Fourth-Century Christian Literature: Prose Rhythm, Oratorical Style, and Preaching in the Works of Ambrose, Jerome, and Aug by Oberhelman, Steven M.
Propertius: Elegies III by Propertius
Sallust: Conspiracy of Catiline: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by McGushin, Patrick
Virgil: Aeneid IX by Virgil
Advanced Level Latin Prose Composition by Williams, A. H. Nash-
Virgil: Aeneid X by Virgil
Plautus: Pseudolus by Plautus
Nepos: Three Lives: Alcibiades, Dion and Atticus by Cornelius Nepos
Virgil: Georgics I and IV by Virgil
New Latin Syntax by Woodcock, E. C.
Virgil: Aeneid VII-VIII by Virgil
Sallust: Catiline by Sallust
Caesar's Expeditions to Britain, 55 & 54 BC by Caesar, Julius
Livy: Hannibal, Scourge of Rome: Selections from Book XXI by Livy
Propertius: Elegies II by Propertius
Horace in His Odes by Harrison, James Alexander
Caesar: Gallic War V by Caesar, Julius
Livy: Book XXI by Livy
Catullus: Poems by Catullus, Gaius Valerius
Cicero: Pro Murena by Cicero
Caesar: Gallic War I by Caesar, Julius
Sallust: Bellum Catilinae by Sallust
Ovid: Metamorphoses I by Ovid
Caesar: Gallic War VI by Caesar, Julius
Seneca: Select Letters by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Cicero: In Catilinam I and II by Cicero
Ovid: Amores I by Ovid
Ovid: Metamorphoses XI by Ovid
Ovid: Metamorphoses III by Ovid
Cicero: Philippics I-II by Cicero
Latin Sentence and Idiom by Colebourn, R.
Terence: Eunuch, Phormio, the Brothers: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by Barsby, John
Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth Century England, Volume One: Texts by Hunt, Tony
Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth-Century England, Volume II: Glosses by Hunt, Tony
Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth Century England, Volume Three: Indexes by Hunt, Tony