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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Latin in 2013

Community and Communication: Oratory and Politics in the Roman Republic by
Semantics for Latin: An Introduction by Devine, A. M., Stephens, Laurence D.
Neu identifizierte Textzeugen zu den Predigten Augustins by Drobner, Hubertus
Essential Latin Vocabulary: The 1,425 Most Common Words Occurring in the Actual Writings of over 200 Latin Authors by Williams, Mark A. E.
Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences, 10e Student Solutions Manual by Daniel, Wayne W.
The Letters of the Younger Pliny by Pliny the Younger
An Essential Latin Grammar by Wilson, W.
The Latin Language by Palmer, Leonard R.
Documents in Medieval Latin by Thorley, John
Slaves to Rome: Paradigms of Empire in Roman Culture by Lavan, Myles
de Rationibus Quibus Homines Docti Artem Latine Colloquendi Et Ex Tempore Dicendi Saeculis XVI Et XVII Coluerunt by Tunberg, Terence O.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Latin Elegiac Verse: A Study of the Metrical Usages of Tibullus, Propertius and Ovid by Platnauer, Maurice
Sternbilder und Sterndaten in den Fasti Ovids by Romig, Nicole
Seconde Philippique by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Cicero: Pro Marco Caelio by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Cicero: Pro Marco Caelio by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Testaments de l'Officialité de Besançon, 1265-1500. Tome 2: 1402-1498 by Robert, Ulysse
Testaments de l'Officialité de Besançon, 1265-1500. Tome 1: 1265-1400 by Robert, Ulysse
Grammaire Latine de Lhomond, À l'Usage Des Collèges Et Des Institutions, Avec Une Méthode: de Faire l'Analyse Latine by Lhomond, Charles François
Johannes Bisselius: Deliciae Veris - Frühlingsfreuden by
The Cambridge Companion to Cicero by
The Cambridge Companion to Cicero by
The Italic Dialects: Edited with a Grammar and Glossary by Conway, R. S.
The Italic Dialects: Edited with a Grammar and Glossary by Conway, R. S.
The Italic Dialects 2 Volume Set: Edited with a Grammar and Glossary by Conway, R. S.
Pmp Latin Vrb Tns 2e by Prior
Like Man, Like Woman: Roman Women, Gender Qualities and Conjugal Relationships at the Turn of the First Century by Centlivres Challet, Claude-Emmanuelle
Social Variation and the Latin Language by Adams, J. N.
Three Medieval Latin Liturgical Dramas: The Three Students, The Play of Daniel & Hildegard of Bingen's The Play of the Virtues by Hadavas, C. T.
Le Disciple de Lhomond. Tome 1, Edition 2 by Blanchin, Jean-Baptiste
Petit Traité d'Analyse Grammaticale. 2e Édition by Jullien, Bernard
Éléments de la Grammaire Latine À l'Usage Des Collèges (5e Édition) by Lhomond, Charles François
Grammaire Latine de Lhomond, Expliquée Et Mise Dans l'Ordre Le Plus Simple Et Le Plus Clair by Lhomond, Charles François
Silva Latina: A Latin Reading Book by Duff, J. D.
Cicero's Pro L. Murena Oratio by Fantham, Elaine
Lily's Grammar of Latin in English: An Introduction of the Eyght Partes of Speche, and the Construction of the Same by Gwosdek, Hedwig, Lily, William
Ethics, Identity, and Community in Later Roman Declamation by Bernstein, Neil W.
Grammaire Latine de Lhomond: Disposée Dans Un Ordre Plus Conforme Aux Principes: de la Langue Française (20e Édition) by Lhomond, Charles François
Grammaire Latine de Lhomond, Avec Des Notes. 20e Édition, Entièrement Refondue by Lhomond, Charles François
M. Tulli Ciceronis de Officiis Libri Tres: With English Notes, Chiefly Selected and Translated from the Editions of Zumpt and Bonnell by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Thacher, Thomas Anthony
Via Nova: Or, the Application of the Direct Method to Latin and Greek by Jones, W. H. S.
Easy Latin Puzzles by Morgan, Julian
The Early Modern Cultures of Neo-Latin Drama by
An Elementary Latin Dictionary by Lewis, Charlton T.
Kraken Latin for the Logic Years 1 Teacher Edition by Monnette, Natali
"Inter graecos latinissimus, inter latinos graecissimus" by
de Renato Rapino by Dejob, Charles
Anonymi Londinensis Ex Aristotelis Iatricis Menoniis Et Aliis Medicis Eclogae Volume 3 Part. 1 - Primary Source Edition by Diels, Hermann, Politeia, Aristotle Athnain
Satyricon by Arbiter, Gaius Petronius
Metamorphoses: Asinus aureus by Madaurensis, Lucius Apuleius
Hellenic Whispers; Modes of Greek Literary Influence in Seventeenth-Century French Drama by Phillippo, Susanna
Seneca (Routledge Revivals) by C. D. N., Costa
Jugurtha von Sallust. Die Schlacht am Muthul by Köhring, Thomas
Poesis Artificiosa: Between Theory and Practice by
Die zweite Philippica als Flugschrift in der späten Republik by Ott, Frank-Thomas
How to Learn and Memorize Latin Vocabulary Using A Memory Palace by Metivier, Anthony
Nomen Romanum: A Book of Augustan Latin by
M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionis Oratoriae Liber I: Edited with Introduction and Commentary by
Studien Zu Den Pseudoquintilianischen Declamationes Maiores by
Pliny the Younger: 'Epistles' Book II by Pliny the Younger