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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Lawns, Trees, & Shrubs in 2012

Plant Cell Biotechnology by
Insektizide - Bakterizide - Oomyceten-Fungizide / Biochemische Und Biologische Methoden - Naturstoffe / Insecticides - Bactericides - Oomycete Fungici by Wegler, Richard
Plant Biology of the Basin and Range by
Die Alpenwälder by Zschokke, Heinrich
Genetic Effects of Air Pollutants in Forest Tree Populations: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Iufro Working Parties Genetic Aspects of Air Pol by
Postharvest Biotechnology of Flowers and Ornamental Plants by Salunkhe, Dattajirao K., Bhat, Narayana R., Desai, Babasaheb B.
A Collection of Articles on Gardening - Hints and Tips on Keeping a Beautiful Garden by Anon
Trees and Wood in Dendrochronology: Morphological, Anatomical, and Tree-Ring Analytical Characteristics of Trees Frequently Used in Dendrochronology by Schweingruber, Fritz H.
Introduction to Integrated Pest Management by Flint, M. L., Van Den Bosch, R.
Cell Organelles by
Molecular Approaches to Crop Improvement by
Britain's Tree Story: The History and Legends of Britain's Ancient Trees by Hight, Julian
Tissue Culture Techniques for Horticultural Crops by Torres, Kenneth C.
Herbicides Inhibiting Branched-Chain Amino Acid Biosynthesis: Recent Developments by
Fertilization Mechanisms in Man and Mammals by Gwatkin, Ralph
Advances in Physiological Research by McIntosh, C. H. S., McLennan, H., Ledsome, J. R.
Tree Breeding: Principles and Strategies: Principles and Strategies by Kang, H. C., Brouard, J. S., Namkoong, G.
Somatic Cell Genetics of Woody Plants: Proceedings of the Iufro Working Party S2. 04-07 Somatic Cell Genetics, Held in Grosshansdorf, Federal Republic by
Degradation of Pesticides, Desiccation and Defoliation, Ach-Receptors as Targets by
Stratification of Tropical Forests as Seen in Leaf Structure: Part 2 by Högermann, Ch, Rollet, B., Roth, Ingrid
Clonal Forestry II: Conservation and Application by
Microbial Control of Weeds by
Respiration and Crop Productivity by Amthor, Jeffrey S.
Private or Socialistic Forestry?: Forest Transition in Finland vs. Deforestation in the Tropics by Palo, Matti, Lehto, Erkki
The Significance of Trees: An archaeological perspective by Skoglund, Peter
A Field Guide to Trees of the Pacific Northwest by Hudson, Phillipa
Field Guide to Native Oak Species of Eastern North America by Binion, Denise, Acciavatti, Robert, Stein, John
Waldschutz Und Umwelt by Reisch, J.
Sustainable Forest Management in a Changing World: A European Perspective by
Estuarine Management and Quality Assessment by
The Fruits And Fruit-trees Of America: Cherries, Grapes, Peaches, Pears, &c... by Downing, Charles, Downing, Andrew Jackson
Biology of the Uterus by
Shrubs and Woody Vines of Indiana and the Midwest: Identification, Wildlife Values, and Landscaping Use by Weeks, Sally S., Weeks, Harmon P.
Perinatal Physiology by
Baum Und Wald by Jost, Ludwig
Models and Measurements of the Cardiac Electric Field by
Insulin, Insulin-Like Growth Factors, and Their Receptors in the Central Nervous System by
Justice for Forests: Improving Criminal Justice Efforts to Combat Illegal Logging by Goncalves, Marlyne, Panjer, Malissa, Greenberg, Theodore
Nature Guide: Trees: The World in Your Hands by Russell, Tony
Alive! Volume 2 by Fowler, Samuel Whittemore
Dutch ELM Disease Research: Cellular and Molecular Approaches by
Hormonal Control of Tree Growth: Proceedings of the Physiology Working Group Technical Session, Society of American Foresters National Convention, Bir by
90% Of Lawn Care Businesses Fail In Their First Year. Learn How To Survive With These Tips!: From The Gopher Lawn Care Business Forum & The GopherHaul by Low, Steve
Comparative Pathophysiology of Circulatory Disturbances: Proceedings of the Symposium on Comparative Pathophysiology of Circulatory Disturbances Held by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue--IV by
Physiological Effects of Noise: Based Upon Papers Presented at an International Symposium on the Extra-Auditory Physiological Effects of Audible Sound by
Modeling Forest Trees and Stands by Burkhart, Harold E., Tomé, Margarida
Modeling Forest Trees and Stands by Tomé, Margarida, Burkhart, Harold E.
A Field Guide to Insects and Diseases of California Oaks by Agriculture, U. S. Department of, Swieki, Tedmund J., Bernhardt, Elizabeth A.
Traité de la Taille Des Arbres Fruitiers (Huitième Édition) (Éd.1884) by Hardy, Julien-Alexandre
La Physique Des Arbres, Où Il Est Traité de l'Anatomie Des Plantes. P 1 (Éd.1758) by Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri-Louis
Genetics and Genomics of Populus by
Permafrost Ecosystems: Siberian Larch Forests by
Structure and Function of the Circulation: Volume 3 by Werthessen, Nicholas T., Wolf, Stewart, Schwartz, Colin J.
Genetic Engineering 3 by Williamson, Robert
Neem: Benefits for Health and the Environment by Paterson MS, Pamela
The Plant Viruses: The Rod-Shaped Plant Viruses by
The Fern Guide: Northeastern And Midland United States And Adjacent Canada by Wherry, Edgar Theodore
Le Livre de Montreuil-Aux-Pêches, Théorie Et Pratique de la Culture de Ses Arbres, (Éd.1875) by Langlois, Hippolyte
The Physiology of Thirst and Sodium Appetite by Epstein, A. N., Massi, M., De Caro, G.
Pesticide Resistance in Arthropods by
Poultry Meat and Egg Production by Mountney, George J., Parkhurst, Carmen
Human Artificial Insemination and Semen Preservation by
Mechanics of Wood Machining by Csanády, Etele, Magoss, Endre
Plant Development: The Cellular Basis by Lyndon, R. F.
Eating Dirt: Deep Forests, Big Timber, and Life with the Tree-Planting Tribe by Gill, Charlotte
Ovarian Follicular and Corpus Luteum Function by
Favorite Apples of the Midwest by Yepsen, Roger
Favorite Apples of the Northeast by Yepsen, Roger
Transgenic Crops of the World: Essential Protocols by
Trees of Texas: An Easy Guide to Leaf Identification Volume 34 by McElvaney, Ria, Stahl, Carmine
Hardy Rhododendron Species: A Guide to Identification by Cullen, James
How To Draw And Ink Trees And Shrubs In Silhouette by Ehrlich, Frederic
Implementation of a Long-term Vegetation Monitoring Program at the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area by National Park Service, U. S. Department O., Grochowski, Jessica, Sanders, Suzanne
The Collections of Chinese Award-Winning Bonsai by Jinan, Zhong, Benyi, Su
Terrestrial Slugs: Biology, Ecology and Control by South, A.
Nematode Interactions by
The Role of Trees in Sustainable Agriculture: Review Papers Presented at the Australian Conference, the Role of Trees in Sustainable Agriculture, Albu by
Chemistry and Technology of Agrochemical Formulations by
The Power of Trees by
In Vitro Methods for Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources by
Structural Design in Wood by Stalnaker, Judith, Harris, Ernest
Plant Molecular Evolution by
Progress in Botany: Genetics Physiology Systematics Ecology by
The Conifer Manual: Volume 1 by Welch, Humphrey J.
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants VI by
Physiology and Genetics of Reproduction: Part a by
Somatic Cell Genetics and Molecular Genetics of Trees by
Lawn Care Business Bidding Tips, Upsells, And Disasters To Avoid. by Low, Steve
Frugivory and Seed Dispersal: Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects by
Cumulative Watershed Effects of Fuel Management in the Western United States by Service, Forest
Field Guide to Diseases & Insects of the Rocky Mountain Region by Station, Rocky Mountain Research, Service, Forest, Health Protection, Rocky Mountain Region
Exploitation of Microorganisms by Jones, D. G.
Multilingual Dictionary of Agronomic Plants by
Frontiers in Bioactive Lipids by
Longleaf, Far as the Eye Can See: A New Vision of North America's Richest Forest by Finch, Bill, Young, Beth Maynor, Johnson, Rhett
Population Genetics of Forest Trees: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Population Genetics of Forest Trees Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A., July by
Ecto-Atpases: Recent Progress on Structure and Function by
Beaver Protection, Management, and Utilization in Europe and North America by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XVIII by
Impacts of Forest Harvesting on Long-Term Site Productivity by Dyck, W. J., Cole, D. W., Comerford, N. B.
Plant-Animal Interactions in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems by
Allelopathy in Ecological Agriculture and Forestry: Proceedings of the III International Congress on Allelopathy in Ecological Agriculture and Forestr by
Nutrient Uptake and Cycling in Forest Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Cec/Iufro Symposium Nutrient Uptake and Cycling in Forest Ecosystems Halmstad, Sw by
Plant Nutrient Acquisition: New Perspectives by
Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North Brazil by
Plant Breeding: Mendelian to Molecular Approaches by
Holzwerkstoffe Und Leime: Technologie Und Einflussfaktoren by Niemz, Peter, Dunky, Manfred
Environmental Forest Science: Proceedings of the Iufro Division 8 Conference Environmental Forest Science, Held 19-23 October 1998, Kyoto University by
The Future of the World's Forests: Ideas Vs Ideologies by Douglas, Jim, Simula, Markku
Micropropagation of Woody Trees and Fruits by
Sister Chromatid Exchanges: 25 Years of Experimental Research Part A: The Nature of Sces by
Cass Turnbull's Guide to Pruning: What, When, Where & How to Prune for a More Beautiful Garden by Turnbull, Cass
Advances in Bioclimatology 1 by Nilson, T., Desjardins, R. L., Gifford, R. M.
Die Wälder Der Erde by Weck, J.
The Antiprogestin Steroid Ru 486 and Human Fertility Control by
Immunological Approaches to Contraception and Promotion of Fertility by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue-V by
Phytotoxins and Plant Pathogenesis by
Physiology and Genetics of Reproduction: Part B by
Trees of the Southeastern States: Including Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Northern Florida by Coker, William C., Totten, Henry R.
Regreening the Bare Hills: Tropical Forest Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region by Lamb, David
Gardening with Hardy Heathers by Small, David, Wulff, Ella May T.
Energy and Agriculture by
Auditory Frequency Selectivity by
Muscle Metabolism During Exercise: Proceedings of a Karolinska Institutet Symposium Held in Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1970 Honorary Guest: E H by
Forest Insects: Principles and Practice of Population Management by Berryman, Alan A.
Microcirculation: Blood-Vessel Interactions Systems in Special Tissues 1 by Grayson, John
Growth Stresses and Strains in Trees by Archer, Robert R.
Bananas and Plantains by
Management of Nutrition in Forests Under Stress: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Sponsored by the International Union of Forest Research O by
Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry: Volume 2 Specific Principles and Methods: Growth and Developments by
Pork Production Systems: Efficient Use of Swine and Feed Resources by Pond, Wilson G., Maner, Jerome H., Harris, Dewey L.
Genetic Engineering of Plants: An Agricultural Perspective by Kosuge, Tsune, Hollaender, Alexander, Meredith, Carole P.
Cellular Ca2+ Regulation by
The Reticuloendothelial System in Health and Disease: Functions and Characteristics by Reichard, S. M.
The Reticuloendothelial System in Health and Disease: Immunologic and Pathologic Aspects by Friedman, Herman, Reichard, Sherwood M., Escobar, Mario R.
Tree Tips & Forest Facts: Essays on living in and sustaining California's forests by Nunamaker, Claralynn R.