• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 1989

Francisco de Quevedo: Dreams and Discourses by
Die Vereinbarkeit des Unvereinbaren by Swiderska, Malgorzata
Anglo-Scandinavian England: Norse-English Relations in the Period Before Conquest Old English Colloquium Series, No. 4 by Niles, John D., Amodio, Mark
The Job: Interviews with William S. Burroughs by Burroughs, William S., Odier, Daniel
Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett: The Courtship Correspondence, 1845-1846: A Selection by Karlin
More Classics Revisited by Rexroth, Kenneth
The Wayward Professor by Gold, Joel
T. E. Lawrence: The Selected Letters by Lawrence, T. E.
A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller, 1932-1953 by Nin, Anaïs, Miller, Henry
The Lovely Treachery of Words: Essays Selected and New by Kroetsch, Robert, Kroetsch
Nineteenth-Century Lives by
Crossing Boundaries: Towards a Theory and History of Essay Writing in German, 168-1815 by McCarthy, John A.
The Correspondence of Walt Whitman (Vol. 4) by Miller, Eric
Letters of Humfrey Wanley: Palaeographer, Anglo-Saxonist, Librarian, 1672-1726 by
Fires: Essays, Poems, Stories by Carver, Raymond
The Correspondence of John Locke by Locke, John
Faulkner and the Craft of Fiction: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1987 by
The Outlook for Intelligence: (With a Preface by Francois Valery) by Valéry, Paul
The Tyrannosaurus Prescription by Asimov, Isaac
On Reading Ruskin by Proust, Marcel
The Duplicating Imagination: Twain and the Twain Papers by Marotti, Maria
Prefaces and Introductions: Uncollected Prefaces and Introductions by Yeats to Works by Other Authors and to Anthologies Edited by Yeats by Yeats, W. B.
Living by the Word by Walker, Alice
Essays of Virginia Woolf Vol 1: Vol. 1, 1904-1912 by
A Room of One's Own by Woolf, Virginia
Verdicts Out of Court by Darrow, Clarence
Through the Russian Prism: Essays on Literature and Culture by Frank, Joseph