• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 1992

The Gay[grey Moose: Essays on the Ecologies and Mythologies of Canadian Poetry 1690-1990 by Bentley, D. M. R.
Philosophaster by Burton, Robert
Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral by Bacon, Francis
Hermann Diels, Hermann Usener, Eduard Zeller Briefwechsel by
Coming to Writing and Other Essays by Cixous, Hélène
Essays of Virginia Woolf Vol 3 1919-1924: The Virginia Woolf Library Authorized Edition by Woolf, Virginia
The Theory and Practice of Text-Editing by
Mistress of Riversdale: The Plantation Letters of Rosalie Stier Calvert, 1795-1821 by Callcott, Margaret Law
To Criticize the Critic and Other Writings by Eliot, T. S.
Political Controversy: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Propaganda by Spector, Robert Donald
The Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan: Selected Correspondence, 1860-1865 by McClellan, George B.
Some Write to the Future: Essays on Contemporary Latin American Fiction by Dorfman, Ariel
Johann Gottfried Herder: Selected Early Works, 1764-1767: Addresses, Essays, and Drafts; Fragments on Recent German Literature by
Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981-1991 by Rushdie, Salman
The Letters of Giovanni Garzoni: Bolognese Humanist and Physician (1419-1505) by Lind, L. R.
The Intelligencer by Swift, Jonathan
Briefwechsel 1799-1800: (Briefe 553-849) by
Distinguo: Reading Montaigne Differently by Rendall, Steven
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink! by McManus, Patrick F.
Author and Audience in Latin Literature by
A Line Out for a Walk: Familiar Essays by Epstein, Joseph
Under the Influence of Water: Poems, Essays, and Stories by Delp, Michael
Walden & Emerson by Thoreau, Henry David
Plaintext: Essays by Mairs, Nancy
Essays on Aristotle's Poetics by
Walden and Other Writings by Thoreau, Henry David
Idioms of Uncertainty: Goethe and the Essay by Burgard, Peter J.
Richard Aldington: An Autobiography in Letters by
The Other Voice by Paz, Octavio
Misplaced Ideas: Essays on Brazilian Culture by Schwarz, Roberto
The Capers Papers by Capers, Charlotte
Islands, the Universe, Home by Ehrlich, Gretel
New & Selected Essays by Levertov, Denise
The Strenuous Life by Roosevelt, Theodore
The Fire Next Time by Baldwin, James
Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness by Bizzell, Patricia