• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 1993

Family Portrait by Bonal, Denise
With These Hands: Women Working on the Land by
Good Blonde by Kerouac, Jack
This Quiet Dust: And Other Writings by Styron, William
The Roman Invasion of Britain by Webster, Graham
Walden: Introduction by Verlyn Klinkenbourg by Thoreau, Henry David
The Gonne-Yeats Letters 1893-1938 by Gonne, Maud, Gonne, Maude, Yeats, William Butler
The Rushdie Letters: Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Write by In Association with Article 19
The Complete Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll: The Oxford Pamphlets, Leaflets, and Circulars of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Volume 1 by Carroll, Lewis
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 8, 1860 by Charles, Darwin, Darwin, Charles
Liebeskunst: Der Liebesbrief Im 18. Jahrhundert. Metzler Studienausgabe by Clauss, Elke
Passions of the Mind: Selected Writings by Byatt, A. S.
The Last Innocent White Man in America: And Other Writings by Leonard, John
Good Measure: Essays, Interviews, and Notes on Poetry by Morgan, Robert
After Henry by Didion, Joan
The Politics of Rhetoric: Richard M. Weaver and the Conservative Tradition by Jacobi, Martin, Duffy, Bernard K.
Misreadings by Eco, Umberto
That Mighty Sculptor, Time by Yourcenar, Marguerite
On the Shoulders of Giants: The Post-Italianate Edition by Merton, Robert K.
The Correspondence of James K. Polk, Volume 8: September-December 1844 by Polk, James K.
On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History: Volume 1 by Carlyle, Thomas
Susanna Moodie: Letters of a Lifetime by Moodie, Susanna
The General Correspondence of James Boswell, 1766-1769: Volume 1: 1766-1767 by Boswell, James
Essays by de Montaigne, Michel
1769 -1776 by Francke, August Hermann
Essays on Pope by Rogers, Pat, Pat, Rogers
Elmer Kelton Country: The Short Nonfiction of a Texas Novelist by Kelton, Elmer
The Complete Essays by de Montaigne, Michel
Nicholas Biddle in Greece: The Journals and Letters of 1806 by
Emerson's Pragmatic Vision: The Dance of the Eye by Jacobson, David
Carnival, Hysteria, and Writing: Collected Essays and Autobiography by White, Allon
Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now by Angelou, Maya
Will Rogers' World: America's Foremost Political Humorist Comments on the 20's and 30's and 80's and 90's by Sterling, Bryan B., Sterling, Frances N.
Visions of America: Personal Narratives from the Promised Land by
Self-Reliance, and Other Essays by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson and the Conduct of Life: Pragmatism and Ethical Purpose in the Later Work by Robinson, David
The Portable Darwin by Darwin, Charles
The Purloined Clinic: Selected Writings by Malcolm, Janet
Shelf Life: Essays, Memoirs, and an Interview by Gunn, Thom
New Essays on 'Daisy Miller' and 'The Turn of the Screw' by Pollack, Vivian R.
Death and Representation by
Green History: A Reader in Environmental Literature, Philosophy and Politics by
Green History: A Reader in Environmental Literature, Philosophy and Politics by
Romantic Affinities: German Authors and Carlyle; A Study in the History of Ideas by Vida, Elizabeth M.
Letters of Love and Duty: The Correspondence of Susanna and John Moodie by