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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 2000

Less Legible Meanings: Between Poetry and Philosophy in the Work of Emerson by Schirmeister, Pamela J.
Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings by Benjamin, Walter
Kafka Ou L'Innocence Diabolique by Vialatte, Alexandre
Handy to Home by Hennessey, Tom
The Effects of Knut Hamsun on a Fresno Boy: Recollections and Short Essays by Soto, Gary
Potentialities: Collected Essays by Agamben, Giorgio
Mark Twain at the Buffalo Express by Twain, Mark
Here is New York by White, E. B.
Siete Ensayos Sobre Walter Benjamin by Sarlo, Beatriz
New Larkins for Old: Critical Essays by Na, Na
Conditions Handsome and Unhandsome: The Constitution of Emersonian Perfectionism by Cavell, Stanley
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 11, 1863 by Darwin, Charles
A Browning Chronology: Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning by Garrett, M.
A Raid Into Dark Corners and Other Essays by Kiely, Benedict
Voices of the Crossing by
The Messenger Reader: Stories, Poetry, and Essays from The Messenger Magazine by Robeson, Paul, Hurston, Zora Neale
For the Time Being by Dillard, Annie
Denali: A Literary Anthology by
Selected Letters of Rebecca West by West, Rebecca
Faust: A Natural History / Faust: Une histoire naturelle by Vincent, Jean-Didier, Peyret, Jean-François
The works of the right Honourable Joseph Addison.With notes by Richard Hurd D.D. lord bishop of Worcester, with large additions, chiefly unpublished ( by Hurd, Richard, Addison, Joseph
Briefwechsel Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel mit Johann Georg Repsold by Koch, Jürgen W.
Plainwater: Essays and Poetry by Carson, Anne
Träume und andere Wahrheiten by Haase, Petra
The Letters of Matthew Arnold: Volume 5 by Arnold, Matthew
We Write for Our Own Time: Selected Essays from Seventy-Five Years of the Virginia Quarterly Review by
We Write for Our Own Time: Selected Essays from Seventy-Five Years of the Virginia Quarterly Review by
Kiss Me Again: An Invitation to a Group of Noble Dames by Kellner, Bruce
Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book by Percy, Walker
The Nick Tosches Reader by Tosches, Nick
Paul Cezanne, Letters: The Missing Mass, Primordial Black Holes, and Other Dark Matters by Cezanne, Paul
The Message in the Bottle: How Queer Man Is, How Queer Language Is, and What One Has to Do with the Other by Percy, Walker
Signposts in a Strange Land by Percy, Walker
Virginia Woolf's Essays: Sketching the Past by Gualtieri, E.
Zdravo, Bosanski Novi...Meine erste UN-Mission by Ortland, Günter
The American Mystery: American Literature from Emerson to Delillo by Tanner, Tony
Break Every Rule: Essays on Language, Longing, and Moments of Desire by Maso, Carole
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh in Three Books Volume 2 by Carlyle, Thomas
Winter Hours: Prose, Prose Poems, and Poems by Oliver, Mary
The Pleasure of Writing: Critical Essays on Dacia Maraini by Diaconescu-Blumenfeld, Rodica, Testaferri, Ada
Drumming Through Woodsmoke: Poetry and Essays by Longstreth, Jamie
Dear Tiny Heart: The Letters of Jane Heap and Florence Reynolds by Baggett, Holly
Letters of Transit: Reflections on Exile, Identity, Language, and Loss by
Shorter Views by Delany, Samuel R.
Ten Essays by Sandee
3 Minutes or Less: Life Lessons from America's Greatest Writers by Bloomsbury
One More Time: The Best of Mike Royko by Royko, Mike
The Land of Ulro by Milosz, Czeslaw, Milosz
Essays and Reviews: The 1860 Text and Its Reading by
Further Cuttings by O'Brien, Flann
Representing Lives: Women and Auto/Biography by
The Writer on Her Work by
No Other Book: Selected Essays by Jarrell, Randall
Elmer Kelton Country: The Short Nonfiction of a Texas Novelist by Kelton, Elmer
Ordine e Struttura Musicale nella Divina Commedia by de Benedictis, Raffaele
Lincoln and the Civil War by Hay, John
Schall on Chesterton: Timely Essays on Timeless Paradoxes by Schall, James V. S. J.
Walt Whitman's Champion: William Douglas O'Connor by Loving, Jerome
The Birth of Sydney by
Here First: Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers by
Maria de Zayas Tells Baroque Tales of Love and the Cruelty of Men by Greer, Margaret
Independent Spirit: Essays by Butler, Hubert
Briefwechsel von Georg Repsold mit Carl F. Gauß und Heinrich C. Schumacher by Koch, Jürgen W.
Künste und Wissenschaften als verlorene Paradiese: Essays zur Bedeutung der Kultur-Idyllen by Schuett, Rolf Friedrich
Bound for Shady Grove by Harvey, Steven
Body by
Letters to a Fiction Writer by
Sexualidad Y Nación by
The Letters of St. Boniface by St Boniface, St
The Jameson Reader by
New Approaches to Theodor Fontane: Cultural Codes in Flux by
Passionate Fictions/Eliza Haywood by
A Poetry of Two Minds by Santos, Sherod
The American Journey: United States History Through Letters and Diaries, Volume 2 by
Sharp Eyes: John Burroughs and American Nature Writing by
Sharp Eyes: John Burroughs and American Nature Writing by
Mediocrity in Ten Easy Steps: (And Many, Many, Many More) by Michaud, Al
A Hundred White Daffodils: Essays, Interviews, the Akhmatova Translations, Newspaper Columns, and One Poem by Kenyon, Jane
The Proper Study of Mankind: An Anthology of Essays by Berlin, Isaiah
Some Necessary Angels: Essays on Writing and Politics by Parini, Jay
Essays of the Masters by
Porphyry: On Abstinence from Killing Animals by Clarke, G.
Kriegsende eines HJ-Volkssturmsoldaten by Nemitz, Werner
The Letters of Christina Rossetti: 1843-1873 Volume 3 by Rossetti, Christina
Through Ordinary Eyes: The Civil War Correspondence of Rufus Robbins, Private, 7th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers by Robbins, Rufus
A Single Raindrop by Vinci, Vincent
When the Kissing Had to Stop: Cult Studs, Khmer Newts, Langley Spooks, Techno-Geeks, Video Drones, Author Gods, Serial Killers, Vampire Media, Alien by Leonard, John
Roberto Fernández Retamar Y Los Estudios Latinoamericanos by
Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle On Sense Perception by Towey, A.
Essays in Context by
The Explorers: Stories of Discovery and Adventure from the Australian Frontier by
The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
de Profundis by Wilde, Oscar
Bone Deep in Landscape, Volume 5: Writing, Reading, and Place by Blew, Mary Clearman
Representing Lives: Women and Auto/Biography by
Politics, Literature and National Character by Berger, Morroe, Stael, Madame De
The Waste Books by Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph
Best of Prairie Schooner: Personal Essays by
Past and Present by Thomas Carlyle by Altick, Richard
Candor and Perversion: Literature, Education, and the Arts by Shattuck, Roger
Tourists, Retirees, and Other Reasons to Stay in Bed by Grimes, David
Here at Eagle Pond by Hall, Donald
No Author Better Served: The Correspondence of Samuel Beckett & Alan Schneider by Beckett, Samuel, Schneider, Alan
Oscar Wilde: A Certain Genius by Belford, Barbara
Schade, dass ich das Abhauen nicht erfunden habe by Kolbatz, Klaus-Peter
American Fiction, American Myth: Essays by Philip Young by Young, Philip
The Complete Essays of Charles Dudley Warner by Warner, Charles Dudley
The Best American Essays 2000 by Lightman
Complete Essays: Aldous Huxley, 1920-1925 by Huxley, Aldous
Hooking Up by Wolfe, Tom
Seven Men by Beerbohm, Max
Thus Spake the Corpse: 1988-1998: Volume 2 Fictions, Travels and Translations by
Thus Spake the Corpse: 1988-1998: Volume 2 Fictions, Travels and Translations by
Apocalypse Postponed: Essays by Umberto Eco by Eco, Umberto
Hip-Hop-Perations: Surgical Essays and Poems for the Ghetto Mind by Amani, Khalil
Apocalypse Postponed: Essays by Umberto Eco by Eco, Umberto
Selected Non-Fictions by Borges, Jorge Luis
The Complete Essays of Mark Twain by Neider, Charles
Walden and Other Writings by Thoreau, Henry David
Letters of Sir Joseph Banks, The, a Selection, 1768-1820 by
Karmic Traces: 1993-1999 by Weinberger, Eliot
Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader by Fadiman, Anne
Genuin by Seinsoth, Hanne
Der Ravensberger Wichtel - Und ewig ruft der Teuto... by Obermöller, Marc
Tip of My Tongue: Forays in the American Language by Smith, Wen
Articles: A Two Page Composition: A Collage of Note Writings by Reid, Samuel
Slipknots: Essays for a Tangled Age by McNeece, P. Brian
American Characteristics and Other Essays by Wilder, Thornton
Thinking of Home: William Faulkner's Letters to His Mother and Father, 1918-1925 by Faulkner, William
Best American Magazine Writing 2000 by
When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton & Robert Lax by
An Eye on the Modern Century: Selected Letters of Henry McBride by McBride, Henry
Moral - wozu eigentlich? by Ulrich, Bodo
Jane Austen in Hollywood by
Voice of Memory: Interviews 1961 - 1987 by Levi, Primo