• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 2001

Expanding Suburbia: Reviewing Suburban Narrative by
Dancing on the Stones by Nichols, John
The Art of Seeing Things by
The Emerson Dilemma: Essays on Emerson and Social Reform by
Passions and Impression by Neruda, Pablo
Why Read the Classics? by Calvino, Italo
Nature's Canvas: Thoreau on Land by Thoreau, Henry David
Accepting the Universe by Burroughs, John
Letters from the Editor: The New Yorker's Harold Ross by
Das verrückte fünfzehnte Jahr: montiert in Briefen by Pflanz, Dieter, Bonnemeier, Julia
In Defense of Tradition: Collected Shorter Writings of Richard M. Weaver, 1929-1963 by Weaver, Richard M.
Expanding Suburbia: Reviewing Suburban Narrative by
Stricker und Seminarist by
Paulinus Noster: Self and Symbols in the Letters of Paulinus of Nola by Conybeare, Catherine
Wild Fruits: Thoreau's Rediscovered Last Manuscript by Thoreau, Henry David
Ansel Adams: Letters, 1916 - 1984 by Alinder, Mary Street
Selected Letters by Olson, Charles
The Secret Opinions of Irving B. Gerson: Volume 1 by Gerson, Irving B.
I Loved a Girl: A Private Correspondence by Trobisch, Walter
In America by Gorky, Maxim
William Langland's Piers Plowman: A Book of Essays by
King Alfred's Pastoral Care by Sweet
My Life as a Sailor by Yearly, Fran
Amazingly Helpful Insights from a Stunningly Handsome Writer: A Collection of Humor and Heartbreak Uncommon Common Sense about People and Points-Of-Vi by Wildman, Dale
Necessary Distance: Essays and Criticism by Major, Clarence
Walking Light: Memoirs and Essays on Poetry by Dunn, Stephen
The Reed Reader by Reed, Ishmael
Das Sonntagskind by Burner, Franziska
In the Catskills by Burroughs, John
Welcome to Our Minds by Arthur
The Fun of It: Stories from The Talk of the Town by White, E. B.
Mother Reader: Essential Writings on Motherhood by
Due South: Dispatches from Down Home by Brunner, R. Scott
Early Modern Women's Letter Writing, 1450-1700 by
Selected Federalist Papers by Madison, James, Jay, John, Hamilton, Alexander
Ich lerne leben, weil du sterben musst by Zickgraf, Cordula
Paper Trail by Dorris, Michael
Reading Myself and Others by Roth, Philip
Dreams by Schreiner, Olive
For the Record: A Robert Drake Reader by Perkins, James A., Hendricks, Randy J.
The Other War: Letters from a GI in India in 1944 & 1945 by Spiro, Bernard
The Donald Richie Reader: 50 Years of Writing on Japan by Richie, Donald
Bodies in Motion and at Rest: On Metaphor and Mortality by Lynch, Thomas
The Fiction of the 1940s: Stories of Survival by
The Fiction of the 1940s: Stories of Survival by
In the Meridian of the Heart: Selected Letters of Rico Lebrun by
My Self, My Muse: Irish Women Poets Reflect on Life and Art by
Love Letters from the Depression by
Leslie Marmon Silko: A Collection of Critical Essays by
Passing the Word: Writers on Their Mentors by
My Self, My Muse: Irish Women Poets Reflect on Life and Art by
Complete Essays: Aldous Huxley, 1930-1935 by Huxley, Aldous
Available Means: An Anthology Of Women'S Rhetoric(s) by
Representative Men by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Society and Solitude by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Strokes: Essays and Reviews 1966-1986 by Clute, John
The Princeton Anthology of Writing: Favorite Pieces by the Ferris/McGraw Writers at Princeton University by
The Dark Grove: Collected Essays, Introductions and Obituaries by McCormack, William J.
The Lost Suitcase: Reflections on the Literary Life by Delbanco, Nicholas
Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell: A Lifelong Fight for Peace, Justice, and Truth in Letters to the Editor by Russell, Bertrand
Lost Classics: Writers on Books Loved and Lost, Overlooked, Under-read, Unavailable, Stolen, Extinct, or Otherwise Out of Commission by
Auszeit. Verweilen bei sich selbst. Essays. by Stipsits, Reinhold
Against Interpretation: And Other Essays by Sontag, Susan
Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell: Letters to the Editor 1904-1969 by Russell, Bertrand
Distance and Direction by Kitchen, Judith
Petticoat und Pferdeschwanz: Bodenteicher Tagebücher 1956 - 1964 by Brandt, Ilse
Temporal and Eternal by Péguy, Charles
Aspasius, Michael of Ephesus, Anonymous: On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 8-9 by Ephesus, Michael Of, Aspasius
Gender and Genre: Essays on David Mamet by
Literary Nonfiction: Learning by Example by Sims, Patsy
A Wise Choice of Winds: Articles and Essays by Barton, Hazel J.
Echoes Down the Corridor: Collected Essays, 1944-2000 by Miller, Arthur
The Best American Essays of the Century by Oates, Joyce Carol
The Best American Essays by
Hooking Up by Wolfe, Tom
Hamilton: Writings by Hamilton, Alexander
Ein offenes Tagebuch by Eckardt, Kristina, Eckardt, Bettina
Writers on the Storm: Stories, Observations, and Essays by Peeler, Tim, Canipe, Robert, Monroe, Carter
Author and His Doubles: Essays on Classical Arabic Culture by Kilito, Abdelfattah
The Author and His Doubles: Essays on Classical Arabic Culture by Kilito, Abdelfattah
Complete Essays: Aldous Huxley, 1936-1938 by Huxley, Aldous
Feasting the Heart: Fifty-Two Commentaries for the Air by Price, Reynolds
Quarrel & Quandary: Essays by Ozick, Cynthia
Platonic Writings/Platonic Readings by
The Complete Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll: The Political Pamphlets and Letters of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and Related Pieces: A Mathematical Approach V by Carroll, Lewis
Maximum Insight: Selected Columns by Maxwell, Bill
Collected Prose by Robert, Creeley, Creeley, Robert
Autumn Light by Hills, Helen
Motherhood, Apple Pie & Other Fattening Things by Vujicich, Traci
Your Loving Son, Ed: Letters from a WWII G.I. -- Boot Camp to the Battlefields of Europe by Jennings, Fern
Letters From Margaret by Granberry, Julian
Sidetracks: Explorations of a Romantic Biographer by Holmes, Richard
Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Unsuitable for Ladies: An Anthology of Women Travellers by
The Yankee Chick's Survival Guide to Texas by Dembling, Sophia