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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 2015

Lovely Bits of Old England: John Betjeman at the Telegraph by Betjeman, John
A Few Words Before You Go: Writings on Books, Music, and Family by Lovell, Jude Joseph
The Paston Letters by
Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men by Spence, Joseph
Die italienische Hochzeit by De Giorgi, Elsa
Âmago by Ivanovic, Mara
Ubernerd by Seeger, Alan
Mein Leben mit Ramana Maharshi: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Schülers by Iyer, T. K. Sundaresa
Timeless Writings - 18 by Elizes Pub, Tatay Jobo
The Deep Zoo by Ducornet, Rikki
Selected Letters by Keats, John
The West Virginian: Volume Four: An Anthology of Love Letters by Thompson, David
The West Virginian: Volume Four: An Anthology of Love Letters by Thompson, David
La timidité est-elle un merveilleux défaut? by Ray, Daisy
Discours sur le Federalisme by Nadal, Oswald K.
Letters from a Geneva Pensionnat by Ewing, Flora
Letters from a Geneva Pensionnat by Ewing, Flora
Reeling Through Life: How I Learned to Live, Love and Die at the Movies by Ison, Tara
Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten (Großdruck) by Schopenhauer, Arthur
What Makes a Man?: Sex Talk in Beirut and Berlin by Al-Daif, Rashid, Helfer, Joachim
Walmart to Wolf House: Sonoma County Essays by Loughran, Rob
La Mala Mascotas: La Historias Cortas by Feller F., Mel
Thoughts of Being by Polsky, Daniel
Quill Reflections I: Introspections about Life & Living by Cloney, Kevin P.
Life Sentences: Literary Judgments and Accounts by Gass, William
Paradoxe sur le comédien by Diderot, Denis
Essays by Montaigne, Michel
Everything In Nigeria Is Going To Kill You by Sogunro, Ayo
Letters to My Black Sons: Raising Boys in a Post-Racial America by Whitehead, Karsonya Wise
Campagne in Frankreich 1792 by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Campagne in Frankreich 1792 by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Getting Through The Muck: Personal Stories Of Overcoming Hard Times by Myers, Angela, Nguyen, Anh, Kowalska, Anna
Key Points Trilogy: Essays on the Margins of Hidden Moorish History by El, Cozmo
El hombre que se enamoró del sol y otros relatos by Perez Naranjo, Estefania
Die Teutschen Volksbücher by Görres, Joseph
Die Teutschen Volksbücher by Görres, Joseph
Wider das Papsttum zu Rom, vom Teufel gestiftet by Luther, Martin
Wider das Papsttum zu Rom, vom Teufel gestiftet by Luther, Martin
Mein Berlin in den 50er-Jahren: Wie ein 16-Jähriger seine Stadt sah und erlebte. by Kellner, Joachim
The Tatler 4 Volume Set by Steele, Richard
The Tatler - Volume 1 by Steele, Richard
The Tatler - Volume 2 by Steele, Richard
The Tatler - Volume 3 by Steele, Richard
The Tatler - Volume 4 by Steele, Richard
The Rambler by Johnson, Samuel
Art and Craft: Thirty Years on the Literary Beat by Thompson, Bill
Pattalla Sangeetham by Chennai, Shaji
The Quiet Born from Talk: Festschrift for Wendy Barker by
Ich will Bauer werden.: Die Geschichte meines Großvaters Christoph Ziegner auf der Domäne Neufrankenroda by Ziegner, Carl
Against Wind and Tide: Letters and Journals, 1947-1986 by Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
The Trouble with Post-Blackness by
Les fanfares du néant: Aphorions illégitimes by Eggero, Toni
Berliner Kindheit um Neunzehnhundert (Großdruck): Fassung letzter Hand by Benjamin, Walter
Ai Mo Sheng Lun Ren Sheng by Ai, Mo Sheng
Moskauer Tagebuch: 1926-1927 by Benjamin, Walter
Moskauer Tagebuch: 1926-1927 by Benjamin, Walter
Lebensrückblick: Eine Autobiographie by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Lebensrückblick: Eine Autobiographie by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels by Benjamin, Walter
Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels by Benjamin, Walter
Deutsche Menschen: Eine Folge von Briefen by Benjamin, Walter
Deutsche Menschen (Großdruck): Eine Folge von Briefen by Benjamin, Walter
L'opuscule des songes: Nouvelles en tous genres by Borys, Flavye
Under a Shared Umbrella: Tales of Synchronicity and Happenstance by Zehner, Bobbi, Corcoran, Kate Conklin
La sorcière by Michelet, Jules
The First Englishmen in India: Letters and Narratives of Sundry Elizabethans written by themselves by
Zhe Me Yi Xie Xie Du She by Shen, Jia Ke
Ji Bo Lun Lun Ren Sheng by Ji, Bo Lun
Palpable Magic by Lafemina, Gerry
Love Letters to My Future Bride and Wife to Be by Handy, Christopher Dewayne
The Brownings by Whiting, Lilian
Nuages des Princesses 2 by Carreras, Christophe
Shaky Apron Strings: A Legacy of Love in Letters by Althaver, Mary Ann
Raining in Detroit by Motyka, Natalie
Raining in Detroit by Motyka, Natalie
Wisdom For A Young Golfer by
Letter to Families: The Saint's Reflections on the Grandeur of Marriage and Family Life by II, St John Paul
Correspondance by Descartes, René
Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam by Zweig, Stefan
Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam (Großdruck) by Zweig, Stefan
Love. Hope. Faith: Anthology by Moore, Rita, Bell, Sherae, Harper, Paulette
Gespräche für Freimaurer: Ernst und Falk by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
The Universal Vampire: Origins and Evolution of a Legend by
W. B. Yeats by Larrissy, Edward
Der Sozialismus und die Seele des Menschen by Wilde, Oscar
Über sociale Differenzierung by Simmel, Georg
Les Axiomes Démasqués: Recueil de Textes et Nouvelles by Aka, Louis
Les Écrits bengalis de Sri Aurobindo by Aurobindo, Sri
Lettres: (1728-1778) by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Indian Diaspora by Createspace, Taralakshmi
Polars et histoires de police: Edition 2014 by Le 122, Association
Paris in American Literatures: On Distance as a Literary Resource by
Faith: Essays from Believers, Agnostics, and Atheists by
Das Tagebuch, das Traumbuch und Reflexionen: Wenig bekannte Aufzeichnungen des jungen Gottfried Keller von wunderbar intimem Reiz by Keller, Gottfried
Das Tagebuch, das Traumbuch und Reflexionen: Wenig bekannte Aufzeichnungen des jungen Gottfried Keller von wunderbar intimem Reiz by Keller, Gottfried
The Ghostly and the Ghosted in Literature and Film: Spectral Identities by
Studies in Ephemera: Text and Image in Eighteenth-Century Print by
Petits Riens Essentiels by Merville, Anne
Awakening: A book of essays by McCommon, Lucie Shores
Berlins drittes Geschlecht: Homosexualität um 1900 by Hirschfeld, Magnus
Brian Friel: A Casebook by
As Fit as a Fish: the English and Italians revealed by Hunt, Peter, Tosi, Laura
I'm Very Into You: Correspondence 1995-1996 by Acker, Kathy, Wark, McKenzie
A. Shiju by Shiju, A.
The Collected Letters of Ellen Terry, Volume 6 by Cockin, Katharine
Others Will Enter the Gates by Animashaun, Abayomi
Chili Dawgs Always Bark at Night by Grizzard, Lewis
Athiraathram by Chungath
The Wedding Rings: 結婚戒指 by Jane Lu, 葉宗貞
Cartas a Mar by Mart
Entwurf der Erziehung und Unterweisung eines Fürsten by Arndt, Ernst Moritz
Erinnerungen aus dem äußeren Leben: Eine Autobiografie by Arndt, Ernst Moritz
Erinnerungen aus dem äußeren Leben: Eine Autobiografie by Arndt, Ernst Moritz
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834-1872 - Volume I by Carlyle, Thomas
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834-1872 - Volume II by Carlyle, Thomas
Essays on Modernity: And the Permanent Things from Tradition by Patrick, James a.
Essays on Modernity: And the Permanent Things from Tradition by Patrick, James a.
Vierundzwanzig Tage: Eine Reise nach Santiago de Compostela by Kohler, Alex
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 1: Lectures, 1795: On Politics and Religion by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Hofmannsthal: Three Essays by Hamburger, Michael
Die Befreiung der Gesellschaft vom Staat: Was ist kommunistischer Anarchismus? by Mühsam, Erich
Bacon's Essays by Bacon, Francis
Unpolitische Erinnerungen by Muhsam, Erich
Est: Collected Reports From East Anglia by
Die Lyrik: 152 Gedichte by Muhsam, Erich
Write Something by Levenberg, Mitch
The Book of Us by Humanities Class, Patton
Rotenbergblues by Matters, Else
Prayer Beads on the Train: Another Collection of Stories Written on the MTA by Born, Anne
Creativity: Creativite by Kako, Laflamme, Emmanuel, Leslie, Jimmy
Purely for Pleasure: A Collection of Short Observations by Culbertson, Charles
People of the Good God by Jones, Hardy
Ted Hughes: The Haunted Earth by Moulin, Joanny
The Condensed Writings of Herman S. Rubin by Rubin, Herman S.
An Opinion on Most Everything: Collected Essays by Ross, James Robert
Selected Stories from a Widely Unpublished Author by Munger, Susan Springer
Erinnerungen Peter Hahns: Teil 5 by Hahn, Peter
Via Dolorosa Muskoka: Stories about Other Places by Sawczak, Luke
Lebensgeschichte des Baron Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué: Aufgezeichnet durch ihn selbst by Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte
Französische Maler by Heine, Heinrich
Lebensgeschichte des Baron Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué: Aufgezeichnet durch ihn selbst by Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte
Französische Maler by Heine, Heinrich
The Letters of Mrs Elizabeth Montagu - Volume 4 by Montagu, Elizabeth
Zuerst Valerian by Dewinter, Valerian
All at Once: Prose Poems by Williams, C. K.
The Body in the Library: A Literary Anthology of Modern Medicine by
Cutthroat 10th Anniversary a Tribute to Joy Harjo and Linda Hogan by Hogan, Linda, Dove, Rita, Harjo, Joy
The Glory of English Prose - Letters to My Grandson by Coleridge, Stephen
Anima Poetæ by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
BodyHome by Clammer, Chelsey
Levan Humanities Review, Volume 3, Issue 1 by Hernandez, Jack
An Outline History of English Literature by Hudson, William Henry
My Chinese-America by Gee, Allen
Literary Visions of Multicultural Ireland: The Immigrant in Contemporary Irish Literature by
The Only Sounds We Make by Zacharias, Lee
Tales from the Queen of the Desert by Bell, Gertrude
A Voice Was Sounding Vol. 5 by
Entdeckungsreise nach Tahiti und in die Südsee 1772-1775 by Forster, Georg
George's Screeds: For Bitter or Verse by Gerbi, Susan Netteland, Netteland, George L.
Chopin and Other Musical Essays by Finck, Henry T.
The Mystical Filmmaker: An Encounter by Whitehead, Peter, Sorensen, John
The Natural History of Selborne by White, Gilbert
Briefe Napoleon I. an seine Gemahlin Josephine und Briefe Josephines an Napoleon und ihre Tochter, die Königin Hortense by Von Bieberstein, Oskar Marschall
Ein Lebensbild aus ihren Briefen by Varnhagen, Rahel
Ludwig Börnes Briefe 1828 by Geiger, Ludwig
Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear by De Gutes, Kate Carroll
Norddeutsche Landschaft by Masius, Hermann
Waiting for the Train to Come: Life, Youth and Dushore by Denmon, Darrin J.
Im Herzen von Afrika by Schweinfurth, Georg
Flesh Wounds by Robinson, Linton
Compilación de cuentos familiares: De Ibis a Primrose by
Story Behind the Book: Volume 4 (Essays on Writing and Editing Fiction) by Wecker, Helene, Robertson, James, Shepherd, Lynn
Briefe Napoleon I. by Kircheisen, Friedrich M.
Briefe Napoleon I. by Kircheisen, Friedrich M.
Briefwechsel by Von Pückler-Muskau, Fürst Hermann
Napoleon Bonaparte by Stendhal
Expressionismus: Mit 18 Tafeln in Kupferdruck by Bahr, Hermann
After the Tall Timber: Collected Nonfiction by Adler, Renata
Offensichtliches, Allzuoffensichtliches. Zweier Menschen Zeit, Teil 2: Von der Nachkriegszeit bis zu Gegenwart. Eine deutsche Geschichte by Huthmacher, Richard a.
Mommie Diarist: A Collection by
George MacDonald by Lewis, C. S.
Die Tagebücher in drei Bänden: Band 1: 1869-1873 by Wagner, Cosima
Die Tagebücher in drei Bänden: Band 1: 1869-1873 by Wagner, Cosima
Oper und Drama by Wagner, Richard
A mi manera: Recopilación de cuentos by Mattogno, Arnaldo
27 Views of Greensboro: The Gate City in Prose & Poetry by
Cowley's Essays by Cowley, Abraham
Masques: Selected Essays by Golberg, Stefany Anne
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin by
Three Kinds of Motion: Kerouac, Pollock, and the Making of American Highways by Hanick, Riley
Sentimentalism in Nineteenth-Century America: Literary and Cultural Practices by
The Object Parade: Essays by Lenney, Dinah
Abhandlungen über die Fabel by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Abhandlungen über die Fabel by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories by Keegan, Marina
Regarder loin by Ceton, Jean Pierre
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, Volume I 1735-1748 by Walpole, Horace
Reisefieber - Eine Reise zu mir selbst: Diagnose akute myeloische Leukämie by Meyenburg, Katharina Von
Priests, Prophets, Politicians, People and Protests by Amies, David R.
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