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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 2016

Oeuvres Complètes de Voltaire. Tome 3 by Voltaire
Koottivayana by Vadakkedath, Balachandran
Ezhuthinte Vaidyasasthra Vayana by Ekbal
Presentimiento: A Life in Dreams by Fletcher, Harrison Candelaria
The Magic Spider: 魔法蜘蛛 by Ivy Chen, 陳意芊
In Writing: Uncovering the Unexpected Hoosier State by Wissing, Douglas A.
Proxies: Essays Near Knowing by Blanchfield, Brian
Das unruhige Asien by Holitscher, Arthur
The Boy Who Could Change the World: The Writings of Aaron Swartz by Swartz, Aaron
The Poet, the Lion, Talking Pictures, El Farolito, a Wedding in St. Roch, the Big Box Store, the Warp in the Mirror, Spring, Midnights, Fire & All by Wright, C. D.
We Need Silence to Find Out What We Think: Selected Essays by Hazzard, Shirley
When the Facts Change: Essays, 1995-2010 by Judt, Tony
Twelve Strikes: A Play of Selected Writings by Francis, Heather
Briefe an meine Frau by Geißler, Max
Strawberries in Wintertime: Essays on Life, Love, and Laughter by Woodburn, Woody
Tolstoy on Shakespeare by Leo Tolstoy
Bismarckbriefe 1836-1872 by Kohl, Horst
Kriegsbriefe gefallener Studenten by Witkop, Philipp
Erinnerungen eines Weltreisenden by Wegener, Georg
Lebensrückblick: Eine Autobiographie by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Rainer Maria Rilke: Buch des Gedenkens by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Fenitschka / Eine Ausschweifung: Zwei Erzählungen by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Ruth by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Living on Paper: Letters from Iris Murdoch, 1934-1995 by Murdoch, Iris
Fenitschka / Eine Ausschweifung: Zwei Erzählungen by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Ruth by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Lebensrückblick: Eine Autobiographie by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Rainer Maria Rilke: Buch des Gedenkens by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Lehigh Valley Vanguard Collections Volume EIGHT: Resistance in the Everyday by Forsmo-Shadid, Jessy, Varga, Santos
Das Haus: Eine Familiengeschichte vom Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Die Erotik by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Das Haus: Eine Familiengeschichte vom Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Stockwell II: A Collection of Essays: Week 1: & Eternal Youth by Stockwell, C. M.
Les Liaisons dangereuses by De Laclos, Pierre Choderlos
The Beatest State in the Union: An Anthology of Beat Texas Writing by
Das Tagebuch von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe by Witkowski, Georg
Briefe an seine Familie by Fontane, Theodor
Briefe an seine Familie by Fontane, Theodor
Briefe über Gutzkows Ritter im Geiste by Jung, Alexander
Das Leben Emma Försters, der Tochter Jean Pauls, in Ihren Briefen by Förster, Brix
Briefe von Goethes Mutter an ihren Sohn, Christiane und August von Goethe by Ohne Autor
Zur Dachgeschichte der italienischen Reise by Harnack, Otto
To the Person Sitting in Darkness (annotated) by Twain, Mark
William Langland's Piers Plowman: A Book of Essays by
Modern Literature and Literary Men, Being a Second Gallery of Literary Portraits by Gilfillan, George
Charles Lamb, Elia and the London Magazine: Metropolitan Muse by Hull, Simon P.
Studies in the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Sixteenth Century: In the Sixteenth Century by Herford, Charles H.
Correspondance générale by Diderot, Denis
Measure: and other stories by Griffin, David
Susan The Magazine Volume II: Skirts by Starbird, Susan
Lehigh Valley Vanguard Collections Volume NINE: Explorations of Identity by Presswood, Alane, Back, Phila, Larson, Thomas
Why We Write About Ourselves: Twenty Memoirists on Why They Expose Themselves (and Others) in the Name of Literature by
Stars can't shine without darkness: Its darkness that teaches the beauty of light by Mustaffa, Wayne
The Irish-American Experience: Proletariat Research Papers by Collopy, Ava
Zur Kritik der deutschen Intelligenz by Ball, Hugo
Faith and Slavery in the Presbyterian Diaspora by
Hope Possible: A Network News Anchor's Thoughts On Losing Her Job, Finding Love, A New Career, and My Dog, Always My Dog by Kagan, Daryn
A Jacques Barzun Reader: Selections from His Works by Barzun, Jacques
CLASP - late modernist poetry in London in the 1970s by
George du Maurier The Satirist of the Victorians by Wood, T. Martin
Studies in early Victorian literature by Harrison, Frederic
Sublime Physick: Essays by Madden, Patrick
The Roman Invasion of Britain by Webster, Graham
Songs To Myself by Kalousdian, Jamie, Pyke, Vivian R.
Fractals by Bradley, William
B.R.P. Bhasker by Bhasker, B. R. P.
Onthebus 21/22 by
Oeuvres de M. A. Jay T02 by Jay, Antoine
Oeuvres de M. A. Jay T01 by Jay, Antoine
Oeuvres de M. A. Jay T03 by Jay, Antoine
Mémoires de Godefroi Hermant: Histoire Ecclésiastique Du Xviie Siècle 1630-1663 T03 1656-1657 by Hermant, Godefroi
Mémoires de Godefroi Hermant: Histoire Ecclésiastique Du Xviie Siècle 1630-1663 T06 1663 by Hermant, Godefroi
Mémoires de Godefroi Hermant: Histoire Ecclésiastique Du Xviie Siècle 1630-1663 T02 1653-1655 by Hermant, Godefroi
Mémoires de Godefroi Hermant: Histoire Ecclésiastique Du Xviie Siècle 1630-1663 T04 1658-1661 by Hermant, Godefroi
Mémoires d'Un Prisonnier d'État T02 by Andryane, Alexandre
Mémoires d'Un Prisonnier d'État. Augmentée d'Une Correspondance Inédite de Confalonieri T01 by Andryane, Alexandre
Oeuvres Complètes de Voltaire. Tome 3 by Voltaire
The Little Norton Reader: 50 Essays from the First 50 Years, with 2016 MLA Update by
Historias para contar de este lado del río: Tomo 2 by Ramos, Guadalupe
Historias para contar de este lado del río: Tomo 2 by Ramos, Guadalupe
Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels by Benjamin, Walter
Literatur und Lüge by Kraus, Karl
Native: Dispatches from an Israeli-Palestinian Life by Kashua, Sayed
Discontent and Its Civilizations: Dispatches from Lahore, New York, and London by Hamid, Mohsin
A Yankee in Canada by Thoreau, Henry David
From a Limestone Ledge: Some Essays and Other Ruminations about Country Life in Texas by Graves, John
I Am Sorry to Think I Have Raised a Timid Son: A Memoir in Essays by Russell, Kent
Hard Scrabble: Observations on a Patch of Land by Graves, John
The Prose Works Of Jonathan Swift D.D.: Vol IV by Swift, Jonathan
Montaigne and Shakspere by Robertson, John M.
Das 6.Semesterprotokoll: Heideggers Oberseminar "Zum Wesen der Sprache" im SS1939 by Ritzel, Nataly
No Rule That Isn't a Dare: How Writers Connect with Readers by Mesce Jr, Bill
Essais by Baudelaire, Charles
Adoring Outlander: Essays on Fandom, Genre and the Female Audience by
30 Days-Streams of Conciousness by Moebius, L. E.
Marcus Aurelius in Love by Fronto, Marcus Cornelius, Aurelius, Marcus
An Ending is an Illusion by De Bruler, Connor
Lehigh Valley Vanguard Collections Volume TEN: Precarity Tales by Sonntag, Mitchell, Johnson, Jake, Buterbaugh, Shanda
English Pharisees French Crocodiles, and Other Anglo-French Typical Characters by O'Rell, Max
Candy and Blood: Essays From Behind Prison Walls by Hastings, William D.
André Butzer by
A Renaissance Man by Katsaros, Peter M.
Burdens by Water: An Unintended Memoir by Rifkin, Alan
Helga aus Swinemünde: Erinnerungen by Weiser, Helga
Letters from the Queen of Navarre with an Ample Declaration: Volume 43 by D'Albret, Jeanne
Das große Bestiarium der deutschen Literatur by Blei, Franz
Seeing Things at Night by Broun, Heywood
Seeing with the Hands: Blindness, Vision and Touch After Descartes by Paterson, Mark
Document: Sports, Travel, Current Events, Memoir, Fiction by Hines, Glen
Bernard Shaw on Literature by Shaw, George Bernard
Seeing with the Hands: Blindness, Vision and Touch After Descartes by Paterson, Mark
Practice Extended: Beyond Law and Literature by Ferguson, Robert
Histoire Intellectuelle de Louis Lambert, Fragment Extrait Des Romans Et Contes Philosophiques by de Balzac, Honoré
Soirées Du Stendhal Club: Documents Indéits by Stryienski, Casimir
Except When I WR!TE: Reflections of a Recovering Critic by Krystal, Arthur
The VP Annual 2016 by
Listening to the Savage: River Notes and Half-Heard Melodies by Hurd, Barbara
Ways of the World by Harvey, David
淅瀝點滴: Dripping by Charles Y Wang, 王永平
The Bite of the Dog: Essays on Things That Sometimes Matter by Reynolds, Stephen Santiago
Everyone Leaves Behind a Name: True Stories by Brick, Michael
Rabash - Os Escritos Sociais by Ashlag, Baruch Shalom Halevi
Reflections on Smith Mountain Lake: 50th Anniversary Anthology by Residents of Smith Mountain Lake
Woman on the Verge of Something: A Collection of Poems, Stories and Essays Celebrating Life Lessons, Transformation and Awakenings by Campbell, Theresa A.
Untethered: Problem Solving Unshackled By Rhyme Or Reason by Wepner, Roy
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 23, 1875 by Darwin, Charles
Grekiska livstycken: Svenska kvinnors berättelser by Lidén, Kicki Och Gunnar
Creatures of a Day: And Other Tales of Psychotherapy by Yalom, Irvin D.
The Folded Clock: A Diary by Julavits, Heidi
Bringing it all home: Hélène's property searches by Ferrari, Helene
K-Dreams by
Lehigh Valley Vanguard Collections Volume ELEVEN: Writing Humanity by Deshpande, Ketaki, Blasini, Mark
All Things Considered by Chesterton, G. K.
The Arnoldian Principle of Flexibility by Robbins, William
Pater and his Early Critics by Court, Franklin E.
George Moore's Correspondence with the Mysterious Countess by Langenfeld, Robert, Eakin, David B.
Ladies Night at the Dreamland by Livingston, Sonja
The Making of the American Essay by D'Agata, John
Dream Song: The Life of John Berryman by Mariani, Paul
So Sad Today: Personal Essays by Broder, Melissa
The Divine Magnet: Herman Melville's Letters to Nathaniel Hawthorne by Melville, Herman
The Shakespearean Myth by Morgan, Appleton
K-Dreams 2 by
English literature and society in the eighteenth century . Ford lectures by Stephen, Leslie
Samuel Richardson and the Art of Letter-Writing by Curran, Louise
The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works of Katherine Mansfield: Volumes 1-4 by Mansfield, Katherine
The Diaries of Katherine Mansfield: Including Miscellaneous Works by
Nomfiction by
Re-Coded by
Micrograms by Walker, Nicole
Die romantische Schule by Heine, Heinrich
Letters on England by Voltaire
Levan Humanities Review, Volume 4, Issue 1 by Hernandez, Jack
Gagner ses pénates: Les recherches immobilières d'Hélène by Ferrari, Hélène
Ramblings of a Writer by Holloway, Janet
Measures of Astonishment: Poets on Poetry by Poets, The League of Canadian
This Thing We Call Literature by Krystal, Arthur
The Ways of Loving by Martin, Arlene Severola
Les Pas sur le sable by de Gourmont, Remy
Las Fuerzas Morales by Ingenieros, Jose
Violation: Collected Essays by Tisdale, Sallie
Safe at Last in the Middle Years: The Invention of the Midlife Progress Novel by Gullette, Margaret Marganroth
Shakespeare Box Set by Shakespeare, William
Life and Correspondence of David Hume Complete by Burton, John Hill
Life and Correspondence of David Hume Volume II by Burton, John Hill
Goethe's Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde by Arnim, Bettina Von
The drama of three hundred & sixty-five days: Scenes in the great war by Caine, Hall
What Persists: Selected Essays on Poetry from the Georgia Review, 1988-2014 by Kitchen, Judith
How to Proceed by Sant, Andrew
Du Travail Intellectuel En France, Depuis 1815 Jusqu'à 1837 Tome 1 by Duquesnel, Amédée
Du Travail Intellectuel En France, Depuis 1815 Jusqu'à 1837 Tome 2 by Duquesnel, Amédée
Mes Angoisses Et Nos Luttes, 1871-1873 by Adam, Juliette
Enter Pirates: Vintage Legends 1991-1999 by Notaro, Laurie
The Girls in My Town: Essays by Morales, Angela
Mein Jakobsweg: Erfahrungen einer Jakobuspilgerin by Schierl, Brunhilde
A Bestiary by Hoang, Lily
Crash Course: Essays from Where Writing and Life Collide by Black, Robin
Original Letters, Illustrative of English History - Vol. II by Ellis, Henry
The Utility of Boredom: Baseball Essays by Forbes, Andrew
A Literature of Restitution: Critical Essays on W. G. Sebald by
Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (Großdruck) by Kant, Immanuel
Thirty Days in November by Hocking, Bob
Über den Umgang mit Menschen: Text der erweiterten Auflage von 1790 by Knigge, Adolph Freiherr Von
Über den Umgang mit Menschen: Text der erweiterten Auflage von 1790 by Knigge, Adolph Freiherr Von
A Love Letter to Texas Women by Bird, Sarah
Pretentiousness: Why It Matters by Fox, Dan
The Art of Poetry: Forward's Poems of the Decade by Bowen, Neil, Harrison, Johanna, Meally, Michael
Tiiti de Gayport: Tributo ao Amor by Capeto, Maria Helena
The Life and Letters of James Martineau by Drummond, James
Inspirational Quotes by Townsend, Virgie P.
Life under the blue skies by Raizada, Ramesh
Unrequested Essays: ... And Other Thoughts by Patterson, Mike
Über die Freundschaft: und andere Essais by Michel de Montaigne
Nikomachische Ethik by Aristoteles
Über die Freundschaft: und andere Essais by Montaigne, Michel
The House That Made Me: Writers Reflect on the Places and People That Defined Them by Jarrett, Grant
Nikomachische Ethik by Aristoteles
A Cloud of Unusual Size and Shape: Meditations on Ruin and Redemption by Donovan, Matt
The Thing Is: Selected Writings by Patsy Garlan by Garlan, Patsy
What's Love Got to Do with It? a City Out of Thin Air by Schroeder, Steven
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