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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 2017

The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes: Volume Two by Poe, Edgar Allan
Lettres de Quelques Juifs Portugais Allemands Et Polonais À M de Voltaire Tome 3 by Guénée, Antoine
Plaidoirie de Me Fernand Labori: Audiences de Février 1898 by Labori, Fernand
Je Suis L'Autre: Essays and Interrogations by Darling, Kristina Marie
Mingled Souls: A Love Story in Letters 1916-1920 by Tanzer, Sheila Harvey
卷手语 - 世纪集团 by Ma, Shanglong
Pagan Papers by Grahame, Kenneth
Brighter Than You Think: 10 Short Works by Alan Moore: With Critical Essays by Marc Sobel by Moore, Alan, Sobel, Marc
The Adventures of Form and Content: Essays by Goldbarth, Albert
Falling in Love: With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science by Allen, Grant
The Fat Man Returns: The Elusive Hunt for California Bohemia and Other Matters by Rolfe, Lionel
Yours Always: Letters of Longing by
The Diary of Being Alive: Fifty-Two Short Pieces by Sullivan, Molly R.
Anaïs Nin: An Unprofessional Study by Ali, Kazim
Prejudices: Third Series by Mencken, H. L.
Die Tagesansicht gegenüber der Nachtansicht by Fechner, Gustav Theodor
Padmavati by Pavie, Théodore
Tremendous Trifles by Chesterton, G. K.
Walter Pater: an Imaginative Sense of Fact: A Collection of Essays by Dodd, Philip
The God of My Shoes: and other short stories & essays by Maxwell, Kareena
Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing by Carroll, Lewis
Being There: Journalism 1978-2000 by Teicholz, Tom
Growing Up Without Wifi: Memories Etched On The Heart by Kirkland, J. Smith
Brevier für Weltleute: Essays über Gesellschaft, Mode, Frauen, Reisen, Lebenskunst, Kunst, Philosophie by Schmitz, Oscar a. H.
Ausführliche Erklärung der hogarthischen Kupferstiche by Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph
Brevier für Weltleute: Essays über Gesellschaft, Mode, Frauen, Reisen, Lebenskunst, Kunst, Philosophie by Schmitz, Oscar a. H.
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 24, 1876 by Darwin, Charles
Handbüchlein der Moral by Epiktet
开卷书坊第四辑-旧日文事 - 世纪集团 by Gong, Mingde
开卷书坊第四辑-转益多师 - 世纪集团 by Chen, Shangjun
开卷书坊第四辑-开卷闲话九编 - 世纪集团 by Zi, Cong
Durchgeschüttelt: Henriettes Aufzeichnungen aus dem Superjahr 2016 by Hasenclever, Henriette
Dear Mr. President: Teen Voices from Across the Country by
Don't Come Back by Ferreira Cabeza-Vanegas, Lina María
A Means to Freedom: The Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard (Volume 1) by Howard, Robert E., Lovecraft, H. P.
A Means to Freedom: The Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard (Volume 2) by Lovecraft, H. P., Howard, Robert E.
When Up and Down Left Town by
Certain personal matters by Wells, H. G.
开卷书坊第四辑-渊研楼杂忆 - 世纪集团 by Tang, Bingzheng
Adventures in Language by Raley, Harold
Montaigne: A Life by Desan, Philippe
Antlers in Space and Other Common Phenomena by Wiley, Melissa
Die Disputationen und Promotionen an den deutschen Universitäten by Horn, Ewald
Götzen-Dämmerung: oder wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Montaigne in Transit: Essays in Honour of Ian Maclean by
Le livre de la St Valentin by Ternoise, Stephane
Vine Seninul by Sonnenberg, Gabriela Calutiu
Order in Disorder: Intratextual Symmetry in Montaigne's "Essais" by Runyon, Randolph Paul
"... wie ein Wald- und Wiesenkind": Eine Liebe in Briefen by Stutz, Manfred
de la Estupidez a la Locura / From Stupidity to Insanity by Eco, Umberto
Bilder und Szenen aus Amerika: nach vorzüglichen Reisebeschreibungen für die Jugend ausgewählt und bearbeitet - 1. Band by Grube, August Wilhelm
Conscientious Thinking: Making Sense in an Age of Idiot Savants by Bosworth, David
Speed Reading: For Beginners, Learn How To Comprehend And Double Your Reading Speed by Noel, Rosalyn
Walking It Off: A Veteran's Chronicle of War and Wilderness by Peacock, Doug
Confessions of a young man (Classic Edition) by Moore, George
Memories and Portraits by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Dialoge im Geiste Huttens by Panizza, Oskar
Letters to the President the Futuristic View by Milad, Anis I.
The Best Read Naturalist: Nature Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
The Best Read Naturalist: Nature Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
650 - What We Ate: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Lupini Beans by Curto, Kathy, Batterman, Deborah, Meyendorff, Margarita
Reel to Reel Productions presents: Real True Taughts of Good Over Evil by Queeley, Dave R.
Über die Lehre des Spinoza in Briefen an Herrn Moses Mendelssohn by Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich
Über die Lehre des Spinozas in Briefen an Moses Mendelssohn by Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich
Joseph von Führichs Briefe aus Italien an seine Eltern by Führich, Joseph Von
Julie von Bondeli und ihre Freundeskreis Wieland, Rousseau,: Zimmermann, Lavater, Leuchsenring, Usteri, Sophie Laroche, Frau v. Sandoz by Bondell, Julie Von, Bodemann, Eduard
Excursions by Thoreau, Henry David
Briefe der Herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orleans by Bodemann, Eduard
Briefe Beethovens by Nohl, Ludwig, Beethoven, Ludwig Van
Plume Interviews 1 by
Karl Lachmanns Briefe an Moriz Haupt by Lachmann, Karl, Haupt, Moriz, Vahlen, Johannes
Kritik der Urteilskraft by Erdmann, Benno, Kant, Immanuel
Selected Political Writings: The Great Moving Right Show and Other Essays by Hall, Stuart
Selected Political Writings: The Great Moving Right Show and Other Essays by Hall, Stuart
A Mixtape of Words by
Briefe von Christian Wolff aus den Jahren 1719-1753.: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg by Wolff, Christian
Briefe von Christian Wolff aus den Jahren 1719-1753: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg by Wolff, Christian, Kunik, Arist Aristovič
Run Scream Unbury Save by McCord, Katherine
Murunna Point Revisited: Essays, stories, poems by McFarlane, Ian
Der Übermensch in der modernen Litteratur: Ein Kapitel zur Geistesgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts by Berg, Leo
The Secret of Happiness: And Other Essays From The Huffington Post by Hughes, Babette
300 Arguments by Manguso, Sarah
L'arracheur de larmes by Mossayd, Khalid
Aldus Manutius und seine Zeitgenossen in Italien und Deutschland by Schück, Julius
Raccolta delle Lettere a Leonardo da Vinci custodite nel Castello Reale di Amboi: Leonardo 1516 by Curnis, Marino
British Country Life in Spring and Summer: The Book of the Open Air by Thomas, Edward
British Country Life in Autumn and Winter: The Book of the Open Air by Thomas, Edward
Elemente der Psychophysik: 1. Band by Fechner, Gustav Theodor
Elemente der Psychophysik: 1. Band by Fechner, Gustav Theodor
In These Great Times: Selected Writings by Kraus, Karl
Wiffle Folk & Slabtown Sages by Peltier, Allen Nelson
Second-Class Citizen: Effrontery and Other Such Follies by Snyder, David B.
De l'influence des passions: sur le bonheur des individus et des nations by de Staël, Germaine
Mindsets by Nash, Susan Smith
Oscar Wilde - Intentions: "The more we study Art, the less we care for Nature." by Wilde, Oscar
Among Other Things: Essays by Foreman, Robert Long
De Profundis by Wilde, Oscar
Der echte und der unechte Juvenal: Eine kritische Untersuchung by Ribbeck, Otto
Death Watch: A View from the Tenth Decade by Stern, Gerald
Self-Portrait with Dogwood by Merrill, Christopher
The Dream-Child's Progress and Other Essays by Hart, David Bentley
Native: Dispatches from an Israeli-Palestinian Life by Kashua, Sayed
Letters of C. S. Lewis by Lewis, C. S.
Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays by Lewis, C. S.
The World's Last Night: And Other Essays by Lewis, C. S.
The Abundance: Narrative Essays Old and New by Dillard, Annie
The Dream-Child's Progress and Other Essays by Hart, David Bentley
Manifest der kommunistischen Partei by Engels, Friedrich, Marx, Karl
La Coscienza Della Conoscenza: (il Viaggio Di Emilio Pitone) by Boccia, Mario
Riding Shotgun: Women Write about Their Mothers by
After Montaigne: Contemporary Essayists Cover the Essays by
Listen to the Light: Stories of Interruptions, Intersections and Insights by Warrington, Freda S.
Study in Perfect by Gorham, Sarah
Sontag and the Camp Aesthetic: Advancing New Perspectives by
Journeys Into the Mind of the World: A Book of Places by Tillinghast, Richard
A Knack for Knowing Things: Stories from St. Paul Neighborhoods and Beyond by Boxmeyer, Don
Ciceros Rede für L. Murena by Halm, Karl, Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Luise Rinser und Hermann Hesse, Briefwechsel 1935-1951 by Rinser, Luise
Luise Rinser und Hermann Hesse, Briefwechsel 1935-1951 by Rinser, Luise
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men at 75 by Lofaro, Michael A.
650 - What We Wore: True Stories of Power, Promises, and Polyester by Bastis, Kathleen Bennett, Casapini, Ann, Edelson, Lynn
El discurso femenino: conducta de Eros: Ensayos. Volumen I by Montes Huidobro, Matias
The Art of Poetry: AQA Love & Relationships by May, Jack, Mortimore, Kathrine, Jones, Neil
Entwürfe. Gedanken. Fragmente by Wagner, Richard
Ein (fast) leeres Buch. Und doch ist nahezu Alles gesagt. by Huthmacher, Richard a.
The Way I See It by Rubin, Sam E.
Ten Windows: How Great Poems Transform the World by Hirshfield, Jane
Puzzle Pieces: Finishing life's jigsaw by Williams, Kimberly Becknell
Der Echte und der unechte Juvenal: Eine kritische Untersuchung by Ribbeck, Otto
This Young Monster by Fox, Charlie
650 - The First Time: True Stories of Daring, Devotion, and Dating by Masello, David, Horrigan, Jeremiah, Bastis, Kathleen Bennett
Living Consciously: Essays by Marianne Duffill Cox by Cox, Marianne Duffill
Die Krisis der deutschen Auswanderung und ihre Benutzung für jetzt und immer: ein Hebel für deutsche Schiffahrt, deutschen Handel, deutsche Rhederei u by Sturz, Johann Jakob
Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems by Lambert, Lynda McKinney
Signs of Power in Habsburg Spain and the New World by
Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters im Abendlande: bis zum Beginne des XI. Jahrhunderts - 2. Band by Ebert, Adolf
Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters im Abendlande: 2. Band by Ebert, Adolf
La Paix du ménage - édition enrichie by de Balzac, Honoré
Animals Strike Curious Poses by Passarello, Elena
Welcome to America by Sklar, Noga
Goethes Anteil an Lavaters Physiognomischen Fragmenten by Hellen, Eduard Von Der
To Start With, Feel Fortunate by Meinke, Peter
Letters Like the Day: On Reading Georgia O'Keeffe by Sinor, Jennifer
Pain Woman Takes Your Keys, and Other Essays from a Nervous System by Huber, Sonya
Alpine Apprentice by Gorham, Sarah
Anarchism and Other Essays by Goldman, Emma
Reflections of Life to My Younger Self by
The Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands by Blackie, John Stuart
Essays in Idleness by Repplier, Agnes
Meditations In Motley: A Bundle Of Papers Imbued With The Sobriety Of Midnight by Harte, Walter Blackburn
Breaking Normal: Essays on My Fat, Black, Geek Life by Kel, Talynn
Articole, Eseuri - Vol.VII (2017) by Popovici, Vavila
Mona Lisa Smiles: And Other Tricks of Time by Stugrin, Michael Andrew
Sob Stories by Satullo, Kathleen Larocque
William Shakespeare by Elze, Karl
Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman by Whitman, Walt, Triggs, Oscar Lovell
Resist To Live: : Personal Essays on Living As Black, Transgender, and Queer in America by Andersen, Alexx
Dialoge im Geiste Huttens by Panizza, Oskar
The Art of the Stage as Set out in Lamb's Dramatic Essays by Lamb, Charles, Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington
South and West: From a Notebook by Didion, Joan
An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope by Warton, Joseph
Harpooning Donald Trump: A Novelist's Essays by LeClair, Tom
Gaston de Latour: An Unfinished Romance by Shadwell, Charles Lancelot, Pater, Walter
La Cité de la Paix by Largeaud, Jacques
Briefe hervorragender Zeitgenossen an Franz Liszt: Nach den Handschriften des Weimarer Liszt-Museums - 2. Band by Mara, La
Briefe hervorragender Zeitgenossen an Franz Liszt: Nach den Handschriften des Weimarer Liszt-Museums - 1. Band 1824-1854 by Mara, La
Briefe hervorragender Zeitgenossen an Franz Liszt: Nach den Handschriften des Weimarer Liszt-Museums - 3. Band by Mara, La
Society and Solitude: Twelve Chapters by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Yarns From My Dropped Threads by Chase, Lynne
The Art of Poetry: Edexcel GCSE Relationships by Bowen, Neil
Letters to My Daughter: Things I Wish My Mother Had Said to Me by Dockery, Dahomy
Roswitha und Conrad Celtes by Aschbach, Joseph
Complete Prose Works by Whitman, Walt
Passages From the Prose Writings of Matthew Arnold by Arnold, Matthew
Faith Expressions by Allen, Kenny Reese
Letters of James Russell Lowell: Vol. II by Lowell, James Russell, Norton, Charles Eliot, Hearst, William Randolph
The Art of Poetry: Forward Poems, revised selection by Harrison, Johanna, Bowen, Neil, Meally, Michael
How We Speak to One Another by
English Men of Letters by Morley, John
Remains in Verse and Prose: With a Preface and a Memoir by Hallam, Arthur Henry, Hallam, Henry Fitzmaurice
Cartas do Apanhado: Correspondência de um Soldado na Guerra Colonial by Machado, José Martins
My Scamatology Book by Graham, Al N.
Word Portraits of Famous Writers by Wotton, Mabel E.
Letters Addressed to a College Friend During the Years 1840-1845 by Ruskin, John
Last Day, First Day by Benjamins, Erik
Burns' Clarinda: Brief Papers Concerning the Poet's Renowned Correspondent by Ross, John Dawson
Let Us Build Us a City by Daugherty, Tracy
Up and Down Australia Again by Upfield, Arthur W.
Letters on England by Voltaire
Unanimous Anonymous: Cosmic Eliminator Series Four by Cernik, Leonard
Skizzen, Feuilletons, Reportagen by Weerth, Georg
Skizzen, Feuilletons, Reportagen by Weerth, Georg
English Men of Letters by Morley, John
Ausgewählte Briefe Ciceros by Frey, Johann Joseph, Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Out of the Past by Godwin, Parke
Letters on the Italian Opera by Brown, John, Cadell, Thomas, Monboddo, James Burnett
Prose Writings of William Cullen Bryant by Godwin, Parke, Bryant, William Cullen
Letters of Jane Austen: Edited And With an Introduction And Critical Remarks - Volume I by Austen, Jane, Brabourne, Edward Hugessen
Men, Women, and Books: A Selection of Sketches, Essays, and Critical Memoirs by Hunt, Leigh
Shakespeares Mädchen und Frauen by Heine, Heinrich
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