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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 2018

The World as I See It by Einstein, Albert
The World as I See It by Einstein, Albert
Prayers Gathered Along the Way - A Memoir Captivating Compelling Letters to God (Journey Conversations) by Walters, Christine
South and West: From a Notebook by Didion, Joan
A Miscellany of Men by Chesterton, G. K.
Dear Jane, Love, John: Letters from the Korean War by Minerva, John
Dear Jane, Love, John: Letters from the Korean War by Minerva, John
Vor dem Erwachen / Eine Nacht: Zwei Novellen by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Vor dem Erwachen / Eine Nacht: Zwei Novellen by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Yours Always: Letters of Longing by
Emerson's Memory Loss: Originality, Communality, and the Late Style by Hanlon, Christopher
Northwest Vignettes Volume One: Creative Nonfiction Stories by NW Writers by Writers, Northwest
Life of Lord Byron: And Other sketches by Arnold, Amelia Elizabeth Hyde Lady, Castelar, Emilio
The Harvard Classics: Volume I by Penn, William, Franklin, Benjamin
Men, Women and Books: A Selection of Sketches, Essays and Critical Memoirs by Hunt, Leigh
My Own Darling Wife: Letters from a Confederate Volunteer by Calhoun, John Francis, Calhoun, Andrew P., Jr.
Discovered In Retrospect by A'Non, Sail, Akin, Omer
Revival: A Last Vintage (1950): Essays and Papers by George Saintsbury by Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman
Revival: George Saintsbury: The Memorial Volume (1945): A New Collection of His Essays and Papers by Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman
Evolution of Self-Consciousness by Wright, Chauncey
Voices, Places: Essays by Mason, David
The Correspondence by Daniels, J. D.
Silence Would Be Treason: The Last Writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa by Saro-Wiwa, Ken
Essays & Lectures by Wilde, Oscar
650 - Immigration Nation: True Stories of Assimilation and Celebration by Taylor, Angela Derecas, Katz, Marilyn Ogus, Casapini, Ann
Visions: Essays on Mental Illness by Phoenix
Autres pamphlets by Céline, Louis Ferdinand
Northwest Vignettes Volume Two: Creative Nonfiction Stories by NW Writers by Writers, Northwest
Love Earth Now: The Power of Doing One Thing Every Day (Environment, Green Living, Sustainable Gift) by Leutjen, Cheryl
The Meaning of Michelle: 16 Writers on the Iconic First Lady and How Her Journey Inspires Our Own by Chambers, Veronica
Insomniac City: New York, Oliver Sacks, and Me by Hayes, Bill
...just saying!: Observations and opinions of an old salt. by Dial, William Stephen
Ensayos de Francis Bacon by Bacon, Francis, Escribano, Mar
Best of VJMP 2017: The best essays from VJM Publishing during 2017 by McLeod, Vince
Was mal gesagt werden muss. Oder auch nicht.: Ausgewählte Kolumnen des Dr. Mabuse by Kohl, Peter
La scuola dei cadaveri by Céline, Louis Ferdinand
A Companion to Ezra Pound's Guide to Kulchur by Araujo, Anderson
Infinity to Dine by Lazenby
Briefwechsel 1910-1914 by Macke, August, Marc, Franz
Briefwechsel 1910-1914 by Marc, Franz, Macke, August
Stray Letters from Professor Ruskin to a London Bibliopole by Ellis, Frederick Startridge, Ruskin, John, Wise, Thomas James
Heart and Soul by Cassanolochman, Sharon
Gifted Time by Cassanolochman, Sharon
God's Light by Cassanolochman, Sharon
Écrits controversés by Céline, Louis Ferdinand
Écrits controversés by Céline, Louis Ferdinand
20 Narradores Colombianos en USA: Literatura Colombiana en la Diaspora by Marceles D., Eduardo, Vega, Rafael
Happiest Hour: Through the window, the eyes still gaze the actions of the world within the lonely brains; for the beauty and the ugli by Gunaydin Karakose, Serife
Premodern Korean Literary Prose: An Anthology by
Premodern Korean Literary Prose: An Anthology by
The Fire Between the Pages: The Dreams You are Igniting by Members, Ywwc
MicroZine by Hart, Pauly
La Carmagnole d'Olympio by Thomas, Alexandre
Things I've Written: Essays, Poems, Songs & Short Stories by Johns, Gene
Questions: Chronicles of a life by Wambui, Tex
La Campaña del Maestrazgo by Galdos, Benito Perez
iola: living life well by
Als Eskimo unter den Eskimos by Klutschak, Heinrich W.
The Press and the Stage: An Oration by Winter, William
Stevenson's Attitude to Life; by Genung, John Franklin
Shakespeare, the Man: An Essay by Bagehot, Walter
Mrs. Piozzi and Isaac Watts by Piozzi, Hester Lynch
Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis: An Essay by Brohm, Ernst
English Men of Letters: Burke by Morley, John
The Eighteen Nineties: A Review of Art and Ideas at the Close of the Nineteenth Century by Jackson, Holbrook
Up Up, Down Down: Essays by Cheston Knapp
Corneille À La Butte Saint-Roch, Comédie En Un Acte En Vers. Théâtre-Français, Le 6 Juin 1862 by Fournier, Édouard
Prison Pens: Gender, Memory, and Imprisonment in the Writings of Mollie Scollay and Wash Nelson, 1863-1866 by
Bag of Hammers by Riche, Edward
Prison Pens: Gender, Memory, and Imprisonment in the Writings of Mollie Scollay and Wash Nelson, 1863-1866 by
Taut Lines: Extraordinary True Fishing Stories by
Waiting for Charlie: Mercenary Soldiers, Failed States, and the Love That Means More Than Money by Zakin, Susan
Elements of Rhetoric & Literature Criticism by Boyd, James Robert
Dante in English Literature From Chaucer to Cary (c. 1380-1844): With Introduction, Notes, Biographical Notices, Chronological List, and General Index by Toynbee, Paget Jackson
Lettres de Gui Patin: Nouvelle Édition Augmentée de Lettres Inédites, Précédée D'une Notice Biographique, Accompagnée de Remarques Scientifi by Patin, Guy, Reveillé-Parise, J-H 1782-1852
MicroZine 2 by Hart, Pauly
A Study in Shirley's Comedies of London Life by Parlin, Hanson Tufts
German Poets by Gostwick, Joseph
Modern men of Letters Honestly Criticised by Friswell, James Hain
Essays on Several Important Subjects in Philosophy and Religion by Glanvill, Joseph
The Reputation of Abraham Cowley, 1660-1800 by Nethercot, Arthur Hobart
Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Study by Ransome, Arthur
Moral and Literary Dissertations, on the Following Subjects: 1. On Truth and Faithfulnss. 2. On Habit and Association. 3. On Inconsistency of Expectat by Percival, Thomas
The Place of Shakspeare in Elizabethan Drama; Being the Annual Lecture Delivered Under the Auspices of the Melbourne Shakespeare Society, July, 1914 by Oliphant, Ernest Henry Clark
Literary Celebrities of the English Lake-district by Sessions, Frederick
The Land Between Two Rivers: Writing in an Age of Refugees by Sleigh, Tom
Was Thomas Lodge an Actor? An Exposition Touching the Social Status of the Playwright in the Time of Queen Elizabeth by Ingleby, Clement Mansfield
Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its Neighborhood, on Subjects Interesting to the Author, and to Them by Priestley, Joseph, Kennedy, Andrew
John Wesley's Place in History, by Woodrow Wilson.. by Wilson, Woodrow
Catalogue of a Large and Valuable Assortment of Books, Most of Them English Editions, and in Elegant Bindings, to be Sold, Without Reserve, at the Sto by Amory, Francis
An Outline Guide to the Study of Spenser by Carpenter, Frederic Ives
Gesichte: Essays und andere Geschichten by Lasker-Schüler, Else
We Count It All Joy by Toalson, Rachel
Living a Country Year: Wit and Wisdom from the Good Old Days by Apps, Jerry
Killings by Trillin, Calvin
Every Farm Tells a Story: A Tale of Family Values by Apps, Jerry
Italian Studies, Their Place in Modern Education by Okey, Thomas
What is History? by Cheyney, Edward Potts
The Achievement Of American Criticism by Brown, Clarence Arthur
The Life and Letters of St. Teresa; Volume 3 by Coleridge, Henry James
The Beatles: The Sound of the Sixties by 50minutes
Cowper, Illustrated By A Series Of Views [by J.s. Storer, H.s. Storer And J. Greig] In, Or Near, The Park Of Weston-underwood, Bucks. Accompanied With by Brayley, Edward Wedlake
A Memoir Of The Life And Writings Of The Late William Taylor, Containig His Correspondance With R. Southey And Original Letters From Sir Walter Scott; by Robberds, J. W.
Au bonheur des dames by Zola, Emile
The Student's Handbook Of British And American Literature: With Selections From The Writings Of The Most Distinguished Authors by Jenkins, Oliver Louis
The Life And Works Of Friedrich Hebbel by Campbell, Thomas Moody
The Spirit Of The Age by Hazlitt, William
Picture and Text by James, Henry
Within the Rim and Other Essays by James, Henry
An Edinburgh Eleven by Barrie, James Matthew
Short History Of French Literature by Saintsbury, George
Soul of a Community Leader: Educator, Senator, Parliamentarian, Cabinet Minister - A Historical Journey by Butterfield, D. Neletha
A Time for all Things: Collected Essays and Sketches by Bond, Ruskin
Revenge of the Donut Boys: True Stories of Lust, Fame, Survival and Multiple Personality by Sager, Mike
Cutthroat, a Journal of the Arts, Issue 23 by Harjo, Joy, Eady, Cornelius, Hogue, Cynthia
Alchemy of the Word: Writers Talk About Writing: 2nd Edition by Liu, Aimee
Album: Unpublished Correspondence and Texts by Barthes, Roland
Totengespräche by Mauthner, Fritz
Totengespräche by Mauthner, Fritz
Wise Words and Quaint Counsels of Thomas Fuller by Jessopp, Augustus, Fuller, Thomas
An Account of the Life and Writings of James Beattie, L.L.D by Forbes, William
Impressions of America by Wilde, Oscar
Letters to Apple: The Memoire of an American in a Caracas Jail: A Story of Love and Adventure by Axelrad, Leonard Ira
The Literary Magazine, and American Register; Volume 1 by Brown, Charles Brockden
The World Beautiful; Volume 1 by Whiting, Lilian
Des hl. Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus Tractat by Matzinger, Sebastian
The Student's Common Place Book: A Cyclopedia of Illustration and Fact Topically Arranged. for the Use of Students in Every Department of English Lite by Fox, Henry J.
The French Miracle and French Civilisation by Giraud, Victor
Essays: An Analysis of Traditional and Marginal Literature by Stewart, S. R.
Consider the Damn Lily: Essays About Life with God, Humanity, and the F Word by Duty, Susan A.
In the Dark Room by Dillon, Brian
Real Conversations by Archer, William
A Study of Elizabeth Barrett Browning by Whiting, Lilian
The Life of Samuel Johnson, L.L. D.: Together With a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. a Reprint of the First Edition, to Which Are Added Mr. Boswell by Boswell, James
The Literary Magazine, and American Register; Volume 2 by Brown, Charles Brockden
Douglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine; Volume 6 by Jerrold, Douglas William
Memoirs of John Evelyn, Esq., F.R.S.: Comprising His Diary, From 1641 to 1705-6, and a Selection of His Familiar Letters by Evelyn, John
The Whole Critical Works of Monsieur Rapin by Rapin, René
Les Bouquinistes Et Les Quais De Paris Tels Qu'ils Sont: Réfutation Du Pamphlet D'o. Uzanne by Laporte, Antoine
Letters of Prosper Mérimée to Panizzi; Volume 2 by Mérimée, Prosper, Dunstan, H. Mainwaring
The Darkness Call: Essays by Fincke, Gary
Ga Cuoi Duong Tau by Phuong, Huy
Art of Poetry: Edexcel GCSE: Time & place by Bowen, Neil
Talking Walking: Essays in Cultural Criticism by Bowlby, Rachel
Ripples of Reason: My Thoughts by Kabir, Rasheda
The Jonathan Papers by Morris, Elisabeth Woodbridge
The Life of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England: The Life Of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor Of England by Mallet, David
Syllabus of a Course of Six Lectures On the Divine Comedy of Dante by Griggs, Edward Howard
Thoughts from Inside the Heart of a Storm by Willis, L. Ruben
The Plays of William Shakspeare: Complete, in Eight Volumes: V.7 by Shakespeare, William
Letters of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Signer of the Declaration of Independence, and his son William Franklin, Colonial Governor of New Jersey, to William by Franklin, William, Franklin, Benjamin
Losing Francis: Essays on the Wars at Home by Sommer, Robert F.
The Short-story, Medieval and Modern: Syllabus and Bibliography by Hart, Walter Morris
Las catilinarias by Montalvo, Juan
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators: to Which are Added Notes: 4 by Steevens, George, Shakespeare, William, Johnson, Samuel
Our Recent Actors: Being Recollections Critical, And, In Many Instances, Personal, Of Late Distinguished Performers Of Both Sexes. With S by Marston, Westland
Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life by Li, Yiyun
Best Korean Short Stories Collection 3 by
Memoirs Of Mrs. Siddons: Interspersed With Anecdotes Of Authors And Actors; Volume 1 by Boaden, James
Lewisiana, Or, The Lewis Letter, Volumes 14-15 by Anonymous
Virginibus Puerisque, and Other Papers Robert Louis Stevenson by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Beckett Matters: Essays on Beckett's Late Modernism by Gontarski, S. E.
Foure Letters and Certeine Sonnets, Especially Touching Robert Greene and Other Parties by him Abused, 1592 by Harvey, Gabriel
Half-hours of French Translation; or Extracts From the Best English Authors to be Rendered Into French, and Also Passages Translated From Contemporary by Mariette, Alphonse
The Complete Writings of Charles Dudley Warner; Volume 6 by Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford, Warner, Charles Dudley
The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D.: With Copious Notes and Additions and a Memoir of the Author; Volume 6 by Swift, Jonathan, Roscoe, Thomas
Journal, Published With the Consent of the Family. Translated With an Introd. by William M. Linghtbody by Lightbody, William M., Guérin, Eugénie de
Some Aspects of the Genius of Giovanni Boccaccio by Hutton, Edward
The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, Volumes 1-2: Boston School Ed by Paley, William
Take Two: How Adaptation Changes Stories by Smith, Mike
L'identità dell'uomo contemporaneo by Ciccia, Giuseppe
We Need Silence to Find Out What We Think: Selected Essays by Hazzard, Shirley
Don't Call Me Princess: Essays on Girls, Women, Sex, and Life by Orenstein, Peggy
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 1 Discours: : Avec Les Notes de Tous Les Commentateurs by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 22 Correspondance T3 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 24 Correspondance T5 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 3 Emile T1 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 9 Nouvelle Héloîse T2 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Le Jardin d'Epicure (6e Éd.) by France-A
Napoléon et les femmes. L'amour 5e édition by Masson-F
Oeuvres complètes de J. J. Rousseau: avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. T. 17 - Tome 17 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
A Parkside View: Volumes 1 & 2 by Hocking, Bob
Revolution and Other Essays by London, Jack
Great Britain at War by Farnol, Jeffery
Recollections of Europe by Cooper, James Fenimore
L'Abbé Crozes, Aumonier de la Roquette, Otage de la Commune, Son Arrestation, Sa Captivité,: Sa Délivrance Racontées Par Lui-Même: Le Capitaine Fédéré by Crozes-A
Russian Science Fiction Literature and Cinema: A Critical Reader by
A/Z: Essays in Honor of Alexander Zholkovsky by
A/Z: Essays in Honor of Alexander Zholkovsky by
Homo comicus by L Yvonnet-F
Les têtes by Chessex-J
Bohèmes en prose by Bedu-J J.
De l'éloquence en vulgaire by Alighieri-D
Plans rapprochés by Bedos-G
Un peuple de philosophes by Meleze Modrzejewski-J
Nicolas Sarkozy by Malouines-M E.
Présence d'esprit by Terence-M
La Théogonie by Wacziarg-Engel-A
La Grèce fantôme by Grigoriou-P
Plaidoyer pour un emploi responsable by Gri-F
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