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Letters & Essays in 2019

Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 4 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 7 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 6 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 10 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 9 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 5 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 3 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 8 by Sand, George
Précis de l'Histoire de la Littérature Française by Ministère Des Finances
Histoire Du Luxe Privé Et Public, Depuis l'Antiquité Jusqu'à Nos Jours. 2e Édition. Tome 2 by Pouget, Louis
Histoire Du Luxe Privé Et Public, Depuis l'Antiquité Jusqu'à Nos Jours. 2e Édition. Tome 1 by Saint-Germain-Leduc
Lie on Your Wounds: The Prison Correspondence of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe by Sobukwe, Robert
In My Mind's Eye: A Thought Diary by Morris, Jan
Jiang Fucong Collection (II Museology and Documentation Science): 蔣復璁文集(二):博物館&# by Fucong Jiang, 蔣復璁, Ehgbooks
Monetising the Dividual Self: The Emergence of the Lifestyle Blog and Influencers in Malaysia by Hopkins, Julian
More Colors Through My Mental Prism by Bittle, Randy
Dear Ms. Twenty Three: Letters To Penny by Colonello, Michael Anthony Raphael
On Freedom and the Will to Adorn: The Art of the African American Essay by Wall, Cheryl a.
I'm Coming For Your Washing Machine. Book 2: 68 Essays by Stephen Jager by Jager, Stephen
The Prophet by Gibran, Khalil
The Prophet by Gibran, Khalil
On Freedom and the Will to Adorn: The Art of the African American Essay by Wall, Cheryl a.
Fuji, Sinai, Olympos by Hoffman, Michael
Correspondence: 1927-1987 by Campbell, Joseph
I'm Not Here to Give a Speech by García Márquez, Gabriel
The Sopranos Sessions by Sepinwall, Alan, Seitz, Matt Zoller
On Leaders and Icons: From Jinnah to Modi by Nayar, Kuldip
Thoughts from within by Koosah, Samir P.
Rogue Birder: The Making of a Modern Ornithologist by Browning, Ralph
Deep Love by Sohail, K.
Best of VJMP 2018: The best essays from VJM Publishing in 2018 by McLeod, Vince, McGlashan, Dan, Nilsen, Anna
Redemption Ground: Essays and Adventures by Goodison, Lorna
Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings by Benjamin, Walter
No Time to Spare: Thinking about What Matters by Le Guin, Ursula K.
The Art of the Black Essay by Butler, Cheryl
Three Letters Concerning the Present State of Italy, Written in the Year 1687 by Burnet, Gilbert
A candid examination of Dr. Mayhew's Observations on the charter and conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: Inters by Caner, Henry
Espacios Privados, Lugares Públicos: Una Mujer En El Mundo Como En Casa by Kathmann, Lucina
Such Stuff as Stars Are Made of: Thoughts on Savoring the Wonders in Everyday Life by Hicks, Caroline Castle
Private Spaces, Public Places: A Woman at Home in the World by Kathmann, Lucina
Drei Briefe an einen Knaben by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Manifest der kommunistischen Partei by Engels, Friedrich, Marx, Karl
Bookends LP (Large Print Edition) by Chabon, Michael
The Art of Loading Brush: New Agrarian Writings by Berry, Wendell
Refine The Retreat, Issue 001: Listen: Awaken Your Soul To The Voice Of God by Camealy, Kris
Healing Fictions: Assorted Essays on Literature & Art by Armstrong, Alison
Healing Fictions: Assorted Essays on Literature & Art by Armstrong, Alison
Memoirs of the life, studies, and writings of the Right Reverend George Horne, D.D. late Lord Bishop of Norwich.: With I. A new Preface, on certain in by Jones, William
The Bend at the End of the Road by Malzberg, Barry N.
Mon inconnu en corps, ou l'art de la correspondance à sens unique. by Poesie, Yousra
Revival: Stories by Contemporary Japanese Women Writers (1983) by Lippit, Noriko Mizuta, Selden, Kyoko Iriye
Biographia Floridiana: Essaying Florida by York, Lamar
650 Straight Outta Ireland: True Stories of Immigration, Adaptation, and Celebration by
Strike the Empty: Notes for Readers, Writers, and Teachers of Memoir by Kephart, Beth
Revival: A Primer of Tennyson (1901): With a Critical essay by Dixon, Macneile W.
Mothers of Sparta by Davies, Dawn
Montaigne: A Life by Desan, Philippe
Storm for the Living and the Dead: Uncollected and Unpublished Poems by Bukowski, Charles
Revival: A Last Vintage (1950): Essays and Papers by George Saintsbury by Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman
Revival: George Saintsbury: The Memorial Volume (1945): A New Collection of His Essays and Papers by Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman
The Chaste Extinction: Essays by Watterson, Dodge
Golden Handcuffs Review 26 by
Lie on Your Wounds: The Prison Correspondence of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe by Sobukwe, Robert
Equal & Empowered: Essays, Poems, & Art Inspired by Feminism: By Young Students Around the World by
Alternatives compared,: Or, What shall the rich do to be safe? by Beddoes, Thomas
A philosophical and critical history of the fine arts, painting, sculpture, and architecture: With occasional observations on the progress of engravin by Bromley, Robert Anthony
These Are Strange Times, My Dear: Field Notes from the Republic by Willis, Wendy
Feel Free: Essays by Smith, Zadie
The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays by Wang, Esmé Weijun
The true history of Joshua Davidson, Christian and communist by Linton, E. Lynn
A Modest Proposal and Other Satires by Swift, Jonathan
California Beige: Poems & Other Writings by Saltman, Benjamin
Sherlock Puzzle Book (Volume 2): Bloody Murders Of Moriarty Documented By Dr John Watson by Walker, Mildred T.
Sherlock Puzzle Book (Volume 3): Spending A Day In London With Mycroft Holmes by Walker, Mildred T.
Dreamthorp: Vol. 2 by Smith, Alexander
Richard Holt Hutton of the Spectator;: A monograph by Hogben, John
Réflexions Critiques Sur La Poésie Et Sur La Peinture; Volume 2 by Dubos, Jean-Baptiste
Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit. DRITTE AUFLAGE by Herder, Johann Gottfried, Luden, Heinrich
Essais de Michel de Montaigne. Avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. Édition publiée par J.-V. Le Clerc. Tome Troisième by Montaigne, Michel, Gournay, Marie Le Jars De
Les Essais de Montaigne; Volume 4 by
Der Briefwechsel des M. Tullius Cicero von seinem Prokonsulat in Cilicien bis zu Caesars Ermordung; nebst einem Neudrucke des XII. und XIII. Buches de by Schmidt, Otto Eduard, Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Les Essais de Michel de Montaigne; Volume 4 by
Als Eskimo unter den Eskimos. Eine Schilderung der Erlebnisse der Schwatka'schen Franklin-Aufsuchungs-Expedition in den Jahren 1878-80, etc. by Klutschak, Heinrich W., Schwatka, Frederick
Les Essais de Montaigne; Volume 6 by
Les Essais de Michel de Montaigne; Volume 3 by
Les Essais de Montaigne; Volume 7 by
OEuvres complètes de Lord Byron. Traduction de M. Amédée Pichot. Onzième édition, accompagnée de notes historiques et littéraires. by Byron, George Gordon, Pichot, Joseph Jean Marie Charles Améd
Chez les Hova (au pays rouge) by Carol, Jean
Le Spectateur: Ou, Le Socrate Moderne, Ou L'on Voit Un Portrait Naïf Des Moeurs De Ce Siècle by Addison, Joseph
Ein Lebensbild aus ihren Briefen, 1799 bis 1832 by Varnhagen, Rahel
Lettres De Ciceron A Atticus; Volume 4 by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Lettres Et Billets De Voltaire À L'époque De Son Retour De Prusse En France En 1753 by Voltaire
Madame la Marquise de Blocqueville, née Princesse d'Eckmühl: Étude, souvenir pour ses amis by Buet, Charles, Hoyt, William Henry
A Poesia Toda ou os Poemas Completos: variantes e práticas textuais em Herberto Helder by Couts, Alexandra
Introduction aux essais de Montaigne by Champion, Edmé
Bibliothèque Choisie, Pour Servir De Suite À La Bibliotheque Universelle; Volume 6 by Clerc, Jean Le
Seizième siècle; études littéraires by Faguet, Emile
Elemente der Psychophysik: 1 by Fechner, Gustav Theodor
Koreana - Coffee Guff by Wagle, Narayan
Briefe eines Verstorbenen (Großdruck): Erster und zweiter Teil by Pückler-Muskau, Hermann Von
Briefe eines Verstorbenen (Großdruck): Dritter und vierter Teil by Pückler-Muskau, Hermann Von
Briefe eines Verstorbenen (Großdruck): Erster und zweiter Teil by Pückler-Muskau, Hermann Von
Briefe eines Verstorbenen (Großdruck): Dritter und vierter Teil by Pückler-Muskau, Hermann Von
Amours D'opéra Au Xviiie Siècle... by Jullien, Adolphe
L'assassinat de la Duchesse de Praslin; d'après d'archives et les mémoires by Savine, Albert
Cours De Littérature Française: Tableau De La Littérature Au Xviiie Siècle, Volume 1... by Villemain, Abel François
Souvenirs, Correspondance, 1831-1908 by Ranc, Arthur
Anleitung Zur Erlernung Der Portugiesischen Sprache, dritte Auflage. by Anstett, J. Philipp
Les idées religieuses de J.-L. Guez de Balzac by Sabrié, J. B.
I Am From Your Mysterious Story by Zeng, Minglu
Antico Egitto: Credenze Religiose by Pace, Maria
Nouveau Traité De Diplomatique, Où L'on Examine Les Fondemens De Cet Art: On Etablit Des Regles Sur Le Discernement Des Titres ...; Volume 1 by Toustain, Charles François
Briefe über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen (Großdruck) by Schiller, Friedrich
Briefe über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen (Großdruck) by Schiller, Friedrich
Briefe an einen jungen Dichter (Großdruck) by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Romance of Elsewhere: Essays by Freed, Lynn
Sherlock Puzzle Book (Volume 1-3): Compilation Of 3 Books With Additional Bonus Contents By Mrs Hudson by Walker, Mildred T.
Fluid States: Essays by Czerwiec, Heidi
The Selected Works of Edward Said, 1966 - 2006 by Said, Edward W.
On Drinking by Bukowski, Charles
The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations by Morrison, Toni
What Are We Doing Here?: Essays by Robinson, Marilynne
Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions by Steinem, Gloria
I Wrote This Book Because I Love You: Essays by Kreider, Tim
The Book of Delights: Essays by Gay, Ross
Goethe als Naturforscher, Vorlesungen gehalten im Sommer-Semester 1906 an der Universität Heidelberg by Magnus, Rudolf
Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes: And Other Travel Writings by Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Age of Chaucer (1346-1400) by Snell, F. J.
The Orchard: selected stories by Simmonds, Ira Sumner
Rainer Maria Rilke (Großdruck): Buch des Gedenkens by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Società e psiche: Appunti di psicologia sociale by Cerracchio, Carlo
Rainer Maria Rilke (Großdruck): Buch des Gedenkens by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Strange Attractors: Lives Changed by Chance by
Lebensrückblick (Großdruck): Eine Autobiographie by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Lebensrückblick (Großdruck): Eine Autobiographie by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
The Quill and the Crow: Collected Essays on Writing, 2006 - 2008 by Saintcrow, Lilith
Song of Ourself: Voices in Unison by
Lettere Politiche by Massari, Giuseppe
Lettere Politiche by Massari, Giuseppe
Story of Some Famous Books by Saunders, Frederick
The British Essayists To Which Prefixed Biographical, Historical, and Critical by Ferguson, James
The Cottage Library; Volume V by Oxenden, Ashton
The Third Reader of the Popular Series by Willson, Marcius
Masters in History: Gibbon, Grote, Macaulay, Motley by Anton, Peter
Memoirs of George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; Volume IV by Jesse, John Heneage
A Brief Memoir With Portions of the Diary, Letters, and Other Remains by Southall, Eliza Allen
Jest and Earnest: A Collection of Essays and Reviews; Volume I by Dasent, George Webbe
Reticence in Literature: And Other Papers by Waugh, Arthur
Essays in Mosaic by Ballantyne, Thomas
Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Philosophy of English Literature by BASCOM, John
Memoir of the Rev. Michael C. Taylor, With Extracts. From His Correspondence by Hellier, Michael Coulson Taylor Benjami
Evenings in Autumn: A Series of Essays, Narrative and Miscellaneous; Volume I by Drake, Nathan
Dix Ans de Journalisme Mélanges by Dunn, Oscar
A Dissertation on the Primary Objects of Idolatrous Worship by Maitland, Samuel Roffey
Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature; Volume III by Brandes, George
Torquato Tasso e I Benedettini Cassinesi by Tosti, Luigi
The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey; Volume VII by Quincey, Thomas de
The Gift of an Uncle; or, A Short Description of Some of the Peculiarities by Anonymous
Modern Idols: Studies in Biography and Criticism by Thorne, William Henry
Modern Idols: Studies in Biography and Criticism by Thorne, William Henry
Memoir of Count de Montalembert by Oliphant
Memoir of Count de Montalembert by Oliphant
John Keble: An Essay on the Author of the Christian Year by Shairp, John Campbell
Adventures in Thule, Three Stories for Boys by Black, William
Essays on Modern Dramatists by Phelps, William Lyon
Brief for Plaintiff: Bacon vs. Shakespeare by Reed, Edwin
My Study Windows by Lowell, James Russell
The Son of Pio by Carlsen, Carl Laurence
Three Centuries of Scottish Literature by Walker, Hugh
Lettres sur Les Etats Généraux de 1789 by Louis De Gontaut Biron, John Boyd Thache
Two Lectures on Classical Literature, Being Part of a Course Delivered at the New York Athenanum by Ray, Richard
Nouvelles Lettres D'Italie by Laveleye, Emile De
The Beginnings of the English Romantic Movement by Phelps, William Lyon
Dissertation sur les Feuilles Vertes et Colorées by Morren, Édouard
Tipograf-ía Hispalense: Anales Bibliogáficos de la Ciudad de Sevilla by Escudero y. Perosso, Francisco
The Best Readings by Perkins, Frederic Beecher
Daily Duties Inculcated in A Series of Letters, Addressed to the Wife of A by Adams
Historical Sketches of Statesmen who Flourished in the Time of George III by Brougham, Henry
An Essay on Primæval History by Kenrick, John
Essays About Men, Women, and Books by Birrell, Augustine
Shelburne Essays: Seventh Series by More, Paul Elmer
The Addresses and Journal of Proceedings of the National Educational Association by Educational Association (U S. )., National
The Autolycus of the Bookstalls by Jerrold, Walter
The Early Literary Career of Robert Browning: Four Lectures by Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford
Rousseau, As Described by Himself and Others by Craddock, Thomas
Certain Accepted Heroes and Other Essays in Literature and Politics by Lodge, Henry Cabot
Une Crise Religieuse en Angleterre: Essays and Reviews by Meignan, Guillaume René
Two Lectures on Classical Literature, Being Part of a Course Delivered at the New York Athenanum by Ray, Richard
The Third Reader of the Popular Series by Willson, Marcius
Men and Letters: Essays in Characterization and Criticism by Scudder, Horace Elisha
Essays on Modern Dramatists by Phelps, William Lyon
Masters in History: Gibbon, Grote, Macaulay, Motley by Anton, Peter
Daily Duties Inculcated in A Series of Letters, Addressed to the Wife of A by Adams
Emblemes and Epigrames by Thynne, Francis
Journal of the Pâli Text Society 1906-1907 by T. W. Rhys Davids, Edited
年在耳順: At my 60's by 潘, 國鍵
國鍵文集 第二輯 教育 A Collection of Kwok Kin's Newspaper Columns, Vol. 2: Education by Kwok Kin by 潘, 國鍵
國鍵文集 第三輯 生活 A Collection of Kwok Kin's Newspaper Columns, Vol. 3: Life by Kwok Kin POON by 潘, 國鍵
The Friendly Craft: A Collection of American Letters by Hanscom, Elizabeth Deering
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