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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Letters & Essays in 2022

From the Heart of Nature by Gale-Malhotra, Pamela
Noch Ein at the Stein by Shaner, Tim
La surface de nos rêves: Une année en quelques mots by Detain, Sylvie
Mt. Olympus Cometh by Cruz, Zeus
Kourage by Denis Adde
Sense and Sensibility: A Novel by J. Austen [2021 Annotated Edition] by Austen, Jane
Persuasion: A Novel by J. Austen [2021 Annotated Edition] by Austen, Jane
Northanger Abbey: A Novel by J. Austen [ The Annotated Edition] by Austen, Jane
Reader's Digest Timeless Favorites: Enduring Classics from America's Favorite Magazine by
Tagebuchblätter einer Emanzipierten (Großdruck) by Asenijeff, Elsa
Bravey: Chasing Dreams, Befriending Pain, and Other Big Ideas by Pappas, Alexi
Confusion et agitation by Aïssatou D Ehemba
Agua Viva: Diario Vital. Consideraciones Actuales. by Sepulveda Badilla, Mauricio Laertes
Literary Theory: A Reader by Stephen, I. Johnson
Three Essays by Shah, Tahir
Women's Writings: A Reader by Stephen, I. Johnson
The Best American Magazine Writing 2021 by
La dérive monarchique et klepto-autocratique en Afrique by Dieudonné Zélé
Global One Ten: Presidential SIX by Singh, Karanvir
Vaccin Libéral: Contre le despotisme. Contre le populisme by Garello, Jacques
Une semaine d'enfer by Claude Houllier
100 Days by Josipovici, Gabriel
A Deeper Look: a Rational Philosopher Writes on Culture and Nature: Essays on the Constitution, Consciousness, History, Philosophy, M by Abegg, Ed
A Deeper Look: a Rational Philosopher Writes on Culture and Nature: Essays on the Constitution, Consciousness, History, Philosophy, M by Abegg, Ed
Entre deux by Éric Rigal
Acts of Recognition: Essays on Medieval Culture by Patterson, Lee
¡Despedidos! by Esquivel Zubiri, Jorge Luis
Café: Journal d'un bipolaire by Bruka
The Festival of Spring from the Divan of Jelaleddin by Jal?l Al-D?n R?m?, Maulana
Aristophanes by Lucas Collins, W.
Germania and Agricola by Tacitus, Cornelius
The Fête At Coqueville 1907 by Zola, Emile
The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories by K. Mathiews, Franklin
Ferragus, Chief of the Dévorants by De Balzac, Honore
A Few Suggestions to McGraw-Hill Authors. Details of manuscript preparation, Typograpy, Proof-reading and other matters in the production of manuscrip by Book Company, McGraw-Hill
Armenian Literature; Comprising Poetry, Drama, Folk-lore and Classic Traditions; Translated into English for the First Time by Anonymous
La Fiammetta by Boccaccio, Giovanni
The Boy Scouts Book of Stories by
Aristotle on the art of poetry by Aristotle
The Field of Clover by Housman, Laurence
The Fiction Factory Being the experience of a writer who, for twenty-two years, has kept a story-mill grinding successfully ( by Milton Edwards, John
Germinie Lacerteux by De Goncourt, Edmond, de Goncourt, Jules
Fiction Writers on Fiction Writing Advice, opinions and a statement of their own working methods by more than one hundred authors by Various
The Field of Ice Part II of the Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Verne, Jules
Feminism in Greek Literature from Homer to Aristotle by Adam Wright, Frederick
The Ghetto: A Drama in Four Acts by Heijermans, Herman
Field and Forest The Fortunes of a Farmer by Optic, Oliver
Arm of the Law by Harrison, Harry
The Argonauts by Orzeszkowa, Eliza
Complete Plays of John Galsworthy by Galsworthy, John
The Complete Essays of John Galsworthy by Galsworthy, John
First Light by
You Don't Know Us Negroes and Other Essays by Hurston, Zora Neale, Gates, Henry Louis, West, Genevieve
The New Negro Aesthetic: Selected Writings by Locke, Alain
Non, l'État Ne Nous Protège Plus !: Prix du livre libéral 2021 by Wapler, Simone
Faith, Doubt, and Listening by Marum, Roger
La clé du songe: Et autres nouvelles by Jean Cassanas
En attendant les lamentations: Citations philosophiques by Olivier Picasso
Le fer à repasser: Et autres textes courts by Joël Cogneau
Finding Light in Unexpected Places Volume 2: COVID-19 Edition by Incorvati, Ariana
Let Me Tell You What I Mean: An Essay Collection by Didion, Joan
À votre santé ! by Daniel Lombardy
Missing Time: Essays by Brostoff, Ari M.
Salamis & Swastikas (hardback): Letters Home from a G.I. Jew by Stoliar, Steve
The Life of John Berryman by Haffenden, John
Citta' in Ostaggio: Versi e frammenti di scrittura by Schiavo Pontalto, Lia
What Do You Think? by Ali, Asif
What Do You Think? by Ali, Asif
The Souls of Others by Ray, Shann
Personaggi illustri calabresi by Sorrenti, Vito
D-Day Diary: Life on the Front Line in the Second World War by Harris, Carol
John Murray's Quarterly Review: Letters 1807-1843 by
Dearest A.J. by Mitchell, Chris
Hungry Hearts: Essays on Courage, Desire, and Belonging by
How to Be Normal: Essays by Christman, Phil
The Stone Reader: Modern Philosophy in 133 Arguments by
Poussières d'Étoiles... Et Cocréateurs by Colette Mourey
L'empoisonneur de la jeunesse: Essai biographique sur le fondateur des jeunesses hitlériennes Baldur Von Schirach by Jonathan, Saadoun
Able Muse, Winter 2021/22 (No. 29 - print edition): a review of poetry, prose & art by Pepple, Alexander, Espaillat, Rhina P.
It's Your Story to Tell: Essays on Identity From a Messy Life Well Lived by Lombardi, Maryann
Meditation: Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices by Jenna, Sister
Lettres à Gabrielle by Gaël Bouquet
El Libro de la Esperanza by
Le cerveau de mes 9 mois by Isabelle Brodin
Letters from Afar: Words for Mi Amor by Crim, Duncan J.
Your's loveable daughter by Sellapan, Rohita
I for an I: An Epistolary Collection by Swarnika
Edge by Aldrich, Marcia
Kant's Little Prussian Head and Other Reasons Why I Write: An Autobiography Through Essays by Messud, Claire
Countries That Don't Exist: Selected Nonfiction by
Countries That Don't Exist: Selected Nonfiction by
Letters of Note: Grief by
Duplex by Nagel, Mike
Roi et toi by Delphine Bell
Potpourri of Short Stories: A Stew Kettle o' Tall Tales by Breighner, J. M.
Principios herméticos en el Fausto de Goethe by Ochoa Pérez, Ricardo
L'Homme simplifié by Besnier-J M.
L'Empire des hygiénistes by Le Cour Grandmaison-O
La Société automatique by Stiegler-B
Fantômes de l'Etat en France by Legendre-P
Viva Texas Rivers!: Adventures, Misadventures, and Glimpses of Nirvana Along Our Storied Waterways by
Les poèmes de l'amouramitié: Kéfémas Editions by Sauray, Eric
Diario de los meses: Cuando la vida cambió para siempre by Fraix, Luján
André Butzer by
La frange en marge by Christophe, Canal
The Canadian Poet Who Wrote Himself Whole: Revealing the Poetics of Don Gutteridge by Iglesias, Miguel Á. O.
Ploughing the Home Ground by Gutteridge, Don
Nous ne sommes pas le sexe faible !: 11 femmes, 11 témoignages chocs by Indomptables, Les
Glimpses of Bengal: The Letters of Rabindranath Tagore by Tagore, Rabindranath
William Shakespeare by Hugo, Victor
The Joys and Disappointments of a German Governess in Imperial Brazil by Von Binzer, Ina
Life and Letters of Toru Dutt by Dutt, Toru
Du Bois: Essays: The Black North, of the Training of Black Men, the Talented Tenth, the Conservation of Races... by Bois, W. E. B. Du
Speaking Out: Lectures and Speeches, 1937-1958 by Camus, Albert
Who Will Pay Reparations on My Soul?: Essays by McCarthy, Jesse
What Cannot Be Undone: True Stories of a Life in Medicine by Robinson, Walter M.
The Passenger: Rome by VV Aa
Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson by Dickinson, Emily, Bianchi, Martha Dickinson
The Blue Book: A Writer's Journal by Kumar, Amitava
Poets and the Fools Who Love Them: A Memoir in Essays by Katrovas, Richard
Ces mots dans mes veines by Saer, Maty Ba
Petites pensées en passant by Alphonse Royen
Anton by Risgallah Georges
A Giulia: Da Nonno Qua in Ricordo Dei Suoi Primi Due Anni by Carcuro, Antonio
Ayudar, Aprender y Amar: Los 3 mandamientos by Oliveros Flores, Alejandra Bibiana
La Société du hold-up by Vacca-P
Toi by Saint-Damat
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 12 Dictionnaire de Musique T1 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 17 Confessions T3 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 2 Philosophie - Discours T2 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 4 Emile T2 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau. T. 8 Nouvelle Héloîse T1 by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Les Ennemis de Voltaire: l'Abbé Desfontaines, Fréron, La Beaumelle by Nisard-C
Poetry On LOVE, LUST & LOSS: Vol. 1 by Jackson, Shonel
Noms d'oiseaux: L'insulte en politique de la Restauration à nos jours by Bouchet, Thomas
Succès damné by Corbobesse-E+muldworf-L
L'imposteur, c'est lui by Huet-S
La rage sécuritaire by Charriere-Bournazel-C
Jean Luc Godard by Douin-J L.
Genèse by Serres-M
Le Choix de Marianne by Perrineau-P
Je n'y arrive plus by Caprioglio-D
Anorexie. Boulimie by Jeammet-P
Mort de la littérature by Dumay-R
Religions à la carte by Schlegel-J L.
La désobéissance éthique by Weissmann-E
Le cargo de la honte by Dussol-B+nithart-C+bonnem
11 Septembre, Paris, 14h46 by Sultan-Y+guedj-M
Où va le mariage ? by Walch-A
Flics by Weissman-E
Paul Klee by Bonfand-A
Viktor Orekhov by Jallot-N
Lettres algériennes by Boudjedra-R
La danse du couple by Hefez-S +Laufer-D
Naissance d'un écrivain: Madame de Sévigné by Duchene-R
Lettres des jours ordinaires 1756-1791 by Mozart
Le tiers pouvoir by Salas-D
Mon oncle d'Algérie by Funes-N
Paroles perdues et retrouvées by Mauriac-F
Et l'enfant créa le père by Dumas-D
Signes d'exode by Wiesel-E
Voyage au bout de la droite by Brustier-G+huelin-J P
Icare à Babel by Desmond-W
La Fin Des Privileges by Delpla-J+wyplosz-C
Un toubib en colère by Dr Bouton-R
Maintien de l'Ordre by Dufresne-D
La Sarkose obsessionnelle by Hefez-S
Nietzsche by Picon-G
Promotion zep by Delhay-C
La nuit des politiques by Cayrol-R
La Correspondance by Chartier-R
Petit lexique intranquille de la télévision by Lefait-P
Pere Comme Les Autres by Girard-C
Foucault, une pensée du discontinu by Revel-J
Lettres du chevalier de Lévis concernant la guerre du Canada (1756-1760) (Éd.1889) by de Levis F G
Liberated Texts, Collected Reviews: Volume One by
Love Letters of Kings and Queens by Smith, Daniel
Tiempo Mexicano / Mexican Time by Fuentes, Carlos
Lo Que Quiero Decir / Let Me Tell You What I Mean by Didion, Joan
You Don't Know Us Negroes and Other Essays (Large Print Edition) by Gates, Henry Louis, West, Genevieve, Hurston, Zora Neale
Letters of John McGahern by McGahern, John
El Hombre Rebelde / The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt by Camus, Albert
In Sensorium: Notes for My People by Tanaïs
La vie que l'on se donne by Suzie, Alexandre
Mon enfant, voilà la vie by Alexandre, Busquets
Who Cares for the Caregiver? by Oyola, Eliezer
Who Cares for the Caregiver? by Oyola, Eliezer
Love Letters from a Soldier by Oravec, Paula
The Pursuit: A Meditation on Happiness by Lafemina, Gerry
Best Of VJMP 2021: The best essays and articles from the VJM Publishing home page in 2021 by Nilsen, Anna, Michaels, Switch, McGlashan, Dan
Salamis & Swastikas: Letters Home from a G.I. Jew by Stoliar, Steve
Samaja: Darshana O Sahitya by Bhanja, Sanghamitra
Poetry on Love, Lust & Loss: Vol. 2 by Jackson, Shonel
The Art of Literature: Essays of Schopenhauer by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Funestes missives by Denise, Palette
Chronique présidentielle: Tome I: Les premiers temps de la campagne: septembre à décembre 2021 by Frédéric Duval
La plus belle fille du monde et autres histoires courtes, plus ou moins véridiques by Yves Cadiou
La République des princes by Raphaël, Charlet
Les piliers de la sagesse by Ludovic, Digan
Artful Flight: Essays and Reviews 1985-2019 by Glickman, Susan
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