• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1966

Johann Georg Hamann Philosophy and Faith by Alexander, W. M.
Die Künstlerische Form Des Rêve de d'Alembert by Dieckmann, Herbert
Sanskrit-Wörterbuch: Nach Den Petersburger Wörterbüchern Bearbeitet by Cappeller, Carl
Slavic Epic Studies by Jakobson, Roman
Type and Motif-Index of the Folktales of England and North America by Baughman, Ernest W.
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache by Sperber, Hans
Investigating Linguistic Acceptability by Quirk, Randolph, Svartvik, Jan
The Experimental Investigation of Meaning: A Review of the Literature by Creelman, Marjorie Broer
Mallarmé's Masterwork: New Findings by Cohn, Robert G.
Reflexion Und Wirklichkeit: Untersuchungen Zu Kafkas Roman 'Das Schloß' by Philippi, Klaus-Peter
The Relation of Tristram Shandy to the Life of Sterne by James, Overton Philip
Baytin: A Jordanian Village. a Study of Social Institutions and Social Change in a Folk Community by Lutfiyya, Abdulla M.
Shelleyan Ideas in Victorian Literature by Duerksen, Roland A.
Erkenntnistheorie Und Prophetie: Hermann Brochs Romantrilogie Die Schlafwandler by Kreutzer, Leo
Die Dramatische Einheit Von Goethes 'Faust': Betrachtet Unter Den Kategorien Substantialität Und Funktionalität by Streicher, Wolfgang
Kazakh-English Dictionary by Shnitnikov, Boris Nikolayevich
The English Language: Volume 1, Essays by English and American Men of Letters, 1490 1839 by Bolton, W. F.
Nld 17: Newman: Letters & Diaries Nld 17 C by Dessain
Brotäter Bis Bulloss by
Meid' Bis Myrtenbom by
N Bis Not1 by
Syntax, I. Einleitung. Die Flexibilien by Brandenstein, Wilhelm
The Descriptive Technique of Pāṇini: An Introduction by Misra, Vidya Niwas
Sword and Mitre: Government and Episcopate in France and England in the Age of Aristocracy by Ravitch, Norman
Transport de l'énergie et localisation des industries by Ransom, Raymond A., Pelissier, R., Wagner, J.
Einleitung und Lautlehre by Krahe, Hans
Dictionnaire Des Idées Dans l'Oeuvre de Simone de Beauvoir by Berghe, Christian Louis Van Den
The Semantics of Literature by Eaton, Trevor
Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences by
Glossary of the Igor' Tale by
Introduction to Metrics: The Theory of Verse by Zirmunskij, Viktor Maksimovic
Walther von der Vogelweide und Frauenlob by Schaefer, Joerg
Tristrant Und Isalde: Prosaroman. Nach Dem Ältesten Druck Aus Augsburg Vom Jahre 1484, Versehen Mit Den Lesarten Des Zweiten Augsburger Druc by
Mathematical Linguistics in the Soviet Union by Papp, Ferenc
Type Crossings: Sentential Meaninglessness in the Border Area of Linguistics and Philosophy by Drange, Theodore
Temporal Sequence in the Perception of Speech by Fay, Warren H.
Language and Natural Theology by Clarke, Bowman L.
A Theory of Structural Semantics by Kiefer, Ferenc, Abraham, Samuel
Phonotactic Grammaticality by Scholes, Robert J.
The Structural Basis of Word Association Behavior by Pollio, Howard R.
The Foreigner in Early American Drama: A Study in Attitudes by Gallagher, Kent G.
Three Plays by Crawford, J. W.
A Linguistic Analysis of Akkadian by Reiner, Erica
Mikhail N. Katkov: A Political Biography. 1818-1887 by Katz, Martin
Shelley's Theory of Poetry: A Reappraisal by Schulze, Earl J.
John Crowne's Sir Courtly Nice: A Critical Edition by Hughes, Charlotte Bradford
La Croissance de la C. G. T.: 1918-1921. Essai Statistique by Kriegel, Annie
1160-1363 by Thieret, F.
Sound and Sense in Dylan Thomas's Poetry by Murdy, Louise Baughan
Traditional Imagery of Charity in Piers Plowman by Smith, Ben H.
John Dewey's Theory of Inquiry and Truth by Nissen, Lowell A.
Nature Redeemed: The Imitation of Order in Three Renaissance Poems by Laguardia, Eric
Linguistics in Remedial English by Fisher, John C.
Shakespeare's Problem Plays: Studies in Form and Meaning by Toole, William B.
Les paysans de Languedoc, Tome I, Civilisations et Sociétés 42 by Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel
Les paysans de Languedoc, Tome II, Annexes, sources, graphiques by Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel
Methusalem oder Der ewige Bürger by Goll, Ivan
Gotisches Elementarbuch by Hempel, Heinrich
The Kusa-Jataka. a Critical and Comparative Study by Chopra, Tilak Raj
Aspects sociaux de la radio et de la télévision by Sternberg, Beno, Sullerot, Evelyne
Textes et documents d'histoire générale du 19e siècle by
Grammatik und Sprachstruktur by Haselbach, Gerhard
De l'Atlantique au fleuve Congo, 2 by Sautter, Gilles
A Selected Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics 1 by Worth, Dean S., Stankiewicz, Edward
Der arme Heinrich by Hartmann
Chronologie des événements mondiaux de 1945 à 1965 by
Materialy po istorii vozniknovenija drevnejsej slavjanskoj pismennosti by Lavrov, P. a.
Fortuna and Natura: A Reading of Three Chaucer Narratives by Bartholomew, Barbara
Les fonctions des femmes dans l'industrie by Guilbert, Madeleine
Iwein by Hartmann
English Literary Periodicals and the Climate of Opinion During the Seven Year's War by Spector, Robert Donald
Cahiers mathématiques, I, Exercices corrigés sur des structures élementaires by
Iwein by Hartmann
Three Children of the Universe: Emerson's View of Shakespeare, Bacon and Milton by Wynkoop, William M.
Folque de Candie, Band 4: Einleitung: Nach Den Festländischen Handschriften Zum Ersten Male Vollständig Herausgegeben Von Oskar Schultz-Gora by Danmartin, Herbert de
Pasternak's Lyric: A Study of Sound and Imagery by Plank, Dale L.
Surrealism and the Literary Imagination: A Study of Breton and Bachelard by Caws, Mary Ann
Entretiens sur Marcel Proust by
The Politics of Autocracy: Letters of Alexander II to Prince A. I. Bariatinskii. 1857-1864 by Alexander
Jaqaru: Outline of Phonological and Morphological Structure by Hardman, Martha James
Initiation Au Vocabulaire Des Idees Politiques A L'Usage Des Etudiants Etrangers: 50 Textes Choisis Et Prepares En Vue de L'Explication Litterale Et D by Chocheyras, Jacques
Einleitung, Schrift- und Lautlehre by Meyer, Rudolf
Sens and Conjointure in the Chevalier de la Charrette by Kelly, F. Douglas
Jakob Bidermanns 'Belisarius' by Bidermann, Jakob
Die Dichtungen der Frau Ava by
Temporal Modalities in Arabic Logic by Rescher, N.
The British Year Book of International Law: Volume 6: 1925 by
Geschichte der lateinischen Sprache by Stolz, Friedrich, Debrunner, Albert
Symbol, Status, and Personality by Hayakawa, S. I., Hayakawa, Samuel I.
Logical Papers: A Selection by Leibniz, G. W.
Strukturelle Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Des Neuhochdeutschen by Fleischer, Wolfgang
Dantes Bemühungen Um Die Geltung Und Formung Der Italienischen Literatursprache by Bahner, Werner
Sprachwissenschaft und Akustik by Isačenko, A. V.
Laut- Und Formenbestand Der Niederdeutschen Mundart Des Altai-Gebietes by Jedig, Hugo
Journal d'Un Voyage Fait Par Ordre Du Roi En 1750 Et 1751 Dans l'Amérique Septentrionale by Chabert, M. de
Towards a General Comparative Linguistics by Ellis, Jeffrey
Études Philologiques Sur Quelques Langues Sauvages de l'Amérique by Cuoq, Jean André
Dix-Huit ANS Chez Les Sauvages. Voyages Et Missions de Henry Faraud by Faraud, Henry
Catalogue d'Ouvrages Sur l'Histoire de l'Amérique, Et En Particulier Sur Celle Du Canada, de la Louisiane, de l'Acadie, Et Autres Lieux, CI-Devant Con by
Studies in French and Comparative Phonetics by Delattre, Pierre
Terminologie de la Chimie En Chinois Moderne by Alleton, Viviane, Alleton, Jean-Claude
Histoire Et Commerce Des Colonies Angloises Dans l'Amerique Septentrionale: Où l'On Trouve l'État Actuel de Leur Population, & Des Détails Curieux Sur by