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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1968

Gesammelte Schriften by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 4, Gesammelte Schriften (1820-1822) by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 6, Gesammelte Schriften (1827-1835) by
1 Hälfte. Einleitung Zum Kawiwerk. Paralipomena by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 8, Übersetzungen by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 9, Gedichte by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 10, Band 1. 1802-1810 by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 11, Band 2. 1810-1813 by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 12, Band 3. Hälfte 1. 1815-1834 by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 13, Nachträge by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 14, Band 1. 1788-1798 by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 16, Band 1. 1802-1813 by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 17, Band 2. 1813-1835 by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 1, Gesammelte Schriften (1785-1795) by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 2, Gesammelte Schriften (1796-1799) by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3, Gesammelte Schriften (1799-1818) by
Demotische Und Koptische Texte by Brandt
Introduction to the Principles of Phonological Descriptions by Trubetzkoy, N. S.
Die Struktur Des Auto Sacramental «Los Encantos de la Culpa» Von Calderón. Antiker Mythos in Christlicher Umprägung by Flasche, Hans
An Inquiry Into Local Variations in Vulgar Latin: As Reflected in the Vocalism of Christian Inscriptions by Gaeng, Paul A.
Sprache Und Denken ALS Sprachphilosophisches Problem Von Locke Bis Wittgenstein by Schmidt, Siegfried Josef
Die Namen Der Ubier by Weisgerber, Joh Leo
What is in a Name?: An Inquiry into the Semantics and Pragmatics of Proper Names by Zabeeh, Farhang
Ibero-American and Caribbean Linguistics by
1823-1826 by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Gesammelte Schriften, Band 15, Band 2. 1799-1835 by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Some Systems of Substitution Correlations in Modern American English by Crymes, Ruth
Serta Romanica: Festschrift Für Gerhard Rohlfs Zum 75. Geburtstag by
Cochabamba Quechua Syntax by Lastra, Yolanda
The Linguistic Relativity Principle and Humboldtian Ethnolinguistics: A History and Appraisal by Miller, Robert L.
Ungarische Grammatik by Tompa, Jozsef
Histoire Du Canada Et Des Canadiens Sous La Domination Anglaise by Bibaud, Michel
Histoire Du Canada Sous La Domination Française by Bibaud, Michel
Luigi Capuana: Critic and Novelist by Traversa, Vincenzo Paolo
Histoire Du Canada, Son Église Et Ses Missions, Tome 1-2: de la Découverte de l'Amérique Jusqu'à Nos Jours, Écrite Sur Des Documents Inédits Compulsés by Brasseur de Bourbourg, Étienne-Charles
Flux Et Reflux de la Traite Des Nègres Entre Le Golfe de Bénin Et Bahia de Todos OS Santos Du Xviie Au XIXe Siècle by Verger, Pierre
Ernst Eichler; Hans Walther: Onomastica Slavogermanica. III. by
Der Junge Jacob Grimm 1805-1819 by Ginschel, Gunhild
Pierd Bis Plünnenkierl by
Plünnenkram Bis Pump by
Deutsche Versgeschichte, Band 2, Der altdeutsche Vers by Heusler, Andreas
Wortgeographie und Gesellschaft by
Die nordischen Sprachen by Wessen, Elias
Kleine Schriften Zur Sprachgeschichte Und Sprachgeographie by Mitzka, Walther
Helmbrecht by Wernher Der Gartenære
Nikolaj Nekrasov: His Life and Poetic Art by Birkenmayer, Sigmund
American Contributions to the Sixth International Congress of Slavists, Prague, 1968, August 7-13, Vol. 2: Literary Contributions by
La Forme Poétique de Serge Esenin: Les Rythmes by Veyrenc, Jacques
Dutch contributions to the Sixth International Congress of Slavicists by
Entretiens sur l'art et la psychanalyse by
Entretiens sur Paul Valéry by
Entretiens Sur Le Surréalisme by
Dictionnaire des idées dans l'oeuvre de André Malraux by Juilland, Ileana
Entretiens sur la Renaissance du 12e siècle by
The Grammaire Des Grammaires of Girault-Duvivier: A Study of Nineteenth-Century French by Levitt, Jesse
Traité des vertus, TOME 1, Les sérieux de l'intention by Jankélévitch, Vladimir
Manuel des curés pour le bon gouvernement temporel des paroisses et des fabriques dans le Bas-Canada by Desautels, Joseph
Wortbildung, Syntax und Morphologie by
Études Sur Le Droit Polonais Actuel by
Die Aktionsgemeinschaft finites Verb + Infinitiv im spanischen Formensystem by Körner, Karl-Hermann
L'évolution des techniques du filage et du tissage du Moyen Age à la révolution industrielle by Endrei, Walter
Studien Zum Historischen Essay Und Zur Historischen Porträtkunst an Ausgewählten Beispielen by Fischer, Andreas
L'Internationale Communiste et les problèmes coloniaux by Collotti Pischel, Enrica, Robertazzi, Chiara
Les villages de liberté en Afrique noire française by Bouche, Denise
Die Substantivbildung mit Suffixen bei Chrestien de Troyes by Sammet, Doris
La planification dans les pays d'économie capitaliste by Delilez, Jean-Pierre
The Role of Small Industry in the Process of Economic Growth by Shinohara, Miyohei, Fisher, Douglas
P. Vergili Maronis Bvcolica: Cvm Avctoribvs Et Imitatoribvs in Vsvm Scholarvm by Vergilius Maro, Publius
The Dramatic Comedy of William Somerset Maugham by Barnes, Ronald Edgar
Troisième Conférence Internationale d'Histoire Économique / Third International Conference of Economic History. Volume 1 by
The Sonnets of Astrophel and Stella: A Stylistic Study by Cooper, Sherod M.
A New Look at the Old Sources of Hamlet by Taylor, Marion Ansel
Structure in Four Novels by H. G. Wells by Newell, Kenneth B.
Child Language, Aphasia and Phonological Universals by Jakobson, Roman
"Klasse‟ Und Klassifikation in Der Sprachwissenschaft by Lieb, Hans-Heinrich, Juilland, Alphonse
John Galsworthy's Letters to Leon Lion by Galsworthy, John
Explanation by Description: An Essay on Historical Methodology by Newman, Fred D.
Natura loquitur by Bormann, Alexander
Pétrole et développement économique au Moyen-Orient by
Southern Mesopotamia in the Time of Ashurbanipal by Ahmed, Sami Said
Huli of Papua: A Cognatic Descent System by Glasse, Robert M.
Mittelenglisches Elementarbuch by Weinstock, Horst
Effects of the Second Formant on the Perception of Velarization Consonants in Arabic by Obrecht, Dean H.
The Economy of Diphthongization in Early Romance by Romeo, Luigi
Trade Name Creation: Processes and Patterns by Praninskas, Jean
Einführung, Anfänge Des Slavischen Schrifttums Bis Zum Klassizismus by Tschizewskij, Dmitrij
Problèmes de la guerre en Grèce ancienne by
Structures agricoles et développement economique by Rosier, Bernard
Le développement économique de la Russie tsariste by Barel, Yves
Suprasegmentals, Meter, and the Manuscript of Beowulf by Stevick, Robert David
La Splendeur divine by Cassin, Elena
Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache by Sperber, Hans
The role of Nemesis in the structure of selected plays by Eugene O'Neill by Long, Chester C.
Set Theory and Linguistics by Ortiz, Alejandro, Zierer, Ernesto
Indépendance, inflation, développement. L'économie congolaise de 1960 à 1965 by
Ville africaine, famille urbaine by Bernard, Guy
Tzeltal Numeral Classifiers: A Study in Ethnographic Semantics by Berlin, Brent
Structures d'une population active de type traditionnel, Grenoble 1848 by Ibarrola, Jesus
Grammar and logic by Panfilov, V. Z.
Théorie des graphes et structures sociales by Flament, Claude
L'Analyse Formelle Des Langues Naturelles: (Introduction to the Formal Analysis of Natural Languages) by Chomsky, Noam, Miller, George Armitage
American Contributions to the Sixth International Congress of Slavists, Prague, 1968, August 7-13, Vol. 1: Linguistic Contributions by
The Yugoslav Community of Nations by Hondius, Frits W.
Le système verbal du français contemporain by Schogt, Henry G.
The Small Conference: An Innovation in Communication by Mead, Margaret, Byers, Paul
Les Principes de Protection Des Dessins Et Modèles Dans Les Pays Du Marché Commun by Perot-Morel, Marie-Angèle
Essays on the Arts and Sciences by Rechcigl, Miloslav
He Walked Alone: A Biography of John Gilbert Winant by Bellush, Bernard
Dictionnaire Des Idées Dans l'Oeuvre de Marcel Proust by Newman-Gordon, Pauline
Structural Information of Visual Patterns: An Efficient Coding System in Perception by Leeuwenberg, E. L. J.
Contribution À l'Étude Des Catégories Morphologiques Du Genre Et Du Nombre Dans Le Français Parlé Actuel by Mok, Quirinus Ignatius Maria
The Revolutionary Army. a Chinese Nationalist Tract of 1903 by Tsou, Jung
L'Enseignement français de la Révolution à nos jours by Maillet, Jean, Chevallier, Pierre, Grosperrin, Bernard
Verb-Complement Compounds in Spanish by Lloyd, Paul M.
Johann Wilhelm von Stubenberg (1619-1663) und sein Freundeskreis by Bircher, Martin
The Study of an Italian Village by Maraspini, A. L.
Perspectives énergétiques dans l'industrie des ciments by Meyzenc, René
Actes du cinquième Congrès International d'Esthétique. Amsterdam 1964. Proceedings of the fifth International Congress of Aesthetics by
Armed Forces and Society: Sociological Essays by
Political, International, Social and Economic Aspects by Rechcigl, Miloslav
Sprachgeographische Untersuchungen Zu Den Bezeichnungen Für Haustiere Im Massif Central: Versuch Einer Interpretation Von Sprachkarten by Wolf, Lothar
Les Transports d'Énergie by
Sentence Structure and the Reading Process by Schlesinger, I. M.
Language and Symbolic Systems by Chao, Yuen-Ren
Design for Total War: Arms and Economics in the Third Reich by Carroll, Berenice Anita
Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics by Lyons, John, John, Lyons
On Haplology in Indo-European by Cardona, George
Grammars for Number Names by Brandt Corstius, H.
Words and Things by Brown, Roger
Formenlehre. Teil 1 by Bräuer, Herbert
Formenlehre. Teil 2 by Bräuer, Herbert
Graphematische Untersuchungen Zum Frühneuhochdeutschen by Piirainen, Ilpo T.
The Language of the Book of Songs by Dobson, W. A. C. H.
Karten by Ising, Gerhard
Ṕana - řo̧d by Lorentz, Friedrich
Synchronische Sprachwissenschaft by Martinet, André
Untersuchungen by Ising, Gerhard
Syntaktische Mehrdeutigkeit (Polysyntaktizität) Beider Analyse Des Deutschen Und Des Englischen by Agricola, Erhard
Le Métier de Sociologue: Préalables Épistémologiques by
Les Machines Dans La Linguistique: Colloque International Sur La Mécanisation Et l'Automation Des Recherches Linguistiques by
Six Lectures l'Annexion Canada Aux Etats - Unis by Dessaulles, L. A.
L'Union Des Provinces de l'Amérique Britannique Du Nord by Cauchon, Joseph
A Tagmemic Analysis of Mexican Spanish Clauses by Brend, Ruth Margaret
A Psycholinguistic Study of Phonological Interference by Brière, Eugène
Pratidanam: Indian, Iranian, and Indo-European Studies Presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper on His Sixtieth Birthday by
Meaning and Truth in Wittgenstein's Tractatus by Morrison, James C.
Comparative Research Across Cultures and Nations by
Problems of Theoretical Phonology by Saumjan, S. K.
Russian Formalist Theory and Its Poetic Ambiance by Pomorska, Krystyna