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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1969

A Subgrouping of Nine Philippine Languages by Llamzon, Na
Prinzipien Der Komposition Und Des Erzählens Bei Dostojevskij by Holthusen, Johannes
Linguistics in South Asia by
The Development of the Proto-Indo-European Laryngeals in Greek by Beekes, Robert Stephen Paul
Die Entwicklung Der Terminologie Auf Dem Gebiet Der Sozialhygiene Und Sozialmedizin Im Deutschen Sprachgebiet Bis 1930 by Thissen, Rudolf
The Ironic Vision in Modern Literature by Glicksberg, Charles I.
Der junge Goethe und Spinoza by Bollacher, Martin
Computational Experiments in Grammatical Classification by Svartvik, Jan, Carvell, H. T.
Narrative Structure in the Novels of Sir Walter Scott by Cusac, Marian H.
[Set Vier Erzählungen] by Herrand Von Wildonie
Cicero - Ein Mensch seiner Zeit by
The Epodes of Horace: A Study in Poetic Arrangement by Carrubba, Robert W.
Pompey in Cicero's Correspondence and Lucan's Civil War by Holliday, Vivian L.
Joseph Berglinger by Hertrich, Elmar
Schiller's Kalliasbriefe and the Study of His Aesthetic Theory by Ellis, John Martin
The Science of Anthropology: A Series of Lectures by Peter of Greece and Denmark
Approaches to Animal Communication by
1969: [Grundwerk] by
Assyrisches Handwörterbuch by Delitzsch, Friedrich
Rammeln2 Bis Riden1 by
Pump Bis Rammeln1 by
Formenlehre by Krahe, Hans
The Syntax of Spoken Brazilian Portuguese by Thomas, Earl W.
A Descriptive Syntax of the Ormulum by Palmatier, Robert Allen
Proben deutscher Mundarten by Bonnin, Gunther M., Bethge, Wolfgang
The Novels of Mark Aleksandrovič Aldanov by Lee, C. Nicholas
Entretiens sur Paul Claudel by
From Croatian Renaissance to Yugoslav Socialism: Essays by Kadic, Ante
Missionary Linguistics in New France: A Study of Seventeenth- And Eighteenth-Century Descriptions of American Indian Languages by Hanzeli, Victor Egon
Documents Sur Le Régime Des Terres Dans La Principauté de Morée Au Xive Siècle by
Untersuchungen Zur Wechselbeziehung Zwischen Grammatik Und Lexik Im Englischen by Schopf, Alfred
National Elections in Western Europe by
1900-1907 by Haupt, Georges
Comparative Survey Analysis by
La Mise En Valeur de l'Île de Tabago: 1763-1783 by Nardin, Jean-Claude
Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik by Boor, Helmut De, Wisniewski, Roswitha
Oracles et ordalies chez les Nzakara by Retel-Laurentin, Anne
Die Substantivbildung mit Suffixen in den Fabliaux by Diekmann, Erwin
Morphologie de la haute administration française, I by Darbel, Alain, Schnapper, Dominique
Troisième Conférence Internationale d'Histoire Économique / Third International Conference of Economic History. Volume 2 by
Language Disturbance and Intellectual Functioning: A Comparison of the Performances of Hemiplegic Patients with Aphasia and Hemiplegic Patients Withou by Lubin, Carl Kenneth
Thomas Dekker: An Analysis of Dramatic Structure by Conover, James H.
The Aristophanic Comedies of Ben Jonson: A Comparative Study of Jonson and Aristophanes by Gum, Coburn
Shelley's Political Thought by Guinn, John Pollard
1534-1663 by Ferland, Jean B. a.
1663-1759 by Ferland, Jean B. a.
The Living Will: A Study of Tennyson and Nineteenth-Century Subjectivism by Brashear, William R.
Auguste Sanqui by Dommanget, Maurice
The Word as a Linguistic Unit by Krámský, Jiŕí
Ordo ALS Form: Strukturstudien Zur Zahlenkomposition Bei Otfrid Von Weißenburg Und in Karolingischer Literatur by Haubrichs, Wolfgang
Histoire des Abenakis depuis 1605 jusqu'à nos jours by Maurault, Joseph A.
Formenlehre by Krahe, Hans
A Descriptive Grammar of Saidi Egyptian Colloquial Arabic by Khalafallah, Abdelghany A.
Frühester deutscher Minnesang by
Avvakum et les débuts du raskol by Pascal, Pierre
El Pleito Matrimonial del Cuerpo Y El Alma by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Historische Laut- und Formenlehre des Deutschen by Kienle, Richard
Formenlehre, Flexionstabellen by Beer, Georg
Capital et machine à vapeur au XVIIIe siècle by Payen, Jacques
The Later Career of George Wither by Hensley, Charles Stanley
La France en guerre et les organisations internationales by Ghebali, Victor-Yves
Technologie médiévale et transformations sociales by White, Lynn
Einleitung und Vokalismus by Lausberg, Heinrich
Analyse Critique Des Modèles Théoriques de Gurley Et Shaw by Simond, Alain
The Squamish Language, II: Grammar, Texts, Dictionary by Kuipers, Aert H.
The Analysis of Social Change Reconsidered: A Sociological Study by Ponsioen, J. A.
Deutsche Wortkunde by Schirmer, Alfred
The Dramas of Christian Dietrich Grabbe by Nicholls, Roger A.
1200 Jahre deutsche Sprache in synoptischen Bibeltexten by
Praktische Publizistik, Teil 2 by
Barocker Expressionismus? by Luther, Gisela
A Structural Inquiry Into the Symbolic Representation of Ideas by Grava, Arnolds
Kleinere Schriften Zur Deutschen Philologie by
The Field of Yiddish: Studies in Language, Folklore, and Literature. Third Collection by
Nationalism and Tribalism Among African Students: A Study of Social Identity by Klineberg, Otto
Marx and Contemporary Scientific Thought: Symposium on the Role of Karl Marx in the Development of Contemporary Scientific Thought, Paris, 8, 9, 10 Ma by
Le Centenaire du Capital by
A Morphological Study of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic by Aboul-Fetouh, Hilmi Mohammed
A Study of John Webster by Murray, Peter B.
Santé et maladie. Analyse d'une représentation sociale by Herzlich, Claudine
La planification en U.R.S.S. et dans les autres pays socialistes by Kurskij, Aleksander D.
Énergie et sécurité by Potier, Michel
Methodology: Foundations of Inference and Research in the Behavioral Sciences by De Groot, Adriaan D., J. a. a., Spiekerman
Capitalistes et pouvoir au siècle des lumières by Lévy, Claude-Frédéric
Dieux d'hommes by
Systèmes agraires et progrès agricole by Confino, Michael
The Art of Anatole France by Bresky, Dushan
Altenglisches Elementarbuch by
Studietoetsen. Construeren, afnemen, analyseren, deel 1 by Groot, A. D. de, Naerssen, R. F. Van
Praktische Publizistik, Teil 1 by
The Inner Structure of Wuthering Heights: A Study of an Imaginative Field by Laar, Elisabeth Th M. Van de
Logique moderne, Fascicule I, Logique des propositions et des prédicats, déduction naturelle by Grize, Jean-Blaise
Stil- Und Motivuntersuchungen Zur Mittelhochdeutschen Versnovelle by Schirmer, Karl-Heinz
Liste Mondiale Des Périodiques Spécialisés. Études Africaines / World List of Specialized Periodicals. African Studies by
Cahiers mathématiques, II, Exercices corrigés sur des structures élémentaires by Décaillot, A. -M
The Subconscious in Gogol' and Dostoevskij, and Its Antecedents by Kent, Leonard J.
Menschenbild und Romanstruktur in Aldous Huxleys Ideenromanen by Fietz, Lothar
Naming-Constructions in Some Indo-European Languages by Hahn, E. Adelaide
Die Sprache der Langobarden by Bruckner, Wilhelm
The English Language: Volume 2, Essays by Linguists and Men of Letters, 1858 1964 by Crystal, D., Bolton, W. F.
Sprachgeschichte. Verskunst by
Deutsche Aussprache by
An Eleventh-Century Buddhist Logic of 'Exists': Ratnakīrti's Kṣaṇabhaṅgasiddhiḥ Vyatirekātmikā by
Altirische Grammatik by Pokorny, Julius
Ezechas. Zorabel. Joseph. Beel by Birck, Sixt
Formale Logik by Lorenzen, Paul
Sprachgeschichte by
Texte Und Dokumente Zur Französischen Sprachgeschichte: 16. Jahrhundert by
M. M. Guchmann: Der Weg Zur Deutschen Nationalsprache. Teil 2 by Guchmann, M. M.
Řǫdca - Sv́atopwlkuȯw by Lorentz, Friedrich
Einführung in Die Experimentelle Phonetik by Lindner, Gerhart
Ivan Fedorovs Griechisch-Russisch/Kirchenslawisches Lesebuch Von 1578 Und Der Gothaer Bukvar' Von 1578/1580: Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Besitzer Des by
Abraham Sacrifiant: Tragedie Françoise by De Beze, Theodore
Epistres Morales Et Familieres Du Traverseur by Bouchet, Jean
Style: The Problem and Its Solution by Gray, Bennison
Der Index Pictorius Calderóns: Untersuchungen Zu Seiner Malermetaphorik by Bauer, Helga
Ayacucho Quechua Grammar and Dictionary by Parker, Gary J.
The Middle English Subject-Verb Cluster by MacLeish, Andrew
The Theory of Syntax in Modern Linguistics by Mikaeljan, Galina, Akhmanova, Olga