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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1970

Erkundungen Zur Theorie Der Semantik by Weinreich, Uriel
Monographien, 1, Riesenbeck, Kr[eis] Tecklenburg. Gleuel, Kr[eis] Köln. Kriva Bara, Banat. Barossatal, Südaustralien by
Monographien, 7, Jestetten, Kr. Waldshut. Freising. Erbstadt, Kr. Hanau by
Homer-Probleme by Dihle, Albrecht
Die "Fivelgoer" Handschrift by
Assyrian Colonies in Cappadocia by Orlin, Louis L.
Stratificational Grammar: A Definition and an Example by Sampson, Geoffrey
Mélanges Marcel Cohen: Etudes de linguistique, éthnographie et sciences connexes offertes par ses amis et ses élèves à l'occasion de son 80èm by
Arabic Phonology: An Acoustical and Physiological Investigation by Al-Ani, Salman H.
The Languages of a Bilingual Community by Rayfield, J. R.
Colloquial Sinhalese Clause Structures by Gair, James W.
The Syntax of Japanese Honorifics by Prideaux, Gary D.
Syntax and Semantics of the English Verb Phrase by Grady, Michael
Modern French CE: The Neuter Pronoun in Adjectival Predication by Rosenberg, Samuel N.
Theoretical Foundations by
Échanges Et Communications, II: Mélanges Offerts À Claude Lévi-Strauss À l'Occasion de Son 60ème Anniversaire by
H - TN by Cohen, David
Papers in Structural and Transformational Linguistics by Harris, Zellig S.
Studies in French Poetry of the Fifteenth Century by Shapley, C. S.
James Joyce Und Sein Ulysses by Esch, Arno
Shakespeare's Verbal Art in Th' Expense of Spirit by Jakobson, Roman, Jones, Lawrence G.
Rhyme and Meaning in the Poetry of Yeats by Perloff, Marjorie
Verb-Intensifier Collocations in English: An Experimental Approach by Greenbaum, Sidney
Old English: Grammar and Reader by Diamond, Robert E.
Traumatic Aphasia: Its Syndromes, Psychology and Treatment by Luria, Alexander R.
Sir Joseph Yorke and Anglo-Dutch Relations 1774-1780 by Miller, Daniel a.
Trends in Linguistics by IVIC, Milka
Syllable, Word, Nexus, Cursus by Pulgram, Ernst
The Methodological Status of Grammatical Argumentation by Botha, Rudolf P.
Fundamentals of Phonetics, II: Acoustical Models, Generating the Formants of the Vowel Phonemes by
Philological Essays: Studies in Old and Middle English Language and Literature in Honour of Herbert Dean Meritt by
Method and Theory in Linguistics by
A Phonological Study of the Indo-European Laryngeals by Keiler, Allan R.
Vergleichendes Und Etymologisches Wörterbuch Der Germanischen Starken Verben by Seebold, Elmar
A Phonology of Italian in a Generative Grammar by Saltarelli, Mario
The Syntax of Spanish Reflexive Verbs: The Parameters of the Middle Voice by Babcock, Sandra Scharff
Two Centuries of Spanish and English Bilingual Lexicography (1590-1800) by Steiner, Roger J.
Descriptive Syntax of the Old English Charters by Carlton, Charles Merritt
Language Behavior: A Book of Readings in Communication. for Elwood Murray on the Occasion of His Retirement by
Altisländische Und Altnorwegische Grammatik (Laut- Und Flexionslehre) Unter Berücksichtigung Des Urnordischen by Noreen, Adolf
Kritische Studien Zur Wertphilosophie Hermann Brochs by Menges, Karl
La poésie populaire traditionelle chantée au Proche-Orient Arabe. I: Les textes by Jargy, Simon
A Commentary on Cicero's Oration de Haruspicum Responso by Lenaghan, John O.
A Syntax of King Alfred's Pastoral Care by Brown, William H.
Dreams in Seventeenth-Century English Literature by Weidhorn, Manfred
The Migration of High Level Manpower from Developing to Developed Countries by Hoek, F. J. Van
Coptic Future Tenses: Syntactical Studies in Sahidic by Wilson, Marvin R.
Échanges Et Communications, I: Mélanges Offerts À Claude Lévi-Strauss À l'Occasion de Son 60ème Anniversaire by
French Prosodics and Phonotactics: An Historical Typology by Klausenburger, Jürgen
Rüfel2 Bis Sägen1 by
Riden2 Bis Rüfel1 by
Rüfel2 Bis Sägen1 by
The Dialects of Ancient Gaul: Prolegomena and Records of the Dialects by Whatmough, Joshua
Indo-European /A by Jr.
Industrie En Afrique by Ewing, A. F.
Certain Language Skills in Children: Their Development and Interrelationships by Templin, Mildred C., Unknown
English satirical poetry from Joseph Hall to Percy B. Shelley by
Die Goten und Skandinavien by Hachmann, Rolf
Ancient Aesthetics: Aus: History of Aesthetics, Vol. 1 by Tatarkiewicz, Wladyslaw
A Model of Standard German Intonation by Schädlich, Hans-Joachim, Isačenko, Alexander
A Selected Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics 2 by Stankiewicz, Edward, Worth, Dean S.
Novellentheorie: The Practicality of the Theoretical by Locicero, Donald
Philosophies of Language in Eighteenth-Century France by Juliard, Pierre
La Place de l'Adjectif En Italien Moderne by Sciarone, A. G.
Proxemic Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study by Watson, O. Michael
Divorce in Poland: A Contribution to the Sociology of Law by Gorecki, Jan
Middle English Prose Style: Margery Kempe and Julian of Norwich by Stone, Robert Karl
James Thurber. His Masquerades: A Critical Study by Black, Stephen A.
Structure du dialecte basque de Maya by N'Diaye-Correard, Geneviève
Jakob Gretsers "Udo von Magdeburg" 1598 by Herzog, Urs
Progress in Linguistics: A Collection of Papers by Heidolph, Karl Erich, Bierwisch, Manfred
Goethes Tag- und Jahres-Hefte by Wackerl, Georg
Falsification and Belief by McKinnon, Alastair
Studies in Honor of J. Alexander Kerns by
Dichter Über Dichter in Mittelhochdeutscher Literatur by
Organisation sociale et tradition orale by Deluz, Ariane
Deutsche Syntax by Heringer, Hans-Jürgen
A Transformational Analysis of Turkish Syntax by Meskill, Robert H.
Functional Load: Descriptive Limitations Alternatives of Assessment and Extensions of Application by Meyerstein, R. S.
The Association of Ideas and Critical Theory in Eighteenth-Century England: A History of a Psychological Method in English Criticism by Kallich, Martin
Studien Zu Notkers Übersetzungskunst. Die Altdeutsche Kirchensprache by Luginbühl, Emil
Theory of Hindi Syntax: Descriptive, Generative, Transformational by Miltner, Vladimír
Current Russian Phonemic Theory 1952-1962 by Milivojevič, Dragan
Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache by Polenz, Peter
Reflections on the Middle East Crisis by
Hollands Leaguer: A Critical Edition by Goodman, Nicholas
Frontières du gothique by Francastel, Pierre
Transports et structures de développement au Congo by Huybrechts, André
Structural Continuity in Poetry: A Linguistic Study of Five Pre-Islamic Arabic Odes by Bateson, Mary Catherine
L'humanisme roman by Francastel, Pierre
L'analyse des processus sociaux by
Fundamental Change in Law and Society: Hart and Sartre on Revolution by MacBride, William Leon
Strict Finitism: An Examination of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics by Kielkopf, Charles F.
Michail Čulkov: An Introduction to His Prose and Verse by Garrard, J. G.
Nouveau glossaire nautique by
Le diable Boiteux by Lesage, Alain-René
La troisième Sibylle by Nikiprowetzky, Valentin
Les Sources de l'Histoire de Russie Aux Archives Nationales by
The State of the Art by Hockett, Charles F.
Schriften Zum Alemannischen by Heusler, Andreas
La Likouala-Mossaka: Histoire de la Pénétration Du Haut Congo 1878-1920 by Mazenot, Georges
Analyse formelle de l'oeuvre poétique d'un auteur des Tang, Zhang Ruo-xu by Cheng, Chi-Hsien
Ravitaillement et alimentation en Provence aux XIVe et XVe siècles by Stouff, Louis
Histoire et institutions, 1 by
Carnap on Meaning and Analyticity by Butrick, Richard
Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache by Stenzler, Adolf Friedrich
Maung Grammar: Texts and Vocabulary by Capell, Arthur, Hinch, H. E.
A Protestant Baroque Poet: Pierre Poupo by Hester, Ralph M.
Les antiquités égyptiennes de Zagreb by Monnet Saleh, Janine
Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa by
A Stepmatricial Generative Phonology of German by Copeland, James E.
English Influences on Mexican Spanish in Detroit by Tsuzaki, Stanley M.
Blameth Nat Me: A Study of Imagery in Chaucer's Fabliaux by Richardson, Janette
Die Toskanisierung Des Römischen Dialekts Im 15. Und 16. Jahrhundert by Ernst, Gerhard
Die Teilaktualisierung des Verbalgeschehens (Subjonctif) im Mittelfranzösischen by Wunderli, Peter
Wort und Sprache by Gauger, Hans-Martin
Historische Grammatik Des Kilikisch-Armenischen by Karst, Josef
Einführung in die Laryngaltheorie by Lindeman, Fredrik Otto
Zu Den Ältesten Berührungen Zwischen Römern Und Germanen, Die Franken by Gamillscheg, Ernst
Texas Studies in Bilingualism: Spanish, French, German, Czech, Polish, Sorbian and Norwegian in the Southwest. with a Concluding Chapter on Code-Swit by
The Sexual Revolution in Modern American Literature by Glicksberg, I.
Laut- und Flexionslehre by Wessen, Elias
Wortbildungslehre by Wessen, Elias
Edward Wilmot Blyden: Pan-Negro Patriot, 1832-1912 by Lynch, Deidre Shauna, Lynch, Hollis R.
Grundriß Einer Historischen Syntax by Wessen, Elias
Old English Literature: A Select Bibliography by Robinson, Fred
Der Deutsche Wortschatz: Der Deutsche Wortschatz Nach Sachgruppen by Dornseiff, Franz
Le Nouveau Testament by Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques
Mittelbabylonische Kleidertexte Der Hilprecht-Sammlung Jena: Mit Einem Anhang: Fünf Alt-, Mittel- Und Neubabylonische Texte Verschiedenen Inhalts Aus by Aro, Jussi
Die Lexikalischen Besonderheiten Des Frühromanischen in Südosteuropa by Bahner, Werner
Paraphrase Grammars by Smaby, R. M.
Die Herausbildung Der Grammatik Der Volkssprachen in Mittel- Und Osteuropa: Studien Über Den Einfluß Der Lateinischen Eilementargrammatik Des Aelins D by Ising, Erika
Beiträge Zum Slawischen Onomastischen Atlas: Theodor Frings Zum Gedächtnis by
Le Fort inexpugnable de l'honneur du sexe Femenin by Billon, François de
Marguerites de la Marguerite Des Princesses, Tresillustre Royne de Navarre by Navarra, Margarete
Satire, Caricature and Perspectivism in the Works of Georg Büchner by Schmidt, Henry J.
Sciences Sociales by
Pêche Maritime Au Congo: Possibilités de Développement by Dormont, Marcel
M. M. Guchmann: Der Weg Zur Deutschen Nationalsprache. Teil 1 by Guchmann, M. M.
Die Sprache Der Zeitzer Kanzleien Im 16. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen Zum Vokalismus Und Konsonantismus by Otto, Ernst
Sv́a̧topuȯř - transpuortïrovac by Lorentz, Friedrich
Aspekte Der Syntax-Theorie by Chomsky, Noam