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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1971

Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch - Deutscher Index by
Phonetisch-Phonologische Untersuchungen Zur Vokalentwicklung in Den Deutschen Dialekten: Band 1: Die Langvokale Im Hochdeutschen. Band 2: Die Diphthon by Wiesinger, Peter
Cartesianische Linguistik by Chomsky, Noam
Monographien, 9, Knicanin, Banat. Bockwitz, Kr. Sprottau by
The Italian Verb: A Morphological Study by Jensen, Frede
Problems of Typological and Genetic Linguistics Viewed in a Generative Framework by Birnbaum, Henrik
Le Mouvement Mau-Mau: Une Révolte Paysanne Et Anti-Coloniale En Afrique Noire by Buijtenhuijs, Robert
Literature and Society by Glicksberg, Na
Das Sonett Les Grenades Von Paul Valéry by Lausberg, Heinrich
A Tagmemic Comparison of the Structure of English and Vietnamese Sentences by Binh, Du'o'ng Thanh
Ellen Glasgow's Development as Novelist by Richards, Marion K.
Principles of Structural Linguistics by Saumjan, Sebastian K.
Phonétique et phonologie du judéo-espagnol de Bucarest by Sala, Marius
Shakespeare and the Ambiguity of Love's Triumph by Lyons, Charles R.
The Noun-Class System of Proto-Benue-Congo by Wolf, Paul De
A Lexical Study of Raeto-Romance and Contiguous Italian Dialect Areas by Redfern, James
Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Language by Sommerfelt, Alf
Collectanea Linguistica: Essays in General and Genetic Linguistics by Collinge, N. E.
Studies on Child Language and Aphasia by Jakobson, Roman
Word and Language by Jakobson, Roman
The Tarascan Suffixes of Locative Space: Meaning and Morphotactics by Friedrich, Paul
Studies in Functional Logical Semiotics of Natural Language by Pelc, Jerzy
Language and Discourse by Parret, Herman
Out of the Mouth of Babes: Earliest Stages in Language Learning by Olmsted, D. L.
Le récit féminin by Chabrol, Claude
Language and Illumination: Studies in the History of Philosophy by Engel, S. Morris
Strukturale Semantik by Greimas, Algirdas Julien
Acoustic Theory of Speech Production: With Calculations Based on X-Ray Studies of Russian Articulations by Fant, Gunnar
The Tense Aspect System of the Spanish Verb: As Used in Cultivated Bogotá Spanish by Rallides, Charles
Structure in Medieval Narrative by Ryding, William W.
Manual of Lexicography by Zgusta, Ladislav
Étude Linguistique Et Sémiotique Des Dictionnaires Français Contemporains by Rey-Debove, Josette
Essai Pour Une Histoire Structurale Du Phonétisme Français by Juilland, Alphonse, Haudricourt, André
The Nature of Translation: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Literary Translation by
The Sound Pattern of Russian: A Linguistic and Acoustical Investigation by Halle, Morris
Essays in Semiotics /Essais de Sémiotique by
A Descriptive Syntax of the Peterborough Chronicle from 1122-1154 by Shores, David L.
Neuere Methoden der Semantik by Hundsnurscher, Franz
The History of the Sarbadar Dynasty 1336-1381 A.D. and Its Sources by Smith, John M.
Phonology, Morphonology, Morphology by Akhmanova, Olga
The Functions of Folk Costume in Moravian Slovakia by Bogatyrev, Peter
Methodological Aspects of Transformational Generative Phonology by Botha, Rudolf P.
Form in the Menschheitsdämmerung: A Study of Prosodic Elements and Style in German Expressionist Poetry by Newton, Robert P.
Epistemology, Logic, and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis by Matilal, Bimal K.
Probleme der Sprachwissenschaft by
Roman Jakobson: A Bibliography of His Writings by Jakobson, Roman
A Structural Approach to the Analysis of Drama by Levitt, Paul M.
Afroasiatic: A Survey by
Rules: A Systematic Study by Ganz, Joan S.
Speculative Grammars of the Middle Ages: The Doctrine of Partes Orationis of the Modistae by Bursill-Hall, G. L.
Comparative Phonology and Morphology of the Baltic Languages by Endzelíns, Janís
Writings on the General Theory of Signs by Morris, Charles W.
La description de l'isle d'utopie by More, Thomas
Psychologie sociale theorétique et expérimentale by Moscovici, Serge, Faucheux, Claude
Libros I-VI Continens by
Phonetik Und Phonologie Des Heutigen Italienisch by Lichem, Klaus
Untersuchungen Zum Ägyptischen Königtum Des Mittleren Reiches, Teil 1: Die Phraseologie by Blumenthal, Elke
Russische Lautlehre by Steinitz, Wolfgang
Sägen2 Bis Schawwig by
Sche Bis Schopenbruger: Wtmw-B, Lfg 48 (VI, 1) by Wossidlos, Richard
Sche Bis Schopenbruger by
Indo-European and Indo-Europeans: Papers Presented at the Third Indo-European Conference at the University of Pennsylvania by
Applied Coastal Geomorphology by Steers, J. A.
Instrumentalphonetisch-Auditive R-Untersuchungen Im Deutschen by Ulbrich, Horst
Phrase and Paraphrase: Some Innovative Uses of Language by Gleitman, Lila R., Gleitman, Henry
Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions: Volume 1: Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions by Gibson, John C. L.
Persisch-deutsches Wörterbuch für die Umgangssprache by
Sociology of Marriage and Family Behavior 1957-1968: A Trend Report and Bibliography by Mogey, John
La Primauté Du Grand Commerce Et La Renaissance Urbaine by Gascon, Richard
Grand Commerce et vie urbaine au XVIe siècle. Lyon et ses marchands (environs de 1520-environs de 1580), 2, Conjonctures by Gascon, Richard
Samuel Richardson's Theory of Fiction by Ball, Donald L.
L'amant resuscité de la mort d'amour by Valentinian, Théodose François
The Grotesque: A Study in Meanings by Barasch, Frances K.
The Notion of Form in Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgment by Uehling, Theodore Edward
English Formal Satire: Elizabethan to Augustan by Powers, Doris C.
Poésie ininterrompue et la poétique de Paul Éluard by Vernier, Richard
Conventionalism in Logic: A Study in the Linguistic Foundation of Logical Reasoning by Giannoni, Carlo Borromeo
Aspects de la réforme de l'enseignement en Chine au début du XX. siècle by Bastid, Marianne
Les fonctions sociales de l'enseignement scientifique by Saint Martin, Monique De
Structures of Modification in Contemporary American English by Hough, George a.
Phonétique générale et romane by Malmberg, Bertil
L'éducation des adultes by Fritsch, Philippe
Leigh Hunt's Reflector by Kendall, Kenneth E.
Maria Edgeworth's Art of Prose Fiction by Macwhorter Harden, O. Elizabeth
Pressekonzentration im Stuttgarter Raum by Flögel, Ute
Die Augen der Automaten by Matt, Peter Von
A Certain Order: The Development of Herbert Read's Theory of Poetry by Harder, Worth Travis
The Anglican Tradition in Eighteenth-Century Verse by Sampson, H. Grant
Beiträge Zur Valenztheorie by
Hesitation Phenomena in Adult Aphasic and Normal Speech by Quinting, Gerd
Swinburne's Poetics: Theory and Practice by Raymond, Meredith B.
D. H. Lawrence's Response to Russian Literature by Zytaruk, George John
Unity in Barsetshire by Hennedy, Hugh L.
Biblical Drama Under the Tudors by Blackburn, Ruth Harriett
Reminiscences by Lednicki, Waclaw
Anatomy of a Word-Class: A Chapter of Polish Grammar by Fokker, A. A., Smolikowska, Emilia
Fünfhundert Gemainer Newer Teutscher Sprüchwörter by Agricola, Johannes
Linguistics in Oceania, 2 by
Linguistics in Oceania by
Monnaie Et Histoire d'Alexandre À Mahomet by Lombard, Maurice
Background and Rise of the Major Movement by Daneel, Marthinus L.
A History of Six Spanish Verbs Meaning to Take, Seize, Grasp by Glover, Bobby Ray
Sprache und ihre Struktur by Langacker, Ronald W.
The Partisan Voice: A Study of the Political Lyric in France and Germany, 1180-1230 by Klein, Karen Wilk
Drevnjaj russkaja istorija do mongolskogo iga, T. 3 by Pogodin, Michail Petrovi
Excédents externes et correction du taux de change by Samuelson, Alain
Villages en developpement by
The Works of Ivan Bunin by Kryzytski, Serge
Foundations of Theory-Formation in Criminology: A Methodological Analysis by Dessaur, Catharina Irma
Imperative Constructions in Old English by Millward, Celia M.
Regional Development Experiences and Prospects in South and Southeast Asia by Lefeber, Louis, Datta-Chaudhuri, Mrinal
La Féodalité En Grèce Médiévale. Les 'Assises de Romanie'. Sources, Application Et Diffusion by Jacoby, David
Turkish-English Contrastive Analysis: Turkish Morphology and Corresponding English Structures by Sebüktekin, Hikmet I.
Vocabulary and Syntax of the Old English Version in the Paris Psalter: A Critical Commentary by Tinkler, John Douglas
Spogli elettronici dell' italiano delle origini e del duecento, 8, Dante Alighieri, la vita nuova by
Metaphorical Organicism in Herder's Early Works: A Study of the Relation of Herder's Literary Idiom to His Worldview by Schick, Edgar B.
Cruces of Beowulf by Cox, Betty S.
The Orienting Reflex by Olst, E. H.
1920-1922 by Trotsky, Leon
Le développement régional en Europe by
Linguistics in Sub-Saharan Africa by
The Net of Hephaestus. a Study of Modern Criticism and Metaphysical Metaphor by Miller, David M.
The Morality-Patterned Comedy of the Renaissance by Feldman, Sylvia D.
Sociodynamique de la culture by Moles, Abraham A.
FORTRAN. Ein PU-Lehrgang mit Programmbeispielen für Ingenieure, Techniker, Ökonomen, Naturwissenschaftler by
Etude sur l'évolution intellectuelle chez les musulmans du Bengale 1857-1947 by Qureshi, Mahmud Shah
Le pouvoir et les groupes de pression by Ehrlich, Stanislaw
Le vocabulaire des sciences sociales by
Histoire et institutions, 2 by
L'intégration des juifs nord-africains en France by Bensimon-Donath, Doris
Leçons de géographie tropicale by Gourou, Pierre
Precious Irony: The Theatre of Jean Giraudoux by Mankin, Paul A.
Un périodique français en Hollande by Couperus, Marianne Constance
Coding Information in Natural Languages by Oller, John W.
1364-1463 by Thieret, F.
Milton's Inward Jerusalem: Paradise Lost and the Ways of Knowing by Plotkin, Frederick
The Language Process: Toward a Holistic Schema with Implications for an English Curriculum Theory by Sanborn, Donald A.
L' adjectif démonstratif dans la langue de la Bible latine by Abel, Fritz
Okzitanische und katalanische Verbprobleme by Schlieben-Lange, Brigitte
Papyri from Karanis, Third Series: Michigan Papyri, Volume IX by
Objects of Thought by Prior, A. N.
Siebenbürgisch-Sächsisches Wörterbuch, Band 3, G by
Modusprobleme bei Notker by Furrer, Dieter
Persisches Lehr- und Lesebuch für die Umgangssprache by Sobhani, Farhad
P. Ovidii Nasonis, Epistulae Heroidum by Ovid
The Phonemes of English: A Phonemic Study of the Vowels and Consonants of Standard English by Cohen, A.
Persisch by
Untersuchungen Zum Wortschatz in Thomas Müntzers Deutschen Schriften by Spillmann, Hans O.
Frühneuhochdeutsches Glossar by
Norwegische Sprachgeschichte by Seip, Didrik A.
Das Adjektiv reich im mittelalterlichen Deutsch by Ris, Roland
The Ancient Romans by Starr, Chester G.
Slavoteutonica by Bellmann, Günter
Milton in Deutschland by Kreuder, Hans-Dieter
Die Mandschu-Sprachkunde in Korea by Lie, Lie, Hiu
Language Structure and Language Use: Essays, by Ferguson, Charles Albert
Forschungen Zur Slawischen Und Deutschen Namenkunde by
Transpuortovac - väi-le by Lorentz, Friedrich
Studies on the Seven Against Thebes of Aeschylus by Cameron, H. D.
La Cena del Rey Baltasar by Hofmann, Gerd, Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
The Body Politic: A Political Metaphor in Renaissance English Literature by Hale, David George
Reality and Idea in the Early American Novel by Hirsch, David H.