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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1973

Grundsätze und System der Transkription - IPA (G) by Richter, Helmut
Monographien, 13, Gimmeldingen, Kr. Neustadt an der Weinstraße. Mutterstadt, Kr. Ludwigshafen am Rhein by
Allgemeine Topologie by Franz, Wolfgang
Towards a Theory of Programmed Language Instruction by Bung, Klaus
Principles and Methods in Contemporary Structural Linguistics by Apresjan, Jurij D.
An Essay Concerning Aspect: Some Considerations of a General Character Arising from the Abbé Darrigol's Analysis of the Basque Verb by Anderson, John
A Phonological Investigation of Aphasic Speech by Blumstein, Sheila A.
A Study of Rhythmic Structure in the Verse of William Butler Yeats by Dougherty, Adelyn
Structure of Texts and Semiotics of Culture by
A Modern Theory of "Langue" by Gulstad, Daniel E.
The Language and Technique of the Film by Bettetini, Gianfranco
Production de l'intérêt romanesques by Grivel, Charles
Peirce's Concept of Sign by Greenlee, Douglas
Verzeichnis der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossenhandschriften by Bergmann, Rolf
The Acquisition of Egyptian Arabic as a Native Language by Omar, Margaret K.
Lexicostatistics in Genetic Linguistics: Proceedings of the Yale Conference, Yale University, April 3-4, 1971 by
The Morphology of the Modern French Verb by Gertner, Michael H.
Abriß einer funktionellen Semantik by Nagy, Gábor O.
Structures Normatives Et Relations Électives: Etude d'Une Communauté Villagoise Haoussa by Raynaud, Claude
Turkish Intonation: An Instrumental Study by Nash, Rose
Language of Motivation and Language of Actions by Nowakowska, Maria
The Determination of Stages in the Historical Development of the Germanic Languages by Morphological Criteria: An Evaluation by Bahnick, Karen R.
The Semantics of the Modal Auxiliaries in Contemporary German by Bouma, Lowell
Relativization in Hebrew: A Transformational Approach by Hayon, Yehiel
Das Osmanisch-Türkische im XVII. Jahrhundert by Hazai, György
Linguistique générale et romane by Malmberg, Bertil
A Classification and Analysis of Noun + de + Noun Constructions in French by Moody, Marvin D.
Grammatical Gender: Its Origin and Development by Ibrahim, Muhammad Hasan
The Syntax of the Old Spanish Subjunctive by Jensen, Frede, Lathrop, Thomas a.
The Formal Analysis of Natural Languages: Proceedings of the First International Conference, Paris, April 27-29, 1970 by
The English Verb System by Juilland, Alphonse, Macris, James
Frequency Dictionary of Italian Words by Traversa, Vicenzo, Juilland, Alphonse
The Instrumental Case in English: Syntactic and Semantic Considerations by Nilsen, Don L.
Structure d'un Mythe Védique by Ogibenin, B. L.
Les Charbonnages Du Nord de la France Au XIXe Siècle by Gillet, Marcel
Ferdinand de Saussure: Origin and Development of His Linguistic Thought in Western Studies of Language by Koerner, Ernst F. K.
The Stylistic Development of Edgar Allan Poe by Fletcher, Richard M.
The Knife in the Stone: Essays in Literary Theory by Will, Frederic
A Mathematical Grammar of English by Hemphill, George
Le langage des déments by Irigaray, Luce
The Conflict of Love and Honor: The Medieval Tristan Legend in France, Germany and Italy by Ferrante, Joan M.
Linguistik Und Übersetzung by Albrecht, Joern
Funktionsverbgefüge vom Typ "in Erfahrung bringen" by Herrlitz, Wolfgang
Automatische Textwörterbücher: Studien Zur Maschinellen Lemmatisierung Verbaler Wortformen Des Deutschen by Dietrich, Rainer
Linguistische Perspektiven by
Feste Syntagmen by Rothkegel, Annely
Anleitung Zur Grammatisch-Semantischen Beschreibung Lexikalischer Einheiten: Versuch Eines Modells by Wahrig, Gerhard
Linguistische Modellbildung und Methodologie by Lehmann, Hubert
Der Eigenname im Deutschen by Wimmer, Rainer
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch I by Ott, Wilhelm
Geheimpoetik: Die Continuatio Des Abentheurlichen Simplicissimi Interpretiert ALS Grimmelshausens Verschlüsselter Kommentar Zu Seine by Gersch, Hubert
The Scandinavian Languages: Fifty Years of Linguistic Research (1918 - 1968) by Haugen, Einar, Markey, Thomas L.
Themes in Linguistics: The 1970s by
Oppositions in Morphology: As Exemplified in the English Tense System by Khlebnikova, Irina
Transformational Grammar and Written Sentences by Davis, Marianna W.
A Synchronic Phonology of Mandarin Chinese by Cheng, Chin-Chuan
Neurolinguistic Approaches to Stuttering: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stuttering (Brussels, 1972) by
Polynesian Languages: A Survey of Research by Krupa, Viktor
Dictionaries and the Authoritarian Tradition: Study in English Usage and Lexicography by Wells, Ronald A.
A Synopsis of English Syntax by Nida, Eugene a.
Grammar Discovery Procedures: A Field Manual by Longacre, Robert F.
The Sounds and Phonemes of Wulfila's Gothic by Marchand, James W.
Written Language: General Problems and Problems of English by Vachek, Josef
Patterns of Ellipsis in Russian Compound Noun Formations by Molinsky, Steven J.
Dialect Boundaries and the Question of Franco-Provençal by Jochnowitz, George
Aufsätze Und Vorträge Zur Wortfeldtheorie by Trier, Jost
The Language of Gestures by Wundt, Wilhelm
Meaning in Mayan Languages: Ethnolinguistic Studies by
Issues in Phonological Theory: Proceedings of the Urbana Conference on Phonology, 1971, University of Illinois by
The Semiotics of Human Sound by Ostwald, Peter F.
The Existential Graphs of Charles S. Peirce by Roberts, Don D.
Les bandes dessinées des Canaques by Métais-Daudré, Éliane
The Apocalyptic Symbolism of Andrej Belyj by Cioran, Samuel David
Evgenij Zamjatin: An Interpretive Study by Collins, Christopher
Ottoman Tributes in Hungary: According to Sixteenth Century Tapu Registers of Novigrad by Bayerle, Gustav
Ci-gît le colonialisme by Guérin, Daniel
Peter Levin Manipulus Vocab Eetso: C 27 C by Wheatley
Einführung in Die Sprachstatistik by Muller, Charles
Das Funktionsfeld Der Temporalen Präpositionen Im Frühen Ostmitteldeutschen 1200 Bis 1550: Zwei Entwicklungsstufen Der Deutschen Sprache Auf Ihrem Weg by Dresel, Jutta
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache by
Ökonomische Semiotik by
Slusch Bis Sodmannsch by
Cho'rti Mayan Texts by Fought, John G.
Der germanische Rechtswortschatz im Bereich der Missetaten, Band 1, Die Terminologie der älteren westgermanischen Rechtsquellen by Munske, Horst H.
Strukturelle und instrumentalphonetische Untersuchungen zur gesprochenen Sprache by Göschel, Joachim
Toward a Critical Sociology by Birnbaum, Norman
Generative Grammar in Europe by
Investigating English Style by Crystal, David, Davy, Derek
A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry by Leech, Geoffrey N.
William Faulkner's Later Novels in German: A Study in the Theory and Practice of Translation by Boecker, Eberhard
Le génie enfant by Schaub, Gerhard
Einführung in die transformationelle Syntax, Band 2, Anwendung auf das Französische by Meisel, Jürgen M.
La mesure des gestes by Bouissac, Paul
Altenglisches Elementarbuch: Einführung, Grammatik, Texte Mit Übersetzung Und Wörterbuch by Lehnert, Martin
Russian Hesychasm: The Spirituality of Nil Sorskij by Maloney, George A.
Syntactic Factors in Memory? by Fillenbaum, Samuel
Aufsätze Und Vorträge Zur Wortfeldtheorie by Trier, Jost
Linguistic Stylistics by Enkvist, Nils Erik
Deutung und Bedeutung by
Dutch Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists: Warsaw, August 21-27, 1973 by
Single Nature's Double Name: The Collectedness of the Conflicting in British and American Romanticism by Benoit, Raymond
Analyse Socio-Économique de l'Environnement. Problémes de Méthode. Documents Présentés Au Symposium Tenu À Saint-Nizier (Grenoble) Du 12 Au 15 Décembr by
The Dialect of the Life of Saint Katherine: A Linguistic Study of the Phonology and Inflections by Logan, H. M.
Mau Mau - Twenty Years After: The Myth and the Survivors by Buijtenhuijs, Robert
The Phonetics of Modern Hebrew by Chayen, M. J.
The Two Forms of Subject Inversion in Modern French by Atkinson, James C.
Hölderlin's "Ars Poetica": A Part-Rigorous Analysis of Information Structure in the Late Hymns by George, Emery Edward
Automatische Erzeugung Englischer Sätze by Detering, Klaus
Regional Development: Experiences and Prospects in the United States of America by Cumberland, John H.
Les entreprises d'intérêt général by Hesselbach, Walter
Economic Materialism and Social Moralism: A Study in the History of Ideas in France from the Latter Part of the 18th Century to the Middle of the 19th by Gruner, Shirley M.
The authoritarian personality studies by McKinney, David W.
Filiation, incapacités, libéralités entre vifs by Linant de Bellefonts, Y.
Violence in Politics: Terror and Political Assassination in Eastern Europe and Russia by Gross, Feliks
The Physiological Activity of the Speech Organs: An Analysis of the Speech-Organs During the Phonation of Sung, Spoken and Whispered Czech Vowels on t by Ondráková, Jana
Trend Report by Nitsch, Wolfgang, Weller, Walter
Fourth International Conference of Economic History, Bloomington 1968 / Quatrième Conférence Internationale d' Histoire Économique by
Études stylistiques comparatives by Zajicek, Jacques
Poetic Diction in the Old English Meters of Boethius by Metcalf, Allan a.
Institution communale et pouvoir politique by
The Influence of Richard Rolle and of Julian of Norwich on the Middle English Lyrics by Knowlton, Mary Arthur
Le livre de la colonisation de l'Islande (Landnámabok) by
This Hell of Stories: A Hegelian Approach to the Novels of Samuel Beckett by Schulz, Hans-Joachim
La Princesse de Clèves: The Tension of Elegance by Woshinsky, Barbara R.
Une réforme locale en Chine au XVIe siècle by Cartier, Michel
Études Sur l'Instable Dans Le Français Familier by Dauses, August
Die "Lais" by Ringger, Kurt
Das finale Satzgefüge als Informationskomplex by Rudolph, Elisabeth
Einführung in die transformationelle Syntax, Band 1, Grundlagen by Meisel, Jürgen M.
Der periphrastische Verbalaspekt in den romanischen Sprachen by Dietrich, Wolf
Generative Morphologie des Neufranzösischen by Kiefer, Ferenc
Modelltheorie für Linguisten by Lutzeier, Peter
Strukturelle Semantik des Französischen by Geckeler, Horst
Einführung in Die Hispanistische Sprachwissenschaft by Metzeltin, Michael
Dänische Subjekt- und Objektsätze by Vater, Heinz
A Linguistic Commentary on John Fearn's Anti-Tooke (1824/27) by Asbach-Schnitker, Brigitte
Automatische syntaktische Analyse englischer nominaler Gruppen by Moessner, Lilo
Poetic Fantasy and Fiction: The Short Stories of Jules Supervielle by Jones, Louisa E.
Milton and the Theme of Fame by Jenkins, R. B.
The Novelist as Historian: Essays on the Victorian Historical Novel by Simmons, James C.
Colloquium Paedolinguisticum: Proceedings of the First International Symposium of Paedolinguistics, Held at Brno, 14-16 October 1970 by
La géographie humaine du monde musulman jusqu'au millieu du 11e siècle, [1], Géographie et géographie humaine dans la litterature arabe des origenes à by Miquel, André
Selected Letters of Evgenij Baratynskij by Baratynskii, Evgenii Abramovich
Linguistics in North America, 1 by
Diachronic, Areal, and Typological Linguistics by
Bylina and Fairy Tale: The Origins of Russian Heroic Poetry by Alexander, Alex E.
Les Actes de Caffa Du Notaire Lamberto Di Sambuceto, 1289-1290 by Balard, Michel
Raison et altérité chez Fadrique Furio Ceriol by Furio Ceriol, Fadrique
The Historian Between the Ethnologist and the Futurologist: A Conference on the Historian Between the Ethnologist and the Futurologist, Venice, April by
Recherches Sur l'Histoire de la Langue Osmanlie Des Xvie Et Xviie Siècles. Les Éléments Osmanlis de la Langue Hongroise by Kakuk, Suzanne
Vocal Registers in Singing. Proceedings of a Symposium: Seventy-Eighth Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, California, Nov. 7, 19 by
Eudised: Multilingual Thesaurus for Information Processing in the Field of Education by
Emily Dickinson's Use of the Persona by Todd, John Emerson
Combinatoire graphes et algèbre by
The Exorcism of Sex and Death in Julien Green's Novels by Kostis, Nicholas
A Transformational Analysis of Modern Colloquial Japanese by Chew, John J.
La Presse Et l'Événement: Recueil de Travaux by
Twenty Years Indonesian Foreign Policy 1945-1965 by Anak Agung Gde Agung, Ide
La prépondérance espagnole 1559-1660 by Hauser, Henri
Le peuple esquimau aujourd'hui et demain / The Eskimo People to-day and to-morrow by
Gregorius by Hartmann Von Aue
The Holy Spirit in German Literature Until the End of the Twelfth Century by Egert, Eugene
In the Spirit of the Red Banteng: Indonesian Communists Between Moscow and Peking, 1959-1965 by Dake, Antonie C. a.
Social Stratification and Development in the Mediterranean Basin: Stratification Sociale Et Developpement Dans Le Bassin Mediterranéen by
La Formation Des Coopérants. Actes Du Colloque Organisé Par La Commission Nationale Pour Des Études Interethniques Et Interculturelles Les 26 Et 27 Av by
Nordkalabrischer Sprachatlas anhand der Parabel vom verlorenen Sohn by Rensch, Karl Heinz M.
Validation of graphological judgments by Jansen, Abraham
Julius Zeyer: The Path to Decadence by Pynsent, Robert B.
A Linguistic Analysis of a Collection of Late Latin Documents Composed in Ravenna Between A. D. 445-700: A Quantitative Approach by Carlton, Charles Merritt
Brève Histoire de la Langue Roumaine Des Origines À Nos Jours by Rosetti, A.
Shakespeare's Lusty Punning in Love's Labour's Lost: With Contemporary Analogues by Ellis, Herbert Alexander
Studien Zum Funktionswandel Bei Auxiliarien Und Semi-Auxiliarien in Den Romanischen Sprachen: Morphologisch-Syntaktische Untersuchungen Über Gehen, Ha by Berchem, Theodor
Folklore and Traditional History by
Deux siècles de fiscalité française, XIXe-XXe siècle by Schnerb, Robert
Shakespeare's Comic Theory: A Study of Art and Artifice in the Last Plays by Nelson, Thomas Allen
Classification nominale en chinois. Les particules numérales by Coyaud, Maurice
Croissance de l'espace urbain bordelais by
Les Mathématiques de la Décision by Fishburn, Peter C.
Logique moderne, Fascicule III, Implications - modalités, logiques polyvalentes, logique combinatoire, ontologie et méréologie de Leśniewski by Grize, Jean-Blaise
Le Berry du Xe siècle au milieu du XIIIe by Devailly, Guy
Les Fortunes Françaises Au XIXe Siècle: Enquête Sur La Répartition Et La Composition Des Capitaux Privés À Paris, Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux Et Toulouse d' by
Cyprus: Reluctant Republic by Xydis, Stephen G.
L'Oeuvre de Jacques de Baisieux: Edition Critique by Thomas, Patrick A.
Einführung in die Textlinguistik by Dressler, Wolfgang U.
Sprachgestalt ALS Folge Und Fügung: Zur Phonologie Des Dolomitenladinischen (Badiot) Und Seiner Nachbarn. [Studien Zu Alpinromanischen Sprachständen i by Plangg, Guntram
Grundlagen der Sprecherziehung by Jesch, Jörg
Hacia Calderon, Segundo Coloquio Anglogermano, Hamburgo 1970 by
Datenfernverarbeitung by Hoffmann, Michael J. a.
Myths and Motifs in Literature by Burrows, David J.
The Structure of the Japanese Language by Kuno, Susumu
Early Syntactic Development: A Cross-Linguistic Study with Special Reference to Finnish by Bowerman, Melissa, Bowerman
Semantics of Natural Language by
Semantics of Natural Language by
Transformational Grammar as a Theory of Language Acquisition: A Study in the Empirical Conceptual and Methodological Foundations of Contemporary Lingu by Bruce L., Derwing, Derwing, Bruce L., Derwing
Documents of the Baronial Movement of Reform and Rebellion, 1258-1267 by
Aquila by
The Comedian as the Letter D: Erasmus Darwin's Comic Materialism by Hassler, D. M.
Studies in Formal Historical Linguistics by Hoenigswald, H. M.
Semantische Strukturen Im Bereich Der Alt- Und Mittelhochdeutschen Schallwörter by Lötscher, Andreas
An African Popular Literature: A Study of Onitsha Market Pamphlets by Obiechina, Emmanuel, Obiechina, Emmanuel N.
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