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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1974

Escape Into Siege: Survey of Israeli Literature Today by Yudkin, Leon I.
Textliste Zu III/50: Festschrift Für Eberhard Zwirner. Teil I by Bethge, Wolfgang
Monographien, 15, Festschrift für Eberhard Zwirner. Teil II. Hodschag, Batschka. Puhoi - Eine Egerländer Mundart in Neuseeland by
Von Den Anfängen Bis Zum Ende Der Nationalkönigsherrschaft (736-951) by
Pidgins and Creoles: Current Trends and Prospects by
Linguistics and Poetics by
The Interpretation of Deviant Sentences in English: A Transformational Approach by Chapman, Robin S.
English Verb Inflection: A Generative View by Griggs, Silas, Rulon, Curt M.
Applications of the Mathematical Theory of Linguistics by Daly, Richard T.
Presupposition by Cooper, David E.
The Justification of Linguistic Hypotheses: A Study of Nondemonstrative Inference in Transformational Grammar by Botha, Rudolf P.
Ideologies of Linguistic Relativity by Rossi-Landi, Ferruccio
Études linguistiques by Rosetti, A.
Introduction to the Study of Language by Milewski, Tadeusz
Studies in Phonetics by Romportl, Milan
The D-Stem in Western Semitic by Ryder, Stuart A.
Actes du premier congrès international de linguistique sémitique et chamito-sémitique by
The Jacaltec Language by Day, Christopher
Sebeok: Current Trends in Linguistics Vol12/4 by Abramson, Arthur S.
The Syntax of the Old French Subjunctive by Jensen, Frede
Selected Works: Articles on General Linguistics by Polivanov, E. D.
Le Problème National Catalan by Rossinyol, Jaume
Discussing Language: Dialogues with Wallace L. Chafe, Noam Chomsky, Algirdas J. Greimas, M. A. K. Halliday, Peter Hartmann, George Lakoff, by Parret, Herman
Linguistics and Adjacent Arts and Sciences by
L'Histoire psychoanalytique. Une Anthologie by Besançon, Alain
West Germanic Inflection, Derivation and Compounding by Voyles, Joseph B.
A Generative Syntax of Luangiua: A Polynesian Language by Salmond, Anne
The Qualifying Adjective in Spanish by Zierer, Ernesto
A Description of Modern Chaldean by Sara, Solomon I.
Education Et Société En Russie Dans Le Second Tiers Du XIXe Siècle by Besançon, Alain
The Qashqā'i Nomads of Fārs by Oberling, Pierre
Essays on Semiolinguistics and Verbal Art by Hendricks, William O.
Frequency Dictionary of Chinese Words by Liu, Eric Shen
The Acquisition of Modal Auxiliaries in the Language of Children by Major, Diana
An Introduction to the Theory of Formal Languages and Automata by Levelt, W. J.
Evaluation of Theories on Child Grammars by Geest, Ton Van Der
Bits of Mountain Speech by Fink, Paul M.
Bibliographisches Handbuch Zur Sprachinhaltsforschung: Beiheft 1 by Beckers, Hartmut, Gipper, Helmut, Schwarz, Hans
Toward a Science of Vocabulary Development by O'Rourke, Joseph P.
Biene und Honig als Symbol des Dichters und der Dichtung in der griechisch-römischen Antike: 186. Sitzung am 20. Juni 1973 in Düsseldorf by Waszink, Jan Hendrik
Arthur S. Abramson: Linguistics and Adjacent Arts and Sciences. Part 2 by Abramson, Arthur S.
Comparative Hokan-Coahuiltecan Studies: A Survey and Appraisal by Langdon, Margaret
Tieck Und Wackenroder by
The Linguistic Work of Friedrich Karl Fulda by Vogt, Joann
Wittgensteinian Linguistics by Brown, Cecil H.
Hemingway: Direct and Oblique by Peterson, Richard K.
Les dérivés parasynthétiques dans les langues romanes by Reinheimer-Ripeanu, Sanda
Einführung in Die Generative Phonologie by Mayerthaler, Willi
Mittelniederdeutsche Grammatik by Lasch, Agathe
Perzeption und Produktion im sub-phonemischen Bereich by Barry, William John
The Language Game of Confessing One's Belief: A Wittgensteinian-Augustinian Approach to the Linguistic Analysis of Creedal Statements by Mananzan, Mary-John
Zur Syntaktischen Beschreibung Deutscher Nominalkomposita: Auf Der Grundlage Generativer Transformationsgrammatiken by Kürschner, Wilfried
Der Begriff Der Sprachlichen Kreativität in Der Neueren Linguistik by Imhasly, Bernard
Metrische Analysen Zu Ovid Metamorphosen Buch I by Ott, Wilhelm
Valenzen englischer Prädikatsverben by Emons, Rudolf
Mehrdeutige Wortformen im heutigen Deutsch by Weber, Heinz Josef
Structures de Deux Testaments Fictionnels: Le Lais Et Le Testament de François Villon by Zoest, A. J. a. Van
Modern Aesthetics by
A Grammar of Stories: An Introduction by Prince, Gerald
Sholom Aleichem: A Non-Critical Introduction by Gittleman, Sol
Aspects of Nominal Determination in Old Church Slavic by Flier, Michael S.
A Grammar of Subordinate Structures in English by Lytle, Eldon G.
The Form and Function of Proverbs in Ancient Israel by Thompson, John M.
B - K by Mathiot, Madeleine
Logique Moderne, Fasc II, Logique des propositions et des prédicats, tables de vérité et axiomatisation by Grize, Jean-Blaise
Language and Cinema by Metz, Christian
Gothic AI and Au: A Possible Solution by Alquen, Richard J. De
Targets and Syntactic Change by Haiman, John
Set Theory and Syntactic Description by Cooper, William S.
Linguistics and Second Language Pedagogy: A Theoretical Study by Lewis, E. Glyn
Applications in Linguistic Theory by Levelt, W. J.
Language Typology: A Historical and Analytic Overview by Greenberg, Joseph
Slavic Forum: Essays in Linguistics and Literature by
A Historical Phonology of the Kashubian Dialects of Polish by Topolinska, Zuzanna
The Meaning of the Finite Verb Forms in the Old Church Slavonic Codex Suprasliensis: A Synchronic Study by Amse-De Jong, Tine H.
Textes pour une psycholinguistique by
Psycholinguistic Applications by Levelt, W. J.
Viewpoint, Reflexives, and the Nature of Noun Phrases by Cantrall, William
The Love That Failed: Ideal and Reality in the Writings of E. M. Forster by Martin, Richard
Économie Et Société Nivernaises Au Début Du XIXe Siècle by Thuillier, André
Ceremony and Art: Robert Herrick's Poetry by Deming, Robert H.
La critique littéraire de Lamartine by Hamlet-Metz, Mario
Le concept de littérarité by Marghescou, Mircea
Advances in Language Planning by
A - K by
Onomastica Slavogermanica VII by
Studien Zur Erfurter Literatursprache Des 15. Jahrhunderts: An Hand Der Erfurter Historienbibel Vom Jahre 1428 by Bentzinger, Rudolf
Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Lieferung 12 by
Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Lieferung 15 by
Spirböken Bis Stapel by
Sodmäuhm Bis Spir by
Vorgeschichte Der Iranischen Sprachen, Awestasprache Und Altpersisch, Mittelpersisch by
Litteratur, Geschichte Und Kultur, Register Zum II. Band by
Iwein: [Urtext Und Übersetzung] by Hartmann
Rückläufiger Wortindex Zu Vergil: Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis by Ott, Wilhelm
A Critical Edition of the 13th and 14th Centuries Old French Poem Versions of the by
Actes du Colloque Franco-Allemand de Grammaire Transformationnelle, Teil 1, Études de syntaxe by Rohrer, Christian, Ruwet, Nicolas
Summarium Heinrici, Band 1, Textkritische Ausgabe der ersten Fassung, Buch I-X by
Form und Funktion der "Cuentos" in den Comedias Calderons by Ahmed, Uta
Li Ystoire de la male marastre by Runte, Hans R.
The Sentence in Biblical Hebrew by Andersen, Francis I.
Inwrought with Figures Dim. a Reading of Milton's 'Lycidas' by Berkeley, David Shelley
The History and Development of Tagmemics by Waterhouse, Viola G.
The Petrasevskij Circle 1845-1849 by Evans, John L.
The Opposition Critics: The Antisymbolist Reaction in the Modern Period by O'Connell, Daniel
Chamissos Werke: Gedichte Erste Und Zweite Abteilung. Gelegenheits-Gedichte. in Dramatischen Form. Übersetzungen. Peter Schlemihls Wund by Chamisso, Adelbert
Poetry and Truth by Rasmussen, Dennis
Lyric Forms in the Sonnet Sequences of Barnabe Barnes by Blank, Philip E.
Regional Information and Regional Planning by
Language and Social Reality: The Case of Telling the Convict Code by Wieder, D. Lawrence
Sämtliche Dramen, Teil 1 by Murer, Jos
Bibliographie de phonologie romane by Grossmann, Maria, Mazzoni, Bruno
Le raisonnement modal by Piéraut-Lebonniec, Gilberte
Les documents graphiques by Bonin, Serge
Disparition et survivances du franco-provençal by Vincenz, André de
Aspekte der nationalen Werbesprache in Mexiko by Zahn, Jetta Margareta
Studien Zu Einer Linguistik Des Wortspiels: Das Wortspiel Im Canard Enchaîné by Hausmann, Franz Josef
Tempus, Aspekt, Aktionsart by Klein, Horst G.
Historische französische Phonologie aus generativer Sicht by Klausenburger, Jürgen
Robert Walsers Poetik by Herzog, Urs
Etudes de Sémantique Et Autres by
Historische Phonologie Des Niederländischen by Goossens, Jan
Denominale Verbalisierung im Englischen by Leitner, Gerhard
Das System Der Verben Mit Be- In Der Deutschen Sprache Der Gegenwart: Ein Beitrag Zur Struktur Des Lexikons Der Deutschen Grammatik by Günther, Hartmut
Morphologische Poetik: Gesammelte Aufsätze by Müller, Günther
Structures lexicales et enseignement du vocabulaire by Holec, Henri
On Language, Culture and Religion: In Honor of Eugene A. Nida by
Contemporary Issues in Educational Testing by
Issues in African Law by Holleman, J. F.
Société et liberté chez les Peul Djelgôbé de Haute-Volta by Riesman, Paul
Paedeia Through Laughter: Jonson's Aristophanic Appeal to Human Intelligence by Dick, Aliki Lafkidou
Quelques lettres d' Ivan Tourguénev à Pauline Viardot by Turgenev, Ivan S.
Werner Bergengruen's Das Buch Rodenstein: A Detailed Analysis by Parent, David J.
Richard Payne Knight: The Twilight of Virtuosity by Messmann, Frank J.
Thomas Dekker's a Knights Conjuring (1607): A Critical Edition by Robbins, Larry M.
Through Those Living Pillars: Man and Nature in the Works of Emile Zola by Hewitt, Winston
A Babble of Ancestral Voices: Shakespeare, Cervantes and Theobald by Frazier, Harriet C.
The Ecumenical World of Orthodox Civilization by
Project Appraisal for Development Administration by Packard, Philip C.
Tradition, Change and Conflict in Indian Family Business by Cohen, Allan R.
Les ouvriers en grève, Tome II, Civilisations et Sociétés 31 by Perrot, Michelle
Les ouvriers en grève, Tome I, Civilisations et Sociétés 31 by Perrot, Michelle
Sievers' Law and the Evidence of the Rigveda by Horowitz, Franklin Eugene
The Dramatic Art of Ferdinand Raimund and Johann Nestroy: A Critical Study by Harding, Laurence V.
Method and Theory in the Semantics and Cognition of Kinship Terminology by Nogle, Lawrence Elwayne
Révolution industrielle et sous-développement by Bairoch, Paul
Kleinere Schriften Zur Classischen Philologie by
L'autogestion, l'homme et l'état by Koulytchizky, Serge
La Théorie Analytique de la Société Dans l'Oeuvre de Talcott Parsons by Chazel, François
Analyses et commentaires by Bonin, Serge
L'antihumanisme de J. G. de Sepulveda by Méchoulan, Henri
Kreativiteit en kognitieve stijl by Meel-Jansen, Annelies
Of Time, Light and Hell: Essays in Interpretation of the Christian Message by Chudoba, Bohdan
Reflections and Perspectives: Essays in Philosophy by Klemke, Elmer Daniel
Current Research in Sociology: Published on the Occasion of the Viiith World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, August 18-24, 1974 by
Monopolville: Analyse Des Rapports Entre l'Entreprise, l'État Et l'Urbain À Partir d'Une Enquête Sur La Croissance Industrielle Et U by Castells, Manuel, Godard, Francis
Papers on functional sentence perspective by
Liste Mondiale Des Périodiques Spécialisés. Amérique Latine / World List of Specialized Periodicals. Latin America by
Liste mondiale des périodiques spécialisés / World list of specialized periodicals by
Arthur S. Abramson: Linguistics and Adjacent Arts and Sciences. Part 1 by Abramson, Arthur S.
Old Church Slavonic Grammar: With an Epilogue: Toward a Generative Phonology of Old Church Slavonic by Lunt, Horace G.
Les promoteurs immobiliers by Topalov, Christian
Genealogical Mathematics: Proceedings of the Mssb Conference on Genealogical Mathematics February 28-March 3, 1974 at the University of Texas He by
Giraudoux et la métaphore by Celler, Morton M.
La Scolarisation en France depuis un siècle by
Les Haïtiens En France by Bastide, Roger
Attitudes Toward Mental Patients: A Study Across Cultures by Zavalloni, Marisa, Askenasy, Alexander
Russia and Kazan: Conquest and Imperial Ideology (1438-1560s) by Pelenskyj, Jaroslav Z.
Christian Theology and Old English Poetry by Wilson, James H.
Untersuchungen Zum Humor in Den Comedias Calderons: Unter Ausschluss Der "Gracioso"-Gestalten by Tejada, Amelia
The Greek Prothetic Vowel by Wyatt, William F.
Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach by Hymes, Dell
Semantics: An Interdisciplinary Reader in Philosophy, Linguistics and Psychology by Steinberg, Danny D., Steinberg, Daniel, Jakobovits, Leon A.
Deutsche Wortgeschichte. Band 2 by
Redetechnik by
Sprache Und Politik: Untersuchungen Zum Sprachgebrauch Der "Paulskirche" by Grünert, Horst
Die gotischen Bewegungsverben by Götti, Ernst
Maurer, Friedrich; Maurer, Friedrich; Maurer, Friedrich; Stroh, Friedrich; Stroh, Friedrich; Stroh, Friedrich; Rupp, Heinz; Rupp, Heinz; Rupp, Heinz: by
Algebraische Topologie by Franz, Wolfgang
Functor Analysis of Natural Language by Lehrberger, John
Language By Ear And By Eye: The Relationship between Speech and Reading by
The Concepts of Criticism by Aschenbrenner, L.
Weighting Evidence in Language and Literature: A Statistical Approach by Brainerd, Barron
Language as a Human Problem by
Pidginization and Creolization of Languages: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of the West Indies Mona, Jamaica, April 1968 by Hymes, Dell H., Hymes, D.
Einführung in Die Sprachwissenschaft by
Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig / Philologisch-historische Klasse Onomastica Slavogermanica by Eichler, Ernst, Walther, Hans
Études de l'Acte Graphique by Lurçat, Liliane
Blandin de Cornouaille: Introduction, Édition Diplomatique, Glossaire by Horst, C. H. M. Van Der
1974 by
Préparation de la Réforme de l'Écriture En République Populaire de Chine 1949-1954 by Milsky, Constantin
Environmental Policies and Development Planning in Contemporary China and Other Essays by Kapp, K. William
Un Domaine Contesté: L'Anthropologie Économique by Godelier, Maurice
French Kinship by Maranda, Pierre
Reduction in Language by Meyerstein, R. S.
Les Illabakan (Niger) by Bernus, Edmond
Sprachtypologie Und Sprachdenken by Kaznelson, S. D.
Aktuelle Probleme Der Sprachlichen Kommunikation: Soziolinguistische Studien Zur Sprachlichen Situation in Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik by
Gesprochenes Deutsch in Der Altmark: Untersuchungen Und Texte Zur Sprachschichtung Und Zur Sprachlichen Interferenz by Schönfeld, Helmut
Zur Kritik Des Sprachwissenschaftlichen Strukturalismus by Motsch, Wolfgang
See More