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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1975

On Plagiarisms in the Minerva of Franciscus Sanctius by
Monographien, 16, Mannheim. Umgangssprache by
Proben deutscher Umgangssprache by Sperlbaum, Margret
Analyzing Variation in Language: Papers from the Second Colloquium on New Ways of Analyzing Variation by
Linguistic Subgrouping and Lexicostatistics by Dyen, Isidore
A Functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis by Mathesius, Vilém
Das Linguistische Universalienproblem in Neuer Sicht: 194. Sitzung Am 17. April 1974 in Düsseldorf by Seiler, Hansjakob
Materiality in Der Internationalen Rechnungslegung: Das Pflichtgemäße Ermessen Des Abschlußprüfers Und Der Grundsatz Der Wesentlichkeit by Lück, Wolfgang
Inductive Semantics and Syntax by Zawadowski, Leo
Ostjakologische Arbeiten, Band 1, Ostjakische Volksdichtung und Erzählungen aus zwei Dialekten by
Natural Logic and the Greek Moods by Lightfoot, David
Language Communication and the Brain: A Neuropsychological Study by Maruszewski, Mariusz
The Syntax of the Simple Sentence in Proto-Germanic by Hopper, Paul J.
Perspectives of Irony on Medieval French Literature by Rossman, Vladimir R.
Being Female: Reproduction, Power, and Change by
The Regional French of County Beauce, Québec by Morgan, Raleigh
Invariant Ordering by Sanders, Gerald A.
Modern Linguistics and Language Teaching: Society for the Popularization of Sciences - T.I.T./Fédération Internationale Des Professeurs de Langues Viv by
English Aspectual Verbs by Newmeyer, Frederick J.
A Diachronic Phonology from Proto-Germanic to Old English Stressing West-Saxon Conditions by Barrack, Charles M.
The Political Sociology of English Language: An African Perspective by Mazrui, Ali a.
Über Den Begriff Des Oberflächlichen in Der Romania by Glasser, Richard
Organization of Behavior in Face-To-Face Interaction by
Critical Studies in Indian Grammarians I: The Theory of Homogeneity (Savar?ya) by Deshpande, Madhav
The Lexical Structure of Spanish by Urrutibéheity, Hector, Patterson, William
Lithic Technology: Making and Using Stone Tools by
A Transformational Grammar of Russian Adjectives by Babby, Leonard Harvey
Questions on Form and Interpretation by Chomsky, Noam
A Similarity in Cultural and Linguistic Change by Goodenough, Ward H.
Die Sprachauffassung Alfons des Weisen by Niederehe, Hans-Josef
Das Übersetzen Aus Dem Mittelhochdeutschen by Saran, Franz
The English Existential by Jenkins, Lyle
A Concise Grammar of the Older Runic Inscriptions by Antonsen, Elmer H.
Argumentative Dialoge by Deimer, Günther
Transformative, intransformative und kursive Verben by Fabricius-Hansen, Cathrine
Pause und Kadenz by Pürschel, Heiner
Die Binarismus-Problematik in der neueren Linguistik by Henrici, Gert
Intonationszeichen im Englischen by Esser, Jürgen
Grammatische Kategorien: Das Verhältnis Von Traditioneller Und Moderner Sprachwissenschaft by Cherubim, Dieter
Semantisch-syntaktische Relationen by Püschel, Ulrich
Die Entstehung von Thomas Manns Roman "Doktor Faustus" by Voss, Lieselotte
Très brève relation sur la destruction des Indes by Las Casas, Bartolomé de
Coleridge's Decline as a Poet by Berkoben, L. D.
Craftmanship in Context: The Development of Ben Jonson's Poetry by Gardiner, Judith Kegan
The Phenomenon of Literature by Gray, Bennison
Diachronic Studies in Romance Linguistics: Papers Presented at a Conference on Diachronic Romance Linguistics, University of Illinois, April 1972 by
The Old Church Slavonic Translation of the Andron Hagion Biblos: In the Edition of Nikolaas Van Wijk by
Les Mots Composés Dans Les Langues Romanes by Giurescu, Anca
Russian Romanticism: 2 Essays by Leighton, Lauren G.
Socialization and Communication in Primary Groups by
General and Rational Grammar by Arnauld, Antoine, Lancelot, Claude
Handbook of the Middle English Grammar: Phonology by Jordan, Richard
Introduction to Psycholinguistics by Slama-Cazacu, Tatiana
Semantics and Syntax in Complementation by Menzel, Peter
Perspectives on Black English by
Les Vezo Du Sud-Ouest de Madagascar: Contribution À l'Étude de l'Éco-Système de Semi-Nomades Marins by Koechlin, Bernard
What is a linguistic fact? by Labov, W.
The Scope of American Linguistics: Papers of the First Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America, Held at the University of Ma by
Ambiguité Dans Le Lexique by Zwanenburg, Wiecker
Nicht-epische Strukturen des romantischen Romans by Hudgins, Esther
American Common Law and the Principle Nullum Crimen Sine Lege by Pomorski, Stanislaw
Joachim von Watt (Vadianus) - Bartholomäus Schobinger - Melchior Goldast by Hertenstein, Bernhard
S/Z by Barthes, Roland
Strain of Violence: Historical Studies of American Violence and Vigilantism by Brown, Richard Maxwell
Wechselbeziehungen Zwischen Sprache Und Denken by Panfilov, V. Z.
Die Sprache Der Deutschen Politischen Literatur in Der Zeit Der Reformation Und Des Bauernkrieges by Guchmann, M. M.
Troisième Conférence Internationale d'Histoire Économique / Third International Conference of Economic History. Volume 5 by
Stapeldörlik Bis Stoeker by
Stoekerabend Bis Stuktin by
Stapeldörlik Bis Stoeker by Gundlach, Jürgen
Existenzformen, Funktionen Und Geschichte Der Sprache by
Domesday Book: Its Place in Administrative History by Galbraith, Vivian H.
Linguistic Evolution: With Special Reference to English by Samuels, M. L., Samuels, M. L., Samuels
Studies in the Derivational Suffix -āculum, Its Latin Origin and Its Romance Development by Tuttle, Edward Fowler
Géographie Arabe Et Représentation Du Monde: La Terre Et l'Étranger by Miquel, André
Genèse d'Une Ville Moderne - Caen Au Xviiil0364e Siècle by Perrot, Jean-Claude
Languages and Linguistics: An Introduction by Pierce, Joe E.
Three novels of Madame de Duras by Crichfield, Grant
Die neuiranischen Sprachen der Sowjetunion, II: Bibliographie by Oranskij, I. M.
Samuel Beckett's Dramatic Language by Eliopulos, James
A segmental phonology of black English by Luelsdorff, Philip a.
Hamito-Semitica: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held by the Historical Section of the Linguistics Association (Great Britain) at the Schoo by
The Journal Des Hommes Libres de Tous Les Pays 1792-1800 by Fajn, Max
Sprechbewegung und Sprachstruktur by Solle, Reinhold
Conrad Richter's America by Lahood, Marvin J.
Apprendre la langue Rwanda by Overdulve, C. M.
Die alten Postpositionen des Nenzischen by Mikola, Tibor
Magoumaz. Pays Mafa (Nord Cameroun) by Boulet, Jean
Mathematische Einführung in die formale Grammatik by Hugues, Michel
Lernpsychologie und Fremdsprachenerwerb by Vogel, Klaus, Vogel, Sigrid
Aspekte der Dialektologie by Wolf, Lothar
Mythos und Utopie by Jung, Jochen
Sprachpragmatik by Henne, Helmut
Xenia Slavica: Papers Presented to Gojko Ruzičic on the Occasion of His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, 2 February 1969 by
Le morte Arthur by
Naturalism and Deontology: An Essay on the Problems of Ethics by Rohatyn, D. A.
Humanity: The Political and Social Philosophy of Thomas G. Masaryk by Beld, Antonie Van Den
The Throne and the Chariot by Cohen, Kitty
Shelley and Nonviolence by Young, Art
Comic Character in Restoration Drama by Persson, Agnes V.
Horace Bushnell's Theory of Language: In the Context of Other Nineteenth-Century Philosophies of Language by Crosby, Donald A.
Prince William B. by Nathan, Norman
The Four Plays of William Wycherley: A Study in the Development of a Dramatist by Chadwick, William R.
A Transformational Analysis of the Syntax of ÆLfric's Lives of Saints by Johnson, Judith Anne
Propositional Logical Thinking and Comprehension of Language Connectives: A Developmental Analysis by Paris, Scott G.
The Theatre of Jean Mairet: The Metamorphosis of Sensuality by Kay, Burf
An Idle Singer and His Audience: A Study of William Morris's Poetic Reputation in England, 1858-1900 by Gardner, Delbert R.
Linguistics, Language Teaching, and Composition in the Grades by Ney, James W.
Richard II in the Early Chronicles by Duls, Louisa Desaussure
Shakespeare and the Archpriest Controversy: A Study of Some New Sources by Kaula, David
Avril 1841-mars 1845 by Comte, Auguste, Vaux, Clotilde Marie de
The Homely Web of Truth: A Study of Charlotte Brontë's Novels by Dessner, Lawrence Jay
La révolution sans modèle by Lapouge, Gilles, Revault D'allonnes, Olivier, Châtelet, François
Penser la bouche pleine by Schlanger, Judith E.
Edouard Rod (1857-1910) by Lerner, Michael G.
La philosophie politique et l'Etat d'Israël by Misrahi, Robert
L'oeuvre hispanoaméricaine de Zsigmond Remenyik by Ferdinandy, Georges
The Religious world of Russian culture by
La Peste Dans l'Histoire by Biraben, Jean-Noël
Three Essays on Linguistic Diversity in the Spanish-Speaking World: The U.S. Southwest and the River Plate Area by
System der paradigmatischen Suffixmorpheme des wogulischen Dialektes an der Tawda by Honti, László
Délinquance juvénile et développement socio-économique by
Spracherwerb: Grundzüge Der Sprachentwicklung Des Kindes by Ramge, Hans
Économie internationale, Tome 1, Automatismes et structures by Weiller, Jean, Coussy, Jean
La terre Enkou by Guillot, Bernard
Regional Disaggregation of National Policies and Plans by
Économie et parenté by Cuisenier, Jean
La Valeur Du Sol Urbain Et La Propriété Foncière: Le Marché Des Terrains À Paris by Granelle, Jean-Jacques
Logic and Philosophy for Linguists: A Book of Readings by
Antoine de Montchrestien, dramaturge de transition. La Reine d'Escosse by Crivelli, Joseph D.
Les missions-étrangères et la pénétration française au Viêt-Nam by Lê, Nicole-Dominique
A Sociolinguistic Investigation of Multilingualism in the Canton of Ticino Switzerland by Heye, Jürgen B.
Montaigne and the Introspective Mind by Norton, Glyn P.
Subversive Ästhetik by Schneider, Manfred
Textgrammatik: Beiträge Zum Problem Der Textualität by
Pragmatics of Natural Languages by
Pragmatics of Natural Languages by
The Etymology and Usage of Peirar in Early Greek Poetry: A Study in the Interrelationship of Metrics, Linguistics and Poetics by Bergren, Ann L.
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources: Fascicule I: A-B by
Die Burgunder, Schlußwort by Gamillscheg, Ernst
Presupposition and the Delimitation of Semantics by Kempson, Ruth M., Kempson, Ruth M., Kempson
Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature by Widdowson, H. G.
English Pronunciation Illustrated by Trim, John, Trim, J. L. M.
Studies in Syntax and Semantics by
Studies in Syntax and Semantics by
Die verbale Klammer bei Notker by Bolli, Ernst
Non-Verbal Communication by
The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory by Chomsky, N.
Simplicity by Sober, Elliott
On the Semantics of Proper Names by Mates, Benson
Idéologie Et Sémiologie Chez Locke Et Condillac: La Question de l'Autonomie Du Langage Devant La Pensée by Parret, Herman
On the Autonomy and Comparability of Linguistic and Ethnographic Description: Towards a Generative Theory of Ethnography by Schutz, Noel W.
On Saying by Droste, F. G.
Black Africa: Literature and Language by Klima, V., Ruzicka, K. F., Zima, P.
Statistische Untersuchungen Zur Syntax Gesprochener Und Geschriebener Deutscher Gegenwartssprache by Höhne-Leska, Christel
Statistische Untersuchungen Zur Syntax Gesprochener Und Geschriebener Deutscher Gegenwartssprache, Teil Abbildungen by Höhne-Leska, Christel
Field Vocabulary of the Batak of Palawan (Philippines) by Warren, Charles P.
L-Z by Hewes, Gordon Winant
Semiotics and Iconography by Damisch, Hubert
Looking for a Logic of Culture by Eco, Umberto
Natural and Conventional Signs by Ullmann, Stephen
Phonological Units and the Japanese Vocabulary by Cheng, Robert L.
Religious Organization: A Trend Report and Bibliography by Beckford, James a.
Une Histoire Des Élites, 1700-1848: Recueil de Textes by Chaussinand-Nogaret, Guy
The Ash Wednesday Supper by Bruno, Giordano
Two Studies of Color: Implications for Cross-Cultural Comparability of Semantic Categories by Hickerson, Nancy P.
Algonquian, Wiyot, and Yurok: Proving a Distant Genetic Relationship by Goddard, Ives
Dimensionierung ALS Wissenschaftliche Teilaufgabe in Der Textlinguistik by Hartmann, Peter
Theses on the Semiotic Study of Culture (as Applied to Slavic Texts) by
Zoosemiotics: At the Intersection of Nature and Culture by Sebeok, Thomas A.
History of Linguistics, Vol. 2 by
Manichäisch-Türkische Texte: Texte, Übersetzung, Anmerkungen by Zieme, Peter
Nachträge: Přezevwč - slopǝ by Lorentz, Friedrich