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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1976

The New Elements of Mathematics, Volume 2, Algebra and Geometry by Peirce, Charles S.
Sprache und ihre Struktur by Langacker, Ronald W.
Theoretische Linguistik in Osteuropa: Originalbeiträge Und Erstübersetzungen by
Funktionaler Strukturalismus by Fietz, Lothar
Mathematical Miscellanea. 1 by Peirce, Charles S.
Mathematical Miscellanea. 2 by Peirce, Charles S.
Wechsel- Und Scheckrecht: Erläuterungen Für Die PRAXIS by Sellien, Reinhold
Der Alte Kanon Neu: Zur Revision Des Literarischen Kanons in Wissenschaft Und Unterricht by
Toward a Theory of Context in Linguistics and Literature by
Language and Politics by
La Phonostylistique Du Français by Berghe, Christian L. Van Den
Ostjakologische Arbeiten, Band 2, Ostjakische Volksdichtung und Erzählungen aus zwei Dialekten by
Hokan Studies: Papers from the First Conference on Hokan Languages, Held in San Diego, California, April 23-25, 1970 by
Papers in General Linguistics by Krámsky, Jirí
G. H. Mead's Concept of Rationality: A Study of Use of Symbols and Other Implements by Kang, W.
The Conjunctive Mood in English as a Problem in General Linguistics by Khlebnikova, Irina B.
Selected Writings in English & General Linguistics by Vachek, Josef
Linguistic Interference and Convergent Change by Rozencvejg, V. J.
Free Association Behavior and Human Language Processing by Katzer, Jeffrey
Speech Surrogates. Part 2 by
Panini by Cardona, Georgio R.
Sudden Apprehension by Jacobus, Lee a.
Le Judéo-Espagnol by Sala, Marius
Language Planning for Modernization by Alisjahbana, S. Takdir
Basic Concepts, Theories and Problems: Alternative Approaches by
Interpretation Theory: Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning by Ricoeur, Paul
American Indian Languages and American Linguistics: Papers of the 2nd Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America Held at the Un by
Politischer Reformismus und begrifflicher Wandel by Dipper, Christof
Schriftstruktur und Lautstruktur by Börner, Wolfgang
Sprache als Struktur by
Infinitival complement constructions in Early New High German by Ebert, Robert Peter
Sprachtheorie und Pragmatik by
Die Gradpartikeln im Deutschen by Altmann, Hans
Beweisen by Strecker, Bruno
Oberflächenstruktur und logische Struktur by Eisenberg, Peter
Derived Intransitivity: A Contrastive Analysis of Certain Reflexive Verbs in German, Russian and English by Cranmer, David J.
Cohesion in literary texts by Gutwinski, Waldemar
Speech Surrogates. Part 1 by
Arithmetic by Peirce, Charles S.
The Caddoan, Iroquoian, and Siouan Languages by Chafe, Wallace L.
Die Satzstellung des finiten Verbs im Tocharischen by Zimmer, Stefan
Modern Tagalog by Llamzon, Teodoro A.
L'analyse empirique de la causalité by
Négation et performance linguistique by Boysson-Bardies, Bénédicte de
TN - Glgl by Cohen, David
Fonctionnement de La Negation: Etude Psycholinguistique D'Un Probleme D'Enonciation by Bacri, Nicole
Indices by
Chadian and Sudanese Arabic in the Light of Comparative Arabic Dialectology by Kaye, Alan S.
The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce: Mathematical Philosophy by Peirce, Charles S.
A History of the Romance Vowel Systems Through Paradigmatic Reconstruction by Ferguson, Thaddeus
Selection among Alternates in Language Standardization by Byron, Janet
Components of the Content Structure of the Word by Komlev, N. G.
One Word at a Time: The Use of Single Word Utterances Before Syntax by Bloom, Lois
The Soviet Decipherment of the Indus Valley Script: Translation and Critique by
The Inga Language by Levinsohn, Stephen H.
Ibn Taimiya's Struggle Against Popular Religion: With an Annotated Translation of His Kitab Iqtida As-Sirat Al-Mustaqim Mukhalafat Ashab Al-Jahim by Ibn Taimiya, Ahmad Ibn-'abd-Al-Halim
Universalism Versus Relativism in Language and Thought: Proceedings of a Colloquium on the Sapir-Whorf Hypotheses by
Multidimensional Preference Scaling by Bechtel, Gordon G.
Black Names by
Siebenbürgisch-Sächsisches Wörterbuch, Band 5, K by
Mathematical Foundations of Social Anthropology by Ballonoff, Paul A.
Ancient Languages of the Balkans by Katicic, Radoslav
Koordinationsreduktion und Verbstellung in einer generativen Grammatik des Deutschen by Kohrt, Manfred
Psycholinguistische Einheiten Und Die Erzeugung Sprachlicher Äusserungen by Leont'ev, A. A.
Der Sprechbewegungsablauf: Eine Phonetische Studie Des Deutschen by Lindner, Gerhart
Der Wortbestand Von Flugschriften Aus Den Jahren Der Reformation Und Des Bauernkrieges by Winkler, Hannelore
Die Innere Struktur Der Sprache by
Fachsprachen Und Sprachstatistik: Beiträge Zur Angewandten Sprachwissenschaft by
Stukwis' Bis Swart by
Philologus. Band 119, Heft 1 by
Das Akademiewörterbuch von 1694 - das Wörterbuch des Honnête Homme? by Popelar, Inge
Grammatik: Akten Des 10. Linguistischen Kolloquiums: Tübingen 1975, Bd.2 by
La tradition populaire de danse en Basse-Bretagne by Guilcher, Jean-Michel
Form and realism in six novels of Anthony Trollope by Cohen, Joan Mandel
On deletion phenomena in English by Grinder, John Thomas
Orpheus in Brooklyn by Mathieu, Bertrand
Chez les Rukuba by Muller, Jean-Claude
Gattungen und Gattungsbezeichnungen der Trobadorlyrik by Rieger, Dietmar
Bliocadran: A Prologue to the Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes; Edition and Critical Study by
Dependenzgrammatik: Tesnières Modell Der Sprachbeschreibung in Wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Und Kritischer Sicht by Baum, Richard
The Formation and Evolution of the French Nasal Vowels by Rochet, Bernard L.
Las Conjunciones Concesivas En Español Medieval Y Clásico: Contribución a la Sintaxis Histórica Española by Rivarola, José Luis
Präteritum- und Perfektgebrauch im heutigen Spanisch by Berschin, Helmut
Die Numerusmarkierung des Substantivs im gesprochenen Französisch by Eschmann, Jürgen
Probleme der neufranzösischen Wortbildung by Wandruszka, Ulrich
Norm und System beim Verb by Ettinger, Stefan
Gesprochene Sprache: Eine Einführung in Forschungsansätze Und Analysemethoden by Schank, Gerd, Schoenthal, Gisela
Mittelhochdeutsch: Eine Einführung in Das Studium Der Deutschen Sprachgeschichte by Ramge, Hans, Ehrismann, Otfrid
Studien Zum Physiologus Im Mittelalter by Henkel, Nikolaus
Ästhetik und Freiheit by Strack, Friedrich
Autobiographie und Roman by Müller, Klaus-Detlef
Etudes de Syntaxe Interrogative Du Français: Quoi, Combien Et Le Complémenteur by Obenauer, Hans-Georg
Die Dramaturgie des dokumentarischen Theaters by Hilzinger, Klaus Harro
Michaelmas Term and a Trick to Catch the Old One: A Critical Edition by Middleton, Thomas
Linguostylistics: Theory and Method by
Structure de la Trilogie de Beckett: Molloy, Malone Meurt, l'Innommable by Sherzer, Dina
The Poetry of Dante G. Rossetti: A Critical Reading and Source Study by Boos, Florence S.
Le dialogue philosophique dans la littérature française du seizième siècle by Bénouis, Mustapha K.
Ich Und Er: First and Third Person Self-Reference and Problems of Identity in Three Contemporary German-Language Novels by Botheroyd, Paul F.
A Structural Stylistic Analysis of La Princesse de Cleves by Tiefenbrun, Susan W.
Le Lyrisme Dans La Poésie Française de 1760 À 1820: Analyse Et Textes de Quelques Auteurs by
The Style of Nerval's "Aurélia" by Beauchamp, William
Scanty Plot of Ground: Studies in the Victorian Sonnet by Going, William T.
de Sade's Quantitative Moral Universe: Of Irony, Rhetoric, and Boredom by Hackel, Roberta J.
Standard Italian by Cardona, Giorgio Raimondo
Combinatorics Graphs and Algebra by
Community and Community Development by Edwards, Allan D., Jones, Dorothy G.
Theoretical and Experimental Base for Teaching Reading by Venezky, Richard L.
Worlds Apart: Structural Parallels in the Poetry of Paul Valéry, Saint-John Perse, Benjamin Péret and René Char by Jackson, Elizabeth R.
Strukturelemente der deutschen Gegenwartshochsprache by Hildebrandt, Bruno F. O.
Les Vikings et leur civilisation by
Clio parmi les hommes by Goubert, Pierre
Le Signe zodiacal du Scorpion by Aurigemma, Luigi
Pour une sociologie scientifique by Piaser, Antonio
M. S. Lunin: Catholic Decembrist by Barratt, Glynn
Gens de la parole by Camara, Sory
La politique urbaine dans la région parisienne, 1945-1972 by Lojkine, Jean
Protein-energy malnutrition and intellectual abilities by Hoorweg, Jan C.
L'impérialisme français d'avant 1914 by Girault, René
Erkennung von Strukturen und Mustern by Peipmann, Rolf
Les Travailleurs étrangers en Europe occidentale by
The Developing Individual in a Changing World, Teil 1: Historical and Cultural Issues by
The Developing Individual in a Changing World, Vol. 2: Social and Environmental Issues by
Le paysan Limbu by Sagant, Philippe
Poetik und Semiotik by Hardt, Manfred
Monem, Wort, Satz und Text by Heger, Klaus
Tercer coloquio anglogermano, Londres 1973 by
Maschinelle Sprachanalyse: Beiträge Zur Automatischen Sprachbearbeitung I. by
Phonological Rules and Dialect Variation: A Study of the Phonology of Lumasaaba by Brown, Gillian
The Dyirbal Language of North Queensland by Dixon, R. M. W.
Introduction to Phntics by Malmberg, Bertil, Brosnahan, Leonard F., Brosnahan, L. F.
Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English by Crystal, Crystal, D., Crystal, David
Inflectional Morphology: A Theoretical Study Based on Aspects of Latin Verb Conjugation by Matthews, P. H., Matthews, Peter
Two Studies in Roman Nomenclature by Shackleton Bailey, D. R.
Cohesion in English by Halliday, M. a. K., Hasan, Ruqaiya
Aquila by
Aspect: An Introduction to the Study of Verbal Aspect and Related Problems by Comrie, Bernard
La Langue de Ya'udi by Dion, Paul-Eugene
Speech Play: Research and Resources for the Study of Linguistic Creativity by
Theoretische Und Rechtliche Grundlagen. Nachricht Und Meinung. Sprache Und Form by Dovifat, Emil
Aspects of English Sentence Stress by Schmerling, Susan F.
A Lexicon of French Borrowings in the German Vocabulary (1575-1648) by Jones, William Jervis
Griechisch-Deutsches Taschenwörterbuch Zum Neuen Testament by Preuschen, Erwin
Systemplanung by Heinrich, Lutz J.
Semantik und künstliche Intelligenz by
Practical Faster Reading: An Intermediate/Advanced Course in Reading and Vocabulary by Mosback, Gerald, Mosback, Vivienne
Sémantique Synchronique: Synonymie, Homonymie, Polysémie by Schogt, Henry
Variation and Change in Language: Essays by Bright, William
Narrative and Drama: Essays in Modern Italian Literature from Verga to Pasolini by Ragusa, Olga
Die Sprache Skakespeares Und Das Amerikanische Englisch by Lehnert, Martin
Lexikalisches Lehngut Im Altwestnordischen: Untersuchungen Zum Lehngut Im Ethisch-Moralischen Wortschatz Der Frühen Lateinisch-Altwestnordischen Übers by Walter, Ernst
Zur Ausbildung Der Norm Der Deutschen Literatursprache Auf Der Syntaktischen Ebene (1470-1730), Teil I: Der Einfachsatz by
Sprachliche Kommunikation Und Gesellschaft by
Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig / Philologisch-historische Klasse Onomastica Slavogermanica by Eichler, Ernst, Walther, Hans
Bedeutung Und Sprachstruktur: Gekürzte Studienausgabe by Chafe, Wallace
Theoretische Probleme Der Sprachwissenschaft. Teilband 2 by
Education, Estrangement and Adjustment: A Study Among Pupils and School Leavers in Bukumbi, a Rural Community in Tanzania by Kaayk, Jan
Syntactic Structures by Chomsky, Noam
Style, Symbolic Language Structure and Syntactic Change: Intransitivity and the Perception of Is in English by Kevelson, Roberta
Le Syntagme Verbal En Vietnamien by Phong, Nguyen Phu
Pour Le Communisme: Questions de Théorie by Badaloni, Nicola
Indexes by
Baudouin de Courtenay and the Foundations of Structural Linguistics by
English Verse: Theory and History by Tarlinskaja, Marina