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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1979

Monographien, 21, Dane County Kölsch - Wisconsin, USA by
Monographien, 22, Jockgrim, Kr[eis] Germersheim. Niederhorbach, Kr[eis] Landau - Bad Bergzabern by
Typologische Studien by Skalička, Vladimír
Die Verfasserschaft Des Waltharius-Epos Aus Sprachlicher Sicht: 233. Sitzung Am 18. October 1978 in Düsseldorf by Önnerfors, Alf
Was Heißt Interpretation?: Gemeinsame Sitzung Der Klasse Für Geisteswissenschaften Und Der Klasse Für Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissensch by Pieper, Josef
Rasmus Rask Studies in Pragmatic Linguistics, Volume 1, Pragmalinguistics by
Endorphins in Mental Health Research by
Literary Language from Chaucer to Johnson by Gilbert, A. J.
Die Grammatik Der Stoiker by Schmidt, Rudolf T.
Statische lokative Präpositionen im heutigen Deutsch by Moilanen, Markku
Der Grundwortschatz: Bestimmung Und Systematisierung by Kühn, Peter
Metaphor and Non-Metaphor: The Semantics of Adjective-Noun Combinations by Aarts, Jan M. G., Calbert, Joseph P.
Arbeiten Zur Konversationsanalyse by
Sprachstruktur, Individuum Und Gesellschaft by
Bedeutung, Sprechakte Und Texte: Akten Des 13. Linguistischen Kolloquiums: Gent 1978, Bd. 2 by
Imagearbeit in Gesprächen: Zur Linguistischen Beschreibung Des Beziehungsaspekts by Holly, Werner
Referenzsemantik: Untersuchungen Zur Festlegung Von Bezeichnungsfunktionen Sprachlicher Ausdrücke Am Beispiel Des Deutschen by Wimmer, Rainer
Briefsorten by Ermert, Karl
PRAXIS Der Lexikographie: Berichte Aus Der Werkstatt by
Das System der Artikelformen im gegenwärtigen Deutsch by Vater, Heinz
Der Aufbau der Sprachkompetenz by Häfele, Josef
Probleme Der Übersetzung Wissenschaftlicher Werke Aus Dem Arabischen in Das Altspanische Zur Zeit Alfons Des Weisen by Bossong, Georg
Lexikalische Untersuchungen Zur Interferenz: Die Franko-Italienische Entrée d'Espagne by Holtus, Günter
The Prepositional Passive in English: A Semantic-Syntactic Analysis, with a Lexicon of Prepositional Verbs by Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth
Concepts for Communication and Development in Bilingual-Bicultural Communities by
Descriptive Linguistics by
Historical and Comparative Linguistics by
Linguistics and Literature / Sociolinguistics and Applied Linguistics by
The European Background of American Linguistics: Papers of the Third Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America by
Linguistische Überlegungen Zu Einer Theorie Der Argumentation by Öhlschläger, Günther
The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts by Eco, Umberto
Zeitschrift Für Phonetik Sprachwissenschaft Und Kommunikationsforschung. Band 31, Heft 4 by
Zur Literatursprache Im Zeitalter Der Frühbürgerlichen Revolution: Untersuchungen Zu Ihrer Verwendung in Der Agitationsliteratur by
Zum Einfluß Von Marx Und Engels Auf Dıe Deutsche Literatursprache: Studien Zum Wortschatz Der Arbeiterklasse Im 19. Jahrhundert by
Philologus. Band 123, Heft 1 by
Die Wortstellung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache als Forschungsobjekt by Etzensperger, Jürg
Le Créole Français by Vintila-Radulescu, Ioana
Institutionalized Language Planning: Documents and Analysis of Revival of Hebrew by Saulson, Scott B.
Basic Writings in the History of Psychology by Watson, Robert I.
Einführung - Genealogie - Konstanten by Sonderegger, Stefan
Sprachwandel by
A Componential Analysis of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Structures by Nida, Eugene a.
Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition by Snow, Catherine E., Ferguson, C.
The Physics of Speech by Fry, D. B., Fry, Dennis B.
Mass Terms: Some Philosophical Problems by
Standardsprache und Dialekte in mehrsprachigen Gebieten Europas by
Die Partikeln der deutschen Sprache by
A Crisis in Swiss Pluralism: The Romansh and Their Relations with the German- And Italian-Swiss in the Perspective of a Millenium by Billigmeier, Robert Henry
Presse im Exil by
Morphologization: Studies in Latin and Romance Morphophonology by Klausenburger, Jürgen
Der Wortschatz Des »Cligés« Von Chrétien de Troyes by Schwake, Helmut Peter
Form Und Funktion Englischer Konditionalsätze Mit >If: Eine Konversationslogische Und Sprechakttheoretische Analyse by Lauerbach, Gerda
The Neo-Firthian Tradition and Its Contribution to General Linguistics by Monaghan, James
Some Optional Rules in Spanish Complementation: Towards a Study of the Speaker's Intent by Lleo, Conxita
Lernersprache Französisch by Kielhöfer, Bernd, Börner, Wolfgang
Gegensatzrelationen im Wortschatz romanischer Sprachen by Gsell, Otto
Zu Wesen Und Form Mittelalterlicher Dichtung by Brinkmann, Hennig
Neulateinische Dichtung in Italien 1850-1950: Ein Unerforschtes Kapitel Italienischer Literatur- Und Geistesgeschichte by
Die Bezeichnungen für den Begriff des "Erinnerns" im Alt- und Mittelfranzösischen by Brademann, Karl
Evaluation of Nutrition Education in Africa: Community Research in Uganda, 1971-1972 by Hoorweg, Jan
Literature and Its Interpretation by
Public Policy in Temporal Perspective: Report on the Workshop on the Application of Time-Budget Research to Policy Questions in Urban and Regional Set by
Vin, Vigne Et Vignerons: En Lyonnais Et Beaujolais; [(Xvi.-XVIII. Siècles)] by Durand, Georges
Vers une théorie des aspects by Fuchs, Catherine, Léonard, Anne-Marie
An - Anv by
Gapping: A Contribution to Sentence Grammar by Neijt, Anneke
Mistica y real Babilonia by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Einführung in die Gesprächsanalyse by Rehbock, Helmut, Henne, Helmut
Explorations in Semantic Space by Osgood, Charles E.
Languages in Contact by Weinreich, Uriel
The Slave Drivers: Black Agricultural Labor Supervisors in the Antebellum South by Unknown, Van Deburg, William L.
Parliaments and English Politics, 1621-1629 by Russell, Conrad
Meaning and Use by
Princples Diachronic Syx by Lightfoot, Lightfoot, D. W., Lightfoot, David
Consciousness and the Acquisition of Language by Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Sociolinguistic Studies in Language Contact: Methods and Cases by
Aspekte Der Kontrastiven Syntax Am Beispiel Des Niederländischen Und Deutschen by Stegeman, Jelle
Die Wortstellung in Notkers Consolatio: Untersuchungen Zur Syntax Und Übersetzungstechnik by Näf, Anton
The Homeric Hymn to Demeter by
English Speech Rhythm and the Foreign Learner by Adams, Corinne
Architecture, Language, and Meaning: The Origins of the Built World and Its Semiotic Organization by Preziosi, Donald
On Law and Ideology by Hirst, Paul H.
Ethnolinguistics by
Language and Society: Anthropological Issues by
Myth and Music: A Semiotic Approach to the Aesthetics of Myth in Music Especially That of Wagner, Sibelius and Stravinsky by Tarasti, Eero
Frege's Theory of Judgement by Bell, David
Varieties of English by Brook, G.
Text Processing / Textverarbeitung: Papers in Text Analysis and Text Description / Beiträge Zur Textanalyse Und Textbeschreibung by
Communication in Africa: A Search for Boundaries by Doob, Leonard William, Unknown
A Linguistic Introduction to the History of English by Bloomfield, Morton W., Newmark, Leonard, Bloomfield, Morton Wilfred
The Languages of Native America: Historical and Comparative Assessment by
Linguistics, Philosophy, and Montague Grammar by
On Verse, Its Masters and Explorers by
The Rise and Decline of a Dialect: A Study in the Revival of Hebrew by Bar-Adon, Aaron
Word Meaning and Montague Grammar: The Semantics of Verbs and Times in Generative Semantics and in Montague's Ptq by Dowty, D. R.
Word Meaning and Montague Grammar: The Semantics of Verbs and Times in Generative Semantics and in Montague's Ptq by Dowty, D. R.
Comparative Karyology of Primates by
Naming and Referring by Schwarz, David S.
Kommunikationstheoretische Grundlagen des Sprachwandels by
The Gracchi by Stockton, David
Holistic Explanation: Action, Space, Interpretation by Peacocke, Christopher
Transformational Syntax and Model Theoretic Semantics: A Case Study in Modern Irish by McCloskey, J.
Questions by
The Semantics of English Aspectual Complementation by Freed, A. F.
The Semantics of English Aspectual Complementation by Freed, A. F.
Transformational Syntax and Model Theoretic Semantics: A Case Study in Modern Irish by McCloskey, J.
The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich by Trudgill, Peter, Trudgill, Stephen Ed
Evidence and Argumentation in Linguistics by
A Semiotic Landscape. Panorama Sémiotique: Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Milan June 1974 / by
Machine Translation by Zarechnak, Michael, Henisz-Dostert, Bozena, MacDonald, R. R.
New Guinea and Neighboring Areas by
Semiotics of Culture by
Persian Grammar: History and State of Its Study by Windfuhr, Gernot L.
Literary Language from Chaucer to Johnson by Gilbert, A. J.
Human Nonverbal Behavior: An Annotated Bibliography by Obudho, Constance E., Jackson, C. Obudho
Les Qanats: Une Technique d'Acquisition de l'Eau by Goblot, Henri
Les Dieux Et Les Hommes: Étude Des Cultes d'Un Village Du Tirunelveli Inde Du Sud by Reiniche, Marie-Louise
Gegensinn Und Mehrdeutigkeit in Der Althebräischen Wort- Und Begriffsbildung by Meyer, Rudolf
The Appeal of Adam to Lazarus in Hell by Hitchcock, Donald Raymond
The Semantic Interpretation of Aspect and Aktionsarten: A Study of Internal Time Reference in Swedish by Platzack, Christer
Computers in Language Research by
Sprache, Sprachentstehung, Sprachen by Meier, Georg F., Meier, Barbara