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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1982

Language, Society, and Paleoculture: Essays by Polome, Edgar C.
Language, Culture, and Education: Essays by McQuown, Norman a.
Einführung in die Semantik by Mauro, Tullio De
Monographien, 23, Dudenrode, Kr[eis] Witzenhausen, Netra, Kr[eis] Eschwege by
Categorial Grammar and Word-Formation: The De-Adjectival Abstract Noun in English by Reichl, Karl
Vom Beginn Der Ottonischen Herrschaft Bis Zum Regierungsantritt Papst Innozenz III. (962-1198) by
Codex diplomaticus Amiatinus, Band IV/2, Faksimiles. Lieferung 2 by
Konstruktiver Funktionalismus: Die Wissenschaftstheoretische Basis Einer Empirischen Theorie Der Literatur by Finke, Peter
Semantik Der Adjektive Des Deutschen: Analyse Der Semantischen Relationen by Hundsnurscher, Franz
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 308 by Pohl, William F.
Interaktions- Und Leistungstypen Im Literaturunterricht: Eine Handlungstheoretische Feldstudie Unterrichtlicher Komplexität by Grzesik, Jürgen
Early Arrhythmias Resulting from Myocardial Ischaemia: Mechanisms and Prevention by Drugs by Parratt, James R.
Der Beitrag des Russischen Formalismus zur Versbeschreibung by Diller, Hans-Jürgen
Sprachbetrachtung und Sprachwissenschaft im vormodernen Japan: 260. Sitzung am 14. Oktober 1981 in Düsseldorf by Lewin, Bruno
Phonetic Feature Definitions: Their Integration Into Phonology and Their Relation to Speech; A Case Study of the Feature Nasal by Reenen, Pieter
Konzepte Zur Lexikographie: Studien Zur Bedeutungserklärung in Einsprachigen Wörterbüchern by
Grundlagen einer Theorie des Formulierens by Antos, Gerd
Das Sprachbuch Im Deutschunterricht: Linguistische Und Mediendidaktische Untersuchungen Zu Beispielen Aus Dem Schweizer Sprachbuch by Good, Bruno
Instruktionsverhalten und Sprechhandlungsfähigkeit by Weber, Ursula
Valenztheorie und historische Sprachwissenschaft by
Aspekte der sowjetrussischen Lexikographie by
The Verb System of Present-Day American English by Allen, Robert L.
Lexicalist Phonology of English and German by Strauss, Steven L.
English Intonation from a Dutch Point of View by Willems, Nico
Chp: The Conversational Historical Present in American English Narrative by Wolfson, Nessa
Explanation in Phonology by Kiparsky, Paul
A Case Study in Syntactic Markedness: The Binding Nature of Prepositional Phrases by Riemsdijk, Henk Van
The old English weak verbs by Stark, Detlef
Syntaktische Transposition und semantische Derivation by Eichinger, Ludwig M.
Experiments in Comparative Intonation: A Case-Study of English and German by Scuffil, Michael
Bewerten by Zillig, Werner
Deutsche Phonologie und Morphologie by Lessen Kloeke, Wus Van
Sprache beschreiben und erklären by
Sprache erkennen und verstehen by
Sprechakttheorie und dramatischer Dialog by Schmachtenberg, Reinhard
Englische Nominale by Emons, Rudolf
Untersuchungen Zum Genussystem Der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache by Köpcke, Klaus-Michael
Unbetonter Vokalismus und Silbenstruktur im Romanischen by Mayerthaler, Eva
Zur Grammatik Von Lernen: Semantische Untersuchungen ALS Grundlage Curricularer Und Lerntheoretischer Überlegungen by Caillieux, Michel
Die Leistung Der Strataforschung Und Der Kreolistik: Typologische Aspekte Der Sprachkontakte; Akten Des 5. Symposions Über Sprachkontakt in Europa, Ma by
Einführung in die Gesprächsanalyse by Henne, Helmut, Rehbock, Helmut
North East Arabian Dialects: Monograph 3 by Ingham, Bruce
Language and Linguistic Origins in Bahrain: The Bahārnah dialect of Arabic by Al-Tajir, Mahdi Abdalla
Glauben- Lyzeum by
Zehn Kapitel Zur Geschichte Der Germanistik: Literaturgeschichtsschreibung by Rosenberg, Rainer
Grundlagen Und Anwendung Der Phonetik by Lindner, Gerhart
Zur Ausbildung Der Norm Der Deutschen Literatursprache ım Bereich Des Verbs (1470 -1730): Tempus Und Modus by Guchmann, M. M., Semenjuk, N. N.
Grundlagen Und Anwendung Der Phonetik by Lindner, Gerhart
Atlas Deutscher Sprachlaute by Wängler, Hans-Heinrich
Onomastica Slavogermanica XIII by
Teihn Bis Uhr by
What Is Existence? by Williams, C. J. F.
Amy, Wendy, and Beth: Learning Language in South Baltimore by Miller, Peggy J.
Passionate Liberator: Theodore Dwight Weld and the Dilemma of Reform by Abzug, Robert H.
Uc Publications in Near Eastern Studies by Blau, Joshua
Language, Semantics and Ideology by Pecheux, Michel
Analyzing Discourse: Text and Talk by
Thinking Through Writing by Horton, Susan R.
Handbook of Applied Psycholinguistics: Major Thrusts of Research and Theory by
The Prague School: Selected Writings, 1929-1946 by
Die Personennamen im Deutschen by Seibicke, Wilfried
Syntaktische Klammerbildung in Notkers Psalter by Borter, Alfred
Elementarbuch des Sanskrit by Geiger, Wilhelm
Lügen by Falkenberg, Gabriel
Sprache im Raum by Lang, Jürgen
Language and Philology in Romance by
National and Regional Trends in Romance Linguistics and Philology by
The Esperanto Movement by Forster, Peter G.
A Speaker from Tianjin by Han, Y. H., Liang, James C. P., DeFrancis, John
Ges - Gess by
Silben, Segmente, Akzente: Referate Zur Wort-, Satz- Und Versphonologie Anläßlich Der Vierten Jahrestagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Sprachw by
Synthetic and Degradative Processes in Marine Macrophytes: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Bamfield Marine Station Bamfield, Vancouver Island, Bri by
Geschichte der deutschen Elegie by Beissner, Friedrich
The Canary Islands After the Conquest: The Making of a Colonial Society in the Early Sixteenth Century by Fernández-Armesto, Felipe
The Sounds of Language: An Inquiry into the Role of Genetic Factors in the Development of Sound Systems by Brosnahan, Leonard
Warwickshire Grazier and London Skinner 1532-1555 by Alcock, N. W.
Explanations in the Study of Child Language Development by Atkinson, Martin
Eros Sophistes: Ancient Novelists at Play by Anderson, Graham
Autonomia, Its Genesis and Early History by Ostwald, Martin
The Nature of Syntactic Representation by
The Nature of Syntactic Representation by
Accents of English: An Introduction by Wells, John C.
The British Isles by Wells, John C.
Theories of the Symbol: Understanding Politics in an Unfamiliar Culture by Todorov, Tzvetan
Accents of English 3: Beyond the British Isles by Wells, John C.
Deutsche Namenkunde by
Quality and Concept by Bealer, George
Integrations of Clinical and Social Psychology by
Passage and Possibility: A Study of Aristotle's Modal Concepts by Waterlow, Sarah
Textkritische Ausgabe der zweiten Fassung Buch I-VI sowie des Buches XI in Kurz- und Langfassung by
Chinese Dictionaries: An Extensive Bibliography of Dictionaries in Chinese and Other Languages by Unknown
Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding by Chomsky, Noam
The Spanish of Argentina and Uruguay: An Annoted Bibliography for 1940-1978 by Davis, Jack E.
Where Have All the Adjectives Gone?: And Other Essays in Semantics and Syntax by Dixon, R. M. W.
Nonverbal Communication Today by
Research on Tibeto-Burman Languages by Hale, Austin
Studies in Syntactic Typology and Contrastive Grammar by Dezsö, László
Slips of the Tongue and Language Production by
The Rhythms of English Poetry by Attridge, Derek
Principles and Methods for Historical Linguistics by Lehiste, Ilse, Jeffers, Robert J.
Linguistics for Language Learners by Hartley, A. F.
The Gladstone Diaries: Volume VII: January 1869-June 1871 by Gladstone, William Ewart
Discourse Strategies by Gumperz, John J.
Roman Jakobson and Beyond: Language as a System of Signs: The Quest for the Ultimate Invariants in Language by Sangster, Rodney B.
Sublanguage by
Selected Papers in Structural Linguistics by Trnka, Bohumil
Disarmament Terminology: In English, German, French, Spanish, Russian by
A Dictionary of Africanisms: Contributions of Sub-Saharan Africa to the English Language by Dalgish, Gerard M.
Understanding Language: Towards a Post-Chomskyan Linguistics by Moore, Terence, Carling, Christine
Literacy by
Dialektologie. 1. Halbband by
A Guide to Old English: Revised with Texts and Glossary by Robinson, Fred, Mitchell, Bruce
The Greeks on Pleasure by Gosling, J. C. B., Taylor, C. C. W.
Language Acquisition: The State of the Art by
The Structure of Phonological Representations. Part 1 by
Ergebnisse Der Namenforschung Im Deutsch-Slawischen Berührungsgebiet by Eichler, Ernst
Language, Logic and Method by
Das Fortleben Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe in Den Sprachen Der Welt, Teil 1 by
Das Fortleben Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe in Den Sprachen Der Welt, Teil 2 by
Studien Zur Nationalsprachlichen Entwicklung in Afrika: Soziolinguistische Und Sprachpolitische Probleme by
1849-1850 by Arbousse-Bastide, Paul, Carneiro, Paulo E. de Berrêdo