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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1983

Liber Ordinis Rerum (Esse-Essencia-Glossar): Band I: Einleitung - Text Band II: Apparat - Wortregister by
Sprache im politischen Kontext by
Semantische Dichte: Assoziativität in Poesie Und Werbesprache by Blumenthal, Peter
Grundzüge der Sprachtheorie by Bartsch, Renate, Vennemann, Theo
Monographien, 27, Segmentierung und Hervorhebung in gesprochener deutscher Standardsprache. Analyse eines Fernseh-Polylogs by
Black Street Speech by Baugh, John
Schizophrene Sprache in Monolog und Dialog by Schmidt-Knaebel, Susanne
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 18. Jahrhunderts: Band 1: Unter Dem Absolutismus by Brenn, Wolfgang U. a., Lepper, Gisbert, Steitz, Jörg
Empirische Untersuchungen Zu Persönlichkeitsvariablen Von Literaturproduzenten by Popp, Franz, Schmidt, Siegfried J., Zobel, Reinhard
The Language of the Teenage Revolution: The Dictionary Defeated by Hudson, E.
E. Kruisinga: A Chapter in the History of Linguistics in the Netherlands by Van Essen, Arthur Joseph
Das Voraussetzungssystem Georg Trakls by Rusch, Gebhard, Schmidt, S. J.
The Turkana Language by Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan
Pien Chih-Lin: A Study in Modern Chinese Poetry by Haft, Lloyd
Old English Syntax: A Handbook by McLaughlin, John
Einführung in Die Kommunikationswissenschaft. Teil 1 by
Einführung in Die Kommunikationswissenschaft. Teil 2 by
Dialektologie by Niebaum, Hermann
Literatur in der Stadt by Peters, Ursula
Walter Benjamin im Exil by Kambas, Chryssoula
Wörterbuch Zur Valenz Und Distribution Der Substantive by Sommerfeldt, Karl-Ernst, Schreiber, Herbert
Partikeln und Interaktion by
Aspekte der Dialekttheorie by
Probensprache der Oper by Schneider, Gunda
Progress in Language Planning by
Order, Concord, and Constituency by
Modelling British English Intonation: An Analysis by Resynthesis of British English Intonation by Pijper, J. Roelof de
Language and Society in South Asia by Shapiro, Michael C., Schiffman, Harold F.
Sound Structures: Studies for Antonie Cohen by
Sprachliches Handeln bei Vorschulkindern by Lindner, Katrin
Satzakzent und Funktionale Satzperspektive im Deutschen by Lötscher, Andreas
Genuszuordnung: Das Genus Englischer Lehnwörter Im Deutschen by Gregor, Bernd
Linksverschachtelung im Deutschen und Norwegischen by Kvam, Sigmund
System und Norm in der Diachronie des deutschen Konjunktivs by Schrodt, Richard
Quantifikation in natürlichen Sprachen by Flückiger-Studer, Thérèse
Sprache, Diskurs und Text by
Mehrsprachigkeit und Gesellschaft by
Lesen: Überlegungen Zum Sprachlichen Verstehen by Aust, Hugo
Sprachliches Handeln Ohne Sprechsituation: Studien Zur Theoretischen Und Empirischen Konstitution Von Illokutiven Funktionen in Situationslosen Texten by Meyer, Paul Georg
Gesprächsanalytische Untersuchungen Zur Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation by Lörcher, Helgard
Fokus und Skalen by Jacobs, Joachim
An Indo-European Comparative Dictionary by Mann, Stuart E.
The Concept of Glaubenslehre: Ernst Troeltsch and the Theological Heritage of Schleiermacher by Wyman, Walter E.
Die Semantisch-Syntaktische Beschreibung Von Ursache-Wirkung-Beziehungen in Englischen Texten by Thiele, Wolfgang
Uhr Bis Unwis' by
Grundlagen Der Sprachkultur. Teil 2 by
The Structure of Phonological Representations. Part 2 by
Uhr Bis Unwis' by
Language and Social Identity by
Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland 1919-1939 by Marcus, Joseph
The Influence of the French Language on the German Vocabulary: (1649-1735) by Brunt, Richard J.
U - Z by
Thomas Chalmers and the Godly Commonwealth in Scotland by Brown, Stewart J.
A Grammar of Mam, A Mayan Language by England, Nora C.
Hardy: Comp Poet Works Vol 1 Hcpw C by Hardy, Thomas
Learning to Write: First Language/Second Language by Freedman, Aviva, Pringle, Ian, Yalden, Janice
The Language of Ethnic Conflict: Social Organization and Lexical Culture by Allen, Irving Lewis
Promises, Morals, and Law by Atiyah, P. S.
Problem Book in Phonology: A Workbook for Introductory Courses in Linguistics and in Modern Phonology by Clements, George N., Halle, Morris
Der Wortschatz des Hans Sachs, Band 1, Untersuchungen by Tauber, Walter
Die portugiesischen Verbalperiphrasen und ihre deutschen Entsprechungen by Schemann, Hans, Schemann-Dias, Luiza
Die Dialektik des Trobar by Gruber, Jörn
Tristan de Nanteuil: Thematic Infrastructure and Literary Creation by Sinclair, Keith V.
Modernism, Medievalism and Humanism: A Research Bibliography on the Reception of the Works of Ernst Robert Curtius by Richards, Earl Jeffrey
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch II by Ott, Wilhelm
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch III by Ott, Wilhelm
Business and Correspondence Chinese: An Introduction by Liang, James C. P.
Multicultural Education: A Challenge for Teachers by
Abstracts of the Tenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: Utrecht, 1-6 August, 1983 by
Contexts, Hierarchies, and Filters: A Study of Transformational Systems as Disambiguated Languages by Reichenbach, Uwe K. H.
Psycholinguistic Studies in Language Processing by
Wörterbuch by Tauber, Walter
Language and Communication by Richards, Jack C., Schmidt, R. W.
Quantification and Syntactic Theory by Cooper, R.
Pronominal Reference: Child Language and the Theory of Grammar by Solan, L.
The Sociogenesis of Language and Human Conduct by
Music and Language: The Rise of Western Music as Exemplified in Settings of the Mass by Georgiades, Thrasybulos Georgos, Thrysabulos, Georgiades, Georgiades, Thrysabulos
English Word-Formation by Laurie, Bauer, Bauer, Laurie
Hopi Time by Malotki, Ekkehart
Meaning, Use, and Interpretation of Language by
Holy Scripture: Canon, Authority, Criticism by Barr, James
Language and the Sexes by Frank, Francine, Anshen, Frank
Principles of Pragmatics by Leech, Geoffrey N.
Ways with Words: Language, Life and Work in Communities and Classrooms by Heath, Shirley B.
Pragmatics by Levinson, Stephen C.
Language as Work and Trade: A Semiotic Homology for Linguistics and Economics by Rossi-Landi, Ferruccio, Unknown
Questions and Answers by
General and Theoretical Linguistics by
Dostoevsky by Jones, John
The Subjective View: Secondary Qualities and Indexical Thoughts by McGinn, Colin
Linguistic Categories: Auxiliaries and Related Puzzles: Volume One: Categories by
Linguistic Categories: Auxiliaries and Related Puzzles: Volume Two: The Scope, Order, and Distribution of English Auxiliary Verbs by
Apologies and Remedial Interchanges by Owen, Marion
Lexical-Functional Grammar by Horn, George M.
Language Shift in the United States by Veltman, Calvin
Basic Problems of Neurolinguistics by Luria, Alexander R.
Semiotics and Interpretation by Scholes, Robert
English for Speakers of Khmer by Proum, Im, Huffman, Franklin E.
Discourse Analysis: The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Natural Language by Stubbs, Michael
Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy: A Study of the Constitutional Code by Rosen, Frederick
Joseph Scaliger: A Study in the History of Classical Scholarshipvolume 1: Textual Criticism and Exegesis by Grafton, Anthony
Medieval and Modern Greek by Browning, Robert
Elements of Mathematical Linguistics by Gladkij, Alexej V., Melcuk, Igor A.
Computers in Language Research 2: Part I: Formalization in Literary and Discourse Analysis. Part II: Notating the Language of Music, and the (Pause) R by
Fachkommunikation by Hahn, Walther V.
Computation in Linguistics: A Case Book by Unknown
Kommunikation über Glaubensinhalte by Mudersbach, Klaus
Myth in Africa by Okpewho, Isidore
Language, Science, and Action: Korzybski's General Semantics--A Study in Comparative Intellectual History by Paulson, Ross Evans, Unknown
The Language of Literature by Page, Norman
Modes of Medical Instruction by Kahn, Joan Y.
Middle English Studies: Presented to Norman Davis in Honour of His Seventieth Brithday by Gray, Murray, Gray, PH. D.
The Phonological Interpretation of Ancient Greek: A Pandialectal Analysis by Bubenik, Vit
English-Lao Lao-English Dictionary: Revised Edition by Marcus, Russell
Dyslexia: A Global Issue by
Byzantinoturucica, II: Sprachreste Der Türkvölker in Den Byzantinischen Quellen by Moravcsik, Gyula
Vol. 1 by
Vol. 2 by
Studies in Modeltheoretic Semantics by
Sprachwissen Und Sprachkunst: Ein Beispiel: Die Metapher by Růzička, Rudolf
Kontinuität Und Diskontinuität in Der Herausbildung Der Romanischen Sprachwissenschaft by Bahner, Werner
Diskurs Über Den Diskurs. Neue Denkanstösse in Der Sprachwissenschaft Oder Zur Gegenstandsbestimmung Der Linguistik by Neubert, Albrecht
Nachträge: slȯdz - zv́irov́isče by Lorentz, Friedrich