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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1985

Language Reform - La réforme des langues - Sprachreform / Language Reform - La réforme des langues - Sprachreform Volume III by
Telling the American Story: A Structural and Cultural Analysis of Conversational Storytelling by Polanyi, Livia
Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar by Pullum, Geoffrey K., Gazdar, Gerald, Klein, Ewan
Humans and Machines by
The Acquisition of Written Language: Response and Revision by
Englische Rhetorik Und Poetik 1479 - 1660: Eine Systematische Bibliographie by Plett, Heinrich F.
Einführung in Die Empirische Literaturwissenschaft by Hauptmeier, Helmut, Schmidt, Siegfried J.
Politische Sprachwissenschaft: Zur Analyse Von Sprache ALS Kultureller PRAXIS by Januschek, Franz
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 336 by Bensoussan, Alain
Studies in German Grammar by
Sprache und Gegenstand by Seiler, Hansjakob
Kölner Papyri (P. Köln) by Kramer, Bärbel
Schriftspracherwerb Und Die Entstehung Von Sprachbewußtheit by Andresen, Helga
A Unified Theory of Syntactic Categories by Emonds, Joseph E.
Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language by
Syntactic Modularity by Hermon, Gabriella
Ethnic Minorities and Dutch as a Second Language by
A Theory of Phonological Weight by Hyman, Larry
Rule Generalization and Optionality in Language Change by O'Neill, Wayne, Keyser, Samuel J.
Grammatik, Konversation, Interaktion: Beiträge Zum Romanistentag 1983 by
Textleistung im Komplex Bild - Sprache by Koll-Stobbe, Amei
Kontextfreie Syntaxen und verwandte Systeme by
Grammatik, Semantik, Textlinguistik by
Sprachtheorie, Pragmatik, Interdisziplinäres: Akten Des 19. Linguistischen Kolloquiums: Vechta 1984, Bd. 2 by
Gesprächsforschung im Vergleich by
Die Ableitung der denominalen Verben mit Nullsuffigierung im Englischen by Karius, Ilse
Kontrastive Phonologie des Deutschen und Dänischen by Basbøll, Hans, Wagner, Johannes
Entstehung von Sprachen und Völkern by
Forgotten But Important Lexicographers: John Wilkins and William Lloyd: A Modern Approach to Lexicography Before Johnson by Dolezal, Fredric
Die affirmativen Modalpartikeln doch, ja und schon by Borst, Dieter
Zweitsprache Deutsch - ungesteuerter Erwerb by
Systematischer Teil by Sanders, Daniel
Alphabetischer Teil by Sanders, Daniel
La repetition by Frédéric, Madeleine
La Versione Franco-Italiana Della Bataille d'Aliscans: Codex Marcianus Fr. VIII [=252] by
Etymology and Derivational Morphology: The Genesis of Old Spanish Denominal Adjectives in -Ido by Dworkin, Steven N.
Die Utopie im "Tristan" Gotfrids von Straßburg by Tomasek, Tomas
Ellipsen und fragmentarische Ausdrücke by
The Spanish of Equatorial Guinea: The Dialect of Malabo and Its Implications for Spanish Dialectology by Lipski, John M.
Ellipsen und fragmentarische Ausdrücke by
Child Language: A Language Which Does Not Exist? by Kaper, Willem
Predicates and Terms in Functional Grammar by
Konvention und Strategie by Ossner, Jakob
Rechtschreibung im Beruf by
Modalpartikel und Lexikographie by Bastert, Ulrike
Einführung in die Sprache Chaucers by Fries, Udo
Graphische Elemente der geschriebenen Sprache by Gallmann, Peter
Problemgeschichte Des Graphembegriffs Und Des Frühen Phonembegriffs by Kohrt, Manfred
Biographisches Erzählen - zwischen individuellem Erlebnis und kollektiver Geschichtentradition by Michel, Gabriele
Erec by Hartmann Von Aue
Die subjektivistische Romanform seit ihren Anfängen in der Frühromantik by Eifler, Margret
Intertextualität: Formen, Funktionen, Anglistische Fallstudien by
Eudised: Polyglōssos Thēsauros Gia Tēn Epexergasia Tēs Plērophorias Stēn Ekpaideusē by
Studies in the Phonology and Morphology of Modern Icelandic by Oresnik, Janez
Angst and the Abyss: The Hermeneutics of Nothingness by Coe, David K.
Voting Procedures by Dummett, Michael
Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache by Hoffmann, Lothar
A - K by Dückert, Edelgard, Blumrich, Christa
L - Z by Blumrich, Christa, Dückert, Edelgard
Sprache Und Kulturentwicklung Im Blickfeld Der Deutschen Spätaufklärung by
Utfläuten Bis Veihschur by
Sprachtheorien Der Aufklärung Zur Rolle Der Sprache Im Erkenntnisprozess by Hassler, Gerda
Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache: Eine Einführung by Hoffmann, Lothar
Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective and Drama Activities for Efl Students by Rinvolucri, Mario
Revolution in Poetic Language by Kristeva, Julia
Keep Talking: Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching by Kllippel, Friederike, Klippel, Friederike
Literacy in Theory and Practice by Street, Brian V.
The Language of Humor by Nash, Walter
Semiotics Unfolding: Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies Vienna, July 1979 by
The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women: Its Nature, Structure, and Origins by West, M. L.
A Basic Grammar of Ugaritic Language by Segert, Stanislav
Child's Talk: Learning to Use Language by Bruner, Jerome
Lexikographie und Grammatik by
The English Dictionary Before Cawdrey by Stein, Gabriele
Investitionsrechnung by Kruschwitz, Lutz
Romanische Sprachkunst by
English Existentials in Functional Grammar by Hannay, Michael
Englische Wörterbücher unter der Lupe by Standop, Ewald
Symposium on Lexicography II: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Lexicography, May 16-17, 1984 at the University of Copenhagen by
Die italienische Literatur by Wittschier, Heinz Willi
Die soziale Rolle des Okzitanischen in einer kleinen Gemeinde im Languedoc (Lacaune, Tarn) by Meisenburg, Trudel
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch VIII by Ott, Wilhelm
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch IX by Ott, Wilhelm
On the Paradigmatic Dimension of Morphological Creativity by Marle, Jaap Van
Phrase Structure Theory in Generative Grammar by Stuurman, Frits
Meaning and the Lexicon by
Dictadura militar y oposicion politica en Chile 1973-1981 by Fernández Jilberto, Alex E.
Sprache und Staat by Coulmas, Florian
Gesprochenes Französisch Zu Beginn Des 17. Jahrhunderts: Direkte Rede in Jean Héroards «Histoire Particuliére de Louis XIII» (1605-1610) by Ernst, Gerhard
Geschichte Und Aufgabe Der Romanischen Philologie, Quellen Der Romanischen Philologie Und Deren Behandlung, Romanische Sprachwissenschaft, Register by
Nation Against Nation: What Happened to the U.N. Dream and What the U.S. Can Do about It by Franck, Thomas M.
Cognitive Constraints on Communication: Representations and Processes by
Dialogue Games: An Approach to Discourse Analysis by Carlson, L.
Foundations of Logic and Linguistics by Weingartner, Paul, Dorn, Georg
Democracy and Empire: Britain, 1865-1914 by Feuchtwanger, E. J.
Satzmelodie und Sprachwahrnehmung by Helfrich, Hede
Spanish Language Use and Public Life in the United States by
Toward a Social History of American English by Dillard, Joey L.
Seneca's Thyestes by Tarrant, R. J.
Comparative Slavic Studies. The Cyrillo-Methodian Tradition by Jakobson, Roman
The International Game of Power: Past, Present and Future by Bernholz, Peter
Language And Learning: An Interactional Perspective by Nicholls, John
Handbuch Der Germanischen Philolgie by Stroh, Friedrich
Identity of the Literary Text by Valdes, Mario, Miller, Owen
Intonation and Its Parts: Melody in Spoken English by Bolinger, Dwight
How Proverbs Mean: Semantic Studies in English Proverbs by Norrick, Neal R.
Language of Inequality by
N. S. Trubetzkoy's Letters and Notes: (Mostly in Russian) by Trubetzkoy, Nikolaus S.
Contributions to a History of Developmental Psychology: International William T. Preyer Symposium by
Hariru Wikitoria!: An Illustrated History of the Maori Tour of England, 1863 by Mackrell, Brian
Language Development in the Pre-School Years by Wells, Gordon, Wells, C. Gordon, Gordon, Wells
Chinesische Redensarten Für Unterricht Und Selbststudium by Pao, Erh-Li, Cheng, Ying
Medieval Slavic Studies by Jakobson, Roman
Tense by Comrie, Bernard
British Policy Towards Ireland 1921-1941 by Canning, Paul
Magna Vita Sancti Hugonis: Volume II: The Life of St. Hugh of Lincoln by
Linguistic Dynamics: Discourses, Procedures and Evolution by
Contributions to Comparative Mythology: Studies in Linguistics and Philology, 1972-1982 by
Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft by Krahe, Hans
Emerging from Poverty: The Economics That Really Matters by Meier, Gerald M.
Anaphora and Definite Descriptions: Two Applications of Game-Theoretical Semantics by Hintikka, Jaakko, Kulas, J.
Anaphora and Definite Descriptions: Two Applications of Game-Theoretical Semantics by Hintikka, Jaakko, Kulas, J.
Understanding Language: Man or Machine by Moyne, John a.
Linguistische Semantik by Lutzeier, Peter Rolf
Sociolinguistics: Proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964 by
On Voice in the English Verb by Svartvik, Jan
Eastern Ojibwa-Chippewa-Ottawa Dictionary by Rhodes, Richard a.
Geschriebene Sprache by Feldbusch, Elisabeth
Discourse and Communication by
The Rise and Fall of the Ethnic Revival: Perspectives on Language and Ethnicity by Gertner, Michael H., Lowy, Esther G., Fishman, Joshua a.
Semantics and Cognition by Jackendoff, Ray S.
Poetics of the Elements in the Human Condition: The Sea: From Elemental Stirrings to Symbolic Inspiration, Language, and Life-Significance in Literary by
Efficient Parsing for Natural Language: A Fast Algorithm for Practical Systems by Tomita, Masaru
The Game of Language: Studies in Game-Theoretical Semantics and Its Applications by Hintikka, Jaakko
Germanistik - Forschungsstand und Perspektiven, Teil 1, Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft, Didaktik der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur by
Die Fragesätze im Rgveda by Etter, Annemarie
Persons and Values: Selected Papersvolume II by MacKie, J. L.
Logic and Knowledge: Selected Papersvolume I by MacKie, J. L.
Tertullian: A Historical and Literary Study by Barnes, Timothy David
Swift vs. Mainwaring: The Examiner and the Medley by
Phonology in the Twentieth Century: Theories of Rules and Theories of Representations by Anderson, Stephen R.
When Words Lose Their Meaning: Constitutions and Reconstitutions of Language, Character, and Community by White, James Boyd
The Loom of Language: An Approach to the Mastery of Many Languages by Bodmer, Frederick
Logik und Lexikon by Pinkal, Manfred
South American Indian Languages: Retrospect and Prospect by
Historical Semantics - Historical Word-Formation by
Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Soviet National Languages: Their Past, Present and Future by
Language System and Its Change: On Theory and Testability by Gvozdanovic, Jadranka
Soldiers of the Tsar: Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 by Keep, John L.
The Brief Compass: The Nineteenth Century German Novelle by Paulin, Roger
Aspects Bilingualism Wales by Baker, Colin
Aspects Bilingualism Wales by Baker, Colin
The Use of Words in Context: The Vocabulary of Collage Students by Black, John W., Stratton, Cleavonne S., Nichols, Alan C.
Deconstruction Reframed by Merrell, Floyd
Studia Linguistica. Diachronica et Synchronica by
A Semiotic Theory of Texts by Merrell, Floyd
Relational Typology by
Constructing the Social Context of Communication: Terms of Address in Egyptian Arabic by Parkinson, Dilworth B.
Nach-Chomskysche Linguistik by
History of Universities by
Works by Callimachus
Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use by Chomsky, Noam
Choctaw Verb Agreement and Universal Grammar by Davies, William D.
Adverbial Modification: Interval Semantics and Its Rivals by Cresswell, M. J.
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 2 by
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 1 by
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 2 by
The Christian Sogdian Manuscript C2 by Sims-Williams, Nicholas
Linguistics in the Netherlands 1985 by