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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1987

Die Akzentregeln des Russischen: Leitfaden für die Praxis by Schütz, Joseph
Communication, Gender and Sex Roles in Diverse Interaction Contexts by Steart, Lea P., Ting-Tommey, Stella
Psycholinguistic Models of Production by Dechert, Hans W., Raupach, Manfred
Monographien, 34, Diendorf, Kr. Nabburg (Oberpfalz). Zinzenzell, Kr. Bogen by
Grundzüge der Prosasyntax by Betten, Anne
Sprachnormen: Theorie Und PRAXIS: Studienausgabe by Bartsch, Renate
Atlas Des Formes Linguistiques Des Textes Litteraires de L'Ancien Francais by Dees, Anthonij
Geldbezeichnungen im Neufranzösischen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Argot by Rohr, Kerstin Ingeburg
Relatives restrictives et relatives appositives: une opposition "introuvable"? by Kleiber, Georges
Textkorpora 2: Kindersprache. Texte Italienischer Und Türkischer Kinder Zum Ungesteuerten Zweitspracherwerb. Mit Vergleichstexten Deu by
Die Volkssprachliche Apologetische Literatur Auf Der Iberischen Halbinsel Im Mittelalter: 284. Sitzung Am 18. April 1984 in Düsseldorf by Mettmann, Walter
Grammatik Und Kognition: Psycholinguistische Untersuchungen by
Geschmack Und Kunst: Eine Systemtheoretische Untersuchung Zu Schillers Briefen " Über Die Ästhetische Erziehung Des Menschen" by Disselbeck, Klaus
Women's Language, Socialization and Self-Image by
The Ins and Outs of Predication by
Syntactic Case and Morphological Case in the History of English by Kemenade, Ans Van
Problems in Argument Analysis and Evaluation by Govier, Trudy
Domains and Dynasties: The Radical Autonomy of Syntax by Koster, Jan
Wörterbuch des Rotwelschen / Wörterbuch des Rotwelschen by Wolf, Siegmund a.
Getting One's Words Into Line: On Word Order and Functional Grammar by
Die Entstehung Der Deutschen Schriftsprache: Bisherige Erklärungsmodelle -- Neuester Forschungsstand by Besch, Werner
Women, Marriage, and Politics, 1860-1914 by Jalland, Patricia, Jalland, Pat
From Latin to Spanish: Historical Phonology and Morphology by Lloyd, Paul M.
The Biology and Evolution of Language by Lieberman, Philip
The Rustle of Language by Barthes, Roland
A Contrastive Grammar of English and Dutch / Contrastieve Grammatica Engels / Nederlands by Aarts, F. G. a. M., Wekker, H. Chr
Perspectives and Approaches by
Analysis and Practices by
Explorations in Dependency Phonology by
Cognition and Language Growth by Felix, Sascha W.
Across the Lines of Disciplines by
Gaps and Dummies by Bennis, Hans
In Honor of Ilse Lehiste: Ilse Lehiste Pühendusteos by
Ideologie - Sprache - Politik by Straßner, Erich
Sprachwissenschaftliche Analysen Neufranzösischer Texte by Ernst, Gerhard, Felixberger, Josef
Devenir bilingue - parler bilingue by
Die Präpositionen in gesprochener Sprache by Mikosch, Ingrid
Reflexivization in English and Polish: An ARC Pair Grammar Analysis by Kubinski, Wojciech
Poetic Compounds: The Principles of Poetic Language in Modern English Moetry by Boase-Beier, Jean
Verständigungsprobleme: Eine Empirische Analyse Am Beispiel Der Bürger-Verwaltungs-Kommunikation by Selting, Margret
Linguistik in Deutschland by
Das Passiv im Deutschen by
Metaphorische Komposita in Zeitungsüberschriften by Knop, Sabine
Konfigurationalität: Zur Phrasenstrukturellen Repräsentation Von Argumentstrukturen in Natürlichen Sprachen by Rüffer, Norbert
Verb - Satz - Zeit: Zur Temporalen Struktur Der Verben Im Französischen by Beck, Gabriele
Präteritopräsentia by Birkmann, Thomas
Kommunikation und Kooperation by
Die Herausforderung des Dämons by Scherf, Walter
Natürliche generative Morphologie und Phonologie des Dialekts von Ludwigsstadt by Harnisch, Rüdiger
Sprachkontakt in der Hanse by
Morphologie dérivationnelle et structuration du lexique by Corbin, Danielle
Die "cronaca calcistica" by Schweickard, Wolfgang
Predicate Formation in the Verbal System of Modern Hebrew by Junger, Judith
Current Approaches to African Linguistics. Vol 4 by
The Representation of Implicit and Dethematized Subjects by Roberts, Ian
Metataxis: Contrastive Dependency Syntax for Machine Translation by Schubert, Klaus
Selected Papers in Mother Tongue Education / Etudes En Pédagogie de la Langue Maternelle by
Sound Patterns in Second Language Acquisition by
Studies in Romance Languages by
Handbook of Argumentation Theory: A Critical Survey of Classical Backgrounds and Modern Studies by Kruiger, Tjark, Eemeren, Frans H. Van, Grootendorst, Rob
Ethnic Minority Children Acquiring Literacy by Verhoeven, Ludo
Levels of Representation in the Lexicon and in the Syntax by Zubizarreta, Maria Luisa
Theoretische Aspekte der deutschen Orthographie by Kohrt, Manfred
Semantik Des Konjunktivs II in Deklarativsätzen Des Deutschen by Kasper, Walter
Zusammensprechen in Gesprächen: Aspekte Einer Konsonanztheoretischen Pragmatik by Glindemann, Ralf
Syntax des Vorfelds by Mode, Donatien
Perlokutionen by Eyer, Peter
Die konklusiven Sprechhandlungen by Klein, Josef
Fremdwortorthographie: Beiträge Zu Historischen Und Aktuellen Fragestellungen by
Die Ellipse: Ein Problem Der Sprachtheorie Und Der Grammatikschreibung by Ortner, Hanspeter
Text und Thema by Lötscher, Andreas
Wortsyntax: Eine Diskussion Ausgewählter Probleme Deutscher Wortbildung by Toman, Jindrich
Speech Genres and Other Late Essays by Bakhtin, M. M.
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of Titus by Banker, John
Language Variation and Change in a Modernising Arab State: The Case Of Bahrain by Holes, Clive
Ernst Eichler; Hans Walther: Onomastica Slavogermanica. XV. by
Versaden Bis Vörstäker by
British Musical Theatre: 2 Volumesvolume 1: 1865-1914^l Volume 2: 1915-1984 by Gänzl, Kurt
Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache: Eine Einführung by Hoffmann, Lothar
Languages and Their Status by
English for Specific Purposes by Hutchinson, Tom, Waters, Alan
Cultural Models in Language and Thought by
The Theory of Lexical Phonology by Mohanan, K. P.
Body - Space - Expression: The Development of Rudolf Laban's Movement and Dance Concepts by Maletic, Vera
Stadtsprache Berlin by Schlobinski, Peter
Language Socialization Across Cultures by
Politeness by Brown, Penelope, Levinson, Stephen C.
Dictionary of Electrical Engineering: English, German, French, Dutch, Russian by
Althochdeutsche Sprache und Literatur by
Zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation und Interaktion in Unternehmen by Wahren, Heinz-Kurt E.
Ludwig Tieck: A Literary Biography by Paulin, Roger
A History of the Common Law of Contract: Volume I by Simpson, A. W. B., Simpson, Alfred W.
Religion in England, 1688-1791 by Rupp, Gordon
Medical Care and the General Practitioner 1750-1850 by Loudon, Irvine
Metrical Phonology: A Course Book by Hogg, Richard M.
Schools of Thought: The Development of Linguistics from Bopp to Saussure by Amsterdamska, O.
Classics of Semiotics by
Tzotzil Clause Structure by Aissen, J.
Tzotzil Clause Structure by Aissen, J.
Parameter Setting by
Matters of Intelligence: Conceptual Structures in Cognitive Neuroscience by
Niederländische Presse unter Druck by Stoop, Paul
The dictionary and the language learner by
Process Linguistics: Exploring the Processual Aspects of Language and Language Use, and the Methods of Their Description by
Investitionsrechnung by Kruschwitz, Lutz
Foundations of Pragmatics and Lexical Semantics by
Germanistische Lexikographie by Schaeder, Burkhard
Historische Phonologie des Deutschen by Szulc, Aleksander
Satzmodus zwischen Grammatik und Pragmatik by
Reference Time, Tense and Adverbs by
!Qué barbaridad!, II, Lehrerheft, Schlüssel zu den Übungen, Gesamtvokabular by
The Auxiliary Do in Eighteenth-Century English: A Sociohistorical-Linguistic Approach by Tieken-Boon Van Ostade, Ingrid
Le problème des subsistances à l'époque Louis XIV, II, La production des céréales et la société rurale. Notes by Meuvret, Jean
Word Recognition in Foreign and Native Language: Effects of Context and Assimilation by Koster, Cor J.
Female Designing in Social Policies by
Historiography of Women's Cultural Traditions by
Unravelling Fatherhood by
Vorstudien Für Ein Wörterbuch Zur Bergmannssprache in Den Sieben Niederungarischen Bergstädten Während Der Frühneuhochdeutschen Sprachperiode by Paul, Rainer
Phraseologie by Hessky, Regina
Communication: Strategic Action in Context by Haslett, Beth Bonniwell
Rotwelsches Quellenbuch by
Römisches Recht by Jörs, Paul, Kunkel, Wolfgang
Patterns of Spoken English: An Introduction to English Phonetics by Knowles, Gerald
Discourse and Social Psychology: Beyond Attitudes and Behaviour by Potter, Jonathan, Wetherell, Margaret
Henry More. the Immortality of the Soul: Edited with an Introduction and Notes by
Seneca's Anapaests: Metre, Colometry, Text, and Artistry in the Anapaests of Seneca's Tragedies by Fitch, John G.
Epicurus on the Swerve and Voluntary Action by Englert, Walter G.
Hekon and Akon in Early Greek Thought by Rickert, Gailann
Blessings of Babel: Bilingualism and Language Planning. Problems and Pleasures by Haugen, Einar
Language, Poetry and Poetics: The Generation of the 1890s: Jakobson, Trubetzkoy, Majakovskij. Proceedings of the First Roman Jakobson Colloquium, at by
Second Language Grammar: Learning and Teaching by Rutherford, William E.
George Steiner: A Reader by Steiner, George
Languages and Their Speakers by
Language in Psychotherapy: Strategies of Discovery by
Semiotics and Fieldwork by Manning, Peter K.
Language, Gender, and Sex in Comparative Perspective by
Generalized Quantifiers: Linguistic and Logical Approaches by
Configurationality in Hungarian by Kiss, Katalin E.
The Psychophysics of Speech Perception by
Natural Language Generation: New Results in Artificial Intelligence, Psychology and Linguistics by
Generalized Quantifiers: Linguistic and Logical Approaches by
The Changing Downtown by Friedrichs, Jürgen, Goodman, Allen C.
Language and Change in the Arab Middle East: The Evolution of Modern Political Discourse by Ayalon, Ami
Talk and Social Organisation by
A Leonard Bloomfield Anthology by Bloomfield, Leonard
Japanese Phrase Structure Grammar: A Unification-Based Approach by Gunji, T.
The Origin of Language: Aspects of the Discussion from Condillac to Wundt by Wells, George Albert
Situationen und Einstellungen by Perry, John, Barwise, Jon
Analyzing Intercultural Communication by
Linguistic Typology by Ramat, Paolo
Historical Development of Auxiliaries by
Dictionary of the Physical Sciences: Terms, Formulas, Data by Emiliani, Ceasure, Emiliani, Cesare, Emiliani, Ceasare
Language and Problems of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures by Chomsky, Noam
Neurolinguistics and Linguistic Aphasiology by Caplan, David
Neurolinguistics and Linguistic Aphasiology: An Introduction by Caplan, David N.
Studies in the Acquisition of Anaphora: Applying the Constraints by
Studies in the Acquisition of Anaphora: Applying the Constraints by
A Modern Mongolian-English Dictionary by Gombojab, Hangin
Graphische und phonische Struktur des Westjiddischen by Timm, Erika
The Typology of Reflexives by Geniusiené, Emma
The Development of Romance Clitic Pronouns: From Latin to Old Romance by Wanner, Dieter
Intergrammar: Toward an Integrative Model of Verbal, Prosodic and Kinesic Choices in Speech by Janney, Richard W., Arndt, Horst
Monastic Sign Languages by
Transitivity and Discourse Continuity in Chamorro Narratives by Cooreman, Ann M.
Grammar and Gender by Baron, Dennis
Italian Manpower 225 B.C.-A.D. 14 by Brunt, P. a.
An Edwardian Mixed Doubles: The Bosanquets Versus the Webbs: A Study in British Social Policy 1890-1929 by McBriar, A. M.
Anti-Realism and Logic: Truth as Eternal by Tennant, Neil
Native American Discourse: Poetics and Rhetoric by Sherzer
Vox Graeca: A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Greek by Allen, W. Sidney
The Typology of Subordination in Georgian and Abkhaz by Hewitt, Brian G.
The Semiotic Web 1986 by
Marketing and Semiotics: New Directions in the Study of Signs for Sale by
Anglo-American Innovation by Clark, Peter a.
Sport and Recreation in Ancient Greece: A Sourcebook with Translations by Sweet, Waldo E.
The Social History of Language by
A Bibliography of Writings for the History of the English Language by Fisiak, Jacek
Text and Discourse Constitution: Empirical Aspects, Theoretical Approaches by
The Acquisition of Narratives: Learning to Use Language by Bamberg, Michael G.
Generative Grammar by Horrocks, Geoffrey
The Interface Between the Written and the Oral by Goody, Jack
Situations, Language and Logic by
Situations, Language and Logic by
Cryptology: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by Deavours, Cipher a.
Talking Culture: Ethnography and Conversation Analysis by Moerman, Michael
Major Works 1976-1980. Completion Volume 1 by
Studies in Memory of Warren Cowgill (1929-1985): Papers from the Fourth East Coast Indo-European Conference Cornell University, June 6-9, 1985 by
Friedrich Heinrich Von Der Hagen 1780-1856: Ein Beitrag Zur Frühgeschichte Der Germanistik by Grunewald, Eckhard
Sociolinguistics / Soziolinguistik. Volume 1 by
Bel Canto: The Teaching of the Classical Italian Song-Schools, Its Decline and Restoration by Manén, Lucie
Benjamin Jowett and the Christian Religion by Hinchliff, Peter
Death in Hamburg: Society and Politics in the Cholera Years 1830-1910 by Evans, Richard J.
The Sounds of French: An Introduction by Tranel, Bernard, Bernard, Tranel
St. Hugh of Lincoln: Lectures Delivered at Oxford and Lincoln to Celebrate the Eighth Centenary of St. Hugh's Consecration as Bishop of Lin by
Integrated Natural Language Dialogue: A Computational Model by Frederking, Robert E.
Bezeichnungen Für Bauern Und Hofgesinde Im Althochdeutschen by Brandsch, Juliane
Zum Sprachwandel in Der Deutschen Literatursprache Des 16. Jahrhunderts: Studien, Analysen, Probleme by
Bedeutungen Und Ideen in Sprachen Und Texten: Werner Bahner Gewidmet by
Hommes Et Structures Du Moyen Âge: Recueil d'Articles by Duby, Georges
Linguistics in the Netherlands 1987 by
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