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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1988

Zur Umgangssprache Im Raum Heidelberg-Kaiserslautern- Worms: Band I: Ergebnisse - Phonemik/Morphemik. Band II: Texte Aus Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, W by
Variabilität, Polysemie Und Unschärfe Der Wortbedeutung: Band 1: Theoretische Und Methodische Grundlagen. Band 2: Studien Zur Lexikalischen Semantik D by Schneider, Edgar W.
Linguistics in Context--Connecting Observation and Understanding by Tannen, Deborah
Second Language Discourse: A Textbook of Current Research by Fine, Jonathan
Linguistics in Context--Connecting Observation and Understanding by Tannen, Deborah
Schriftliche Sprache: Strukturen Geschriebener Wörter Und Ihre Verarbeitung Beim Lesen by Günther, Hartmut
Kognition Und Übersetzen: Zu Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Menschlichen Und Der Maschinellen Übersetzung by Wilss, Wolfram
Oratio Dominica Romanice: Das Vaterunser in Den Romanischen Sprachen Von Den Anfängen Bis Ins 16. Jahrhundert Mit Den Griechischen Und Lateinisc by
Sprachkontakt in der Bretagne: Sprachloyalität versus Sprachwechsel by Berger, Marianne Renate
Generische Komposita: Funktionelle Untersuchungen Zum Französischen Und Spanischen by Staib, Bruno
Advances in Natural Language Generation: An Interdisiplinary Perspective, Volume 1 by
Advances in Natural Language Generation: An Interdisiplinary Perspective, Volume 2 by Zock, Michael
Die Semantik Der Deutschen Tempusformen: Eine Indirekte Analyse Im Rahmen Einer Temporal Erweiterten Aussagelogik by Ballweg, Joachim
Etymologien. Band 1 by Baldinger, Kurt
>Vocabularius Ex quo by
>Vocabularius Ex quo by
>Vocabularius Ex quo by
5. Akademie-Forum Technik Und Industrie in Kunst Und Literatur: 312. Sitzung Am 24. Juni 1987 in Düsseldorf by Neuhaus, Volker, Schadewaldt, Hans, Niemöller, Klaus Wolfgang
Technisierte Kommunikation by
Peter Weiss Und Die Deutschen: Die Entstehung Einer Politischen Ästhetik Wider Der Verdrängung by Söllner, Alfons
Loan Phonology and the Two Transfer Types in Language Contact by Coetsem, Frans Van
Language Development by Jordens, Peter, Lalleman, Josine A.
Linguistics and Philosophy: An Essay on the Philosophical Constants of Language by Gilson, Etienne
Interaktionsanalyse Im Literaturunterricht: Eine Replikations- Und Generalisierungsstudie Zur Komplementarität Und Systemzeit by
Sprache in Mensch Und Computer: Kognitive Und Neuronale Sprachverarbeitung by
Heinrich Von Kleist: Studien Zu Werk Und Wirkung by
Sprachliche Indikatoren Kognitiver Regulationsprozesse: Eine Entwicklungspsychologische Untersuchung Des Verstehens Von Modalverbsätzen by Diesch, Eugen
Die Sprache der Chiricahua-Apachen mit Seitenblicken auf das Mescalero by Pinnow, Jürgen
Advances in Nonlinear Phonology by
Autosegmental Studies on Pitch Accent by
Computer Applications in Language Learning by
A Formal Theory of Vowel Coalescence: A Case Study of Ancient Greek by Haas, Wim De
Anaphora in Norwegian and the Theory of Grammar by Hellan, Lars
Studies on Copular Sentences, Clefts and Pseudo-Clefts by Declerck, Renaat
Bilingual Education and Language Maintenance: A Southern Peruvian Quechua Case by Hornberger, Nancy H.
Features, Segmental Structure and Harmony Processes. Part 1 by
Features, Segmental Structure and Harmony Processes. Part 2 by
"Früh-Antisemitismus" in Deutschland (1789 - 1871/72) by Hortzitz, Nicoline
Lautsystem Und Lautwandel Der Nürnberger Stadtmundart Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by Klepsch, Alfred
Geschichte der psychologischen Sprachauffassung in Deutschland von 1850 bis 1920 by Knobloch, Clemens
"Typisch weiblich - typisch männlich" by Schmidt, Claudia
Standard Und Städtischer Substandard Bei Heranwachsenden Im Ruhrgebiet by Scholten, Beate
Tugend, Gewalt und Tod by Schulz, Georg-Michael
Zwischen direkter und indirekter Rede by Roncador, Manfred Von
Formen von Fragen und Funktionen von Fragesätzen by Luukko-Vinchenzo, Leila
Vokalsysteme im Westnordischen: Isländisch, Färöisch, Westnorwegisch by Küspert, Klaus-Christian
Intonationsforschungen by
Temporalsemantik: Beiträge Zur Linguistik Der Zeitreferenz by
Linguistik Parisette by
Bevaton - Berliner Verfahren Zur Auditiven Tonhöhenanalyse by
Die Abbildung des Sprachproduktionsprozesses in einem Aktivationsflußmodell by Berg, Thomas
Präpositionen und Präpositionalphrasen im Deutschen und im Neugriechischen by Fries, Norbert
"Ich kann ja Deutsch!" by
Understanding the Lexicon: Meaning, Sense and World Knowledge in Lexical Semantics by
Silbische und lexikalische Phonologie by Wiese, Richard
Generalisierte Phrasenstrukturgrammatik by Naumann, Sven
Vokalquantität Und -Qualität Im Deutschen by Ramers, Karl Heinz
Die starken Verben im Deutschen und Niederländischen by Hempen, Ute
Studien Zu Einer Linguistik Des Grußes: Sprache Und Funktion Der Altfranzösischen Grußformeln by Lebsanft, Franz
La Redundancia Pronominal En El Iberorromance Medieval by Riiho, Timo
Zu Den Anfängen Der Französischen Grammatiksprache: Textausgaben Und Wortschatzstudien by Städtler, Thomas
Language Attitudes in the Dutch Language Area by
Learnability and second languages by
Morphology and Modularity by
New Directions in Machine Translation: Conference Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary, August 18-19, 1988 by
Text Coherence in Translation by Schubert, Klaus, Papegaaij, Bart
Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries by
Syntax der englischen Adverbialien by Ungerer, Friedrich
Romanische Verbalmorphologie und relationentheoretische mathematische Linguistik by Holl, Alfred
The Modern Stranger: On Language and Membership by Harman, Lesley D.
Vörstäkersticken Bis Warm by
Structure and Style in Javanese: A Semiotic View of Linguistic Etiquette by Errington, J. Joseph
Second Language Classrooms: Research on Teaching and Learning by Chaudron, Craig
The Development of Language and Language Researchers: Essays in Honor of Roger Brown by
Deutsche und chinesische Bewegungsverben by Cheng, Ying
Sir Philip Sidney: An Anthology of Modern Criticism by
Discourse Markers by Schiffrin, Deborah
Sign Language: The Study of Deaf People and Their Language by Kyle, Jim G.
Speech Physiology, Speech Perception, and Acoustic Phonetics by Blumstein, Shelia E., Lieberman, Philip
Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading by
Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories by
The English Verb by Palmer, F. R.
Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories by
Vocabulary and Language Teaching by McCarthy, Michael, Carter, Ronald
Deutscher Wortschatz: Lexikologische Studien. Ludwig Erich Schmitt Zum 80. Geburtstag Von Seinen Marburger Schülern by
Variation and Convergence: Studies in Social Dialectology by
Altnordisches Elementarbuch: Einführung, Grammatik, Texte (Zum Teil Mit Übersetzung) Und Wörterbuch by Ranke, Friedrich, Hofmann, Dietrich
The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Persian Azerbaijan: Linguistic Analysis and Folkloristic Texts by Garbell, Irene
Preference Laws for Syllable Structure: And the Explanation of Sound Change with Special Reference to German, Germanic, Italian, and Latin by Vennemann, Theo
The Romantic Irony of Semiotics: Friedrich Schlegel and the Crisis of Representation by Finlay, Marike
Cognition and Sentence Production by Sridhar, S. N.
Aspects of Western Subanon Formal Speech by Hall, William C.
Observation in the Language Classroom by Allwright, Dick
The Politics of Linguistics by Newmeyer, Frederick J.
Pidgin and Creole Languages by Romaine, Suzanne
Critical Essays on Language Use and Psychology by
Theories of Explanation by Pitt, Joseph C., Pitt, Bertram
The Guitar: A Guide for Students and Teachers by
To Speak in Pairs: Essays on the Ritual Languages of Eastern Indonesia by
The Acquisition of Aspect and Modality: The Case of Past Reference in Turkish by Ayhan, Aksu-Koc, Aksu-Koc, Ayhan
Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures by
Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures by
Ethical Issues in Professional Life by Callahan
Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch in Der Diskussion: Symposion Zur Mittelhochdeutschen Lexikographie, Hamburg, Oktober 1985 by
Discourse and Discrimination by
Publizistik Und Journalismus in Der DDR: Acht Beiträge Zum Gedenken an Elisabeth Löckenhoff by
Das Drama in der abstrakten Gesellschaft by Zapf, Hubert
Überlegungen Zur Theorie Und Methode Der Historisch-Synchronen Valenzsyntax Und Valenzlexikographie: Mit Einem Valenzlexikon Zu Den Denkwürdigkeiten D by Ágel, Vilmos
Symposium on Lexicography IV by
Les Travaux Et Les Jours by Miquel, André
Language Loyalty and Linguistic Variation: A Study in Spanish Cantabria by Holmquist, Jonathan Carl
Sprache und Metrum by Küper, Christoph
Untersuchungen zur Hypotaxe im Vedischen by Hettrich, Heinrich
Conditions of Identity: A Study in Identity and Survival by Brennan, Andrew
Language and Information by Harris, Zelig
Lectures on Language Contact by Lehiste, Ilse
Intonation in Context Teacher's Book: Intonation Practice for Upper-Intermediate and Advanced Learners of English by Bradford, Barbara
Intonation in Context: Student's Book by Barbara, Bradford, Bradford, Barbara
Reforming London: The London Government Problem, 1855-1900 by Davis, John
Adjustment with a Human Face: Volume 2: Country Case Studies by Cornia
Form and Meaning in Word Formation: A Study of Afrikaans Reduplication by Botha, Rudolf P.
Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey: Volume 4, Language: The Socio-Cultural Context by
Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey: Volume 3, Language: Psychological and Biological Aspects by
Meaning and Inference in Medieval Philosophy: Studies in Memory of Jan Pinborg by
The Greek Historians of the West: Timaeus and His Predecessors by Pearson, Lionel
Anangke in Thucydides by Ostwald, Martin
Old Comedy and the Iambographic Tradition by Rosen, Ralph Mark
Codeswitching: Anthropological and Sociolinguistic Perspectives by
War, Justice, and Public Order: England and France in the Later Middle Ages by Kaeuper, Richard W.
Lubliner Jiddisch by Dyhr, Mogens, Zint, Ingeborg
Transformational Grammar: Radford by Radford, Andrew
Pidgins and Creoles Volume I: Theory and Structure by Holm, John A.
Mixed Categories: Nominalizations in Quechua by Lefebvre, C., Muysken, P. C.
Mixed Categories: Nominalizations in Quechua by Muysken, P. C., Lefebvre, C.
Languages and Cultures: Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé by
A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages by Buck, Carl Darling
English Grammar: An Outline by Huddleston, Rodney
Oxford Activity Books for Children: Cards Pack B (Books 4-6) by Clark, Christopher
Interpretive Acts: In Search of Meaning by Harris, Wendell V.
Blindspots by Sorensen, Roy A.
The Sociolinguistics of Urban Vernaculars by
Semiotic Theory and Practice, Volume 1+2: Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies Palerm by
Studies in Caribbean Spanish Dialectology by
Semantical Essays: Possible Worlds and Their Rivals by Cresswell, M. J.
Quellenverzeichnis, Wortregister, Nachwort by
The Ideology of English: French Perceptions of English as a World Language by Flaitz, Jeffra
Historical Dialectology: Regional and Social by
Principles of Historical Linguistics by Hock, Hans Henrich
Evaluation von Dialogsystemen by
A Historical Dictionary of American Industrial Language by Mulligan, William H.
Whigs and Liberals: Continuity and Change in English Political Thought by Burrow, J. W.
Una Traduzione Giudeo-Romanesca del Libro Di Giona by Cuomo, Luisa
The Works of George Farquhar: Volume II by Farquhar, George
Culture and Language Development: Language Acquisition and Language Socialization in a Samoan Village by Ochs, Elinor
Naive Semantics for Natural Language Understanding by Dahlgren, Kathleen
The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce by
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory by Chomsky, Noam
The Genesis of Language: A Different Judgement of Evidence by
Terms of Address: Problems of Patterns and Usage in Various Languages and Cultures by Braun, Friederike
Psychology and Historical Interpretation by
The Limitations of Language by Moore, Terence, Carling, Chris
Duke Richard of York 1411-1460 by Johnson, P. A.
Linguistic Theory in Second Language Acquisition by
Linguistic Theory in Second Language Acquisition by
Theory of Logical Calculi: Basic Theory of Consequence Operations by Wójcicki, Ryszard
Understanding Research in Second Language Learning by Brown, James Dean
Deutsche Satzsemantik by
Der Schulaufsatz by Ludwig, Otto
Essentials of Functional Grammar: A Structure-Neutral Theory of Movement, Control, and Anaphora by Horn, George M.
The Semiotic Web 1987 by
Johann Andreas Schmeller Und Der Beginn Der Germanistik by
The Signs of Language by
For Whom Do I Toil?: Judah Leib Gordon and the Crisis of Russian Jewry by Stanislawski, Michael
Philosophy, Language, and Artificial Intelligence: Resources for Processing Natural Language by
The Role of Case in Russian Syntax by Neidle, C.
Reichthum Und Armut Deutscher Sprache: Reflexionen Über Den Zustand Der Deutschen Sprache Im 19. Jahrhundert by
Saussure, Derrida, and the Metaphysics of Subjectivity by Strozier, Robert M.
Properties, Types and Meaning - Vol I + II by
Properties, Types and Meaning - Vol I + II by
Theorien vom Ursprung der Sprache by
Semantische Paradoxien, Typentheorie und ideale Sprache by Rheinwald, Rosemarie
In Honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics by
Renaissance- und Humanistenhandschriften by
Linguistics, Literary Analysis, and Literary Translation by Schogt, Henry
Cultural Norms, War and the Environment by
Meaning and Mental Representation by
Properties, Types and Meaning: Volume II: Semantic Issues by
Properties, Types and Meaning: Volume I: Foundational Issues by
Properties, Types and Meaning: Volume I: Foundational Issues by
Properties, Types and Meaning: Volume II: Semantic Issues by
1988 by
Linguistic Structure in Language Processing by
Zwei Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Slawistik by Eichler, Ernst, Wiemers, Gerald
Melken Bis Nachbar: Bbwb-B, Band 3, Lieferung 3 by
Volksmassen, Sprachliche Kommunikation, Sprachentwicklung Unter Den Bedingungen Der Frühbürgerlichen Revolution (1517-1526) by Brandt, Gisela
Untersuchungen Zum Russisch-Niederdeutschen Gesprächsbuch Des Tönnies Fenne, Pskov 1607: Ein Beitrag Zur Deutschen Sprachgeschichte by
Categorial Investigations: Logical and Linguistic Aspects of the Lambek Calculus by Moortgat, Michael
Die Keilschriftarchive Von Boğazköy - Probleme Der Textüberlieferung Und Der Historischen Interpretation by Klengel, Horst