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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1989

Language Reform - La réforme des langues - Sprachreform / Language Reform - La réforme des langues - Sprachreform Volume IV by
Language Development: Learning Language, Learning Culture--Meaning and Choice in Language: Studies for Michael Halliday, Volume 1 by Martin, James R., Hasan, Ruqaiya
Geisteswissenschaften: Vorträge - G303 by Weinrich, Harald
Wörterbücher in der Diskussion I by
Sprachlicher Substandard II by
Fachgespräche in Aufklärung und Revolution by
Text L-P by
Text Q-Z by
Von Luther Zu Kant -- Der Deutsche Sonderweg in Die Moderne: Eine Soziologische Betrachtung by Eiben, Jürgen
Adjektivfolgen by Lorenz, Sichelschmidt
Speech and Language by Adelman
Politische Semantik: Bedeutungsanalytische Und Sprachkritische Beiträge Zur Politischen Sprachverwendung by
Die Bedeutung Von Morphemen Für Die Sprachanalyse: Zur Mentalen Verarbeitung Lexikalischer Und Grammatischer Morpheme by Drews, Etta
Dramen Des Weiblichen: Deutsche Dramatikerinnen Um 1800 by Hoff
Die Traumlandschaften Ludwig Tiecks: Traumreise Und Individuationsprozeß Aus Romantischer Perspektive by Garmann, Gerburg
Germanistik in Den USA: Neue Entwicklungen Und Methoden by Trommler, Frank
Transfer in Language Production by Raupach, Manfred, Dechert, Hans W.
The Reading of Time: A Semantico-Semiotic Approach by Pinto, Julio C. M.
Current Approaches to African Linguistics. Vol 6 by
New Methods in Dialectology: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Free University of Amsterdam, December, 7-10, 1987 by
Gerechtigkeit Durch Poesie by Mangold, Hartmut
Cultural Climate and Linguistic Style: Change in English Fictional Prose from the Late Victorian to the Early Modern Period by Cawthra, Gillian
Goethe in Trümmern: Zur Rezeption Eines Klassikers in Der Nachkriegszeit by Meier, Bettina
Gender Variation in Dutch: A Sociolinguistic Study of Amsterdam Speech by Brouwer, Dede
Configurationality: The Typology of Asymmetries by
Predicate Structure in a Functional Grammar of Hungarian by Groot, Casper De
Dialect Variation and the Theory of Grammar: Proceedings of the Glow Workshop in Venice, 1987 by
Functional Grammar and the Computer by
Ergativity in German by Grewendorf, Günther
The Attrition of French as a Foreign Language by Weltens, Hubertus H.
Mit der Identifizierung Friedrich Traubs by Gelhaus, Hermann
Lieder von 1848 by Kämper-Jensen, Heidrun
Zur Sprache Der Bündischen Jugend: Am Beispiel Der Deutschen Freischar by Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud
Verständlich-Machen: Hermeneutische Tradition - Historische PRAXIS - Sprachtheoretische Begründung by Biere, Bernd Ulrich
Spracherwerb und Sprachunterricht für Gehörlose by
Der Artikel in deutschen Sachverhaltsnominalen by Kolde, Gottfried
Schriftsystem und Orthographie by
Gegensatzrelationen im Bereich deutscher Adjektive by Rachidi, Renate
Das Adjektiv in gesprochener Sprache by Löffelad, Peter
Testi, cotesti e contesti del franco-italiano by
Wissen, Wahrnehmen, Glauben: Epistemische Ausdrücke U. Propositionale Einstellungen by
Early Middle English Syntax by Moessner, Lilo
Untersuchungen Zur Sprachvariation Des Gaskognischen Im Val d'Aran (Zentralpyrenäen) by Winkelmann, Otto
"Lo Thesaur del Hospital de Sant Sperit" by Gleßgen, Martin-Dietrich
Language and Intergroup Relations in Flanders and the Netherlands by
Metataxis in Practice: Dependency Syntax for Multilingual Machine Translation by
Pragmatic Functions in a Functional Grammar of Arabic by Moutaouakil, Ahmed
Norms in Argumentation: Proceedings of the Conference on Norms 1988 by
Parameters in the Grammar of Basque: A GB Approach to Basque Syntax by Ortiz De Urbina, Jon
Perceptual Dialectology: Nonlinguists' Views of Areal Linguistics by Preston, Dennis R.
Phonological Representation of the Sign: Linearity and Nonlinearity in American Sign Language by Sandler, Wendy
Working with Analogical Semantics: Disambiguation Techniques in Dlt by Sadler, Victor
Semantics and Contextual Expression by
Sentential Complementation and the Lexicon: Studies in Honour of Wim de Geest by
Sprache ALS Dialog by Weigand, Edda
Eurogrammar: The Relative and Cleft Constructions of the Germanic and Romance Languages by Smits, R. J. C.
Fallacies: Selected Papers 1972-1982 by Woods, John, Walton, Douglas
Linguistics in the Netherlands 1989 by
Eine selbstlernende generativ-phonologische Grammatik by Rolshoven, Jürgen
Präpositionalobjekte und Präpositionalobjektsätze im Deutschen by Breindl, Eva
(De)Nominale Adjektive Im Heutigen Englisch: Untersuchungen Zur Morphologie, Syntax, Semantik Und Pragmatik Von Adjektiv-Nomen-Kombinationen Der Typen by Leitzke, Eva
Modalpartikeln und ihre Kombinationen by Thurmair, Maria
Raum und Zeit im Verbwortschatz des Deutschen by Eichinger, Ludwig M.
Der Satzmodus 'Imperativsatz' Im Deutschen Und Finnischen by Winkler, Eberhard
Reference Grammars and Modern Linguistic Theory by
Time, Text and Modality by
Dialoganalyse II by
Dialoganalyse II by
The Syntax of Verbal Affixation by Drijkoningen, Frank
Interaktionale Soziolinguistik und Interkulturelle Kommunikation by Hinnenkamp, Volker
Raumkonzepte in Verstehensprozessen: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge Zu Sprache Und Raum by
Zur Intonation von Modus und Fokus im Deutschen by
Stil und Stilisierung by
Natürlich-sprachliche Quantoren by Hamm, Fritz
Tempus - Aspekt - Modus: Die Lexikalischen Und Grammatischen Formen in Den Germanischen Sprachen by
In Other Words: Transcultural Studies in Philology, Translation and Lexicology. Presented to Hans Meier on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday by
Virtuous Intentions: The Religious Dimension of Narrative by Ledbetter, Mark
When Men Walk Dry: Portuguese Messianism in Brazil by Myscofski, Carole a.
Telling the American Story: A Structural and Cultural Analysis of Conversational Storytelling by Polanyi, Livia
Hans Walter Zum 70. Geburstag by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 33, Heft 6 by
Warmbad Bis Weigern by
Onomastica Slavogermanica XVII by
Approaches to Traditional Chinese Medical Literature: Proceedings of an International Symposium on Translation Methodologies and Terminologies by
Essays on Anaphora by Lasnik, H.
Linguistic Structure in Language Processing by
Case Grammar Theory by Cook, Walter A.
Discourse Pragmatics and Semantic Categorization: The Case of Negation and Tense-Aspect with Special Reference to Swahili by Contini-Morava, Ellen
Brisante Wörter von Agitation bis Zeitgeist by Strauß, Gerhard, Haß, Ulrike, Harras, Gisela
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Language & Ethnicity in Minority Sociolinguistic Perspective by Fishman, Joshua A.
The Play Out of Context: Transferring Plays from Culture to Culture by
Essays on Anaphora by Lasnik, H.
Law and Semiotics: Volume 2 by
Working with Language: A Multidisciplinary Consideration of Language Use in Work Contexts by
Individual Differences in Second Language Learning by Skehan, Peter
Popular Narrative Ballads of Modern Egypt by Cachia, Pierre
Prudentius on the Martyrs by Palmer, Anne-Marie
Language, Communication, and Culture: Current Directions by
Frühneuhochdeutsch: Eine Einführung in Die Deutsche Sprache Des Spätmittelalters Und Der Frühen Neuzeit by Wegera, Klaus-Peter, Hartweg, Frédéric
»The Music Hall Is Dying«: Die Thematisierung Der Unterhaltungsindustrie Im Englischen Gegenwartsdrama by Raab, Michael
Goethes Dramatik by Schanze, Helmut
Wort Und Bild: Die Illustrationen in Wörterbüchern Und Enzyklopädien; With an English Summary; Avec Un Résumé Français by Hupka, Werner
Los diccionarios de orientación escolar by Hernández, Humberto
Wörterbuchkritik by Ripfel, Martha
Text and Talk as Social Practice: Discourse Difference and Division in Speech and Writing by
Lexical Innovation in Dasypodius' Dictionary: A Contribution to the Study of the Development of the Early Modern German Lexicon Based on Petrus Dasypo by West, Jonathan
Comment Decrire Les Actes de Langage?: de La Linguistique Pragmatique a la Lexicographie: "La Belle Affaire!" Et "Tu M'En Diras Tant!" by Schneider, Franz
Germanische Rest- Und Trümmersprachen by
Foundations of Axiomatic Linguistics by Mulder, Jan
Symbolic Values of Foreign Language Use: From the Japanese Case to a General Sociolinguistic Perspective by Haarmann, Harald
The Liar: An Essay on Truth and Circularity by Barwise, Jon
The Many Names of Country People: An Historical Dictionary from the Twelfth Century Onward by Schlebecker, John T.
Effective Teaching of Modern Languages by Wringe, C. a.
Politics and the Law in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany: The Origins of the Civil Code by John, Michael
The Uses of Sense: Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language by Travis, Charles
A History of the French Language by Rickard, Peter
The Second Language Curriculum by
Inflectional Morphology and Naturalness by Wurzel, Wolfgang Ullrich
Inflectional Morphology and Naturalness by Wurzel, Wolfgang Ullrich
The Social and Cognitive Aspects of Normal and Atypical Language Development by
Voraussetzungen Und Grundlagen Der Gegenwartssprache by
Uc Publications in Linguistics by Klingebiel, Kathryn
Optimal Dynamic Investment Policies of a Value Maximizing Firm by Kort, Peter M.
The Many Faces of Imitation in Language Learning by
The Ulster Party: Irish Unionists in the House of Commons, 1884-1911 by Jackson, Alvin
The Lovely Treachery of Words: Essays Selected and New by Kroetsch, Robert, Kroetsch
Informal Lectures on Formal Semantics by Bach, Emmon
Pidgins and Creoles Volume II: Reference Survey by Holm, John A.
Predication Theory by Napoli, Donna Jo, Donna Jo, Napoli
The Null Subject Parameter by
The Null Subject Parameter by
Themes from Kaplan by
General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In Remembrance of Stanley Newman by
English Across Cultures. Cultures Across English: A Reader in Cross-Cultural Communication by
Visible Speech by DeFrancis, John
Markedness in Synchrony and Diachrony by Tomic, Olga Miseska
Xenolekte: Struktur Und Variation Im Deutsch Gegenüber Ausländern by Roche, Jörg
Interlinguistics: Aspects of the Science of Planned Languages by
General Linguistics by Robins, R. H.
The Language of Irish Literature by
Meaning of Meaning by Ogden, C. K.
Women in Their Speech Communities by Coates, Jennifer, Cameron, Deborah
The Correspondence of John Locke by Locke, John
Language Transfer: Cross-Linguistic Influence in Language Learning by Odlin, Terence
The Semiotic Web 1988 by
Status & Function of Languages & Language Varieties by
Connexity and Coherence by
The New Sound of Indo-European: Essays in Phonological Reconstruction by
Semiotics, Self, and Society by
The Politics of Language Purism by
Language: The Unknown: An Initiation Into Linguistics by Kristeva, Julia
The Market for Energy by
Electronic Dictionaries and Automata in Computational Linguistics: Litp Spring School in Theoretical Computer Science, Saint- Pierre d'Oleron, France, by
Investigating Obsolescence by
Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey: Volume 1, Linguistic Theory: Foundations by
Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey: Volume 2, Linguistic Theory: Extensions and Implications by
Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey: Volume 3, Language: Psychological and Biological Aspects by
Körperspuren by Bette, Karl H.
Intonation and Its Uses: Melody in Grammar and Discourse by Bolinger, Dwight
French and Italian Lexical Influences in German-Speaking Switzerland: (1550-1650) by Rash, Felicity J.
How to Build a Better Vocabulary by Nurnberg, Maxwell, Rosenblum, Morris
The Medieval Translator by
Anguished English: An Anthology of Accidental Assualts Upon Our Language by Lederer, Richard
Athapaskan Linguistics: Current Perspectives on a Language Family by
Ostjakologische Arbeiten, Band 3, Texte aus dem Nachlass by
The V2 Conspiracy: A Synchronic and a Diachronic Analysis of Verbal Positions in Germanic Languages by Weerman, Fred
Die deutsche Urkundensprache Churs im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert by Ludwig, Andreas W.
Language Change: Contributions to the Study of Its Causes by
Language, Morality, and Society: An Ethical Model of Communication in Fontane and Hofmannsthal by Guidry, Glenn A.
A Say in the End of the World: Morals and British Nuclear Weapons Policy, 1941-1987 by Ruston, Roger
Suez 1956: The Crisis and Its Consequences by Louis
King John by Shakespeare, William
Linguistic Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition by
First Language Acquisition: Method, Description and Explanation by Ingram, David
Bilingualism Across the Lifespan: Aspects of Acquisition, Maturity, and Loss by
The Dynamic Interlanguage: Empirical Studies in Second Language Variation by
Literacy in School and Society: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 1989: Language Teaching, Testing, and Technology: Lessons from the Past with a V by
Jugend, Sprache und Medien by Nowottnick, Marlies
Philosophy Without Ambiguity by Atlas, Jay David
Cartesian Logic: An Essay on Descartes's Conception of Inference by Gaukroger, Stephen
Smooth Tests of Goodness of Fit by Best, D. J., Rayner, J. C.
Essays on Grammatical Theory and Universal Grammar by
Analogical Modeling of Language by Skousen, R.
The Logodaedalian's Dictionary of Interesting and Unusual Words by Saussy, George Stone
American Spanish Pronunciation: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives by
Weshalb Lügen kurze Beine haben by Ekman, Paul
Etymologisches Wörterbuch Der Deutschen Sprache by Kluge, Friedrich
Pictures for Language Learning by Wright, Andrew
Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking by
Standardizing Written English: Diffusion in the Case of Scotland, 1520 1659 by Devitt, Amy J., Amy J., Devitt
Learnability and Linguistic Theory by
Learnability and Linguistic Theory by
Amazonian Linguistics: Studies in Lowland South American Languages by
Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. 1. Teilband by
Erkenntnisse Unter Tage: Bergbaumotive in Der Literatur Der Romantik by Gold, Helmut
Kitawa: A Linguistic and Aesthetic Analysis of Visual Art in Melanesia by Scoditti, Giancarlo M.
American Indian Languages 1 by
Unity in Greek Poetics by Heath, M.
See More