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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1990

Language Reform - La réforme des langues - Sprachreform / Language Reform - La réforme des langues - Sprachreform Volume V by
European Library Networks by Neubauer, Karl W., Dyer, Esther R.
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Geisteswissenschaften Vorträge - G 300 by Großfeld, Bernhard
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Geisteswissenschaften Vorträge - G 302 by Ohly, Friedrich
Der Wille Zum Helden: Formen Des Heroismus in Texten Des 20. Jahrhunderts by Martinsen, Renate
Siedlungsnamen zwischen Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter by Buchmüller-Pfaff, Monika
Markierung von Aktantenfunktionen und "Prädetermination" im Französischen by Jacob, Daniel
Doppelgänger Seiner Selbst: Der Erzähler Albert Vigoleis Thelen by Pütz, Jürgen
Ästhetik Und Anthropologie Bei Alfred Döblin: Vom Musikphilosophischen Gespräch Zur Romanpoetik by Balve, Johannes
Dominanz Und Sprache: Strategisches Handeln Im Alltag by Thimm, Caja
Phonologie by
Friedrich Nietzsche: Die Zerstörung Der Humanität Durch 'Mutterliebe' by Kjaer, Jørgen
Semantik Der Deixis: Eine Organismische Analyse Sprachlicher Deixis by Cheang, Kiseang
Entwicklung Der Sprachwissenschaft Seit 1970 by Helbig, Gerhard
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 384 by Peyerimhoff, Sigrid
Die Literaturen Des Baltikums: Ihre Entstehung Und Entwicklung by Scholz, Friedrich
Paul Green's Wordbook: An Alphabet of Reminiscence by Green, Paul
Semantische Mechanismen der Negation by Jung, Uwe, Küstner, Herbert
Acquisition of Reading in Dutch by
Dictionary of the Kanuri Language by
The Symbolic System of the Giman of South Halmahera by Teljeur, Dirk
Investigating Victorian Journalism by Brake, Laurel
Im Labyrinth Des Wissens: Zu Robert Musils Roman "Der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften" by Völse, Hans-Joachim
Metrical Structure of Arabic by Angoujard, Jean-Pierre
Linguistics in the Netherlands 1990 by
The Tonal System of Igbo by Clark, Mary M.
Current Approaches to African Linguistics. Vol 7 by
Linguistische Studien. 1 by
Moser, Hugo; Moser, Hugo: Linguistische Studien. 2 by
Kommunikationsorientierte Textgrammatik by Morgenthaler, Erwin
Grammatische Terminologie in Sprachbuch und Unterricht by
Grammar in Progress: Glow Essays for Henk Van Riemsdijk by
Untersuchungen Zur Grammatik Appositionsverdächtiger Einheiten Im Deutschen by Schindler, Wolfgang
Die Silbenprosodie: Ein Elementarer Aspekt Der Wahrnehmung Von Sprachrhythmus Und Sprechtempo by Pompino-Marschall, Bernd
Intonation in Gesprächen: Ein Beitrag Zur Methode Der Kontrastiven Intonationsanalyse Am Beispiel Des Deutschen Und Französischen by Jin, Friederike
Texte Zu Theorie Und PRAXIS Forensischer Linguistik by
Untersuchungen Zum Problem Der Seriellen Verben: Vorüberlegungen Zu Ihrer Grammatik Und Exemplarische Analyse Des Vietnamesischen by Kuhn, Wilfried
Akkusativobjekt, Akkusativobjektsätze und Objektsprädikate im Deutschen by Bausewein, Karin
Telegraphenbüros und Nachrichtenagenturen in Deutschland by
Zu Einer Theorie Der Orthographie: Interdisziplinäre Aspekte Gegenwärtiger Schrift- Und Orthographieforschung by
Elementare Dialogstrukturen by Franke, Wilhelm
Neuere Forschungen Zur Historischen Syntax Des Deutschen: Referate Der Internationalen Fachkonferenz Eichstätt 1989 by
Anglizismen Im Deutschen: Am Beispiel Des Nachrichtenmagazins 'Der Spiegel' by Yang, Wenliang
Private Schriftlichkeit Im 19. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Des Alltäglichen Sprachverhaltens Kleiner Leute by Schikorsky, Isa
Kategoriell Komplexe Wortformen by Gallmann, Peter
Latin Vulgaire - Latin Tardif II: Actes Du Iième Colloque International Sur Le Latin Vulgaire Et Tardif (Bologne, 29 Août-2 Septembre 1988) by
An Essay on Grammar-Parser Relations by Koot, J. Van De
Nominal and Verbal Plurality in Chadic by Newman, Paul
Dutch-Moroccan Code Switching Among Maroccans in the Netherlands by Nortier, Jacomine
The Use of Compensatory Strategies by Dutch Learners of English by Poulisse, Nanda
Unity in Diversity: Papers Presented to Simon C. Dik on His 50th Birthday by
Two First Languages: Early Grammatical Development in Bilingual Children by
A Metrical Theory of Rhythmic Stress by Visch, Ellis
Linguistically Motivated Principles of Knowledge Base Systems by Weigand, Hans
Working with Functional Grammar: Descriptive and Computational Applications by
An Outline of English Lexicology by Lipka, Leonhard
Grammatiktheorie Und Sprachliches Handeln: "Denn" Und "Da" by Redder, Angelika
Regularität Und Variabilität in Der Rezeption Englischer Internationalismen Im Modernen Deutsch, Französisch Und Polnisch: Aufgezeigt in Den Bereichen by Jablonski, Miroslaw
Dialog: Festschrift Für Siegfried Grosse by
Wahr neben Falsch by Löbner, Sebastian
Hmong Njua: Syntaktische Analyse Einer Gesprochenen Sprache Mithilfe Datenverarbeitungstechnischer Mittel Und Sprachvergleichende by Harriehausen, Bettina
German Kinship Terms (750-1500) by Jones, William J.
The Mysterious Play of K=al=i: An Interpretive Study of R=amakrishna by Olson, Carl
Literary Studies in Action by Durant, Alan, Fabb, Nigel
Survey on a Shoestring: A Manual for Small-Scale Language Survey by Blair, Frank
Weih Bis Winkel by
Zur Ausbildung Der Norm Der Deutschen Literatursprache Auf Der Lexikalischen Ebene (1470-1730), III by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 1 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 3 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 3 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 2 by
Einführung in Die Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft by Sternemann, Reinhard, Gutschmidt, Karl
Language, Meaning, and Culture: The Selected Papers of C.E. Osgood by Osgood, Cynthia, Osgood, Charles Egerton
"Heal the Sick" Was Their Motto: The Protestant Medical Missionaries in China by Choa, G. H.
The Major Languages of Western Europe by
Vision and the Emergence of Meaning: Blind and Sighted Children's Early Language by Dunlea, Anne
Language Planning and Social Change by Cooper, Robert Leon
Language Planning and Social Change by Cooper, Robert Leon, Robert L., Cooper
Early Modern English Lexicography: Volume 1: A Survey of Monolingual Printed Glossaries and Dictionaries 1475-1640 by Schäfer, Jürgen
Spanish Word Formation by Lang, M. F.
Modality and the English Modals by Palmer, F. R.
Generative and Non-Linear Phonology by Durand, Jacques
Relational Grammar by Blake, Barry
Nomic Probability and the Foundations of Induction by Pollock, John L.
Second Language Teacher Education by
The Language Teaching Matrix: Curriculum, Methodology, and Materials by Jack C., Richards, Richards, Jack C.
Quantification in the Theory of Grammar by Nishigauchi, Taisuke
Parameters in Old French Syntax: Infinitival Complements: Infinitival Complements by Pearce, E. H.
Parameters in Old French Syntax: Infinitival Complements: Infinitival Complements by Pearce, E. H.
Quantification in the Theory of Grammar by Nishigauchi, Taisuke
Tense and Narrativity: From Medieval Performance to Modern Fiction by Fleischman, Suzanne
Communication for All: A Cross Curricular Skill Involving Interaction Between "Speaker and Listener" by Thornber, Ann, Aherne, Pam
Semiotics, Romanticism and the Scriptures by Chevalier, Jacques M.
Deutsche Gegenwartssprache by
Discourse and the Translator by Hatim, B., Mason, Ian
Characterization and Individuality in Greek Literature by
Early Modern English Lexicography: Volume 2: Additions and Corrections to the Oed: by Schäfer, Jürgen
Whigs and Cities: Popular Politics in the Age of Walpole and Pitt by Rogers, Nicholas
The Development of Second Language Proficiency by Ontario Institute for Studies in Educati
Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning by
Babel unravelled by Cop, Margaret
»Die Definition Ist Blöd!«: Herübersetzen Mit Dem Einsprachigen Wörterbuch. Das Französische Und Englische Lernerwörterbuch in Der Hand Der Deutsc by Müllich, Harald
Pedagogical lexicography by
Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology by
Internationalismen I by
Die Sprache als Thema im Werk Ludwig Harigs by Lanzendörfer-Schmidt, Petra
Das Englische Und Französische Lernerwörterbuch in Der Rezension: Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Wörterbuchkritik by Jehle, Günter
Artikelstruktur im zweisprachigen Wörterbuch by Baunebjerg Hansen, Gitte
Linguistik I: Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Zur Einführung in Die Sprachwissenschaft by
Phonetik des Deutschen by Cate, Abraham P. Ten, Jordens, Peter
Discourse and Grammar: Focussing and Defocussing in English by Erdmann, Peter
Les Constructions Verbales En Francais Parle: Etude Quantitative Et Descriptive de La Syntaxe Des 250 Verbes Les Plus Frequents by Greidanus, Tine
Historical Linguistics & Philology by
The Possibility of Communication by Scott, William T.
Die Sophistische Rhetorik - Eine Theorie Sprachlicher Kommunikation by Baumhauer, Otto A.
Schrift Und Schriftlichkeit: Eine Sprach- Und Kulturwissenschaftliche Studie by Glück, Helmut
Ludwig Tieck by Paulin, Roger
Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind by Lakoff, George
The Person and the Human Mind: Issues in Ancient and Modern Philosophy by
Conducting a Choir: A Guide for Amateurs by Maddison, Lowinger, Holst, Imogen
The Semiotics of French Gestures by Calbris, Genevieve
The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondencevolume X: January 1881-June 1883 by Gladstone, William Ewart
Conflict Talk: Sociolinguistic Investigations of Arguments in Conversations by
The Elemental Passions of the Soul Poetics of the Elements in the Human Condition: Part 3 by
Mathematical Methods in Linguistics by Wall, R., Ter Meulen, A. G., Partee, Barbara B. H.
Mathematical Methods in Linguistics by Wall, R., Partee, Barbara B. H., Ter Meulen, A. G.
Spanish in the United States: Sociolinguistic Issues by Bergen, John J.
The Decrees of the Demotionidai by Hedrick, Charles W.
Gottfried Benn: Ein Schriftsteller Zwischen Erneuerung Und Reaktion by Ridley, Hugh
Style and Rhetoric in Pindar's Odes by Race, William H.
A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language by Nahmad, H. M., Haywood, John A.
Judicial Discretion and Criminal Litigation by Pattenden, Rosemary
On God's Side: A Life of George Tyrrell by Sagovsky, Nicholas
Variation in German by Barbour, Stephen, Stevenson, Patrick
Language Development and Individual Differences by Richards, Brian J., Brian J., Richards
Variation in German: A Critical Approach to German Sociolinguistics by Barbour, Stephen
The Cities of Seleukid Syria by Grainger, John D.
Toward Non-Essentialist Sociolinguistics by Janicki, Karol
Terminal Signs: Computers and Social Change in Africa by Jules-Rosette, Bennetta
A Dictionary of Epithets and Terms of Address by Dunkling, Leslie
Relativized Minimality by Rizzi, Luigi
On Philology by
Legal Discourse: Studies in Linguistics, Rhetoric and Legal Analysis by Goodrich, Peter
Mental Representations: The Interface Between Language and Reality by
Language and the Politics of Emotion by
The Acquisition of Two Languages from Birth: A Case Study by Houwer, Annick De, de Houwer, Annick, Annick de, Houwer
Visual Languages and Visual Programming by
Speech Production and Speech Modelling by
Der Wortschatz in Den Deutschen Schriften Thomas Murners: Bd. 1: Untersuchungen; Bd. 2: Wörterbuch by Raabe, Susanne M.
Sprache und Evolution by Müller, Horst M.
Perspectives on Official English by
Phonologie der Alltagssprache by Auer, Peter
Wishram Texts & Ethnography by
The Semiotic Web 1989 by
Listening in Language Learning by Rost, Michael
Listening to Spoken English by Brown, Gillian
Punctuation for Now by McDermott, J.
Punctuation for Now by McDermott, J.
Owls to Athens: Essays on Classical Culture Presented to Sir Kenneth Dover by
Determinism, Blameworthiness, and Deprivation by Klein, Martha
Antonine Literature by Russell, Russell, David Ed
Essays on Restrictiveness and Learnability by Lasnik, H.
Essays on Restrictiveness and Learnability by Lasnik, H.
Health Hazards in Adolescence by
The Pragmatics of Word Order: Typological Dimensions of Verb Initial Languages by Payne, Doris L.
Man as a Sign by Ponzio, Augusto
The Mask of the Prophet: The Extraordinary Fictions of Jules Verne by Martin, Andrew
Oxford Readings in Vergil's Aeneid by
Judicial Remedies in International Law by Gray, Christine D.
Atonement and Justification: English Evangelical Theology 1640-1790: An Evaluation by Clifford, Alan C.
Unkind Words: Ethnic Labeling from Redskin to Wasp by Allen, Irving Lewis
The Acoustics of Crime: The New Science of Forensic Phonetics by Hollien, Harry
Conversational Competence and Social Development by Dimitracopoulou, Ioanna
Reference and Computation: An Essay in Applied Philosophy of Language by Kronfeld, Amichai
Textverstehen: Kognitive Und Kommunikative Grundlagen Der Sprachverarbeitung by Strohner, Hans
The Semantics of Syntactic Change: Aspects of the Evolution of 'Do' in English by Stein, Dieter
Takelma Texts and Grammar by
Pidgins and Creoles by Todd, Professor Loreto, Todd, Loreto
Dictionnaire Historique Des Noms de Famille Romans: Actes Du 1er Colloque (Trèves, 10-13 Décembre 1987) by
Reading-To-Write: Exploring a Cognitive and Social Process by Flower, Linda
Easy Kana Workbook: Basic Practice in Hiragana and Katakana for Japanese Language Students by Hoshino
Handbook of Semiotics by Noth, Winfried
A Perceptual Study of Intonation: An Experimental-Phonetic Approach to Speech Melody by Collier, Rene, Cohen, Antonie, Hart, Johan 'T
Psycholinguistics by Garman, Michael
Semantic Processing for Finite Domains by Palmer, Martha Stone
Language Processing and Language Acquisition by
On the Definition of Binding Domains in Spanish: Evidence from Child Language by Padilla, J. a.
Phrase Structure in Natural Language by Speas, M. J.
Contexts of Competence: Social and Cultural Considerations in Communicative Language Teaching by Berns, Margie
Phrase Structure in Natural Language by Speas, M. J.
Sprachprozesse Und Wissensstrukturen: Neuropsychologische Grundlagen Der Kognition by Hillert, Dieter
Generating Narratives by Wedekind, Klaus
Tense and Mood in English by Davidsen-Nielsen, Niels
Syntactic Change by Faarlund, Jan T.
The Narrative Symbol in Childhood Literature by Golden, Joanne M.
Politikersprache by Holly, Werner
Roman Jakobson: 1896 - 1982. a Complete Bibliography of His Writings by
Contemporary Morphology by
Pronomen und Korrektur by Bellmann, Günter
Language Comprehension As Structure Building by Gernsbacher, Morton Ann
See More