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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1991

The Beginnings of Semantics: Essays, Lectures, and Reviews by Breal, Michel
Language Contact in the British Isles: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Language Contact in Europe, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1988 by
A Developmental Psycholinguistic Approach to Second Language Teaching by Taeschner, Traute
1990 by
Truth and Meaning by Taylor, Kenneth
He-Said-She-Said: Talk as Social Organization Among Black Children by Goodwin, Marjorie H.
'Der Menschheit Hälfte Blieb Noch Ohne Recht': Frauen Und Die Französische Revolution by
Abriss der japanischen Lautgeschichte by Rothaug, Petra
Die Zeitschriften Des Jungen Deutschland: Eine Untersuchung Zur Literarisch-Publizitischen Öffentlichkeit Im 19. Jahrhundert by Brandes, Helga
Norm Und Normbrechung by Schram, Dick H.
Metrik, Literatur Und Sprache by Barsch, Achim
Wertungen Und Werte in Texten: Axiologische Grundlagen Und Literaturwissenschaftliches Rekonstruktionsverfahren by Winko, Simone
Die Romanliteratur Der DDR: Erzähltechniken, Leserlenkung, Kulturpolitik by Schregel, Friedrich-Hermann
Visualität, Form Und Mythos in Peter Handkes Prosa by Wolf, Jürgen
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 386 by Höfflinger, Bernd
Text-Welten: Subjektivität Und Erzählhaltung Im Werk Arno Schmidts by Sonnenschein, Ulrich
Heldenmärchen Versus Heldenepos?: Strukturelle Fragen Zur Entwicklung Altaischer Heldenmärchen by Heissig, Walther
Die Schlucht: Ivan Gontscharov Und Der "Realismus" Nach Turgenev Und VOR Dostojevskij (1849-1869) by Rothe, Hans
Sprache Statt Politik?: Politikwissenschaftliche Semantik- Und Rhetorikforschung by
Kasusrelationen und semantische Emphase by Kunze, Jürgen
Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. 2. Teilband by
The Market Economy: A Reader by
Alternative Traditionen: Dokumente Zur Entwicklung Einer Empirischen Literaturwissenschaft by Viehoff, Reinhold
Semiosis, Marginal Signs and Trickster: A Dagger of the Mind by Spinks, C. W.
Comparative Health Policy and the New Right: From Rhetoric to Reality by
Deutsche Schriftsteller Im Banne Der Novemberrevolution 1918: Bernhard Kellermann, Lion Feuchtwanger, Ernst Toller, Erich Mühsam, Franz Jung by Choluj, Bożena
Konstruktion Und Eingedenken: Zur Vermittlung Von Gesellschaftlicher PRAXIS Und Literarischer Form in Goethes "Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre" Und Joh by Jeßing, Benedikt
The Discourse of Self in Victorian Poetry by Slinn, E. Warwick
Towards a Definition of Topos: Approaches to Analogical Reasoning by
Spracherwerb Und Grammatik by Rothweiler, Monika
'Erinnerung Ist Unsere Aufgabe': Über Literatur, Moral Und Politik 1945-1990 by Vogt, Jochen
Decision Making in Business by Maroun, Jack
Old English Breaking and Its Germanic Analogues by Howell, Robert B.
Linguistische Interaktionsanalysen: Beiträge Zum 20. Romanistentag 1987 by
Verbale Aspektualität im Koreanischen und im Deutschen by Lie, Kang-Ho
Klitisierung im Deutschen und Neugriechischen by Prinz, Michael
Fragesätze und Fragen by
Major pillars of German syntax by Lutzeier, Peter Rolf
Prosodische Information in der automatischen Spracherkennung by Nöth, Elmar
Betriebslinguistik und Linguistikbetrieb by
Betriebslinguistik und Linguistikbetrieb by
Studien Zur Valenz Kognitiver Verben Im Deutschen Und Neugriechischen by Butulussi, Eleni
Wunschsätze im Deutschen - Formale und funktionale Beschreibung by Scholz, Ulrike
Romanistische Computerlinguistik by
Didaktik sprachlichen Handelns by Schoenke, Eva
Artikelwörter im Deutschen by Bisle-Müller, Hansjörg
Fränggisch gschriim? by Koller, Erwin
Connexiones Romanicae by
Lexikologische Analysen Zur Abstraktheit, Häufigkeit Und Polysemie Deutscher Substantive by Schierholz, Stefan J.
Populäre rhetorische Ratgeber by Bremerich-Vos, Albert
Diachrone Semantik und Pragmatik by
Neue Fragen der Linguistik by
Lernerstrategien im Fremdsprachenerwerb by Zoch, Irene, Diehl, Erika, Albrecht, Helga
Textlinguistik: Eine Einführung by Heinemann, Wolfgang, Viehweger, Dieter
Syntaktische Untersuchungen Zum Adjektivgebrauch in Der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache: Am Material Von Literarischen Texten Heinrich Bölls by Tao, Kun
Neue Fragen der Linguistik by
Phonotaktisch Gesteuerte Konsonantenveränderungen in Der Geschichte Des Englischen by Lutz, Angelika
Deixis und Textsorten im Deutschen by Diewald, Gabriele Maria
Was Texte sind und wie sie sein sollen by Nussbaumer, Markus
Schreiben und Lernen by Portmann, Paul R.
Maschine, Mentales Modell, Metapher by Jakob, Karlheinz
Literarische Ausstellungen Von 1949 Bis 1985 by
Wörterbuch Zur Valenz Und Distribution Deutscher Verben by Schenkel, Wolfgang, Helbig, Gerhard
Logical Issues in Language Acquisition by
A Theory of Stress and Accent by Haraguchi, Shosuke
Von Subjekten, Sätzen und Subjektsätzen by Oppenrieder, Wilhelm
Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition by Hayakawa, S. I., Hayakawa, Alan R.
Prof Last Puritan Aara73 by Brand, David C.
Gadamer and Practical Philosophy: The Hermeneutics of Moral Confidence by Foster, Matthew
Directions in Sociolinguistics by
Philosophical Grammar by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Syntactic Theory and the Acquisition of English Syntax: An Introduction by Radford, Andrew
Language, the Sexes and Society by Smith, Philip M.
Discourse Analysis: The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Natural Language by Stubbs, Michael
Donald Davidson's Philosophy of Language: An Introduction by Ramberg, Bjorn
Observing and Analysing Natural Language by Milroy, Lesley
The Twitter Machine:: Reflections on Language by Smith, Neil
How Conversation Works by Wardhaugh, Ronald
The Sociolinguistics of Language: Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Fasold, Ralph W.
The Sociolinguistics of Society by Fasold, Ralph W.
Language and Social Networks by Milroy, Lesley
The Writing Systems of the World by Coulmas, Florian
Instructed Second Language Acquisition by Ellis, Rod
Military Expenditure: The Political Economy of International Security by Deger, Saadet, Sen, Somnath
Verbale Interaktion: Studien Zur Empirie Und Methodologie Der Pragmatik by
Advances in Psychology V77 by Simpson, Greg Ed, Simpson, Greg, Simpson G. B., G. B.
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 35, Heft 5 by
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists. Volume 2 by
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists. Volume 3 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 35, Heft 4 by
Sprache in Der Sozialen Und Kulturellen Entwicklung: Beiträge Eines Kolloquiums Zu Ehren Von Theodor Frings (1886-1968) by
Investigating Language: Central Problems in Linguistics by Wardhaugh, Ronald
Comparative Syntax of the Dial by Ledgeway, Adam
Women Talk P by Coates, Jennifer
Securities Against Misrule and Other Constitutional Writings for Tripoli and Greece by Bentham, Jeremy
Measure and Music: Enjambement and Sentence Structure in the Iliad by Higbie, Carolyn
The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume 2: Books III and IV by Vitalis, Ordericus, Vitalis
The Sound Pattern of English by Halle, Morris, Chomsky, Noam
Zeitgeist in Babel: The Postmodernist Controversy by
Lehrerheft - Schlüssel Zu Den Übungen by San Miguel, Angel, Fuss, Albert, Jambrina, Felipe
On Definiteness by Chesterman, Andrew
Sentence Repetition Testing for Studies of Community Bilingualism by Radloff, Carla
A Hound of God: Pierre de la Palud and the Fourteenth-Century Church by Dunbabin, Jean
Authentic Witnesses: Approaches to Medieval Texts & Manuscripts by Rouse, Mary a., Rouse, Richard H.
A Many-Valued Approach to Deduction and Reasoning for Artificial Intelligence by Bessonet, Guy
The Language of the Inka Since the European Invasion by Mannheim, Bruce
Historical English Syntax by
Die deutsche Druckersprache. Scheltenwörterbuch by Klenz, Heinrich
Wörterbuch Der Deutschen Kaufmannssprache - Auf Geschichtlichen Grundlagen by Schirmer, Alfred
Hume's System: An Examination of the First Book of His Treatise by Pears, David
Computers and Human Language by Smith, George W., Jr.
Papers in Laboratory Phonology: Volume 1, Between the Grammar and Physics of Speech by
Modelling Spatial Knowledge on a Linguistic Basis: Theory - Prototype - Integration by Carstensen, Kai-Uwe, Simmons, Geoffrey, Lang, Ewald
Life of Columba by Adomnán
Written Language Disorders by
Empirical Labor Economics: The Search Approach by Kiefer, Nicolas M., Devine, Theresa J., Kiefer, Nicholas M.
Linguistic Consequences of Language Contact and Restriction: The Case of French in Ontario, Canada by Beniak, Edouard, Beniak, ?Douard, Mougeon, Raymond
Words Beginning with H by Puhvel, Jaan
Languages in Contact and Contrast by
Critical Issues in Foreign Language Instruction by Silber, Ellen S.
Languages in School and Society by
Das 19. Jahrhundert: Sprachgeschichtliche Wurzeln Des Heutigen Deutsch by
Consolidated Index to the Oxford History of England by
Cartesian Method and the Problem of Reduction by Grosholz, Emily R.
Pragmatics: A Reader by Davis, Steven
Alfred Estermann: Die Deutschen Literatur-Zeitschriften 1815-1850. Band 1 by Estermann, Alfred
Ku Waru by Merlan, Francesca, Rumsey, Alan
Language Proficiency: Defining, Teaching, and Testing by
Representation and Derivation in the Theory of Grammar by
The Logic of Time: A Model-Theoretic Investigation Into the Varieties of Temporal Ontology and Temporal Discourse by Van Benthem, Johan
Understanding Mexicans and Americans: Cultural Perspectives in Conflict by Szalay, Lorand B., Diaz-Guerrero, Rogelio
Knowledge Representation and Metaphor by Cornell Way, E.
English Monolingual Learners' Dictionaries: A User-Oriented Study by Battenburg, John D.
On Semiotic Modeling by
Montage ALS Kunstform: Zum Literarischen Werk Von Kurt Schwitters by Homayr, Ralph
Subject-Oriented Texts: Languages for Special Purposes and Text Theory by
Die Worterkennung in einem Dialogsystem für kontinuierlich gesprochene Sprache by Kunzmann, Siegfried
Markierungen im allgemeinen einsprachigen Wörterbuch des Deutschen by Ludwig, Klaus-Dieter
Tamil Lexicography by James, Gregory
La genesi del retoromanzo (o ladino) by Pellegrini, Giovan Battista
Beiträge Zum Vierten Internationalen Symposion Trier 28. Februar Bis 2. März 1988 by
Bibliografía de Las Traducciones de la Literatura Española E Hispanoamericana Al Holandés: 1946-1990 by Steenmeijer, Maarten
The Ethnomethodological Movement by Flynn, Pierce J.
Dialects of English: Studies in Grammatical Variation by Trudgill, Peter, Chambers, J. K.
Studien Zum Deutschen Wörterbuch Von Jacob Grimm Und Wilhelm Grimm by
Der restriktive Relativsatz im Italienischen und Polnischen by Baglajewska-Miglus, Ewa
Französische Etymologie: Einführung Und Überblick by Jänicke, Otto
Rhetorik Zwischen Den Wissenschaften: Geschichte, System, PRAXIS ALS Probleme Des Historischen Wörterbuchs Der Rhetorik by
Frege and Other Philosophers by Dummett, Michael
Traces and Their Antecedents by Epstein, Samuel D.
In Search of the Indo-Europeans by Mallory, J. P.
Training Foreign Language Teachers: A Reflective Approach by Michael J., Wallace, Wallace, Michael J., Wallace, Micheal J.
Crossroads 1: 1 Student Book by Meyers, Cliff, Frankel, Irene
The Syntax of Noun Phrases: Configuration, Parameters and Empty Categories by Giorgi, Alessandra, Longobardi, Giuseppe
Saussure: Signs, System and Arbitrariness by Holdcroft, David
The Syntax of Noun Phrases: Configuration, Parameters and Empty Categories by Giorgi, Alessandra, Longobardi, Giuseppe
Gender by Corbett, Greville G., Greville G., Corbett
Saussure: Signs, System and Arbitrariness by Holdcroft, David, David, Holdcroft
Gender by Corbett, Greville G.
English Around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives by
Principle-Based Parsing: Computation and Psycholinguistics by
Wegweiser durch die Grammatik von Heinrich Bauer by
Alexandrian Citizenship During the Roman Principate by Delia, Diana
Shifting Paradigms: New Approaches to Horace's Ars Poetica by Frischer, Bernard
Principles of Historical Linguistics by Hock, Hans Henrich
Poems of Petronius by Petronius
Weg Von Der Dudennorm: Arno Schmidts Weg Von Den "Stürenburg-Geschichten" Zur "Inselstraße" by Simon, Jens
Connotation and Meaning by Garza-Cuarón, Beatriz
Das Gespräch in den Massenmedien by Burger, Harald
World-Making: The Literary Truth-Claim and the Interpretation of Texts by Valdes, Mario
Textproduktion: Ein Interdisziplinärer Forschungsüberblick by
Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers by McCarthy, Michael
Syntax: A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure by Brown, Keith, Miller, Jim
Germany and Europe in Transition by
Essays on Grammatical Theory and Universal Grammar by
Vida Y Muerte de Un Campo Semántico: Un Estudio de la Evolución Semántica de Los Verbos Latinos Stare, Sedere E Iacere del Latín Al Romance del S. XII by Stengaard, Birte
Medieval Irish Saints' Lives: An Introduction to Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae by Sharpe, Richard
The Genesis of a Saga Narrative: Verse and Prose in Kormaks Saga by O'Donoghue, Heather
Syntagma Musicum II: (A New Translation from the Edition of 1619)de Organographia Part I and II by Praetorius, Michael
Indian Philosophy of Language: Studies in Selected Issues by Siderits, Mark
Sociolinguistics and Contemporary French by Ager, Dennis Ernest
Language Processing in Bilingual Children by
Lingo: A Course on Words and How to Use Them by Spooner, Adrian
Wortbedeutungen Und Ihre Darstellung Im Wörterbuch by Haß, Ulrike, Strauß, Gerhard, Harras, Gisela
Vocabularius Optimus: Bd. I: Werkentstehung Und Textüberlieferung. Register. Bd. II: Edition by
A Commentary on Horace: Odes, Book II by Nisbet, Robin G., Nisbet, R. G. M., Hubbard, Margaret
Advances in Psychology V79 by Denhiere G., Denhiere G., G.
MacMillan Dictionary of Psychology by
Time and the Verb: A Guide to Tense and Aspect by Binnick, Robert I.
Die Sprach- Und Erkenntnisformen Der Rätsel: M & P Schriftenreihe by Schittek, Claudia
About Translation by Newmark, Peter
The Dictionary of Bias-Free Usage: A Guide to Nondiscriminatory Language by Maggio, Rosalie
First Language Attrition by
First Language Attrition by
Language Change in South American Indian Languages by
Logical Structure and Linguistic Structure: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives by
The Kbmt Project: A Case Study in Knowledge-Based Machine Translation by
Zwischen Alltag Und Utopie by Bogdal, Klaus-Michael
Two Worlds, One Art by Leighton, Lauren
See More