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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1994

Language Reform - La réforme des langues - Sprachreform Vol. VI by
Indianersprachen. Sprachvergleich und Klassifizierung: Eine ethnolinguistische Einführung in die Grundlagen und Methoden by Liedtke, Stefan
Vygotskian Approaches to Second Language Research by Appel, Gabriela, Lantolf, James
Deutsch -- Grundkenntnisse: Einführung in Die Wortlehre Und Satzlehre by Schneider, Ursula, Delling, Rudolf Manfred
Alfred Andersch: Perspektiven Zu Leben Und Werk by
Die Andere Deutsche Literatur: Aufsätze Zur Literatur Aus Der DDR by Emmerich, Wolfgang
Rhetorik: Sicher Auftreten - Überzeugend Argumentieren Beim Chef, VOR Besuchern, Am Telefon by Thiele, Albert
Sociological Wonderment: The Puzzles of Social Life by Higgins, Paul
Sprachproduktion: Zur Generierung Komplexer Nominalphrasen by Pechmann, Thomas
Wandel Der Interpretation: Kafkas, VOR Dem Gesetz' Im Spiegel Der Literaturwissenschaft by Andringa, Els
Die Literaturen in der österreichischen Monarchie im 19. Jahrhundert in ihrer Sonderentwicklung: 369. Sitzung am 24. November 1993 in Düsseldorf by Wollman, Slavomír
Renaissance Rhetoric by
The Management of Voice Disorders by Nichol, Hamish, Rammage, Linda, Morrison, M. D.
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of the Johannine Epistles by Sherman, Grace E., Tuggy, John C.
Vygotskian Approaches to Second Language Research by Lantolf, James, Appel, Gabriela
The Making of an Avant-Garde by Kauppi, Niilo
Portugiesische und portugiesisch-deutsche Lexikographie by
German Narrative Literature of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries by
Revisionen beim Schreiben by Rau, Cornelia
Zur Topologie Im Mittelfeld: Pronominale Und Nominale Satzglieder by Hofmann, Ute
How Tolerant Is Universal Grammar?: Essays on Language Learnability and Language Variation by
Universale phonologische Strukturen und Prozesse by
Zur Entstehung Von Präpositionen Im Deutschen Und Schwedischen by Lindqvist, Christer
Satz - Text - Diskurs. Band 1 by
Satz - Text - Diskurs. Band 2 by
Modaler Kontrast und konzeptuelle Verschiebung by Meibauer, Jörg
Zur Satzwertigkeit Von Infinitiven Und Small Clauses by
Creolization and Language Change by
PRO-legomena by Wyngaerd, Guido J. Vanden
Tendenzen der deutschen Gegenwartssprache by
A Survey of English Spelling by Carney, Edward
Cognitive Practices by Nolan, Rita
Phonology in Generative Grammar by Kenstowicz, Michael
Software by Design: Shaping Technology and the Workplace by Salzman, Harold, Rosenthal, Stephen R.
Musical Perceptions by Aiello, Annette
Frühneuhochdeutsche Grammatik by
Altsächsische Grammatik: Mit Berichtigungen Und Literaturnachträgen. Nach Wendelin Försters Letzter Ausgabe in Auswahl Bearbeitet Und Mit Einle by Gallée, Johan Hendrik
Deutsche Sprachgeschichte: Mit Einer Einführung in Die Fragen Der Sprachbetrachtung by Moser, Hugo
Studien Zum Venezianischen Wortschatz Des 15. Und 16. Jahrhunderts by Sallach, Elke
Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Register by
Reading Minds: The Study of English in the Age of Cognitive Science by Turner, Mark
Crystallographic Computing 6: A Window on Modern Crystallography by
Selected Plays of Louis MacNeice by MacNeice, Louis
Fractals: A User's Guide for the Natural Sciences by Sugihara, George, Hastings, Hartings, Harold M.
Inheritance, Defaults and the Lexicon by
Progression and Regression in Language: Sociocultural, Neuropsychological and Linguistic Perspectives by
Verbmobil: A Translation System for Face-To-Face Dialog by Norvig, Peter, Kay, Martin, Gawron, Mark
Algorithms and Data Structures: An Approach in C by Bowman, Charles F.
Language Change and Language Structure by
Techniques of Satire by Draitser, Emil A.
Linguistics for Writers by Donnelly, Colleen
'Orgolh' - 'Umil': Untersuchungen Zur Lexikalischen Ausprägung Des Altokzitanischen Im Sinnbereich Des Selbstgefühls by Babin, Malte-Ludolf
Interpreting the Field: Accounts of Ethnography by
Agostino Agazzari and Music at Siena Cathedral, 1597-1641 by Reardon, Colleen
Chemistry of Non-Stoichiometric Compounds by Kosuge, Koji
Children as Research Subjects: Science, Ethics, and Law by
Introduction to Modern Colloid Science by Hunter, Hunter, Robert J.
Le terme technique by Morgenroth, Klaus
Old English: A Historical Linguistic Companion by Lass, Roger
Grammatical Roles and Relations by Palmer, F. R., Palmer, Frank Robert
Provinzialwörter: Deutsche Idiotismensammlungen Des 18. Jahrhunderts by
Teaching and Learning Language and Culture by Morgan, Carol, Byram, Michael
The Nostratic Macrofamily by Bomhard, Allan R., Kerns, John C.
Die Sprache Der DDR Im Spiegel Ihrer Literatur: Studien Zum Ddr-Typischen Wortschatz by Schroeter, Sabina
Einführung in Die Wortbildungslehre Des Deutschen by Naumann, Bernd
The Clinical Care of the Aged Person: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by Satin, Satin, David G.
Symbiotic Interactions by Douglas, A. E., Douglas
Textwissenschaft: Eine Interdisziplinäre Einführung by Dijk, Teun a. Van
A Time to Chant: The Sōka Gakkai Buddhists in Britain by Dobbelaere, Karel, Wilson, Bryan
A New Dimension to Quantum Chemistry: Analytic Derivative Methods in AB Initio Molecular Electronic Structure Theory by Goddard, J., Yamaguchi, Yukio, Osamura, Yoshihiro
Intercultural Communication Training: An Introduction by Brislin, Richard W., Yoshida, Tomoko
The Discursive Mind by Harré, Rom
Advances in Written Text Analysis by
Generative Phonology by Roca, Iggy
Bridging Japanese: North American Differences by Gudykunst, William B., Nishida, Tsukasa
Approaches to Discourse: Language as Social Interaction by Schiffrin, Deborah
Inhibitory Processes in Attention, Memory and Language by Dagenbach, Dale, Carr, Thomas H.
Revolution and the Form of the British Novel, 1790-1825: Intercepted Letters, Interrupted Seductions by Watson, Nicola J.
The Myth of the Renaissance in Nineteenth-Century Writing by Bullen, J. B.
Aspects of Semantic Opposition in English by Mettinger, Arthur
Groups and Geometry by Stoy, Gabrielle A., Thompson, Edward C., Neumann, Peter M.
Perspectives on Pedagogical Grammar by
Language in the World: A Philosophical Enquiry by Cresswell, M. J., M. J., Cresswell
Negative and Positive Polarity: A Binding Approach by Ljiliana, Progovac, Progovac, Ljiliana, Progovac, Ljiljana
The World in a List of Words: [19.-21. November 1992, Universität Gesamthochschule Essen, Kolloquium Zum Thema Die Welt in Einer Liste Von Wörtern] by
Symposium on Lexicography VI: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Lexicography May 7-9, 1992 at the University of Copenhagen by
Lernerwörterbücher in Theorie Und PRAXIS: Ein Beitrag Zur Metalexikographie Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Französischen by Zöfgen, Ekkehard
Experten- und Laienwortschätze by Wichter, Sigurd
Funktionale Untersuchungen Zur Deutschen Nominal- Und Verbalmorphologie: [Symposium Am 21. U. 22.5. 1992, in Berlin] by
Michael Von Albrecht: Geschichte Der Römischen Literatur. Teil 2 by Albrecht, Michael Von
Michael Von Albrecht: Geschichte Der Römischen Literatur. Teil 1 by Albrecht, Michael Von
Modellbildung für die Auswertung der Fokusintonation im gesprochenen Dialog by
Ministers and Parliament: Accountability in Theory and Practice by Woodhouse, Diana
Therapeutic Ways with Words by Ferrara, Kathleen Warden
Therapeutic Ways with Words by Ferrara, Kathleen Warden
Roman Jakobson: Life, Language and Art by Bradford, Richard
Roman Jakobson: Life, Language and Art by Bradford, Richard
The Art of Translating Prose by Raffel, Burton
Approaches to 2nd Lang Acq by Towell, Richard, Hawkins, Roger
Standing Accused: The Organization and Practices of Criminal Defence Lawyers in Britain by McConville, Mike, Hodgson, Jacqueline, Bridges, Lee
Statistical Methods in Cancer Research by Day, N. E., Breslow, N. E.
Isaiah Berlin's Liberalism by Galipeau, Claude J.
Christine Brooke-Rose and Contemporary Fiction by Birch, Sarah
Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming: Volume 3: Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Uncertain Reasoning by Gabbay, Dov M., Robinson, J. a., Hogger, C. J.
Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming: Volume 2: Deduction Methodologies by Gabbay, Dov M., Robinson, J. a., Hogger, C. J.
Understanding Language Change by McMahon, April M. S.
Verb Movement by
Structures and Categories by Potts, Timothy C.
Understanding Language Change by McMahon, April, April M. S., McMahon
Exemplarische Analysen Des Sprachverhaltens in Mannheim by
Auge & Ohr by Gessinger, Joachim
The System of Public Sacrifice in Fourth-Century Athens by Rosivach, Vincent J.
M. Tullius Cicero, the Fragmentary Speeches: An Edition with Commentary by Crawford, Jane W., Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Namenkundliche Studien zum Germanenproblem by Udolph, Jürgen
Deutsch ALS Fremdsprache by Rösler, Dietmar
Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthropological Discourse by
Old English and its Closest Relatives: A Survey of the Earliest Germanic Languages by Robinson, Orrin W.
Nuclear Diplomacy and the Special Relationship: Britain's Deterrent and America, 1957-1962 by Clark, Ian
The Return of the Armadas: The Last Years of the Elizabethan War Against Spain, 1595-1603 by Wernham, R. B.
1948 and After: Israel and the Palestinians by Conway Morris, Simon, Morris, Benny, Morris, Simon Conway
New Vocal Repertory: An Introduction by Manning, Jane
The Causes of Molecular Evolution by Gillespie, John H.
Introduction to Surface Physics by Prutton, Martin, Prutton, M.
Input and Interaction in Language Acquisition by
Conversations with an Alzheimer's Patient: An Interactional Sociolinguistic Study by Hamilton, Heidi Ehernberger
Pushing Boundaries: Language and Culture in a Mexicano Community by Vasquez, Pease-Alvarez, Lucinda, Vasquez, Olga a.
Aspectual Roles and the Syntax-Semantics Interface by Tenny, Carol
Aspectual Roles and the Syntax-Semantics Interface by Tenny, Carol
Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1993: Strategic Interaction and Language Acquisition: Theory, Practice, and Research by
Research Methodology in Second-Language Acquisition by
Research Methodology in Second-Language Acquisition by
Function and Expression in Functional Grammar by
Die Substantivableitung mit -heit, -keit, -ida, -î im Frühneuhochdeutschen by Doerfert, Regina
Indogermanica Et Caucasica: Festschrift Für Karl Horst Schmidt Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Texttyp, Sprechergruppe, Kommunikationsbereich: Studien Zur Deutschen Sprache in Geschichte Und Gegenwart. Festschrift Für Hugo Steger Zum 65. Geburts by
Studies on Scrambling: Movement and Non-Movement Approaches to Free Word-Order Phenomena by
Crosswords: Language, Education and Ethnicity in French Ontario by Heller, Monica
The Sociolinguistics of Urbanization by
The Life of Learning by Greenberg, Douglas, Katz, Stanley N.
Introduction to Government 2e by Haegeman, Liliane
Far, Far from Home: The Wartime Letters of Dick and Tally Simpson, Third South Carolina Volunteers by Simpson, Dick, Simpson, R. W.
Defining Media Studies: Reflections on the Future of the Field by
The Doyayo Language: Selected Studies by Wiering, Marinus, Wiering, Elisabeth
Coherence in Psychotic Discourse by Ribeiro, Branca Telles
Coherence in Psychotic Discourse by Ribeiro, Branca Telles
Syntax des gesprochenen Rätoromanischen by Ebneter, Theodor
Le "Vocabulaire Poitevin" (1808 1825) de Lubin Mauduyt: Edition Critique D'Apres Poitiers, Bibl. Mun., Ms. 837 by Rézeau, Pierre
Doppelformen in der deutschen Sprache der Gegenwart by Muthmann, Gustav
Phonological Structure and Phonetic Form by
Principles of Phonetics by John, Laver, Laver, John
CrossTalk and Culture in Sino-American Communication by Young, Linda Wai Ling
Ergativity by Dixon, Robert M. W., Dixon, R. M. W.
Gesprochenes Französisch und Sprachgeschichte by Radtke, Edgar
History of Linguistics Volume II: Classical and Medieval Linguistics by Lepschy, Giulio C.
History of Linguistics Volume I: The Eastern Traditions of Linguistics by
Citizen, State, and Social Welfare in Britain 1830-1990 by Finlayson, Geoffrey
Byzantium and the Crusader States 1096-1204 by Ridings, Jean E., Lilie, Ralph-Johannes, Morris, J. C.
Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: In Honour of Don Walker by
Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: In Honour of Don Walker by
On the Origin of Languages: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy by Ruhlen, Merritt
Dramatische Kommunikation by Roelcke, Thorsten
An Introduction to FORTRAN 90 for Scientific Computing by Ortega, James M.
On the Origin of Languages: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy by Ruhlen, Merritt
Studies in Early Modern English by
The Structure of Lexical Variation by Geeraerts, Dirk, Grondelaers, Stefan, Bakema, Peter
Gender & Discourse by Tannen, Deborah
Prisons in Context by
Time in Language by Klein, Wolfgang
Language and the Law by
Die Französischen Wörterbücher Von Den Anfängen Bis 1600: Entstehung Und Typologische Beschreibung by Lindemann, Margarete
Gesprochene Sprache: Transkripte Und Tondokumente by
Republikanische Personennamen: Eine Anthroponymische Studie Zur Französischen Revolution by Hörsch, Nicoline
Syntaxe de l'ancien occitan by Jensen, Frede
Neuere Entwicklungen in der französischen Grammatik und Grammatikforschung by Krassin, Gudrun
The Germanic Languages by Van Der Auwera, Johan, Konig, Ekkehard
Compositional Translation by Rosetta, M. T.
Chaotic Logic: Language, Thought, and Reality from the Perspective of Complex Systems Science by Goertzel, Ben
Comprehension of Graphics: Volume 108 by
Origins of Semiosis: Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture by
Literacy Acquisition and Social Context by Assink, Egbert
The Pragmatics of Discourse Anaphora in English by Geluykens, Ronald
Grammatical Relations by Müller-Gotama, Franz
Tense and Aspects in Discourse by
Perspectives on Sentence Processing by
Ergativity in Coast Tsimshian (Sm´algyax) by Mulder, Jean Gail
Basic Thermodynamics by Carrington, Gerald, Carrington
Governing Rural England: Tradition and Transformation in Local Government 1780-1840 by Eastwood, David
The Poems by Propertius, Propertius, Sextus
Control of Dual-Threat Agents: The Vaccines for Peace Programme by
From Grammar to Politics: Linguistic Anthropology in Westernsamoa Village by Duranti, Alessandro
Analysing Talk: Investigating Verbal Interaction in English by Langford, David
Microstructures in Elastic Media: Principles and Computational Methods by Phan-Thien, Nhan, Kim, Sangtae, Nhan, Phan-Thein
Sociocultural Approaches to Language and Literacy: An Interactionist Perspective by
Mental Spaces: Aspects of Meaning Construction in Natural Language by Fauconnier, Gilles
The Poetics of Mind: Figurative Thought, Language, and Understanding by Raymond W., Gibbs, Jr., Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr., Gibbs, Jr.
The Poetics of Mind: Figurative Thought, Language, and Understanding by Gibbs, Jr., Raymond W., Gibbs, Jr., Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr.
Language by
Modality and Meaning by Lycan, W. G.
Modality and Meaning by Lycan, W. G.
Morphopragmatics by Barbaresi, Lavinia M., Dressler, Wolfgang U.
See More