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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1995

Collected Papers on Latin Literature by Nisbet, R. G. M.
Role of Inflection Scandinavian Syntax Oscs by Holmberg, Anders, Platzack, Christer
Ideology and Linguistic Theory: Noam Chomsky and the Deep Structure Debates by Goldsmith, John a., Huck, Geoffrey J.
Nativism Reborn? the Official English Language Movement and the American States by Tatalovich, Raymond
Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax by
Cognitive Space and Linguistic Case by Schlesinger, Izchak M., Schlesinger, I. M.
Semantics: Defining the Discipline by Hipkiss, Robert A.
All about Hawaiian by Schütz, Albert J.
Second Language Acquisition Theory and Pedagogy by
Sprachnorm und Sprachnormierung in Frankreich by Settekorn, Wolfgang
Französische Lexikologie: Einführung in Die Theorie Und Geschichte Des Französischen Wortschatzes by Wunderli, Peter
Language and the Cognitive Construal of the World by
Methodology in Transition by
Art as Language: Tales of Sex and Gender from Early Ireland by Hagberg, G. L.
Phonology: Theory and Description by Spencer, Andrew
Syntactic Iconicity and Linguistic Freezes by
Deutsche Sprachkultur by Straßner, Erich
Pressing Problems in Law: Volume 1: Criminal Justice & Human Rights by
Projective Probability by Logue, James
Asian Money Markets by Scott, Hal S.
European Union and Regions by Jones, Jones, J. Barry, Jones, Keating
The Gesta Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumieges, Orderic Vitalis, and Robert of Torigni: Volume II: Books V-VIII by Van, Gent Jacqueline, Van, Houts, William
Kommunikative Stilistik zweier sozialer Welten in Mannheim-Vogelstang by Schwitalla, Johannes
A-bar Syntax by Müller, Gereon
Focus and Coherence in Discourse Processing by
Situations, Tense, and Aspect by Bartsch, Renate
Prinzipien Der Sprachgeschichte by Paul, Hermann
Performance Testing, Cognition and Assessment by University of Cambridge Local Examinatio, Language Testing Research Colloquium, Milanovic, Michael
Comparing Constitutions by Bogdanor, Vernon, Rudden, Bernard, Finer, S. E.
Transkripte und Tondokumente by
Die Deutsche Sprache in Deutschland, Österreich Und Der Schweiz: Das Problem Der Nationalen Varietäten by Ammon, Ulrich
Dynamics of Meaning: Anaphora, Presupposition, and the Theory of Grammar by Chierchia, Gennaro
Beobachtungen Der Literatur: Aspekte Einer Polykontexturalen Literaturwissenschaft by
The Foreign Language Classroom: Bridging Theory and Practice by
Reading and Language Processing by
Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Polymer Science by
Knowledge Machines: Language and Information in a Technological Society by Murray, Denise E.
Romanticism and the Heritage of Rousseau by McFarland, Thomas
Talking Difference: On Gender and Language by Crawford, Mary
The Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition by
Better Sentence Writing in 30 Minutes a Day by Campbell, Dianna
Language Change in Child and Adult Hebrew: A Psycholinguistic Perspective by Ravid, Dorit Diskin
Talking Difference: On Gender and Language by Crawford, Mary
The English Language: Structure and Development by Hussey, S. S.
Deng Xiaoping: Portrait of a Chinese Statesman by
The Strategy of the Lloyd George Coalition, 1916-1918 by French, David
The Making of Fianna Fáil Power in Ireland 1923-1948 by Dunphy, Richard
Nineteenth-Century Mormon Architecture and City Planning by Hamilton, C. Mark, Hamilton, Charles Mark
Patterns of American Jurisprudence by Duxbury, Neil
Differential Mortality: Methodological Issues and Biosocial Factors by
Process Development: Fine Chemicals from Grams to Kilograms by Lee, Stan, Robinson, Graham
Literacy, Emotion and Authority: Reading and Writing on a Polynesian Atoll by Besnier, Niko
One Speaker, Two Languages: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Code-Switching by
Literacy, Emotion and Authority: Reading and Writing on a Polynesian Atoll by Besnier, Niko
Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic (Proto-Afrasian): Vowels, Tone, Consonants, and Vocabulary Volume 126 by Ehret, Christopher
A Rhetoric of Silence and Other Selected Writings by Block De Behar, Lisa
Using English Words by Corson, David, Corson, P.
The Frontal Lobes and Voluntary Action by Passingham, Richard
The Political Development of the British Isles 1100-1400 by Frame, Robin
Particles and Projections in Irish Syntax by Duffield, N.
Text and Discourse Analysis by Salkie, Raphael
Human Gross Anatomy: An Outline Text by Leonard, Robert J.
Intelligent Language Tutors: Theory Shaping Technology by
Intelligent Language Tutors: Theory Shaping Technology by
Public Prosecutors and Discretion: A Comparative Study by Fionda, Julia
Education and the Scottish People, 1750-1918 by Anderson, R. D.
Greece at the Crossroads: The Civil War and Its Legacy by
Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology by Barnhart, Robert K.
Second Language Practice: Classroom Strategies for Developing Communicative Competence by
Language and Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Mills, Sara
Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory by Larson, Richard K., Segal, Gabriel M. a.
The Textual Life of Savants: Ethnography, Iceland, and the Linguistic Turn by Pálsson, Gisli
Social Motivations for Codeswitching: Evidence from Africa by Myers-Scotton, Carol
Aristotle's Theory of Material Substance: Heat and Pneuma, Form and Soul by Freudenthal, Gad
Dimensions of Register Variation: A Cross-Linguistic Comparison by Biber, Douglas
Phonology and Phonetic Evidence: Papers in Laboratory Phonology IV by
Historical Syntax in Cross-Linguistic Perspective by Harris, Alice C.
Phonology and Phonetic Evidence: Papers in Laboratory Phonology IV by
The Varieties of Orthographic Knowledge: II: Relationships to Phonology, Reading, and Writing by
Language and Communicative Practices by Hanks, William F.
Wittgenstein and the Mystical: Philosophy as an Ascetic Practice by Sontag, Frederick
De-Hegemonizing Language Standards: Learning from (Post) Colonial Englishes about English by Parakrama, A.
Essential Logic: Basic Reasoning Skills for the Twenty-First Century by Pine, Ronald C.
Sprachvergleich Deutsch - Französisch by Blumenthal, Peter
Discrimination Through Language in Africa? by
Linguistic Human Rights: Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination by
The Emergence of Standard English by Fisher, John H.
De interpretatione by Notker
The Discourse of Business Negotiation by
Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht: Besonderer Teil 1 by
The History and Power of Writing by Martin, Henri-Jean
Magnetism in Disorder by Hicks, Trevor J.
Meaning as Explanation by
Une minorité francophone hors Québec: Les Franco-Terreneuviens by Magord, André M.
Text und Tod by Lage-Müller, Kathrin Von Der
Schreiben als Handlung by Wrobel, Arne
Der Heimat-Begriff: Eine Begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchung in Verschiedenen Funktionsbereichen Der Deutschen Sprache by Bastian, Andrea
Final Devoicing in the Phonology of German by Brockhaus, Wiebke
Prosodic Structure and French Morphophonology by Hannahs, Stepehn J.
Tense Systems in European Languages II by
Modals and Periphrastics in English: An Investigation Into the Semantic Correspondence Between Certain English Modal Verbs and Their Periphrastic Equi by Westney, Paul
Constraints on Suffixation: A Study in Generative Morphology of English and Polish by Wójcicki, Adam
Implikaturen by
Die Falschen Freunde: Portugiesisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Portugiesisch by Hundertmark-Santos Martins, Maria Teresa
Die Lautgestalt des Französischen by Frank, Birgit
Aspekte der Sprachbeschreibung by
Joseph Conrad and the Anthropological Dilemma: 'Bewildered Traveller' by Griffith, John W.
Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction by Loprieno, Antonio
Logical Form: From GB to Minimalism by Hornstein, Norbert
Text Encoding Initiative: Background and Context by
Text Encoding Initiative: Background and Context by
Nordwestgermanisch by
Signal to Syntax: Bootstrapping From Speech To Grammar in Early Acquisition by
Autolexical Theory by
Signal to Syntax: Bootstrapping From Speech To Grammar in Early Acquisition by
Dramatic Discourse: Dialogue as Interaction in Plays by Herman, Vimala
Cognitive Linguistics in the Redwoods by
The Structure of the Lexicon by Handke, Jürgen
Complex Structures by
Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik by Mettke, Heinz
Early Civilization and Literacy in Europe by
Peirce's Doctrine of Signs by
Verbs in Medieval English by Ogura, Michiko
Die Rationalität der Metapher by Debatin, Bernhard
Bildschirmorientiertes Abfassen von Wörterbuchartikeln by Kammerer, Matthias
Sprachphilosophie / Philosophy of Language / La Philosophie Du Langage. 2. Halbband by
Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics by Thomas, Jenny a.
Language Program Evaluation: Theory and Practice by Brian K., Lynch, Lynch, Brian K.
The Indo-Aryans of Ancient South Asia by
The German Language in a Changing Europe by Clyne, Michael, Michael, Clyne
Language in History: Theories and Texts by Crowley, Tony
Directionality and Logical Form: On the Scope of Focusing Particles and Wh-In-Situ by Bayer, Josef
Francophonie in the 1990s by Ager, Dennis E.
The Grammar of Inalienability by
Syntax. 2. Halbband by
Tense, Attitudes, and Scope by Ogihara, T.
Phrase Structure and the Lexicon by
Cognitive Technology: In Search of a Humane Interface Volume 113 by
Schmalbrunstig Bis Schutzmann by
Schwabbel Bis Stein by
I. Band, 5. Und 6. Lieferung (Aussenwendigs Beterig) by
Interfaces in Phonology by
Aktionsart und Kompositionalität by Egg, Markus
Sememstrukturen und Feldstrukturen by Kunze, Jürgen
Versteckte Indexikalität und subjektive Bedeutung by Haas-Spohn, Ulrike
Metaphor and Philosophy: A Special Issue of Metaphor and Symbolic Activity by
Rapanui: A Descriptive Grammar by Du Feu, Veronica
Bonding and Structure of Molecules and Solids by Pettifor, D. G.
Stylistics: A Practical Coursebook by Hope, Jonathan, Wright, Laura
Gesprochenes Jiddisch: Textzeugen Einer Europäisch-Jüdischen Kultur by Kiefer, Ulrike
Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht: Besonderer Teil 2 by
Wortarten Und Wortartenwechsel by Vogel, Petra M.
The Macmillan Dictionary of Psychology by Sutherland, Stuart
The Tense System in English Relative Clauses by Depraetere, Ilse
Creole Languages and Language Acquisition by
Functional Semantics: A Theory of Meaning, Structure and Tense in English by Harder, Peter
The Origin of American Black English by Ewers, Traute
Automating the Lexicon: Research and Practice in a Multilingual Environment by
Language and Control in Children's Literature by Malmkjaer, Kirsten, Knowles, Murray
A History of the French Language Through Texts by Ayres-Bennett, Wendy
A History of the French Language Through Texts by Ayres-Bennett, Wendy
Speech Acts Across Cultures: Challenges to Communication in a Second Language by
Language and Control in Children's Literature by Knowles, Murray, Malmkjaer, Kirsten
From Barbarians to New Men: Greek, Roman, and Modern Perceptions of Peoples from the Central Apennines by Dench, Emma
Solid State Phenomena: As Seen by Muons, Protons, and Excited Nuclei by Karlsson, Erik B., Karlsson, E.
A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology by Trask, R. L.
Language Use: A Philosophical Investigation Into the Basic Notions of Pragmatics by Segerdahl, P.
P - Z by
Haydn's Symphonic Forms: Essays in Compositional Logic by Haimo, Ethan
Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans by Gamkrelidze, Thomas V., Ivanov, Vjaceslav V.
Periodisierung der deutschen Sprachgeschichte by Roelcke, Thorsten
Concise History of the Language Sciences: From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists by
Exploring Human Geography: A Reader by
New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics by
Gender Articulated: Language and the Socially Constructed Self by
Care, Gender, and Justice by Bubeck, Diemut Elisabet
Introduction to English Law: (Originally Elements of English Law) by Geldart, William
Bad Business: Professional Crime in Modern Britain by Hobbs, Dick
The Home of Dancing Sivan: The Traditions of the Hindu Temple in Citamparam by Younger, Paul
Culture and Difference: Critical Perspectives on the Bicultural Experience in the United States by
New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics by
Computational Psycholinguistics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Language by Crocker, Matthew W.