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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1998

Vascular Surgery by Yao, Crawford W. Jamieson and James S. T.
Method in Translation History by Pym, Anthony
Die Heutige Bedeutung Oraler Traditionen / The Present-Day Importance of Oral Traditions: Ihre Archivierung, Publikation Und Index-Erschließung / Thei by Heissig, Walther, Schott, Rüdiger
Faust und Don Juan. Ein Verschmelzungsprozess, dargestellt anhand der Autoren: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Nikolaus Lenau, Ch by Hartmann, Petra
Aspectual Grammar and Past Time Reference by Michaelis, Laura a.
Par caritas par meritum by Boerner, Bruno
The Generative Study of Second Language Acquisition by
Crime Victims in Context by Kennedy, Leslie W., Sacco, Vincent F.
Sociology: Contours of Society by Lauer, Robert H., Lauer, Jeanette C.
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of 1 Thessalonians by Sterner, Robert H.
Gebrauchsanführungen: Ein Ausdrucksmittel Für Die Störung Semantischer Struktur by Grabski, Michael
Spoken Language Characterization by
The BNC Handbook: Exploring the British National Corpus with Sara by Aston, Guy, Burnard, Lou
Eve Spoke by Lieberman, Herbert Ed, Lieberman, Philip
The Power of Discourse: An Introduction to Discourse Analysis by Chimombo, Moira, Roseberry, Robert L.
Interpersonal Dynamics in Second Language Education: The Visible and Invisible Classroom by Ehrman, Madeline Elizabeth, Ehrman, Madeline E., Dornyei, Zoltan
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of Romans by Deibler, Ellis W.
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of 2 Peter by Johnson, Edna, Lee, Ernest W.
Creative Dwelling: Empathy and Clarity in God and Self by Huffaker, Lucinda A. Stark
Living Words: Studies in Dialogues about Religion by Martin, Terence J.
The Great White Flood: Racism in Australia: Critically Appraised from an Aboriginal Historico-Theological Viewpoint by Pattel-Gray, Anne
Religion and the War in Bosnia by Mojzes, Paul
Semantics in Generative Grammar by Kratzer, Angelika, Heim, Irene
The Apostolic Conciliarism of Jean Gerson by Ryan, John J.
Studies in Greek History and Thought by Brunt, P. a.
Medea, Hippolytus, Electra, Helen by Euripides
Governing the Tongue by Kamensky, Jane
Netaji: Collected Works: Volume 1: An Indian Pilgrim: An Unfinished Autobiography by Bose, Subhas Chandra
The German Language and the Real World: Sociolinguistic, Cultural, and Pragmatic Perspectives on Contemporary German by
The Political Economy of Japanese Society: Volume 1: The State or the Market? by Banno, Masataka
Aspects of Zaiwa Prosody: An Autosegmental Account by Wannemacher, Mark W.
A Survey of Linguistic Theories, 3rd Edition by Burquest, Donald A., Edmondson, Jerald A., Edmondson, Jerold A.
History of Linguistics, Volume IV: Nineteenth-Century Linguistics by Lepschy, Giulio C., Davies, Anna Morpurgo
Zeitung by Straßner, Erich
Die Satzgliedanordnung Im Spanischen: Eine Diachrone Analyse by Neumann-Holzschuh, Ingrid
The Dynamics of Focus Structure by Nomi, Erteschik-Shir, Erteschik-Shir, Nomi
The Rise and Fall of Languages by Dixon, R. M. W., Dixon, Robert M. W.
Syntax: Structure, Meaning, and Function by Valin, Jr., Valin, Robert D. Van, Jr., Van Valin, Robert D., Jr.
The Language of the Self: The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis by Lacan, Jacques
Exilliteratur in Großbritannien 1933 - 1945 by Wiemann, Dirk
Sprache, Kommunikationskultur und Mentalität by Werlen, Erika
Errors in Language Learning and Use by James, Carl
Translation into the Second Language by Campbell, Stuart
The Generative Lexicon by Pustejovsky, James
Call, Culture and the Language Curriculum by
Elements of Grammar: Handbook in Generative Syntax by
Spelling by
Science of Thought by Muller, F. Max
Computer Corpus Lexicography by Ooi, Vincent B. Y.
Statistics for Corpus Linguistics by Oakes, Michael
The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide by Bailey, David
Nitty-Gritty Grammar: A Not-So-Serious Guide to Clear Communication by Fine, Edith Hope, Josephson, Judith Pinkerton
Sound Change in Nasalization by
La onomástica asturiana bajomedieval by Viejo Fernández, Julio
A Bibliography of Virginia Woolf by Clarke, Stuart N., Kirkpatrick, Clarke, Kirkpatrick, B. J.
Homer: German Scholarship in Translation by Wright, G. M., Jones, P. V.
The German Language in a Changing Europe by Clyne, Michael
Phonological Representations by John, Coleman, Coleman, John
Language and the Brain by Obler, Loraine, Gjerlow, K.
Beyond Training by Richards, Jack C., Jack C., Richards
Morphology and Syntax: Tools for Analyzing the World's Languages by Bickford, J. Albert, Bickford, John Albert
Morphology and Syntax: Tools for Analyzing the World's Languages by Bickford, John Albert, Bickford, J. Albert
Referring to Space: Studies in Austronesian and Papuan Languages by
Code-Switching in Conversation: Language, Interaction and Identity by
Contracts, Co-Operation, and Competition: Studies in Economics, Management, and Law by Deakin, Michie
Language, Thought, and Logic: Essays in Honour of Michael Dummett by
Die Grammatik von Johann Christian Heyse by Ehrhard, Anne-Françoise
Verbal Periphrases in a Functional Grammar of Spanish by Olbertz, Hella
The Economics of Transnational Commons by
Herbert Ernst Wiegand: Wörterbuchforschung. Teilband 1 by Wiegand, Herbert Ernst
Competition Law and Industrial Policy in the EU by Sauter, Wolf
The Language of Sport by Beard, Adrian
The Language of Humour by Ross, Alison
The Language of Fiction by Sanger, Keith
Naturalism in Mathematics by Maddy, Penelope
The Language of Poetry by McRae, John
Discourse, Interaction and Communication: Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science (Iccs-95) by
Analyzing Everyday Texts: Discourse, Rhetoric, and Social Perspectives by Stillar, Glenn F.
The Poems of A. E. Housman by Housman, A. E.
Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming: Volume 5: Logic Programmingvolume 5: Logic Programming by
Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language and Literature by Thornborrow, Joanna, Wareing, Shân
Linguistic Culture and Language Policy by Schiffman, Harold
Centering Theory in Discourse by
On the Nature of the Universe by Lucretius Carus, Titus, Carus, Lucretius, Lucretius
Approaches to Media Discourse by
Truth and Meaning by Taylor, Kenneth
Constructing Cultures: Essay on Literary Translation by Bassnett, Susan, Lefevere, Andre
Constructing Cultures: Essay on Literary Translation by Bassnett, Susan, Lefevere, Andre
Reading Science: Critical and Functional Perspectives on Discourses of Science by
Sprachliche Konstruktion Der Wirklichkeit: Metaphern in Therapiegesprächen by
Reading Science: Critical and Functional Perspectives on Discourses of Science by
Speaking and Social Identity by Breitborde, Lawrence B.
Feminist Critique of Language: Second Edition by Cameron, Deborah
Feminist Critique of Language: Second Edition by Cameron, Deborah
Endangered Languages by
Die temporalen Elemente des Englischen und deren Zeitbezug in fiktionalen narrativen Texten by Panitz, Florian
Einführungskurs Italienisch by Ernst, Gerhard
Der älteste Astronomietraktat in französischer Sprache: "L'Introductoire d'astronomie" by Dörr, Stephen
Die Terminologie Der Italienischen Buchdrucker Im 15. Und 16. Jahrhundert: Eine Wortgeschichtliche Untersuchung Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Von Ve by Schröter, Kirsten
Verbstellungswandel Bei Jugendlichen, Frauen Und Männern Im 16. Jahrhundert by Ebert, Robert Peter
Funktionen von Jugendsprache by Augenstein, Susanne
Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology by
Principles of Japanese Discourse: A Handbook by Maynard, Senko K.
Principles of Japanese Discourse: A Handbook by Maynard, Senko K.
Language, Thought and Consciousness: An Essay in Philosophical Psychology by Carruthers, Peter
Sprachliche Akkommodation und soziale Integration by Barden, Birgit, Großkopf, Beate
Die Grammatik des Agrammatismus by Penke, Martina
Das 20. Jahrhundert: Sprachgeschichte - Zeitgeschichte by
Projective Geometries Over Finite Fields by Hirschfeld, James
Vocabulary by Bauer, Laurie
English Grammar by Hudson, Richard
African-American English: Structure, History and Use by
African-American English: Structure, History and Use by
Analyzing Everyday Texts: Discourse, Rhetoric, and Social Perspectives by
I. Band, 9. Lieferung (Bremsel Butterhoke) by
Speaking of Emotions: Conceptualisation and Expression by
Women and the Law by Fredman, Sandra
Talk is Cheap: Sarcasm, Alienation, and Evolution of Language by Haiman, John
Talk Is Cheap: Sarcasm, Alienation, and the Evolution of Language by Haiman, John
Pictorial Metaphor in Advertising by Forceville, Charles
Women and the Law by Fredman, Sandra
Concurrent Programming: The Java Programming Language by Hartley, Stephen J., Hartley, Stephen
Endangered Languages: Language Loss and Community Response by
The Expressivity of Grammar by Hübler, Axel
Dramatic Discourse: Dialogue as Interaction in Plays by Herman, Vimala
A Commentary on Plutarch's Life of Agesilaos: Response to Sources in the Presentation of Character by Plutarch, Shipley, D. R.
Melanism: Evolution in Action by Majerus, Michael E. N.
Film Theory and Philosophy by
Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide by
Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide by
Linear Algebra by Wilson, Rob, Kaye, Wilson, Kaye, Richard
The Continuing Demographic Transition by
The Syntactic Phenomena of English by McCawley, James D.
The English Languages by McArthur, Tom
Werbeanzeigen von 1622-1798 by Bendel, Sylvia
Grammatik der portugiesischen Sprache by Gärtner, Eberhard
Parlando in Texten: Zur Veränderung Kommunikativer Grundmuster in Der Schriftlichkeit by Sieber, Peter
Medieval Spanish Epic: Mythic Roots and Ritual Language by Montgomery, Thomas
Experimentelle Studien Zur Flexion Und Wortbildung: Pluralmorphologie Und Lexikalische Komposition Im Unauffälligen Spracherwerb Und Im Dysgrammatismu by Bartke, Susanne
Typology of Verbal Categories by
Ideology in the Language of Judges: How Judges Practice Law, Politics, and Courtroom Control by Philips, Susan Urmston
News Is a Verb: Journalism at the End of the Twentieth Century by Hamill, Pete
Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik by Wisniewski, Roswitha, Boor, Helmut De
PRAXIS Des Übersetzens Polnisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Polnisch: Texte Aus Politik, Wirtschaft Und Kultur / Kurs Tlumaczenia Na Je̜zyk Niemiecki I Polsk by Milinska, Grazyna
Western Linquistics by Seuren, Peter A. M.
Art as Language: Tales of Sex and Gender from Early Ireland by Hagberg, G. L.
Language Policy in Britain and France by Ager, Dennis Ernest
Studies in South Asian Linguistics: Sinhala and Other South Asian Languages by Gair, James W.
Family Life and Family Policies in Europe: Volume 1: Structures and Trends in the 1980s by Kaufmann, Kuijsten Schulze
Language and Politics in the United States and Canada: Myths and Realities by
Readers Guide to Intermediate Japanese by Rubinger, Richard, Watt, Yasuko Ito
Inside Multi-Media Case Based Instruction by
Translation, History, & Culture by Bassnett, Susan
Dictionary of Lexicography by Hartmann, R. R. K., James, Gregory
Prosody, Focus, and Word Order by Zubizarreta, Maria Luisa
Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use by Reppen, Randi, Biber, Douglas, Conrad, Susan
The English Languages by McArthur, Tom
The Problem of Mental Deficiency: Eugenics, Democracy, and Social Policy in Britain C. 1870-1959 by Thomson, Mathew
The Chromatic Fourth: During Four Centuries of Music by Williams, Peter
Kinetic Theory of Plasma Waves: Homogeneous Plasmas by Brambilla, Marco
Meaning in English: An Introduction to Language Study by Jeffries, Lesley
Meaning in English: An Introduction to Language Study by Jeffries, Lesley
An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics by Kennedy, Graeme
Words Into Worlds: Learning a Second Language Through Process Drama by Kao, Shin-Mei, O'Neill, Cecily
Words Into Worlds: Learning a Second Language Through Process Drama by Kao, Shin-Mei, O'Neill, Cecily
Exploring the Language of Drama: From Text to Context by
Language Ideologies: Practice and Theory by
Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics by
Matrix-Isolation Techniques: A Practical Approach by Dunkin, Ian R.
Exploring the Language of Drama: From Text to Context by
Spontaneous Spoken Language: Syntax and Discourse by Weinert, Regina, Miller, Jim
A Presuppositional Analysis of Specific Indefinites: Common Grounds as Structured Information States by Yeom, Jae-Il
Inside Multi-Media Case Based Instruction by
Wittgenstein on Language and Thought: The Philosophy of Content by Thornton, Tim
Definite Descriptions: A Reader by
Cicero's Correspondence: A Literary Study by Hutchinson, G. O.
Fixed Expressions and Idioms in English'a Corpus-Based Approach' by Moon, Rosamund
The Phonology of Armenian by Vaux, Bert
Negotiating the New in the French Novel: Building Contexts for Fictional Worlds by Bridgeman, Teresa
Negotiating the New in the French Novel: Building Contexts for Fictional Worlds by Bridgeman, Teresa
Anaesthesia and Analgesia in Emergency Medicine by Illingworth, Karen A., Simpson, Karen H.
The Political Economy of Japanese Society: Volume 2: Internationalization and Domestic Issues by Banno, Masataka
Recognition of Governments in International Law: With Particular Reference to Governments in Exile by Talmon, Stefan
Learning Literate 2e by Garton, Alison F., Pratt, Chris
Deskriptive Grammatik und allgemeiner Sprachvergleich by
Adverbs, Events, and Other Things: Issues in the Semantics of Manner Adverbs by Eckardt, Regine
Tendenzen europäischer Linguistik by
Wörterbücher in der Diskussion III by
Perspektiven Der Pädagogischen Lexikographie Des Deutschen I: Untersuchungen Anhand Von »Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch Deutsch ALS Fremdsprache« by
Coordination by Johannessen, Janne Bondi
Hellenism and Empire: Language, Classicism, and Power in the Greek World AD 50-250 by Swain, Simon
Linguistic Structure and Change: An Explanation from Language Processing by Berg, Thomas
Freiheit bei Martin Luther by Lobenstein-Reichmann, Anja
Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective by
Verbal Protocol Analysis in Language Testing Research: A Handbook by Green, Alison J. F., Green
The Sense of Humor by
Partitions and Atoms of Clause Structure: Subjects, Agreement, Case and Clitics by Sportiche, Dominique
Pleistocene Amphibians and Reptiles in Britain and Europe by Holman, J. Alan
Mastering English: A Student's Workbook and Guide by Klinge, Alex
Language and Its Normal Processing by Tartter, Vivien C.
See More