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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2000

II. Band, 1. Lieferung (E Erde) by
Hacia La Competencia Intercultural En El Aprendizaje de Una Lengua Extranjera: Estudio del Choque Cultural Y Los Malentendidos by Oliveras, Ángels
Was Ist "Altrussische Literatur"? by Rothe, Hans
Dictionary of Semiotics by Ringham, Felizitas, Martin, Bronwen
Strategien erfolgreicher Kommunikation by Koeppler, Karlfritz
The Emergence of the Speech Capacity by Oller, D. Kimbrough
Transformation und Deformation: Vergils Aeneis als Vorbild spanischer und italienischer Ritterdichtung: 334. Sitzung am 13. Dezember 1989 in Düsseldor by König, Bernhard
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of 2 Thessalonians by Callow, John
Realitätskonstitution Und Mythischer Ursprung: Zur Entwicklung Der Italienischen Schriftsprache Von Dante Bis Salviati by Wunderli, Peter
Spoken Soul: The Story of Black English by Rickford, John Russell, Rickford, Russell John
Doing Discourse Analysis: Methods for Studying Action in Talk and Text by Kroger, Rolf O., Wood, Linda A.
Modelle der Translation: Grundlagen fuer Methodik, Bewertung, Computermodellierung by
Tense and Aspect in Second Lanugage by Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen
Transformational Grammar Of Modern Literary Arabic by Kebbe, M. Z.
The Guided Acquisition of First Language Skills by Moerk, Ernst L.
Checking Theory and Grammatical Functions in Universal Grammar by Ura, Hiroyuki
The Guided Acquisition of First Language Skills by Moerk, Ernst L.
Philosophical Issues Skepticism by
Language and the Brain: Representation and Processing by
Intertexts: Writings on Language, Utterance, and Context by Hanks, William F.
Studies in Contemporary Phrase Structure Grammar by
Discontinuous Syntax: Hyperbaton in Greek by Devine, A. M., Stephens, Laurence D.
Workbook to Accompany Reporting and Writing Basics for the 21st Century by Scanlan, Christopher
Network-Based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice by Kern, Richard, Warschauer, Mark
The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style by Garner, Bryan A.
Linguistics by Demiller, Anna L.
Linguistik und Deutsch als Fremdsprache by
Nominale Wortbildung des älteren Irischen by Bernardo Stempel, Patrizia De
Tokens of Exchange: The Problem of Translation in Global Circulations by
The Abbey Theatre, 1899-1999: Form and Pressure by Welch, Robert
The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art: Companion and Commentary by
The Dialects of England by Trudgill, Peter
Eng Hist of African American E by
Lessons About Speech / Leçons de parole by Ferrand, Ludovic, Segui, Juan
Humboldt: 'On Language': On the Diversity of Human Language Construction and Its Influence on the Mental Development of the Huma by Humboldt, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Von, Humboldt, Von Humboldt, Wilhelm
Humboldt: 'On Language': On the Diversity of Human Language Construction and Its Influence on the Mental Development of the Huma by Humboldt, Wilhelm, Von Humboldt, Wilhelm
Prehistoric Iberia: Genetics, Anthropology, and Linguistics by
Road to the Code: A Phonological Awareness Program for Young Children by Black, Rochella, Blachman, Benita, Ball, Eileen
Suiziddiskurs bei Jean Améry und Hermann Burger. Zu Jean Amérys Hand an sich legen und Hermann Burgers Tractatus logico-suicidalis by Kleinert, Markus
Conversation Analysis by Markee, Numa
Indo-European and Its Closest Relatives: The Eurasiatic Language Family, Volume 1, Grammar by Greenberg, Joseph H.
Las relaciones léxicas by Casas Gómez, Miguel
Perfecto Simple Y Perfecto Compuesto En Español Preclásico: Estudio de Los Perfectos de Indicativo En »La Celestina«, El »Teatro« de Encina Y El »Diál by Thibault, André
Studies in Contemporary Jewry: Volume XV: People of the City: Jews and the Urban Challenge by
Leviticus as Literature by Douglas, Mary
Syntactic Structures Revisited: Contemporary Lectures on Classic Transformational Theory by Lasnik, Howard
Phonological Projection by Oostendorp, Marc Van
Arabic as a Minority Language by
Beyond Ebonics: Linguistic Pride & Racial Prejudice by Baugh, John
Predicates & Temporal Arguments by Fernald, Theodore B.
Changing Valency: Case Studies in Transitivity by Dixon, Robert M. W.
Coarticulation: Theory, Data and Techniques by
The Forms of Meaning by Danesi, Marcel, Sebeok, Thomas A.
The Forms of Meaning by Danesi, Marcel, Sebeok, Thomas A.
Whales, Candlelight, & Stuff Like That: General Extenders in English Discourse by Overstreet, Maryann
Discovering Grammar: An Introduction to English Sentence Structure by Lobeck, Anne
Deutscher Wortakzent by Mengel, Andreas
A History of English Words by Hughes, Geoffrey
Second Language Acquisition by
Transforming Management in Central and Eastern Europe by Martin, Roderick
English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners: A History by Cowie, A. P.
The Feature Structure of Functional Categories: A Comparative Study of Arabic Dialects by Benmamoun, Elabbas
The Feature Structure of Functional Categories: A Comparative Study of Arabic Dialects by Benmamoun, Elabbas
A Geography of Heritage: Power, Culture and Economy by Tunbridge, John, Graham, Brian, Ashworth, Greg
Artikel und Aspekt by Leiss, Elisabeth
Linguistic Creativity: Exercises in 'Philosophical Therapy' by Fischer, E.
Totalitäre Sprache und textuelle Konstruktion von Welt. Am Beispiel ausgewählter Aufsätze von Joseph Goebbels über "die Juden" by Beisswenger, Michael
The Article Book: Practice Toward Mastering A, An, and the by Cole, Tom
Alternative Nuclear Futures: The Role of Nuclear Weapons in the Post-Cold War World by
Anglican Ritualism in Victorian Britain 1830-1910 by Yates, N., Yates, Nigel
The Sociopolitics of English Language Teaching (Bilingual Education & Bilingualism 21) by
New Perspectives on Teaching & Learning by
Architecture in Black by Fields, Darell Wayne
The Range of Interpretation by Iser, Wolfgang
The Language of Deception: A Discourse Analytical Study by Galasinski, Dariusz
Bureaucratic Élites in Western European States: A Comparative Analysis of Top Officials by
Sylvia Plath and the Theatre of Mourning by Britzolakis, Christina
Bureaucratic Elites in Western European States by
The Higher Functional Field: Evidence from Northern Italian Dialects by Poletto, Cecilia
The Higher Functional Field: Evidence from Northern Italian Dialects by Poletto, Cecilia
Writing Across Languages by
Biolinguistics: Exploring the Biology of Language by Jenkins, Lyle
Meaning and Grammar, second edition by McConnell-Ginet, Sally, Chierchia, Gennaro
The Cambridge History of the English Language by
Bilinguality and Bilingualism by Blanc, Michel H. a., Hamers, Josiane F.
Bilinguality and Bilingualism by Hamers, Josiane F., Blanc, Michel
Childly Language: Children, Language and the Social World by Sealey, Alison
Baudelaire's Prose Poems: The Practice and Politics of Irony by Stephens, Sonya
Democratizing Sir Thomas Browne: Religio Medici and Its Imitations by Havenstein, Daniela
English Renaissance Literary Criticism by Vickers, Brian
English Dictionaries 800-1700: The Topical Tradition by Hüllen, Werner
Roman Constructions: Readings in Postmodern Latin by Fowler, Don
Children of the French Empire: Miscegenation and Colonial Society in French West Africa 1895-1960 by White, Owen
New Medieval Literatures: Volume III by
The Turkish Language Reform: A Catastrophic Success by Lewis, Geoffrey L., Lewis, Geoffrey
Kleine Schriften: Eine Auswahl Aus Den Jahren 1970-1999 in Zwei Bänden. Bd 1: 1970-1988. Bd 2: 1988-1999 by Wiegand, Herbert Ernst
The Use and Abuse of EFL Dictionaries: How Learners of English as a Foreign Language Read and Interpret Dictionary Entries by Nesi, Hilary
Markierte Verbvalenzen im Sprachvergleich: Lizenzierungs- und Linkingbedingungen by Blume, Kerstin
Probleme der Interaktion von Lexik und Aspekt (ILA) by
Matthias Kramer et la lexicographie du français en Allemagne au XVIIIe siècle by Bray, Laurent
Lexikologisch-lexikographische Aspekte der deutschen Gegenwartssprache by
Reflexionen über Sprache aus literatur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Sicht by
Wörterbücher in der Diskussion IV by
Indirekte Anaphern in Texten: Studien Zur Domänengebundenen Referenz Und Kohärenz Im Deutschen by Schwarz, Monika
The Mask of Keats: The Endeavour of a Poet by McFarland, Thomas
Dynamics of Heavy Electrons by Kuramoto, Y., Kitaoka, Y.
Land Administration by Dale, Peter F., McLaughlin, John D.
From Pluralist to Patriotic Politics: Putting Practice First by Blattberg, Charles
A Handbook of Slavic Clitics by King, Tracy Holloway, Franks, Steven
Governing with Judges: Constitutional Politics in Europe by Stone-Sweet, Alec, Stone Sweet, Alec
Promoting Human Rights Through Bills of Rights: Comparative Perspectives by Alston, Philip
The Language of Magazines by McLoughlin, Linda
Inscriptions of the Iron Age: Part 1: Text, Introduction, Karatepe, Karkamis, Tell Ahmar, Maras, Malatya, Commagene. Part 2: Text, Amuq, Aleppo, Ham by Hawkins, John David
Einführung - Grundbegriffe - 14. Bis 16. Jahrhundert by Polenz, Peter Von
Deutsche Sprachgeschichte Vom Spätmittelalter Bis Zur Gegenwart by Polenz, Peter Von
Writing Across Languages by Brauer, Gerd
Principles of Cognition, Language and Action: Essays on the Foundations of a Science of Psychology by Praetorius, N.
Principles of Cognition, Language and Action: Essays on the Foundations of a Science of Psychology by Praetorius, N.
Community and Communication: The Role of Language in Nation State Building and European Integration by Wright, Sue
Handbook of Undergraduate Second Language Education by
Engelhard by Konrad Von Würzburg
The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492-1800 by
Handbook of Undergraduate Second Language Education by
Negotiating Multiculturalism by Purushotam, Nirmala Srirekam
Families Across Time: A Life Course Perspective: Readings by Price, Sharon J., McKenry, Patrick C., Murphy, Megan J.
Intersections of Aging: Readings in Social Gerontology by
The Practice of Foreign Language Teaching by Addelman, Ron, Cajkler, Wasyl
Optimality in Complexity: The Case of Polish Consonant Clusters by Rochon, Marzena
The Feminist, the Housewife, and the Soap Opera by Brunsdon, Charlotte
Science and Structure in Proust's a la Recherche Du Temps Perdu by Luckhurst, Nicola
An Historical Dictionary of German Figurative Usage, Fascicle 60: Supplement by Spalding, Keith, Muller-Schwefe, Gerhard
Language Variation as Social Practice: The Linguistic Construction of Identity in Belten High by Eckert, Penelope
Language Variation as Social Practice: The Linguistic Construction of Identity in Belten High by Eckert, Penelope
Assessing Ethnolinguistic Vitality: Theory and Practice by
Explorations 1 by Lee, Linda, Brockman, Terra
Speaking of Events by Varzi, Achille C., Pianesi, Fabio, Higginbotham, James
Speaking of Events by Varzi, Achille C., Pianesi, Fabio, Higginbotham, James
Lexical Phonology and the History of English by McMahon, April
Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning by
Papers in Laboratory Phonology V: Acquisition and the Lexicon by
The Clausal Structure of Spanish: A Comparative Study by Ordonez, Francisco
Illocutionary Acts and Sentence Meaning: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Social Identity by Alston, William P.
English in Europe the Acquisition of a Third Language: The Acquisition of a Third Language by
Verben, Ereignisse und das Lexikon by Engelberg, Stefan
Prinzipien der Irregularisierung by Nübling, Damaris
Ellipsis in Conjunction by
Career Frontiers: New Conceptions of Working Lives by Arthur, Michael B.
Career Frontiers: New Conceptions of Working Lives by Arthur, Michael B.
Lexicography and the Oed: Pioneers in the Untrodden Forest by
Prosodic Features and Prosodic Structure: The Phonology of Suprasegmentals by Fox, Anthony
Archestratos of Gela: Greek Culture and Cuisine in the Fourth Century Bcetext, Translation, and Commentary by Archestratos of Gela
Television Drama: Realism, Modernism, and British Culture by Caughie, John
Human Rights Standards and the Free Movement of People Within States by Beyani, Chaloka
Flesh and Spirt in the Songs of Homer by Clarke, Michael
Writing Weimar: Critical Realism in German Literature, 1918-1933 by Midgley, David
Flaubert: Writing the Masculine by Orr, Mary
Clauses Without 'That': The Case for Bare Sentential Complementation in English by Doherty, Cathal
Immigration and the Nation-State: The United States, Germany, and Great Britain by Joppke, Christian
Streetwalking the Metropolis: Women, the City, and Modernity by Parsons, Deborah L.
Immigration and the Nation-State: The United States, Germany, and Great Britain by Joppke, Christian
Television Drama: Realism, Modernism, and British Culture by Caughie, John
The Routledge Language and Cultural Theory Reader by
Presumptive Meanings: The Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature by Levinson, Stephen C.
Die Pandekten des Nikon vom Schwarzen Berge (Nikon Černogorec) in der aeltesten Slavischen Uebersetzung: Edition von Rumjana Pavlova und Săb by
The Intimate Screen: Early British Television Drama by Jacobs, Jason
Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context by Gutt, Ernst-August
Rights to Language: Equity, Power, and Education by
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind by Chomsky, Noam
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind by Chomsky, Noam
Language and Conceptualization by
The Poetics of Science Fiction by Stockwell, Peter
Nasalization, Neutral Segments and Opacity Effects by Walker, Rachel
The Routledge Language and Cultural Theory Reader by
Essays in Syntactic Theory by Epstein, Samuel David
XP-Adjunction in Universal Grammar: Scrambling and Binding in Hindi-Urdu by Kidwai, Ayesha
Understanding Children with Language Problems by Chiat, Shula
The Seeds of Speech: Language Origin and Evolution by Jean, Aitchison, Aitchison, Jean
Care and Education of Young Bilinguals by Baker, Colin
Domesday: The Inquest and the Book by Roffe, David
The Exemplary Society: Human Improvement, Social Control, and the Dangers of Modernity in China by Bakken, Børge
The Concept of International Obligations Erga Omnes by Ragazzi, Maurizio
Culture, Citizenship, and Community: A Contextual Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness by Carens, Joseph H.
The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume VII: India: The Hastings Trial 1789-1794 by Burke, Edmund
European Integration After Amsterdam: Institutional Dynamics and Prospects for Democracy by
European Integration After Amsterdam: Institutional Dynamics and Prospects for Democracy by
Culture, Citizenship, and Community: A Contextual Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness by Carens, Joseph H.
XP-Adjunction in Universal Grammar: Scrambling and Binding in Hindi-Urdu by Kidwai, Ayesha
Good to Talk?: Living and Working in a Communication Culture by Cameron, Deborah
Sprache Und Neue Medien by
Mind The Gap: Ellipsis and Stylistic Variation in Spoken and Written English by Wilson, Peter
>Umlaut: A Comparative Analysis of German and Chamorro by Klein, Thomas B.
Sprachengesetzgebung in Katalonien: Die Debatte Um Die »Llei de Política Lingüística« Vom 7. Januar 1998 by Gergen, Thomas
Kommunikationsformen im Wandel der Zeit by
Schreiben und Denken by Ortner, Hanspeter
Die Kodifizierung Der Orthographie Im Rechtschreibwörterbuch: Eine Untersuchung Zur Rechtschreibung Im »Duden« Und Im »Österreichischen Wörterbuch« by Lasselsberger, Anna Maria
Analysen und Dokumente by
Räumliche Konzepte Und Sprachliche Strukturen by
Prosody and Focus in European Portuguese: Phonological Phrasing and Intonation by Frota, Sonia
Doing Discourse Analysis: Methods for Studying Action in Talk and Text by Wood, Linda A., Kroger, Rolf O.
Deutsche Grammatik in Theorie Und PRAXIS by
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