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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2004

Primitivism, Science, and the Irish Revival by Garrigan Mattar, Sinéad
Digressive Voices in Early Modern English Literature by Cotterill, Anne
Chinese Grammar: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives by
Natürliches Sprechen Im Belehrenden Schreiben: J. H. Campes »Robinson Der Jüngere« (1779/80) by Köstler-Holste, Silke
Politische Sprachberatung ALS Symbiose Von Linguistik Und Sprachkritik: Zu Theorie Und PRAXIS Einer Kooperativ-Kritischen Sprachwissenschaft by Roth, Kersten Sven
Deutsch im Kontakt mit germanischen Sprachen by
The Oxford Dictionary of Difficult Words by
Energy, the State, and the Market: British Energy Policy Since 1979 by Helm, Dieter
An Agenda for a Growing Europe: The Sapir Report by Aghion, Philippe, Bertola, Giuseppe
Ethnosyntax: Explorations in Grammar and Culture by
Neuromimetic Semantics: Coordination, Quantification, and Collective Predicates by Howard, Harry
Elsevier's Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery by de Vries, Ad, de Vries, Arthur
Vocabulario Vaquero/Cowboy Talk: A Dictionary of Spanish Terms from the American West by Smead, Robert N.
English Syntax: An Introduction by Radford, Andrew
Studying Speaking to Inform Second Language Learning by
Argumentieren: Funktional-pragmatische Analysen praktischer und wissenschaftlicher Diskurse by Trautmann, Caroline
Studying Speaking to Inform 2nd Lang Lea by
A Historical Guide to Ralph Ellison by Tracy, Steven C.
Transmitting Culture by Debray, Régis
New Perspectives on CALL for Second Language Classrooms by
A History of Sociology in Britain: Science, Literature, and Society by Halsey, A. H.
EU Human Rights Policies: A Study in Irony by Williams, Andrew
You, the People: The United Nations, Transitional Administration, and State-Building by Chesterman, Simon
A Historical Guide to Ralph Ellison by Tracy, Steven C.
Variation and Change in Spanish by Penny, Ralph
Classical and Romantic Performing Practice 1750-1900 by Brown, Clive
Metaphor and Gender in Business Media Discourse: A Critical Cognitive Study by Koller, V.
Semiotik / Semiotics. 4. Teilband by
Metaphor and Gender in Business Media Discourse: A Critical Cognitive Study by Koller, V.
Dictionary Look-Up Strategies and the Bilingualised Learner's Dictionary: A Think-Aloud Study by Thumb, Jenny
Lexikografie, Ihre Basis- Und Nachbarwissenschaften: (Englische) Wörterbücher Zwischen >Common Sense by
Time in Child Inuktitut: A Developmental Study of an Eskimo-Aleut Language by Swift, Mary D.
Visualizing Document Processing: Innovations in Communication Patterns and Textual Forms by Tonfoni, Graziella, Jain, Lakhmi
Athenian Democratic Origins: And Other Essays by de Ste Croix, G. E. M.
Discourse by Mills, Sara
Agrammatismus Im Koreanischen by Bae, Jin-Ae
Language Strategies for Bilingual Families: The One-Parent-One-Language Approach by Barron-Hauwaert, Suzanne
Language and Identity: National, Cultural, Religious by Joseph, J.
Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quantification and Assessment by Chipere, N., Malvern, D., Richards, B.
Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quantification and Assessment by Chipere, N., Malvern, D., Richards, B.
Bislama Reference Grammar by Crowley, Terry
Camb Encycl World Ancient Languages by
English Syntax: An Introduction by Radford, Andrew
Letter Perfect: The Marvelous History of Our Alphabet from A to Z by Sacks, David
Help Your Baby Talk: Introducing the Shared Communication Methold to Jump Start Language and Have a S by Owens, Robert E., Feldon, Leah
The Hope of Israel by Ben-Israel, Menasseh
Crystallography of Modular Materials by Ferraris, Giovanni, Makovicky, Emil, Merlino, Stefano
Aulus Gellius: An Antonine Scholar and His Achievement by Holford-Strevens, Leofranc
The Existence of God by Swinburne, Richard
Language and Identity in the Balkans: Serbo-Croatian and Its Disintegration by Greenberg, Robert D.
Modern French Grammar: A Practical Guide by Isabelle Perez, Lang, Margaret
Fuzzy Grammar: A Reader by
English in Europe by
Creativity, Communication and Cultural Value by Negus, Keith, Pickering, Michael
Multimodal Discourse Analysis by
Applied Linguistics as Social Science by Carter, Bob, Sealey, Alison
Applied Linguistics as Social Science by Carter, Bob, Sealey, Alison
Sprachkontakte in der Romania by
Recent Advances in Surgery 27 by
Renewing Meaning: A Speech-ACT Theoretic Approach by Barker, Stephen J.
Trust the Text: Language, Corpus and Discourse by Sinclair, John
Trust the Text: Language, Corpus and Discourse by Sinclair, John
Discourse by Mills, Sara
Analyzing Multimodal Interaction: A Methodological Framework by Norris, Sigrid
Modern French Grammar: A Practical Guide by Lang, Margaret, Isabelle Perez
Analyzing Multimodal Interaction: A Methodological Framework by Norris, Sigrid
Plantation Forestry in the Tropics: The Role, Silviculture, and Use of Planted Forests for Industrial, Social, Environmental, and Agroforestry Purpose by Evans, Julian, Turnbull, John W.
Voicing the Word: Writing Orality in Contemporary Italian Fiction by Spunta, Marina
New Zealand English: Its Origins and Evolution by Maclagan, Margaret, Campbell, Lyle, Hay, Jennifer
The Evolution Of English Lexicography by Murray, James Augustus Henry
The Roman Pronunciation Of Latin by Lord, Frances E.
On The Study Of Words by Trench, Richard C.
How To Speak And Write Correctly by Devlin, Joseph
Rhetoric And Style by Quincey, Thomas de
Young's Demonstrative Translation Of Scientific Secrets by Young, Daniel
Slips Of Speech by Bechtel, John H.
Aesthetic As Science Of Expression And General Linguistic by Croce, Benedetto
Finding a Replacement for the Soul: Mind and Meaning in Literature and Philosophy by Bourbon, Brett
On Interpretation by Aristotle
The Structure of Cp and IP: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 2 by
Explanations: Styles of Explanation in Science by
Blooming English: Observations on the Roots, Cultivation and Hybrids of the English Language by Burridge, Kate
Minimalist Syntax by Radford, Andrew
A War of Words: Language and Conflict in the Middle East by Suleiman, Yasir
Minimalist Syntax by Radford, Andrew
Analysing Academic Writing: Contextualized Frameworks by Ellis, Robert, Ravelli, Louise
Worlds of Written Discourse: A Genre-Based View by Bhatia, Vijay
Worlds of Written Discourse: A Genre-Based View by Bhatia, Vijay
Language of Science by Halliday, M. a. K.
Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics by Halliday, M. a. K., Teubert, Wolfgang, Cermakova, Anna
Nexus Analysis: Discourse and the Emerging Internet by Scollon, Suzie Wong
Cognitive Modeling and Verbal Semantics: A Representational Framework Based on UML by Schalley, Andrea C.
Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology by
Gregory of Nyssa and the Grasp of Faith: Union, Knowledge, and Divine Presence by Laird, M. S.
Truth and Paradox: Solving the Riddles by Maudlin, Tim
Wörterbuch by Harras, Gisela, Winkler, Edeltraud, Erb, Sabine
Language in Australia by Romaine
The Midwife of Platonism: Text and Subtext in Plato's Theaetetus by Sedley, David N., Sedley, David
Nexus Analysis: Discourse and the Emerging Internet by Scollon, Suzie Wong
Greek Prose Composition by Allinson, Francis G.
Applying English Grammar.: Corpus and Functional Approaches by Coffin, Caroline, Hewings, Ann, O'Halloran, Kieran
McQs & Short Answer Questions for Mrcog: An Aid to Revision and Self-Assessment by
Language in the Law by
Codex diplomaticus Amiatinus, Band III/1, Profilo storico e materiali supplementari by
Language in the USA: Themes 21C by
The Sixth Language: Learning a Living in the Internet Age, Second Edition by Logan, Robert K.
ICT and Language Learning by
Liquids, Solutions, and Interfaces: From Classical Macroscopic Descriptions to Modern Microscopic Details by Fawcett, William Ronald, Fawcett, W. Ronald
Principles of Faith by Abravanel, Isaac
Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach by Rogers, Henry
A War of Words: Language and Conflict in the Middle East by Suleiman, Yasir
Selfish Sounds and Linguistic Evolution by Ritt, Nikolaus
Discourse Analysis: An Introduction by Goutsos, Dionysis, Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
Formal and Functional Perspectives on Tense and Related Categories by Heyde Petersen, Christian
Reducing Threats at the Source: A European Perspective on Cooperative Threat Reduction by Anthony, Ian
The Moral Limits of Law: Obedience, Respect, and Legitimacy by Higgins, Ruth C. a.
Predicting New Words: The Secrets of Their Success by Metcalf, Allan a.
Presidential Voices: Speaking Styles from George Washington to George W. Bush by Metcalf, Allan a.
Acquiring the Arabic Lexicon: Evidence of Productive Strategies and Pedagogical Implications by Badry, Fatima
Relations and Predicates by Hochberg, Herbert, Mulligan, Kevin
Ovid's Metamorphoses by Fantham, Elaine
The Cambridge Guide to English Usage by Peters, Pam
Plato's Symposium by Hunter, Richard, Hunter, R. Lanny
Tissue Engineering: Engineering Principles for the Design of Replacement Organs and Tissues by Saltzman, W. Mark
Ovid's Metamorphoses by Fantham, Elaine
A New Architecture for Functional Grammar by
Relative Tense and Aspectual Values in Tibetan Languages: A Comparative Study by Zeisler, Bettina
The Ecology and Semiotics of Language Learning: A Sociocultural Perspective by Lier, Leo Van
The Ecology and Semiotics of Language Learning: A Sociocultural Perspective by Lier, Leo Van
Pragmatics at Work: The Translation of Tourist Literature by
The Languages of the Kimberley, Western Australia by McGregor, William B.
Words and Stones: The Politics of Language and Identity in Israel by Lefkowitz, Daniel
Pyrrhonian Skepticism by
War of Words: Language, Politics and 9/11 by Silberstein, Sandra
The Book of Direction to the Duties of the Heart by Pakuda, Bahya Ben Joseph Ibn
Apollo, Challenger, Columbia: The Decline of the Space Program: A Study in Organizational Communication by Tompkins, Phillip K.
The Science of Poetry and The Philosophy of Language by Maxim, Hudson
The On-Line Study of Sentence Comprehension: Eyetracking, Erps and Beyond by Carreiras, Manuel, Clifton Jr, Charles
Australian English - The National Language by Leitner, Gerhard
Pacific Pidgins and Creoles: Origins, Growth and Development by Charpentier, Jean-Michel, Tryon, Darrell T.
Die Sprache Im Bild - Das Bild in Der Sprache: Zur Verknüpfung Von Sprache Und Bild Im Massenmedialen Text. Konzepte. Theorien. Analysemethoden by Stöckl, Hartmut
Subject Positions and Interfaces: The Case of European Portuguese by Costa, João
A Grammar of Kwaza [With CD (Audio)] by Voort, Hein Van Der
Complex Predicates in Oceanic Languages: Studies in the Dynamics of Binding and Boundness by
Person by Anna, Siewierska, Siewierska, Anna
Band V: K-L, 5. Lieferung (Kor.. Bis Krazzôn) by
Dialects by Trudgill, Peter
Datenschutz Im Electronic Government: Risiken, Anforderungen Und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten Für Ein Datenschutzgerechtes Und Rechtsverbindliches Egovern by Yildirim, Nuriye
Datenschutz in Europa Und Den USA: Eine Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Safe-Harbor-Lösung by Genz, Alexander
Zeit Der Begegnung -- Begegnung Mit Der Zeit: Zeitliche Aspekte Literarischen Lesens by Duwe, Claudia Ulrike
Dialects by Trudgill, Peter
Structures and Beyond: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 3 by
Structures and Beyond: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 3 by
Linguistic Convergence and Areal Diffusion: Case Studies from Iranian, Semitic and Turkic by Csató, Éva Ágnes, Isaksson, Bo, Jahani, Carina
Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World by Lieu, Judith M., Lieu, J. M., Lieu, Judith
The Search for Certainty: A Philosophical Account of Foundations of Mathematics by Giaquinto, Marcus
Contagious Couplings: Transmission of Expressives in Yiddish Echo Phrases by Unknown, Southern, Mark R. V.
Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events: A Microethnographic Perspective by Christian, Beth Morton, Bloome, David, Carter, Stephanie Power
In the Beginning: A Short History of the Hebrew Language by Hoffman, Joel
Basic Phonics Skills: Level A by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Basic Phonics Skills Level C by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Basic Phonics Skills, Level D: EMC 3321 by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Basic Phonics Skills, Kindergarten - Grade 1 (Level B) Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Phonics Centers Level A: EMC 3327 by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Phonics Centers Level C by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language by Stavans, Ilan
Metaphor and Political Discourse: Analogical Reasoning in Debates about Europe by Musolff, A.
Metaphor and Political Discourse: Analogical Reasoning in Debates about Europe by Musolff, A.
Sophron's Mimes: Text, Translation, and Commentary by Hordern, J. H.
The Research Project: How to Write It, Edition 5 by Berry, Ralph
The Research Project: How to Write It, Edition 5 by Berry, Ralph
Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies by Olohan, Maeve
Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls: Popular Goddess Worship in West Bengal by McDaniel, June
Sociolinguistic Variation: Critical Reflections by
The Graceful Guru: Hindu Female Gurus in India and the United States by
The Nature of Moral Reasoning: The Framework and Activities of Ethical Deliberation, Argument, and Decision Making by Cohen, Stephen
Robert Frost and Northern Irish Poetry by Buxton, Rachel
Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls: Popular Goddess Worship in West Bengal by McDaniel, June
Spinspeak II: The Dictionary of Language Pollution by Baar, James
Person by Siewierska, Anna
The Phonology of Tone and Intonation by Gussenhoven, Carlos
The Language, Discourse, Society Reader by Riley, Denise
ICT - Integrating Computers in Teaching: Creating a Computer-Based Language-Learning Environment by Barr, David
Why Do Criminals Offend?: A General Theory of Crime and Delinquency by Agnew, Robert
Families, Delinquency, and Crime: Linking Society's Most Basic Institution to Antisocial Behavior by Simons, Ronald L., Simons, Leslie Gordon, Wallace, Lora Ebert
The Effects of Personal Involvement in Narrative Discourse: A Special Issue of Discourse Processes by
Women, Literacy and Development by
Grammar of Raising and Control by Dubinsky, Stanley, Davies, William D.
The Language, Discourse, Society Reader by Riley, Denise
Grammar of Raising and Control: A Course in Syntactic Argumentation by Dubinsky, Stanley, Davies, William D.
Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events: A Microethnographic Perspective by Bloome, David, Carter, Stephanie Power, Christian, Beth Morton
Morphology and Lexical Semantics by Lieber, Rochelle
Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language by Day, Richard R., Bamford, Julian
Prosodie beim Simultandolmetschen by Ahrens, Barbara
Phonetics and Philology: Sound Change in Italic by Stuart-Smith, Jane
Governments, Labour, and the Law in Mid-Victorian Britain: The Trade Union Legislation of the 1870s by Curthoys, Mark
Minimalist Investigations in Linguistic Theory by Lasnik, Howard
Vagueness and Contradiction by Sorensen, Roy
Genetically Modified Planet: Environmental Impacts of Genetically Engineered Plants by Stewart, C. Neal, Jr.
Philosophy as Fiction: Self, Deception, and Knowledge in Proust by Landy, Joshua
See More