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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2005

Sustaining Language Diversity in Europe: Evidence from the Euromosaic Project by Williams, G.
The Rhetoric of Religious Cults: Terms of Use and Abuse by Mooney, A.
Consonant Change in English Worldwide: Synchrony Meets Diachrony by Schreier, D.
Cleft Constructions in Japanese Syntax by Kizu, M.
Argument Encoding in Japanese Conversation by Shimojo, M.
Internet Discourse and Health Debates by Richardson, K.
Kanzi's Primal Language: The Cultural Initiation of Primates Into Language by Fields, W., Savage-Rumbaugh, S., Segerdahl, P.
The Sociology of African American Language: A Language Planning Perspective by Debose, C.
Metaphor and Iconicity: A Cognitive Approach to Analyzing Texts by Hiraga, M.
The Language of Jury Trial: A Corpus-Aided Analysis of Legal-Lay Discourse by Heffer, C.
Linguistic Meaning, Truth Conditions and Relevance by Iten, C.
Sozialpsychologie des Sprachverhaltens by Maitz, Péter
»Volkhafte Sprachforschung«: Studien Zum Umbau Der Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland Zwischen 1918 Und 1945 by Knobloch, Clemens
>Sprechen Sie nach dem Piep by Knirsch, Rainer
Iberoromanische Arabismen im Bereich Urbanismus und Wohnkultur by Kiegel-Keicher, Yvonne
Pragmatik der Demonstrativpronomina in den iberoromanischen Sprachen by Jungbluth, Konstanze
La competenza scrittoria mediale by Hans-Bianchi, Barbara
Kollokationen im zweisprachigen Wörterbuch by Butina-Koller, Ekaterina
Der Erwerb Der Verbstellungsregeln in Der Zweitsprache Deutsch Durch Kinder Mit Russischer Und Türkischer Muttersprache by Haberzettl, Stefanie
Variable Grammars: Verbal Agreement in Northern Dialects of English by Pietsch, Lukas
Spanisches Verblexikon by Vera Morales, José
The Phonology of Mono by Olson, Kenneth S.
Variación sintáctica en español by
Streiten über das Streiten by Dieckmann, Walther
Etymologisches Wörterbuch Der Deutschen Sprache by Kluge, Friedrich
Sprachliches im Blickfeld des Wissens by Funke, Reinold
Sprachnormen und Mentalitäten by Scharloth, Joachim
Rechtschreiben, Recht sprechen, recht haben - der Diskurs über die Rechtschreibreform by Stenschke, Oliver
Brisante Semantik by
Traitier de Cyrurgie: Édition de la Traduction En Ancien Français de la Chirurgie d'Abu 'l Qasim Halaf Ibn 'Abbas Al-Zahrawi Du Manuscrit Bn by
Dialogues in and Around Multicultural Schools by
Linking: Syntax und Semantik französischer und italienischer Gefühlsverben by Kailuweit, Rolf
Multipole Theory in Electromagnetism: Classical, Quantum, and Symmetry Aspects, with Applications by de Lange, O. L., Raab, R. E.
St John Damascene: Tradition and Originality in Byzantine Theology by Louth, Andrew
How Children Learn Language by O'Grady, William
Cleft Constructions in Japanese Syntax by Kizu, M.
Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis: Gender, Power and Ideology in Discourse by
Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis: Gender, Power and Ideology in Discourse by
Insights Into Second Language Reading: A Cross-Linguistic Approach by Koda, Keiko
Bilingual Education in South America by de Mejía, Anne-Marie
The Cambridge Companion to Saussure by
First Steps In Anglo Saxon by Sweet, Henry
Phonological Augmentation in Prominent Positions by Smith, Jennifer L.
Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning by
Operator Algebras and Their Modules: An Operator Space Approach by Blecher, David P., Le Merdy, Christian
Efficiency and Complexity in Grammars by Hawkins, John a.
Efficiency and Complexity in Grammars by Hawkins, John a.
Events and Semantic Architecture by Pietroski, Paul M.
The Byzantine Christ: Person, Nature, and Will in the Christology of Saint Maximus the Confessor by Bathrellos, Demetrios
Talk That Counts: Age, Gender, and Social Class Differences in Discourse by Macaulay, Ronald K. S.
Talk That Counts: Age, Gender, and Social Class Differences in Discourse by Macaulay, Ronald K. S.
Evidentiality by Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.
Communication, Technology and Cultural Change by Krug, Gary J.
Insensitive Semantics: A Defense of Semantic Minimalism and Speech ACT Pluralism by Lepore, Ernest, Cappelen, Herman
Insensitive Semantics: A Defense of Semantic Minimalism and Speech ACT Pluralism by Cappelen, Herman, Lepore, Ernest
The Handbook of Historical Linguistics by
Pragmatics: A Multidisciplinary Perspective by Cummings, Louise
Metaphor, Metonymy, and Experientialist Philosophy: Challenging Cognitive Semantics by Haser, Verena
New Directions: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking by Gardner, Peter
Drama Translation and Theatre Practice by
For More Than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression by Cavarero, Adriana
For More Than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression by Cavarero, Adriana
Hsieh Liang-TSO and the Analects of Confucius: Humane Learning as a Religious Quest by Selover, Thomas Whitfield
Multilingualism, Cultural Identity, and Education in Morocco by Ennaji, Moha
Second Language Writing Research: Perspectives on the Process of Knowledge Construction by
Perspectives on Language and Language Development: Essays in Honor of Ruth A. Berman by
Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching by Willis, Jane
Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching by Willis, Jane
II. Band, 8. Lieferung (Hasel Herabkratzen) by
Band V: K-L, 6. Lieferung (Krazzon Bis Kumil) by
Speaking My Mind: Expression and Self-Knowledge by Bar-On, Dorit
Potato Pals 1 by Kimura, Rie, Jackson, Patrick
Potato Pals 1: User's Guide by Jackson, Patrick, Kimura, Rie
Potato Pals 1 by Kimura, Rie, Jackson, Patrick
Words and Values: Some Leading Words and Where They Lead Us by Rosenthal, Peggy
The Proper Treatment of Events by Van Lambalgen, Michiel, Hamm, Fritz
The Proper Treatment of Events by Hamm, Fritz, Van Lambalgen, Michiel
Kids Readers Teachers Book by Keyes, Joan Ross, Stamper, Judith Bauer
American Headway Starter: Workbook a by Soars, John, Soars, Liz
The Written Language Bias in Linguistics: Its Nature, Origins and Transformations by Linell, Per
A Course in Minimalist Syntax: Foundations and Prospects by Lasnik, Howard, Uriagereka, Juan
Wittgenstein and Gadamer: Towards a Post-Analytic Pphilosophy of Language by Lawn, Chris
Computational and Quantitative Studies by Halliday, M. a. K.
Osage Grammar by Quintero, Carolyn
Grammar and Context: An Advanced Resource Book by Hewings, Martin, Hewings, Ann
Language Output, Communication Strategies and Communicative Tasks: In the Chinese Context by Lee, Cynthia
Troy and Homer: Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery by Ireland, Rosh, Latacz, Joachim, Windle, Kevin
Defining Creole by McWhorter, John
Principles and Parameters in a Vso Language: A Case Study in Welsh by Roberts, Ian G.
Principles and Parameters in a Vso Language: A Case Study in Welsh by Roberts, Ian G.
What Is Meaning?: Fundamentals of Formal Semantics by Portner, Paul H.
Noah Webster and the American Dictionary by Micklethwait, David
What Is Meaning?: Fundamentals of Formal Semantics by Portner, Paul H.
Argument Encoding in Japanese Conversation by Shimojo, M.
Second Language Listening: Theory and Practice by Miller, Lindsay, Flowerdrew, John
Symposium on Lexicography XI by
The Present Personal: Philosophy and the Hidden Face of Language by Kenaan, Hagi
Paul Grice: Philosopher and Linguist by Chapman, S.
Focus on Germanic Typology by
Colour'd Shadows: Contexts in Publishing, Printing, and Reading Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers by Ledbetter, K., Hoagwood, T.
Colour'd Shadows: Contexts in Publishing, Printing, and Reading Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers by Ledbetter, K., Hoagwood, T.
Contending with Stanley Cavell by
A Course in Minimalist Syntax: Foundations and Prospects by Lasnik, Howard, Uriagereka, Juan
Aspectual Inquiries by
Aspectual Inquiries by
New Developments in Parsing Technology by
Clause Structure in South Asian Languages by
Multimodal Intelligent Information Presentation by
Multimodal Intelligent Information Presentation by
Clause Structure in South Asian Languages by
Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics: 2nd Edition by Eggins, Suzanne
Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics: 2nd Edition by Eggins, Suzanne
Social Networks and Historical Sociolinguistics: Studies in Morphosyntactic Variation in the Paston Letters (1421-1503) by Bergs, Alexander
Civil Liberties Law: The Human Rights ACT Era by Whitty, Noel, Murphy, Thérèse, Livingstone, Stephen
Public Sector Housing Law by Lowe, Stuart, Hughes, David
Functional Features in Language and Space: Insights from Perception, Categorization, and Development by
Paradigms in Phonological Theory by
Paradigms in Phonological Theory by
Contemporary French Feminism by
Syntactic Carpentry: An Emergentist Approach to Syntax by O'Grady, William
Writing in Context(s): Textual Practices and Learning Processes in Sociocultural Settings by
Guide to Community Preventive Services: What Works to Promote Health? by Task Force on Community Preventive
Writing in Context(s): Textual Practices and Learning Processes in Sociocultural Settings by
The Logic of Conventional Implicatures by Potts, Christopher
The Logic of Conventional Implicatures by Potts, Christopher
Landmarks in the Law by Denning, Lord, Denning, Alfred, Denning, Alfred Thompson Dennin
Testing ESL Pragmatics: Development and Validation of a Web-Based Assessment Battery by Röver, Carsten
Wortgebrauch und Textvergleich: Linguistische Studien zum kuenstlerischen Schaffen Goethes und Thomas Manns by Bergmann, Christian
English-Vernacular Divide: Postcolonial L by Ramanathan, Vaidehi
Translating Tolkien: Philological Elements in "The Lord of the Rings" by Turner, Allan
Language Contact and Grammatical Change by Kuteva, Tania, Heine, Bernd
Socallt '04: From Chalkboard to Blackboard: New Technologies for Language Teaching and Learning by Lahaie, Ute S.
Rübenschnitz-Samstag by
Inventing Television Culture: Men, Women, and the Box by Thumim, Janet
Semantics Versus Pragmatics by
Semantics Versus Pragmatics by
Singing the Village: Music, Memory and Ritual Among the Sibe of Xinjiangincludes CD by Harris, Rachel
Grammar and Context: An Advanced Resource Book by Hewings, Martin, Hewings, Ann
The Shakespeare Phrase Book Part One by Bartlett, John
Authors on Writing: Metaphors and Intellectual Labor by Tomlinson, B.
Critical Questions, Critical Perspectives: Language and the Second Language Educator (PB) by Reagan, Timothy G.
Critical Questions, Critical Perspectives: Language and the Second Language Educator (Hc) by Reagan, Timothy G.
Non-Native Language Teachers: Perceptions, Challenges and Contributions to the Profession by
A Theory of Ellipsis by McShane, Marjorie Joan
Introducing Speech and Language Processing by Coleman, John
Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe: Volume 1, Italy (Excluding the City of Rome), Spain and Gaul by Noy, David
Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe: Volume 2, the City of Rome by Noy, David
Spelling Trouble? Language, Ideology and the Reform of German Orthography by Johnson, Sally
Discourse: A Critical Introduction by Blommaert, Jan
Binding Theory by Büring, Daniel
Portuguese by Azevedo, Milton M.
Language Contact and Grammatical Change by Bernd, Heine, Heine, Bernd, Kuteva, Tania
Recht Der Ordnungswidrigkeiten by Mitsch, Wolfgang
Binding Theory by Büring, Daniel
Dialogue Within Discourse Communities: Metadiscursive Perspectives on Academic Genres by
Weiterführende Relativsätze: Empirische Und Theoretische Aspekte by Holler, Anke
Sprache der Geschichte by
Your Own Words by Wallraff, Barbara
Die Bolognesische Renaissance Und Der Ausbau Romanischer Sprachen: Juristische Diskurstraditionen Und Sprachentwicklung in Südfrankreich Und Spanien I by Kabatek, Johannes
Legacies of Colonial English: Studies in Transported Dialects by
Portuguese: A Linguistic Introduction by Azevedo, Milton M.
The Word Made Self by Seifrid, Thomas J.
Write Away: One Novelist's Approach to Fiction and the Writing Life by George, Elizabeth
Discourse Markers Across Languages: A Contrastive Study of Second-Level Discourse Markers in Native and Non-Native Text with Implications for General by Dirk, Siepmann
Crucial Readings in Functional Grammar by
A Minimalist Approach to Scrambling: Evidence from Persian by Karimi, Simin
Der 'Vocabularius Rerum' Von Wenzeslaus Brack: Untersuchung Und Edition Eines Spätmittelalterlichen Kompendiums by Pleuger, Nina
In the Belly of the River: Tribal Conflicts Over Development in the Narmada Valley by Baviskar, Amita
Language, Religion and Politics in North India by Brass, Paul R.
Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective by Christie, Frances
Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective by Christie, Frances
Common Mistakes at Proficiency... and How to Avoid Them by Moore, Julie
Language in Use: Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives on Language and Language Learning by
Chat-Kommunikation in Beruf, Bildung und Medien: Konzepte - Werkzeuge - Anwendungsfelder. by
Structuring Sense: Volume II: The Normal Course of Events by Borer, Hagit
History and Ideology in the Old Testament: Biblical Studies at the End of a Millennium by Barr, James
Rbt: Writing by Hedge, Tricia
The Rise of the To-Infinitive by Los, Bettelou
Structuring Sense: Volume II: The Normal Course of Events by Borer, Hagit
Structuring Sense: Volume I: In Name Only by Borer, Hagit
Structuring Sense: Volume I: In Name Only by Borer, Hagit
Yiddish: A Linguistic Introduction by Jacobs, Neil G.
Discourse: A Critical Introduction by Jan, Blommaert, Blommaert, Jan
A History of Afro-Hispanic Language: Five Centuries, Five Continents by Lipski, John, Lipski, John M.
Reduplication: Doubling in Morphology by Inkelas, Sharon, Zoll, Cheryl
The Nordic Languages. Volume 2 by
Politeness in Europe by
Meaning and Use by
Mahler's Fourth Symphony by Zychowicz, James L.
The Poverty of Riches: St. Francis of Assisi Reconsidered by Wolf, Kenneth Baxter
Effective Learning and Teaching in Modern Languages by
Constructing a Language: A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition by Tomasello, Michael
Elements of Rhetoric Comprising an Analysis of the Laws of Moral Evidence and Persuasion with Rules for Argumentative Composition and Elocution by Whately, Richard
The 'Language Instinct' Debate by Sampson, Geoffrey
Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis: A Comparative and Critical Introduction by Wooffitt, Robin
Sentence Structure by Fabb, Nigel
The 'Language Instinct' Debate by Sampson, Geoffrey
The Big Typescript: Ts 213 by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Gender, Sex and Translation: The Manipulation of Identities by Santaemilia, Jose
Game-Theoretical Semantics: Essays on Semantics by Hintikka, Carlson, Peacocke, Rantala and Saarinen by
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