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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2007

A Shakespearian Grammar: An Attempt To Illustrate Some Of The Differences Between Elizabethan And Modern English by Abbott, Edwin A.
The Spell of the Rockies by Mills, Enos A.
The Pilgrim's Progress in American Juvenile Literature 1860-1900 by Luebke, Alexandra
On Common Laws by Glenn, H. Patrick
Oughts and Thoughts: Rule-Following and the Normativity of Content by Hattiangadi, Anandi
Structure and Function of the Arabic Verb by Bahloul, Maher
Electrons and Ions in Liquid Helium by Borghesani, Armando Francesco
Eu Intervention in Domestic Labour Law by Syrpis, Phil
The Suffering Traveller and the Romantic Imagination by Thompson, Carl
Zur Rhetorik börsenbezogener Stellungnahmen - Eine psycholinguistische Untersuchung des Wirkungsgeschehens by Forchheimer, Vitus
Akustische Analyse einer ataktischen Dysarthrie by Lölfing, Kathrin
Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics by
Corpus-Based Approaches to Metaphor and Metonymy by
Einführung in die Satzanalyse by Welke, Klaus
Language and Society: Volume 10 by Halliday, M. a. K.
Working with Discourse by Martin, J. R., Rose, David
The Language of Sexual Crime by
Language Learning and Teaching as Social Inter-Action by
Herreshoff Yachts: Seven Generations of Industrialists, Inventors and Ingenuity in Bristol by Simpson, Richard V.
Working with Discourse: Meaning Beyond the Clause by Rose, David, Martin, J. R.
Discourse, Technology and Change by Faber, Brenton
Black Communications and Learning to Read: Building on Children's Linguistic and Cultural Strengths by Meier, Terry
Thinking Linguistically by Honda, Maya, O'Neil, Wayne
Understanding Minimalist Syntax: Lessons from Locality in Long-Distance Dependencies by Boeckx, Cedric
Black Communications and Learning to Read: Building on Children's Linguistic and Cultural Strengths by Meier, Terry
Singapore English by Deterding, David
Singapore English by Deterding, David
Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses by Gee, James, Gee, James Paul
Sound Change and the History of English by Smith, Jeremy J.
Syntactic Gradience C by Aarts, Bas
Constitutional and Administrative Law: Text with Materials by Hughes, David, Pollard, David, Parpworth, Neil
Computing Meaning, Volume 3 by
Höflichkeit kontrastiv: Verbalisierungsformen von direktiven Sprechhandlungen in Deutschland und Spanien by Jung, Sarai
Textnormveränderung durch verdeckte Übersetzung angloamerikanischer Aktionärsbriefe ins Spanische by Romero Pérez, Eva-María
Stimmregister und Stimmqualität by Feustel, Juliane
Meaning and Necessity - A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic by Carnap, Rudolf
Minority Languages and Cultural Diversity in Europe: Gaelic and Sorbian Perspectives by Glaser, Konstanze
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in wissenschaftlichen Instituten by Kotarra, Simone
Das journalistische Interview in "Der Spiegel" und "Focus": Ein Vergleich by Buchholz, Britta
Aspekt und Aktionsart beim deutschen Verb in Wechselwirkung mit adverbialen Angaben by Wolze, Zeno
Social Context and Fluency in L2 Learners: The Case of Wales by Pritchard Newcombe, Lynda
Social Context and Fluency in L2 Learners: The Case of Wales by Pritchard Newcombe, Lynda
The Language of the Peterborough Chronicle by
How American is German Politics? by Vierkant, Stephan
Third or Additional Language Acquisition by de Angelis, Gessica
Third or Additional Language Acquisition by de Angelis, Gessica
Teacher Language Awareness by Andrews, Stephen
Attribute im Deutschen by Struckmeier, Volker
Modalverben in Der Kindersprache: Kognitive Und Linguistische Voraussetzungen Für Den Erwerb Von Epistemischem Können by Doitchinov, Serge
Problems of High-Stakes Testing System- Students' Attitudes toward the English Section of the Korean University Aptitude Examination by Cho, Bokyung
'Of Varying Language and Opposing Creed': New Insights into Late Modern English by
Aktionsarten im Deutschen by Nicolay, Nathalie
Metaphor, Simile, Culture by Abdelwali, Mohammad
Self-Transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized Bodies by Heyes, Cressida J.
Lesediagnostik und -förderung am Beispiel von Fünftklässlern by Nennstiel, Kristina
Wie sagt man es den Flugbegleitern? Dialogizität als Form einer "Neuen Mündlichkeit" in der internen Kommunikation der Deutschen Lufthansa AG by Hoos, Sebastian
Sprachnormen - ihre Geschichte, Funktion und Bedeutung für den Fremdsprachenunterricht by Feyen, Martin
Sprachpflege in Deutschland - Allgemeines, historisches und der Spezialfall Anglizismenstreit by Heina, Michael
Learning Indigenous Languages: Child Language Acquisition in Mesoamerica by
The Play Out of Context: Transferring Plays from Culture to Culture by
Visible Variation: Comparative Studies on Sign Language Structure by
Style and Social Identities: Alternative Approaches to Linguistic Heterogeneity by
The Spoken Language Translator by Rayner, Manny
English-Maay Dictionary by Mukhtar, Mohamed Haji, Ahmed, Omar Moalim
Pronominalisierung bei Infinitivkomplementen im Alt- und fruehen Mittelfranzoesischen und im Altitalienischen by Goldbach, Maria L.
A Hausa-English Dictionary by Newman, Paul
Chomsky for Beginners by Cogswell, David
Eine kontrastive Untersuchung der Modalpartikeln in Erich Kästners "Emil und die Detektive" und dessen Übersetzung ins Lettische by Ritenberga, Laura
Working in Language and Law: A German Perspective by Kniffka, H.
Argumentationsstrategien von Wahlwerbung by Koch, Sophie
Language, Culture and Identity: An Ethnolinguistic Perspective by Riley, Philip
Language, Culture and Identity: An Ethnolinguistic Perspective by Riley, Philip
Typische Aussprachemerkmale französischer Sprecher im Englischen: Eine phonologisch-psycholinguistische Ursachenbestimmung vor kulturell-sprachpolitis by Heim, Thomas
Constructions of Intersubjectivity: Discourse, Syntax, and Cognition by Verhagen, Arie
Humanism, Reading, and English Literature 1430-1530 by Wakelin, Daniel
A Natural History of Infixation by Yu, Alan C. L.
Case & Aspect in Slavic C by Richardson, Kylie
Language in Context: Selected Essays by Stanley, Jason
Default Semantics: Foundations of a Compositional Theory of Acts of Communication by Jaszczolt, K. M.
Generelle Aspekte einer Rhetorik der Stammesgesellschaften by Freese, Eike
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained by Milton, John
Style: Language Variation and Identity by Coupland, Nikolas
Style: Language Variation and Identity by Coupland, Nikolas
The Bilingual Child by Yip, Virginia
The Syntax and Pragmatics of Anaphora by Huang, Yan
English: One Language, Different Cultures by
Spielarten des Komischen by Uhrmacher, Anne
English: One Language, Different Cultures by
How Doth The Simple Spelling Bee by Wister, Owen
Southward Ho! A Spell Of Sunshine by SIMMs, W. Gilmore
Tutti I Numeri Sono Uguali a Cinque by
The Middle Sort of People in Provincial England, 1600-1750 by French, Henry
God Is Not a Story: Realism Revisited by Murphy, Francesca Aran
Rude Britannia by
Semisupervised Learning for Computational Linguistics by Abney, Steven
Gesture and Thought by McNeill, David
Problematizing Identity: Everyday Struggles in Language, Culture, and Education by
New Horizons in the Analysis of Control and Raising by
The English Noun Phrase by Keizer, Evelien
Die Syntax der Satzkomplementierung by Inaba, Jiro
Second Finding: A Poetics of Translation by Folkart, Barbara
Didaktik Der Informatik: Grundlagen, Konzepte, Beispiele by Hubwieser, Peter
Existence: Semantics and Syntax by
Revelation: From Metaphor to Analogy by Swinburne, Richard
Serial Verb Constructions: A Cross-Linguistic Typology by
Experimental Approaches to Phonology by
The Phonology of Hungarian by Törkenczy, Miklós, Siptár, Péter
Gehörphysiologie und otoakustische Emissionen by Lehrbaß, Oliver
The Bilingual Child by Yip, Virginia, Matthews, Stephen
Untersuchungen zur Kodifizierung der Standardaussprache in Deutschland = Untersuchungen Zur Kodifizierung Der Standardaussprache in Deutschland by
Kulturdifferenz in Fachtextsortenkonventionen: Analyse und Translation- Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch = Kulturdifferenz in Fachtextsortenkonventionen by Horn-Helf, Brigitte
Linguistics in a Colonial World: A Story of Language, Meaning, and Power by Errington, Joseph
Arabic Computational Morphology: Knowledge-Based and Empirical Methods by
Linguistics in a Colonial World: A Story of Language, Meaning, and Power by Errington, Joseph
The Open Door Language Series, Course by Grades: Eighth Grade by Congdon, Randolph T., Peet, Harriet E., Scott, Zenos E.
A Conversational Spanish Review Grammar by Ponterotto, Italo L., Mondelli, Rudolph J.
News Gathering and News Writing by Neal, Robert M.
Rodeo Gramatical: Spanish Grammar in Review with Compositions by Francis, Nell Jo, Raymond, Joseph
Unified French: A Review Text for Grammar and Civilization by Sorieri, Louis
Word Mastery Speller by Patton, David H.
The Spell by Orcutt, William Dana
A Treatise, In Popular Language, On The Solar Illumination Of The Solar System by Simon, Collyns
The Art Of Reading And Speaking by Fleming, James
Bibliography Of The Iroquoian Languages by Pilling, James Constantine
The Priority Method for Korean ESL Students: Consonants and Vowels by Tice, Bradley S.
Actes Du XXIV Congrès International de Linguistique Et de Philologie Romanes. Tome I-IV by
Logic, Language, and Computation: 6th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation. Batumi, Georgia, September 12-16, 2005, Rev by
Kausalmarker zwischen Pragmatik und Kognition by Frohning, Dagmar
Hinterfragt: Das politische Fernsehinterview als dialogisches Handlungsspiel by Bollow, Jörn
Nachtr GE Und Korrekturen by Seibicke, Wilfried
New Challenges in Typology: Broadening the Horizons and Redefining the Foundations by
Body, Language and Mind: Volume 1: Embodiment by
Actes Du XXIV Congrès International de Linguistique Et de Philologie Romanes. Tome I by
Actes Du XXIV Congrès International de Linguistique Et de Philologie Romanes. Tome II by
Actes Du XXIV Congrès International de Linguistique Et de Philologie Romanes. Tome III by
Actes Du XXIV Congrès International de Linguistique Et de Philologie Romanes. Tome IV by
Lexikalische Strukturen by Harras, Gisela, Proost, Kristel, Winkler, Edeltraud
Second Language Processing: An Analysis of Theory, Problems and Possible Solutions by Lee, James F., Benati, Alessandro G.
Advances in Language and Education by
Metaphor Networks: The Comparative Evolution of Figurative Language by Trim, R.
Metaphor Networks: The Comparative Evolution of Figurative Language by Trim, R.
Traducir entre culturas: Diferencias, poderes, identidades = Traducir Entre Culturas by Vidal Claramonte, Maria Carmen África
Nature's Metaphysics: Laws and Properties by Bird, Alexander
Psycholinguistik by Dietrich, Rainer
Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Casebook by
Child Language: The Parametric Approach by Snyder, William
Voices in Translation: Bridging Cultural Divides by
Structures and Categories for the Representation of Meaning by Potts, Timothy C.
Voices in Translation: Bridging Cultural Divides, 3 by
Bilingualität bei Übersetzern und Dolmetschern by Green, Anja
Die Wirtschaftsberichterstattung in Wirtschaftsmagazinen und Tageszeitungen im Vergleich by Zahn, Sybille
Spoken Language Pragmatics: Analysis of Form-Function Relations by
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Handlungsrolle Dramaturg by Battke, Patricia
Deutsches Neologismenw Rterbuch: Neue W Rter Und Wortbedeutungen in Der Gegenwartssprache by Quasthoff, Uwe, Liebold, Sandra, Taubert, Nancy
Deutsches Neologismenw Rterbuch: Neue W Rter Und Wortbedeutungen in Der Gegenwartssprache by Quasthoff, Uwe, Liebold, Sandra, Taubert, Nancy
Worttrennung am Zeilenende by Wolfgang-Geilfuss, Jochen
Construction Grammar und Gesprochene-Sprache-Forschung by Imo, Wolfgang
Grammatik in Der Universität Und Für Die Schule: Theorie, Empirie Und Modellbildung by
Divided by a Common Language: A Guide to British and American English by Davies, Christopher
Divided by a Common Language: A Guide to British and American English by Davies, Christopher
The Language of Evaluation: Appraisal in English by Martin, J., White, Peter R. R.
The Language of Evaluation: Appraisal in English by White, Peter R. R., Martin, J.
Socio-political aspects of language behaviour in Taiwan by Neumann, Cornelia
Seduktion als persuasiver Sonderfall in Robert Greenes "24 Gesetze der Verführung": Was darf der Seduktor, was der Orator nicht darf? by Glombitza, Andreas
Consequences of Contact: Language Ideologies and Sociocultural Transformations in Pacific Societies by
Comput Appr Morph Syntax Osusm C by
Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax by Sproat, Richard, Roark, Brian
Translating Style: A Literary Approach to Translation - A Translation Approach to Literature by Parks, Tim
Style and Ideology in Translation: Latin American Writing in English by Munday, Jeremy
Politics in Brazil 1930-1964: An Experiment in Democracy by Skidmore, Thomas E.
Zum Problem der Interpretierbarkeit von Filmen: Dargestellt an ausgewählten Filmen von David Lynch by Riedel, Marcel
Die Bedeutung der nonverbalen Signale beim Referieren by Egen, Christoph
Cover to Cover 3 Audio CD: Reading Comprehension and Fluency by Day, Richard
Reading and Language Learning by
Tactics for Toeic Listening and Reading Test Pack by Trew, Grant
Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics by Duff, Patricia
Der Friedensprozess in Nordirland im Spiegel der irischen, britischen und deutschen Presse by Kotarra, Simone
The Research Process in Classroom Discourse Analysis: Current Perspectives by
The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics by Aitchison, Jean
Crosslinguistic Influence in Language and Cognition by Jarvis, Scott, Pavlenko, Aneta
Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences by Florey, Kitty Burns
Arabic Grammar Of The Written Language (1922) by Thatcher, G. W.
The Tutela Tribe And Language (1883) by Hale, Horatio
Discovery Of A Fragment Of The Printed Copy Of The Work On The Millcayac Language (1913) by De Valdivia, Luis
A Short Introduction To English Grammar: With Critical Notes (1799) by Lowth, Robert
A New English Grammar: Logical And Historical, Part Two: Syntax (1900) by Sweet, Henry
An Analysis Of The Galic Language (1778) by Shaw, William
English Grammar And Parser: Made Up Of Proverbs, Interesting Anecdotes, Prose And Poetical Selections (1841) by Cutler, Andrew
Grammar And Logic In The Nineteenth Century, As Seen In A Syntactical Analysis Of The English Language (1883) by Rogers, J. W.
A History Of English Sounds From The Earliest Period, With Full Word-Lists (1888) by Sweet, Henry
Consequences of Contact: Language Ideologies and Sociocultural Transformations in Pacific Societies by
How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth: A Guide to Understanding and Using Bible Versions by Fee, Gordon D., Strauss, Mark L.
Assessing Visual Rhetoric- Problems, Practices and Possible Solutions by Ferstle, Thomas
Band V: K-L, 11. Lieferung (Fir-Leiten Bis Lib): Mit Einem Beitrag Von Brigitte Bulitta: Das Althochdeutsche Wörterbuch Und Die Althochdeutsche Glosse by
Necessary Noises - An Introduction to English Phonology by Buckledee, Steve
Gender Differences in Instant Messaging - Quantitative Analysis of Linguistic Characteristics by Yale, Robert N.
Morphologisierung der (deutschen) alphabetischen Schrift by Tomasini, Marko
Language and National Identity in Asia by
Renowned Goddess of Desire: Women, Sex, and Speech in Tantra by Biernacki, Loriliai
The Wealth of Wives: Women, Law, and Economy in Late Medieval London by Hanawalt, Barbara
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