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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2011

Treatise on the Principals of Translation Techniques from Arabic into Syriac by Barsoum, Aphram I., Saleeba, George
Marking Thought and Talk in New Testament Greek by Sim, Margaret G.
Early Northwest Semitic Serpent Spells in the Pyramid Texts by C. Steiner, Richard
Displaying Competence in Organizations: Discourse Perspectives by
Discourses of Deficit by
Alliteration in Culture by Roper, Jonathan
Challenges in the Social Life of Language by Edwards, John
Metaphor and the Historical Evolution of Conceptual Mapping by Trim, R.
Translating Popular Film by O'Sullivan, C.
Democratic Policies for Language Revitalisation: The Case of Catalan by
Galician and Irish in the European Context: Attitudes Towards Weak and Strong Minority Languages by O'Rourke, B.
Celebrating Katherine Mansfield: A Centenary Volume of Essays by
Swearing: A Cross-Cultural Linguistic Study by Ljung, M.
The Theory of Descriptions: Russell and the Philosophy of Language by Stevens, G.
Changes in Complementation in British and American English: Corpus-Based Studies on Non-Finite Complements in Recent English by Rudanko, J.
Children, Memory, and Family Identity in Roman Culture by
Untersuchungen Zur Kasussyntax Der Indogermanischen Sprachen by Havers, Wilhelm
Erklärungsansätze und Funktion der Jugendsprache: Begriff, Einteilung, Funktion und Charakteristika by Kilian, Christopher
Redemption a Poem in Two Books by Bennet, John
Reading and Writing in Babylon by Charpin, Dominique
The Handbook of Clinical Linguistics by
Semantics and Word Formation; The Semantic Development of Five French Suffixes in Middle English by Lloyd, Cynthia
Orientalism in Translation by Bouagada, Habib
The Language Difference: Language and Development in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region by Djité, Paulin G.
Framing Discourse on the Environment: A Critical Discourse Approach by Alexander, Richard
Culture and Language; Multidisciplinary Case Studies by
Emerson's Ghosts: Literature, Politics, and the Making of Americanists by Fuller, Randall
The Bishop's Grammar: Robert Lowth and the Rise of Prescriptivism by Tieken-Boon Van Ostade, Ingrid
Towards an Understanding of Language Learner Self-Concept by Mercer, Sarah
Friend v. Friend: The Transformation of Friendship--And What the Law Has to Do with It by Leib, Ethan J.
Haldane, Mayr, and Beanbag Genetics by Dronamraju, Krishna
Narrative Inquiry by Wells, Kathleen
Transmission of Financial Crises and Contagion: A Latent Factor Approach by Gonzalez-Hermosillo, Brenda, Dungey, Mardi, Fry, Renee A.
Paths to Post-Nationalism: A Critical Ethnography of Language and Identity by Heller, Monica
On a Knife-Edge Omllm C by Brandellero, Sara
Truth-Conditional Pragmatics by Recanati, Francois
Truth-Conditional Pragmatics by Recanati, Francois
Prosodic Categories: Production, Perception and Comprehension by
Verses to the Memory of Garrick. Spoken as a Monody at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Bourdieu, Language and Linguistics by Grenfell, Michael
An Epistle to David Garrick, Esq. [in Verse, Defending Him Against the Attacks of W. Kenrick.] by Lloyd, Evan
The Spirit of Language in Civilization by Vossler, Karl
Teaching and Learning Chinese in Global Contexts: Cfl Worldwide by
Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education, Volume 1 by
Teaching & Researching: Language Learning Strategies by Oxford, Rebecca L.
Bilingual Siblings: Language Use in Families, 12 by Barron-Hauwaert, Suzanne
Bilingual Siblings: Language Use in Families by Barron-Hauwaert, Suzanne
Ocd Treatment Through Storytelling: A Strategy for Successful Therapy by Weg, Allen Howard
Das Gotisch-Lateinische Bibelfragment Der Universitätsbibliothek Zu Gießen by Helm, Karl, Glaue, Paul
(Aufklatschen - Bätsch) by
Of Minds and Language: A Dialogue with Noam Chomsky in the Basque Country by
Sound and Script in Chinese Diaspora by Tsu, Jing
Understanding Morphological Rules: With Special Emphasis on Conversion and Subtraction in Bulgarian, Russian and Serbo-Croatian by Manova, Stela
Indefinido und Perfecto Compuesto - Diatopische Divergenzen by Pfeiffer, Robert
Research for Materials Development in Language Learning: Evidence For Best Practice by
The Signs of a Savant by Morgan, Gary, Smith, Neil, Tsimpli, Ianthi
Quantification by Szabolcsi, Anna
The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages by Ledgeway, Adam
Discourse and Genre: Using Language in Context by Bax, Stephen
Discourse and Genre: Using Language in Context by Bax, Stephen
Clinical Neurology of Aging by
Windows to the Mind by
Control Into Conjunctive Participle Clauses: The Case of Assamese by Haddad, Youssef a.
None but India (Bharat) The Cradle of Aryans, Sanskrit, Vedas, & Swastika: Aryan Invasion of India' and 'IE Family of Languages'Re-examined and Rebutt by Motwani, Jagat
Thinking and Speaking in Two Languages. Edited by Aneta Pavlenko by
A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by Clark-Hall, J. R.
Transforming Literacies and Language: Multimodality and Literacy in the New Media Age by
The Grove Encyclopedia of American Art by
Language and the Ineffable: A Developmental Perspective and Its Applications by Berger, Louis S.
Aproximaciones a la (des)cortesía verbal en español by
Einführung in Die Syntax: Grundlagen - Strukturen - Theorien by Pafel, Jürgen
The Harmonic Mind, Volume 2: From Neural Computation to Optimality-Theoretic Grammar Volume II: Linguistic and Philosophical Implications by Smolensky, Paul, Legendre, Geraldine
The Harmonic Mind, Volume 1: From Neural Computation to Optimality-Theoretic Grammar Volume I: Cognitive Architecture by Smolensky, Paul, Legendre, Geraldine
A Commentary on Propertius, Book 3 by Morwood, J. H. W., Propertius, Sextus, Heyworth, S. J.
Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics by Cruse, Alan
An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis in Education by
An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis in Education by
Language and Learning in the Digital Age by Gee, James Paul, Hayes, Elisabeth R.
Syntactic Analysis by Sobin, Nicholas
Code Choice in the Language Classroom by Levine, Glenn S.
Irish Influence on Medieval Welsh Literature by Sims-Williams, Patrick
Language and Learning in the Digital Age by Hayes, Elisabeth R., Gee, James Paul
Die Verwendung spezieller Einheiten zur Generierung flektierter Wortformen in der konkatenativen Sprachsynthese by Bröggelwirth, Jörg
What If Derrida Was Wrong about Saussure? by Daylight, Russell
Harmony and Discord: Music and the Transformation of Russian Cultural Life by Sargeant, Lynn M.
An Introduction to the Nature and Functions of Language: Second Edition by Stockwell, Peter, Jackson, Howard
The Routledge Handbook of Multimodal Analysis by
Language Teaching: Linguistic Theory in Practice by Whong, Melinda
Language Teaching: Linguistic Theory in Practice by Whong, Melinda
A Reader in Sociophonetics by
Typological Changes in the Lexicon: Analytic Tendencies in English Noun Formation by Haselow, Alexander
Formale Semantik Und Natürliche Sprache by Lohnstein, Horst
Phonologie: Eine Einführung by Hall, T. Alan
The Language and Intercultural Communication Reader by
A Commentary on Ovid's Fasti, Book 2 by Robinson, Matthew
Salisbury 1263-1297 by
Interfaces in Linguistics: New Research Perspectives by
Quantificational Modification: The Semantics of Totality and Proportionality by Tsouhlaris, Zaina Hafiz
An Introduction to the Nature and Functions of Language: Second Edition by Stockwell, Peter, Jackson, Howard
Modern Syntax: A Coursebook by Carnie, Andrew
Language and the African American Child by Green, Lisa J.
Language and the African American Child by Green, Lisa J.
Mikrokosmos einer Diversität am Beispiel der Sorben in der Oberlausitz: Eine fragebogenunterstützte Untersuchung zum Fortbestehen der obersorbischen K by Müller, Anna Avital
The Rights of Kings; Or Loyal Odes to Disloyal Academicians. by Peter Pindar Esq. by Pindar, Peter
Contracts: Reprinted from Ruling Case Law, Volume Six, for Law School Purposes Only. by
Verses on Various Occasions. by Taylor, John
Researching Chinese Learners: Skills, Perceptions and Intercultural Adaptations by
Wortbildung im Deutschen zwischen Sprachsystem und Sprachgebrauch. Perspektiven - Analysen - Anwendungen by
Researching Chinese Learners: Skills, Perceptions and Intercultural Adaptations by
Kinderwitze als Übersetzungsproblem by Alekhno, Palina
The Well-Spoken Thesaurus: The Most Powerful Ways to Say Everyday Words and Phrases by Heehler, Tom
The Agnostic Age: Law, Religion, and the Constitution by Horwitz, Paul
Linguistic Analysis of Modal Verbs in Legal Documents by Ibileye, Gbenga
Musa Pedestris: Metre and Meaning in Roman Verse by Morgan, Llewelyn
The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies: Tarrying with the Subjunctive by
Challenges in the Social Life of Language by Edwards, John
Language Myths and the History of English by Watts, Richard J.
The Peace and Violence of Judaism: From the Bible to Modern Zionism by Eisen, Robert
Neurobiologische Aspekte des Spracherwerbs by Anonymous
Placing the Modern Chinese Vernacular in Transnational Literature by Zhou, G.
Logica: Metodo Breve by Mundici, Daniele
Classics and Comics by
Placing the Modern Chinese Vernacular in Transnational Literature by Zhou, G.
Death at the Berlin Wall by Ahonen, Pertti
Teaching and Researching: Autonomy in Language Learning by Benson, Phil
The Discourse of Italian Cinema and Beyond: Let Cinema Speak by Piazza, Roberta
Grammar of Old English V2 by Fulk, R. D., Hogg, Richard M.
Linguistic Relativities: Language Diversity and Modern Thought by Leavitt, John
Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence by Culpeper, Jonathan
Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence by Culpeper, Jonathan
Event Representation in Language and Cognition by
Preposition Placement in English: A Usage-Based Approach by Hoffmann, Thomas
White Kids by Bucholtz, Mary
Vernacular Translation in Dante's Italy by Cornish, Alison
Modern Diachronic Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies: Corpora Volume 5, Issue 2 by
Semiotic Margins: Meaning in Multimodalities by
Events, Phrases, and Questions by Truswell, Robert
Events, Phrases, and Questions by Truswell, Robert
Key Terms in Discourse Analysis by Ellece, Sibonile, Baker, Paul
Gender, Sexuality, and Meaning: Linguistic Practice and Politics by McConnell-Ginet, Sally
Key Terms in Discourse Analysis by Baker, Paul, Ellece, Sibonile
Teaching Spelling to English Language Learners by Stirling, Johanna
Mapping the Left Periphery by Beninca, Paola
Modern Music and After by Griffiths, Paul
Nachweis lexikalisch-semantischer Merkmale innerhalb einer Sprache an einem ausgewählten Textbeispiel by Giese, Liane
Sedition: hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Sixty-sixth Congress, Second session on S. 33 by
Foreign Language Learning and Use: Interaction in Informal Social Networks by Kurata, Naomi
A Linguistic Geography of Africa by
Verb Meaning and the Lexicon: A First Phase Syntax by Ramchand, Gillian Catriona
Syntactic Anchors: On Semantic Structuring by Uriagereka, Juan
Language and Human Relations: Styles of Address in Contemporary Language by Norrby, Catrin, Warren, Jane, Clyne, Michael
Linguistic Supertypes: A Cognitive-Semiotic Theory of Human Communication by Durst-Andersen, Per
Satzverknüpfungen: Zur Interaktion Von Form, Bedeutung Und Diskursfunktion by
Offenheit by Schröter, Juliane
Die Autorität des Sichtbaren by Brachwitz, Peter
The Syntax of Argument Structure by Babby, Babby, Leonard H.
The Contrastive Hierarchy in Phonology by Dresher, Bezalel E., Dresher, B. Elan
An Indian Glossary by Roberts, T. T.
Action to Language Via the Mirror Neuron System by
Life-Style Translating: A Workbook for Bible Translator's, Second Edition by Wendland, Ernst R.
Quantity Implicatures by Geurts, Bart
Modern Syntax by Carnie, Andrew
Arabic Rhetoric: A Pragmatic Analysis by Abdul-Raof, Hussein
(Miss)verstehen per SMS: Analyse der Verständlichkeit der Kommunikation per SMS an ausgewählten Beispielen by Giese, Liane
Educational Linguistics in Practice: Applying the Local Globally and the Global Locally. Edited by Francis M. Hult and Kendall A. King by
Educational Linguistics in Practice: Applying the Local Globally and the Global Locally by
The Bloomsbury Companion to Phonology by
Figuratively Speaking: Revised Edition by Fogelin, Robert J.
Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar by Eichengreen, Barry
Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Healing by
Coptic Christianity in Ottoman Egypt by Armanios, Febe
Corrective Feedback, Individual Differences and Second Language Learning by Sheen, Younghee
English Episcopal ACTA 36, Salisbury 1229-1262 by
Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition by
Grammar of Old English V1 by Hogg, Richard M.
Philodemus on Poems Books 3-4: With the Fragments of Aristotle on Poets by
Critical Qualitative Research in Second Language Studies: Agency and Advocacy by
Critical Qualitative Research in Second Language Studies: Agency and Advocacy (Hc) by
The Pragmatics Reader by
The Linguistic Theory of Numerals by Hurford, James R.
Visible Words: A Study of Inscriptions in and as Books and Works of Art by Sparrow, John
The Syntax of Icelandic by Thr Insson, H. Skuldur, Thrainsson, Hoskuldur
Tocharian and Indo-European Studies, Vol. 12 by Schmidt, Klaus T., Winther, Werner
The Slavic Languages by Sussex, Roland, Cubberley, Paul, Sussex, R.
Linguistic Speculations by Householder, Fred W., Householder
Turning Points in the Philosophy of Language and Linguistics by
Exploring Classroom Discourse: Language in Action by Walsh, Steve
Exploring Classroom Discourse: Language in Action by Walsh, Steve
Handbook of Hispanic Socioling by
Psychotech - Il Punto Di Non Ritorno: La Tecnologia Che Controlla La Mente by Teti, Antonio
Communicating Early English Manuscripts by
The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics by
European Natural Gas Demand, Supply, and Pricing: Cycles, Seasons, and the Impact of Lng Price Arbitrage by Honore, Anouk
Semantics of Clause Linking: A Cross-Linguistic Typology by
Why Translation Matters by Grossman, Edith
The Material Word (Routledge Revivals): Some Theories of Language and Its Limits by Silverman, David, Brian Torode
Translating Emotion: Studies in Transformation and Renewal Between Languages by
Memory Activities for Language Learning [With CDROM] by Bilbrough, Nick
Text und Bild in der italienischen Printwerbung: Freilegung persuasiver Muster in verschiedenen Produktkategorien by Tauscher, Martina
Internet Linguistics: A Student Guide by Crystal, David
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