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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2012

A Compendious Vocabulary English and Persian: Including All the Oriental Simples in the Materia Medica Employed in Modern Practice ...... by Gladwin, Francis
Poems... by Wrangham, Francis
Notes Upon the Twelve Books of Paradise Post Collected from the Spectator Written by Mr. Addison... by Addison, Joseph
Calligraphia Graeca Et Poecilographia Graeca: A Work Explaining and Exemplifying the Mode of Forming the Greek Characters with Ease and Elegance, Acco by Hodgkin, John
The Narrative Construction of Identities in Critical Education by Tsakona, V., Archakis, A.
Linguistics and the Study of Comics by
Realizing Autonomy: Practice and Reflection in Language Education Contexts by Irie, Kay, Stewart, Alison
German Images of the Self and the Other: Nationalist, Colonialist and Anti-Semitic Discourse, 1871-1918 by Rash, F.
Approaches to Gender and Spoken Classroom Discourse by Sauntson, Helen
Victor Dudman's Grammar and Semantics by Dudman, V., Curthoys, J.
Discourses of Freedom of Speech: From the Enactment of the Bill of Rights to the Sedition Act of 1918 by Rudanko, J.
Politeness and Culture in Second Language Acquisition by Song, S.
Dangerous Multilingualism: Northern Perspectives on Order, Purity and Normality by
Languages and the Military: Alliances, Occupation and Peace Building by
Language, Sex and Social Structure: Analysing Discourses of Sexuality by Clark, J.
Developing Interactional Competence: A Conversation-Analytic Study of Patient Consultations in Pharmacy by Nguyen, H.
Narratives of Place, Belonging and Language: An Intercultural Perspective by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Languages at War: Policies and Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict by
Beyond the Postcolonial: World Englishes Literature by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Dyke/Girl: Language and Identities in a Lesbian Group by Jones, L.
Language Rights: From Free Speech to Linguistic Governance by Pupavac, V.
The Politics of Language and Nationalism in Modern Central Europe by Kamusella, T.
Multimodal Texts from Around the World: Cultural and Linguistic Insights by
Vitruvii de architectura libri decem by Vitruvius
Learn Tamil Words through English by Murali, V., Banumathi, S.
Linguistics for Everyone: An Introduction by Denham, Kristin, Lobeck, Anne
Sea & Fog by Adnan, Etel
Sobre Las Categorías by Martinez del Castillo, Jesus
Beyond the Mother Tongue: The Postmonolingual Condition by Yildiz, Yasemin
Verbal Irony: Theories and Automatic Detection by Fell, Michael
Intercultural Communication 3e by Jones, Rodney H., Scollon, Ron, Scollon, Suzanne Wong
Tibetan Calligraphy: How to Write the Alphabet and More by Elliott, Sanje
Perspectives on Formulaic Language: Acquisition and Communication by
Systemic Functional Grammar of Spanish: A Contrastive Study with English by Zamorano-Mansilla, Juan Rafael, Lavid, Julia, Arús, Jorge
Processing Instruction and Discourse by Lee, James F., Benati, Alessandro G.
Opposition in Discourse: The Construction of Oppositional Meaning by Jeffries, Lesley
Wittgenstein's Form of Life by Kishik, David
Spanish in New York: Language Contact, Dialectal Leveling, and Structural Continuity by Zentella, Ana Celia, Otheguy, Ricardo
Comparative Perspectives on Language Acquisition: A Tribute to Clive Perdue by
The Language of Politics by Geis, Michael L.
Sprachloses Leid: Wege Zu Einer Kommunikativen Medizin. Die Heilsame Kraft Des Wortes by Gottschlich, Maximilian
Translation-Driven Corpora: Corpus Resources for Descriptive and Applied Translation Studies by Zanettin, Federico
Context, Individual Differences and Pragmatic Competence by Taguchi, Naoko
Context, Individual Differences and Pragmatic Competence by Taguchi, Naoko
Pronominal Reference: Child Language and the Theory of Grammar by Solan, L.
The Social Construction of Age: Adult Foreign Language Learners by Andrew, Patricia
The Social Construction of Age: Adult Foreign Language Learners, 63 by Andrew, Patricia
Teacher Development in Action: Understanding Language Teachers' Conceptual Change by Kubanyiova, M.
Teacher Development in Action: Understanding Language Teachers' Conceptual Change by Kubanyiova, M.
The Miracle of Saint Mina by
Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives by
Language, Identity, and Stereotype Among Southeast Asian American Youth: The Other Asian by Reyes, Angela
Realitätstreue, Natürlichkeit, Plausibilität: Perzeptive Beurteilungen in Der Elektroakustik by Kuhn-Rahloff, Clemens
(D - Dyrner). (E - Einmessen) by
The Indigenous Languages of South America: A Comprehensive Guide by
Quantitative Syntax Analysis by Köhler, Reinhard
The Hide of My Tongue: Ax L'óot' Doogú by Prescott, Vivian Faith
Varianten der Pronominaladverbien im Neuhochdeutschen by Negele, Michaela
Frame-Semantik by Busse, Dietrich
Towards a Multifunctional Lexical Resource: Design and Implementation of a Graph-Based Lexicon Model by Spohr, Dennis
Sinnbilder für Sprache by Köller, Wilhelm
Analysing Older English by
Paradigm Shift in Language Planning and Policy by Koffi, Ettien
La Vie Et Les Aventures Surprenantes de Robinson Crusoe, Contenant Son Retour Dans Son Ile, Ses Autres Nouveaux Voyages, Et Ses Reflexions: Traduit d by Defoe, Daniel
An Introduction to Old English by Hogg, Richard
1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Grose, Francis
An Introduction to Old English by Hogg, Richard
Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences by Smith, Anne Margaret, Kormos, Judit
Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences by Smith, Anne Margaret, Kormos, Judit
Political Discourse Analysis: A Method for Advanced Students by Fairclough, Norman, Fairclough, Isabela
Political Discourse Analysis: A Method for Advanced Students by Fairclough, Isabela, Fairclough, Norman
Introduction to English Morphology by Tokar, Alexander
La Vie Et Les Aventures Surprenantes de Robinson Crusoe, Volume 3... by Defoe, Daniel
Studying English Literature and Language: An Introduction and Companion by Pope, Rob
Meaning and Inference in Medieval Philosophy: Studies in Memory of Jan Pinborg by
Nouvelles Lettres Angloises, Ou Histoire Du Chevalier Grandisson, 5... by Richardson, Samuel
Speaking American: A History of English in the United States by Bailey, Richard W.
Ode to Freedom... by Bowra, William
Nomination -- Fachsprachlich Und Gemeinsprachlich by
Analyzing Narrative: Discourse and Sociolinguistic Perspectives by Georgakopoulou, Alexandra, de Fina, Anna
Analyzing Narrative: Discourse and Sociolinguistic Perspectives by de Fina, Anna, Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
Lettre D'Un Garde Du Roi, Pour Servir de Suite, Aux Memoires Sur Cagliostro... by Manuel, Louis-Pierre
Observations Sur L'orthographe Ou Ortografie Française: Histoire De La Réforme Orthographique Depuis Le Xve Siècle Jusqu'à Nos Jours... by Firmin-Didot, Ambroise
Studying English Literature and Language: An Introduction and Companion by Pope, Rob
Prose Comprehension Beyond the Word by Graesser, A. C.
I Is an Other: The Secret Life of Metaphor and How It Shapes the Way We See the World by Geary, James
Teaching Gender by
Irish English: History and Present-Day Forms by Hickey, Raymond
Spelling and Society: The Culture and Politics of Orthography Around the World by Sebba, Mark
A Grebo English Dictionary by Innes, Gordon
La Vie Et Les Aventures De Robinson Crusoé, Part 1... by Defoe, Daniel
Problems in Syntax by
Investigative Discourse Analysis: Statements, Letters, and Transcripts by Rabon, Don
Audiovisual Translation in Close-Up: Practical and Theoretical Approaches by
Wortbildung Der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache by Fleischer, Wolfgang
La Tribune Des Linguistes: Philosophie Des Langues, Études Philologiques, Questions Grammaticales, Réforme Orthographique, Alphabet Universel, La by Anonymous
Archaeology and Language II: Archaeological Data and Linguistic Hypotheses by
Remembering Traditional Hanzi 2: How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Chinese Characters by Heisig, James W., Richardson, Timothy W.
The Spaniards in Peru, Or, the Death of Rolla: A Tragedy, in Five Acts. by Kotzebue, August Von
Poems, Chiefly Rural. by Richardson, William
Rolla, Or, the Peruvian Hero: A Tragedy in Five Acts. by Kotzebue, August Von
The Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh: As It Is Acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. by Sewell, George
Poems... by Hoole, Samuel
The Conquest of Canada, Or, the Siege of Quebec: An Historical Tragedy of Five Acts. by Cockings, George
An Apology for the Life and Actions of General Wolfe: Against the Misrepresentations in a Pamphlet, Called, a Counter Address to the Public: With Some by Mauduit, Israel
A Collection of Fugitive Essays, in Prose and Verse. by Prentiss, Charles
The British Lion Rous'd, Or, Acts of the British Worthies: A Poem in Nine Books. by Ogden, James
The Surprising Adventures and Sufferings of John Rhodes, a Seaman of Workington: Containing, an Account of His Captivity and Cruel Treatment During Ei by Rhodes, John
The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in Several Parts of the World: Intermix'd with the Story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with Who by Chetwood, W. R.
de Statu Collationis Hebraicorum Codicum Mstorum Veteris Testamenti (Finito Anno 1765)... by Kennicott, Benjamin
La Vie Et Les Aventures Surprenantes De Robinson Crusoé, Volume 3... by Defoe, Daniel
The Probationary Odes of Jonathan Pindar, Esq.: A Cousin of Peter's, and Candidate for the Post of Poet Laureat to the C.U.S. by Tucker, St George
The Lay Preacher, Or, Short Sermons, for Idle Readers. by Dennie, Joseph
Mount Vernon, a Poem: Being the Seat of His Excellency George Washington, in the State of Virginia: Lieutenant-General and Commander in Chie by Searson, John
A Reply to Capt. Middleton's Answer to the Remarks on His Vindication of His Conduct in a Late Voyage Made by Him in the Furnace Sloop: By Orders of t by Dobbs, Arthur
Oroonoko: A Tragedy, as It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesty's Servants. by Southerne, Thomas
New Spelling Dictionary ...... by Entick, John
The New American Latin Grammar, Or, a Complete Introduction to the Latin Tongue: Formed from the Most Approved Writings in This Kind by the Late Presi by Rigg, Edward
The Prompter, Or, a Commentary on Common Sayings and Subjects, Which Are Full of Common Sense, the Best Sense in the World. by Webster, Noah
The Green Box of Monsieur de Sartine, Found at Mademoiselle Du The's Lodgings. by Tickell, Richard
Developing, Using, and Analyzing Rubrics in Language Assessment with Case Studies in Asian and Pacific Languages by
An Essay on the Nature and Foundation of Moral Virtue and Obligation: Being a Short Introduction to the Study of Ethics, for the Use of the Students o by Clap, Thomas
We Are Our Language: An Ethnography of Language Revitalization in a Northern Athabaskan Community by Meek, Barbra A.
Thought and Language by Vygotski, Lev S.
Words, Images and Performances in Translation by
Words, Images and Performances in Translation by
Prospects of Legal Semiotics by
Logic: A Brief Course by Mundici, Daniele
La Vie Et Les Aventures De Robinson Crusoé, Part 2... by Defoe, Daniel
A Descriptive Study of Balti Verb Morphology by Naikoo, Irshad A.
Die Todesanzeige - eine Gattungsanalyse: Chronologische Motivationsveränderung eines Kommunikationsmittels? by Stöhr, Anna
Metalexikografische Untersuchung des Praxiswörterbuches Fußball by Arndt, Sebastian
La Vie Et Les Aventures Surprenantes De Robinson Crusoé, Contenant Son Retour Dans Son Ile, Ses Autres Nouveaux Voyages, Et Ses Réflexions: Traduit De by Defoe, Daniel
Das "Türkendeutsche" als Varietät des Deutschen: Ein Forschungsüberblick by Arndt, Sebastian
Die phonologischen Entwicklungen des jamaikanischen Kreols von 1494 bis heute by Arndt, Sebastian
50 Schlüsselideen Literatur by Sutherland, John
La Vie Et Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoé, Part 3... by Defoe, Daniel
La Vie Et Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoé, Part 4... by Defoe, Daniel
On the Omniscience of the Supreme Being, a Poetical Essay... by Smart, Christopher
Neoliberalism and Applied Linguistics by Holborow, Marnie, Block, David, Gray, John
Morphologies in Contact by
Amerindiana by
La Secchia Rapita Di Alessandro Tassoni... by Tassoni, Alessandro
The Unhappy Consciousness: The Poetic Plight of Samuel Beckett an Inquiry at the Intersection of Phenomenology and Literature by Kaelin, E. F.
Subjective Quality Measurement of Speech: Its Evaluation, Estimation and Applications by Kondo, Kazuhiro
Die "Faust" - Untersuchung einer rekurrenten Geste by Arnecke, Melissa
Neoliberalism and Applied Linguistics by Holborow, Marnie, Block, David, Gray, John
The Making of Monolingual Japan: Language Ideology and Japanese Modernity by Heinrich, Patrick
Making of Monolingual Japan PB: Language Ideology and Japanese Modernity by Heinrich, Patrick
Novel Techniques for Dialectal Arabic Speech Recognition by Gruhn, Rainer, Minker, Wolfgang, Elmahdy, Mohamed
Semiotics 1981 by
2000 English-Turkish Proverbs & Idioms by Delialioglu, Osman
Handbook of Intercultural Disc by
Control of Respiration by Pallot, David J.
Human Language Evolution: As Coframed by Behavioural and Psychological Universalism by Nandi, Owi
Globalization of Language and Culture in Asia: The Impact of Globalization Processes on Language by
Syntax and Semantics of Discourse Markers by Urgelles-Coll, Miriam
Workplace Discourse by Koester, Almut
The Language of Crime and Deviance: An Introduction to Critical Linguistic Analysis in Media and Popular Culture by Mayr, Andrea, Machin, David
The Anthropology of Writing: Understanding Textually Mediated Worlds by
Human Language Evolution: As Coframed by Behavioural and Psychological Universalism by Nandi, Owi
The Language of Crime and Deviance: An Introduction to Critical Linguistic Analysis in Media and Popular Culture by Mayr, Andrea, Machin, David
Modal Adjectives: English Deontic and Evaluative Constructions in Diachrony and Synchrony by Van Linden, An
Die Rhetorik des Spitzensports by Heil, Johannes
Das Deutsche als kompositionsfreudige Sprache by
Deutsch im Sprachvergleich by
Spell-Out and the Minimalist Program by Uriagereka, Juan
Spell-Out and the Minimalist Program by Uriagereka, Juan
Grammatical Change: Origins, Nature, Outcomes by
The Oxford Handbook of Laboratory Phonology by
Words at Work and Play by Brice Heath, Shirley
The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics by
Words at Work and Play by Brice Heath, Shirley
Publius Virgilius Maro... by
The Dupes of Fancy, or Every Man His Hobby; A New Farce: In Two Acts by Carey, George Saville
Writing - Theory and History of the Technology of Civilization by Powell, Barry B.
Epistolae Familiares Et Alia Quaedam Miscellanea = Familiar Epistles, and Other Miscellaneous Pieces: Wrote Originally in Latin Verse. by Beveridge, John
A Congratulatory Epistle to the Redoubtable Peter Porcupine: On His Complete Triumph Over the Once Towering But Fallen and Despicable Faction, in the by Grievous, Peter
A Specimen of Naked Truth from a British Sailor: A Sincere Well-Wisher, to the Honour and Prosperity of the Present Royal Family and His Country. by Vernon, Edward
Remarks on the Voyages of John Meares, Esq.: In a Letter to That Gentleman. by Dixon, George
The Patriot Muse, Or, Poems on Some of the Principal Events of the Late War: Together with a Poem on the Peace. by Prime, Benjamin Young
Performance Grammar - Zur Erfassung des Scramblings im deutschen Mittelfeld durch psycholinguistische Prinzipien by Heberling, Stefanie
Zur Rolle der Sprecherkontrolle auf die inkrementelle Produktion sprachlicher Äußerungen by Arndt, Sebastian
Thoughts Upon the African Slave Trade. by Newton, John
A Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language: Calculated Solely for the Purposes of Teaching Propriety of Pronunciation, and Justness of Delivery, in by Sheridan, Thomas
Tommy Thumb's Song Book: For All Little Masters and Misses, to Be Sung to Them by Their Nurses, Until They Can Sing Themselves. by Lovechild, Nurse
Reuben and Rachel, Or, Tales of Old Times, a Novel. by Rowson, Mrs
The Fair American: A Comic Opera, in Three Acts, as It Is Performed, with Universal Applause, at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. by Pilon, Frederick
The Archbishop of Cambray's Dissertation on Pure Love: With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Lady, for Whose Sake the Archbishop Was Banish' by
An Account of the Giants Lately Discovered: In a Letter to a Friend in the Country. by Walpole, Horace
An Account of the Giants Lately Discovered: In a Letter to a Friend in the Country. by Walpole, Horace
The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. Philip Freneau: Containing His Essays, and Additional Poems. by Freneau, Philip Morin
Love and Patriotism!, Or, the Extraordinary Adventures of M. Duportail, Late Major-General in the Armies of the United States: Interspersed with Many by
A Letter from a Romish Priest in Canada, to One Who Was Taken Captive in Her Infancy, and Instructed in the Romish Faith, But Some Time Ago Returned t by Seguenot, Francois
Eine Frau Und Die Mathematik 1933-1940: Der Beginn Einer Wissenschaftlichen Laufbahn by Braun, Hel
Neurolinguistics Historical and Theoretical Perspectives by Bouton, Charles P.
Linked Data in Linguistics: Representing and Connecting Language Data and Language Metadata by
Lingering Effects of an Ancient Afro-Romance Language on Common Speech in the Caribbean Island of Grenada: Socio-linguistic and Linguistic aspects of by Joseph, Marguerite-Joan
The French Flogged, Or, the British Sailors in America: A Farce of Two Acts, as It Was Performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden. by Stevens, George Alexander
Andre: A Tragedy in Five Acts: As Now Performing at the Theatre in New York. by Dunlap, William
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