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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2014

Linguistic Morphology: A Students Guide by Lusekelo Ph. D., Amani
Modern Language Review (109: 1) January 2014 by
Forensic Authorship Analysis and the World Wide Web by Larner, S.
Language, Immigration and Labor: Negotiating Work in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands by Dubord, E.
Language, Education and Nation-Building: Assimilation and Shift in Southeast Asia by
British Pronoun Use, Prescription, and Processing: Linguistic and Social Influences Affecting 'they' and 'he' by Paterson, L.
Translators, Interpreters, and Cultural Negotiators: Mediating and Communicating Power from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era by
Folk Stories and Personal Narratives in Palestinian Spoken Arabic: A Cultural and Linguistic Study by Sirhan, N.
Pragmatics, Semantics and the Case of Scalar Implicatures by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Genre-Based Automated Writing Evaluation for L2 Research Writing: From Design to Evaluation and Enhancement by Cotos, E.
Reading Bridal Magazines from a Critical Discursive Perspective by Glapka, E.
Language, Mind and Computation by Mondal, P.
Polish vs. American Courtroom Discourse: Inquisitorial and Adversarial Procedures of Witness Examination in Criminal Trials by Bednarek, G.
Becoming an African Diaspora in Australia: Language, Culture, Identity by Ndhlovu, F.
The Online Informal Learning of English by Sockett, G.
Trilingual Talk in Sicilian-Australian Migrant Families: Playing Out Identities Through Language Alternation by Rubino, A.
Inferentialism: Why Rules Matter by Peregrin, J.
Pragmatic Literary Stylistics by
The Event of Style in Literature by Aquilina, M.
Chinese Discourse Studies by Xu, S.
Identity, Narrative and Metaphor: A Corpus-Based Cognitive Analysis of New Labour Discourse by L'Hôte, E.
J. L. Austin on Language by
Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis: Subjectivity in Enunciative Pragmatics by Angermuller, J.
Sociolinguistics in Scotland by
Rules and Dispositions in Language Use by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Evaluation in Advertising Reception: A Socio-Cognitive and Linguistic Perspective by Bullo, S.
Metaphor and Entertainment: A Corpus-Based Approach to Language in Chinese Online News by Han, C.
Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia: A Corpus Assisted Approach by Koteyko, N.
Men and Masculinities in Global English Language Teaching by Appleby, R.
Researching Contexts, Practices and Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes by Blaj-Ward, L.
Spanish and Portuguese Across Time, Place, and Borders: Studies in Honor of Milton M. Azevedo by
The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies, Volume II by
The Semiperiphery of Academic Writing: Discourses, Communities and Practices by
Semantic Under-Determinacy and Communication by Belleri, D.
Language Planning and National Identity in Croatia by Langston, K., Peti-Stantic, A.
Literary Translation: Redrawing the Boundaries by
Investigating the Language of Special Education: Listening to Many Voices by Farrell, M.
Regional Language Policies in France During World War II by Amit, A.
Approaches to Language, Culture, and Cognition: The Intersection of Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Anthropology by
Stylistic Approaches to Nigerian Fiction by Tunca, D.
Poetry and Dialogism: Hearing Over by
Human Development, Language and the Future of Mankind: The Madness of Culture by Berger, L.
IBERICO EURASIÁTICO. Descifrando la lengua de los íberos.: Breve ensayo especulativo sobre el origen altaico/túrquico de la lengua íbera. by Díaz-Montexano, Georgeos
Meeting the Language Challenges of NATO Operations: Policy, Practice and Professionalization by Jones, I.
Strategies of Representation in Auto/Biography: Reconstructing and Remembering by
Roles for Men and Women in Roman Epigraphic Culture and Beyond: Gender, social identity and cultural practice in private Latin inscriptions and the li by Keegan, Peter
Exploring EFL Fluency in Asia by
Language: Its Structure and Use by Finegan, Edward
Developing Orthographies for Unwritten Languages by
Academic Writing in a Second or Foreign Language: Issues and Challenges Facing Esl/EFL Academic Writers in Higher Education Contexts by
Scientific Discourse and the Rhetoric of Globalization: The Impact of Culture and Language by Pérez-Llantada, Carmen
Direct Speech, Self-Presentation and Communities of Practice by Lampropoulou, Sofia
Corpus Applications in Applied Linguistics by
Pedagogical Stylistics: Current Trends in Language, Literature and ELT by
English Grammar: Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners by Murray, Lindley
The Corpus Glossary by
Translation, Adaptation and Transformation by
Language in Education: Social Implications by Lwin, Soe Marlar, Silver, Rita Elaine
The Education of Indigenous Citizens in Latin America by
The Education of Indigenous Citizens in Latin America by
Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Contexts: Sociolinguistic and Educational Perspectives by
Unruly Words: A Study of Vague Language by Raffman, Diana
Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Contexts: Sociolinguistic and Educational Perspectives by
Heteroglossia as Practice and Pedagogy by
The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics by
The Handbook of Phonological Theory by
Successful Family Language Policy: Parents, Children and Educators in Interaction by
Occupying Niches: Interculturality, Cross-Culturality and Aculturality in Academic Research by
Language Policy Challenges in Multi-Ethnic Malaysia by Gill, Saran Kaur
Discourse of Twitter and Social Media: How We Use Language to Create Affiliation on the Web by Zappavigna, Michele
Chick Lit: The Stylistics of Cappuccino Fiction by Montoro, Rocío
Global English Slang: Methodologies and Perspectives by
Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning by Philp, Jenefer, Adams, Rebecca, Iwashita, Noriko
David Makinson on Classical Methods for Non-Classical Problems by
Structural and Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Indigenisation: On Multilingualism and Language Evolution by
Glosario de Familias de Palabras by Bravo, Jose-Luis Olivera
South and Southeast Asian Psycholinguistics by
The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics by
The Handbook of Language Socialization by
Lenition and Contrast: The Functional Consequences of Certain Phonetically Conditioned Sound Changes by Gurevich, Naomi
Double-Voicing at Work: Power, Gender and Linguistic Expertise by Baxter, J.
Capitalizing on Language Learners' Individuality: From Premise to Practice, 72 by Gregersen, Tammy, MacIntyre, Peter D.
Double-Voicing at Work: Power, Gender and Linguistic Expertise by Baxter, J.
Capitalizing on Language Learners' Individuality: From Premise to Practice by MacIntyre, Peter D., Gregersen, Tammy
Affirming Language Diversity in Schools and Society: Beyond Linguistic Apartheid by
Introducing Phonology by Odden, David
More Than Nature Needs: Language, Mind, and Evolution by Bickerton, Derek
The Emergence of Phonology: Whole-Word Approaches and Cross-Linguistic Evidence by
Introducing Phonology by Odden, David
Endangered Languages, Knowledge Systems and Belief Systems by Hirsh, David
Action, interaction, intervention: A la croisée du langage, de la pratique et des savoirs by
Locality by
Analysing Power in Language: A Practical Guide by Bartlett, Tom
German Philosophy of Language: From Schlegel to Hegel and Beyond by Forster, Michael N.
(Batschebierch - Beute) by
Typology of Kinship Terms by Nikolayeva, Larysa
Global English Slang: Methodologies and Perspectives by
Understanding Child Language Acquisition by Rowland, Caroline
Goodness, God, and Evil by Alexander, David E.
Style in the Renaissance: Language and Ideology in Early Modern England by Canning, Patricia
On Language, Democracy, and Social Justice: Noam Chomsky's Critical Intervention- Foreword by Peter McLaren- Afterword by Pepi Leistyna by Chomsky, Noam, Orelus, Pierre W.
Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures: Multilingual Contexts, Translational Texts by
Global Trends in Translator and Interpreter Training: Mediation and Culture by
Introducing English Semantics by Kreidler, Charles
Stretched Verb Constructions in English by Allerton, D. J.
Understanding Pragmatics by Senft, Gunter
Ludwig Wittgenstein on Language Maintenance: Language Death, Wittgenstein Offers Therapy by Riko S. S.
On Language, Democracy, and Social Justice: Noam Chomsky's Critical Intervention- Foreword by Peter McLaren- Afterword by Pepi Leistyna by Chomsky, Noam, Orelus, Pierre W.
Aggregating Dialectology, Typology, and Register Analysis: Linguistic Variation in Text and Speech by
The Semantics-Pragmatics Controversy by Börjesson, Kristin
To Teach in Ancient Israel: A Cognitive Linguistic Study of a Biblical Hebrew Lexical Set by Widder, Wendy L.
Analysing Power in Language: A practical guide by Bartlett, Tom
Kurze deutsche Syntax auf historischer Grundlage by Dal, Ingerid
Congruence in Contact-Induced Language Change: Language Families, Typological Resemblance, and Perceived Similarity by
The Cambridge Dictionary of Linguistics by Miller, Jim, Brown, Keith
Kulturwissenschaftliche Linguistik by Metten, Thomas
Foundations of Computational Linguistics: Human-Computer Communication in Natural Language by Hausser, Roland
Corpus-Based Sociolinguistics: A Guide for Students by Friginal, Eric, Hardy, Jack
Foundations of Computational Linguistics: Human-Computer Communication in Natural Language by Hausser, Roland
Understanding Pragmatics by Senft, Gunter
Sociolinguistics in Scotland by
Intersubjetividad y Gramática: Aspectos de una Gramática Fenomenológica by Huelva Unternbäumen, Enrique
Translation and the Nature of Philosophy (Routledge Revivals): A New Theory of Words by Benjamin, Andrew
Colonial Voices by Damousi, Joy
An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method by Gee, James Paul
Muslim Merit-Making in Thailand's Far-South by Joll, Christopher M.
Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Socio-Linguistic Perspectives by
The Science of Sensibility: Reading Burke's Philosophical Enquiry by
Rhetorik und Vortragsmethodik: Wesentliche Inhalte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der visuellen Unterstützung von Vorträgen im beruflichen Alltag by Frank, Kevin
Creative Writing and Stylistics: Creative and Critical Approaches by Scott, Jeremy
Social Interaction, Globalization and Computer-Aided Analysis: A Practical Guide to Developing Social Simulation by Osherenko, Alexander
How to do Discourse Analysis: A Toolkit by Gee, James Paul
Dynamic Ecologies: A Relational Perspective on Languages Education in the Asia-Pacific Region by
The Genetic Code of All Languages by Panda, Moni Kanchan
Raum und Zeit im Kontext der Metapher: Korpuslinguistische Studien zu franzoesischen und spanischen Raum-Zeit-Lexemen und Raum-Zeit-Lokutionen by Plötner, Kathleen
Distribution und Funktionen von Vergangenheitsformen im aelteren Obersorbischen: Eine empirische Untersuchung unter Beruecksichtigung der Verhaeltniss by Brankackec, Katja
Aproximación funcional a los marcadores discursivos: Análisis y aplicación lexicográfica by Llopis-Cardona, Ana
Personal Names in Ancient Anatolia by
How to do Discourse Analysis: A Toolkit by Gee, James Paul
Infected Korean Language, Purity Versus Hybridity: From the Sinographic Cosmopolis to Japanese Colonialism to Global English by Koh, Jongsok
Words and Meanings: Lexical Semantics Across Domains, Languages, and Cultures by Goddard, Cliff, Wierzbicka, Anna
The Human Condition by Kekes, John
Introducción a la Sociolingüística Hispánica by Diaz-Campos, Manuel
Sanskrit Primer by Narale, Ratnakar
Greek: A History of the Language and Its Speakers by Horrocks, Geoffrey
Geschichte der französischen Sprache: Du Menhir à la Tour Eiffel by Rauch, Rainer
Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students by Simpson, Paul
The Warrior Women of Islam: Female Empowerment in Arabic Popular Literature by Kruk, Remke
Französische Lexikographie by Schafroth, Elmar
Research Methods in Interpreting: A Practical Resource by Hale, Sandra, Napier, Jemina
Quantitative Research in Linguistics: An Introduction by Rasinger, Sebastian M.
Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students by Simpson, Paul
The Language of Early English Literature: From Cædmon to Milton by Pons-Sanz, Sara
Dictionary of Kammu Yuan Language and Culture by Kam Raw, Lindell Kristina, Svantesson, Jan-Olof, Lundstrom, Hakan
Shame and Pride in Narrative: Mexican Women's Language Experiences at the U.S.-Mexico Border by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Rating EFL Written Performance by Bukta, Katalin
Communication and Language Analysis in the Public Sphere by
Wortbildungssemantik zwischen Langue und Parole. Semantische Produktions- und Verarbeitungsprozesse komplexer Wörter by
Kant's Thinker by Kitcher, Patricia
Theatre Sciences by Rozik, Eli
Nature and Functions of Dreaming by Hartmann, Ernest
Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1: Selected Papers from the 20th Istal by
Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 2: Selected Papers from the 20th Istal by
Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 3: Selected Papers from the 20th Istal by
A Dictionary of Varieties of English by Hickey, Raymond
Multiple Perspectives on the Self in SLA by
Multiple Perspectives on the Self in SLA by
Language Strategies for Trilingual Families: Parents' Perspectives by Braun, Andreas, Cline, Tony
Spanish Word Formation by Lang, M. F.
Sociocultural Theory and L2 Instructional Pragmatics by Van Compernolle, Rémi A.
Philosophy of Universal Grammar by Hinzen, Wolfram, Sheehan, Michelle
Morphologische Untersuchungen Auf Dem Gebiete Der Indogermanischen Sprachen by Osthoff, Hermann, Brugmann, Karl
Morphologische Untersuchungen Auf Dem Gebiete Der Indogermanischen Sprachen by Brugmann, Karl, Osthoff, Hermann
Morphologische Untersuchungen Auf Dem Gebiete Der Indogermanischen Sprachen by Osthoff, Hermann, Brugmann, Karl
Morphologische Untersuchungen Auf Dem Gebiete Der Indogermanischen Sprachen by Osthoff, Hermann, Brugmann, Karl
Morphologische Untersuchungen Auf Dem Gebiete Der Indogermanischen Sprachen by Brugmann, Karl, Osthoff, Hermann
Morphologische Untersuchungen Auf Dem Gebiete Der Indogermanischen Sprachen by Osthoff, Hermann, Brugmann, Karl
The Multilingual Mind: A Modular Processing Perspective by Truscott, John, Sharwood Smith, Michael, Sharwood-Smith, Mike
Research Methodologies in Translation Studies by Saldanha, Gabriela, O'Brien, Sharon
Translational Action and Intercultural Communication by
Descent of the English Language: Tracing the origins of Modern English by Stewart Sr, David Grant
German Language in Mid-Missouri: The Influence of American English on Missouri-German and Amish-German Words and Phrases by Siebeneck, Timm
Free Adjuncts and Absolutes in English: Problems of Control and Interpretation by Kortmann, Bernd
Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon by
Second Language Acquisition C by Hummel, Kirsten M.
Multilingual Aspects of Signed Language Communication and Disorder, 11 by
Gimson's Pronunciation of English by Cruttenden, Alan
Multilingual Aspects of Signed Language Communication and Disorder, 11 by
Sprachtherapeutisches Vorgehen bei kindlichen Dysphagien by Bentfeld, Annika
Syntax and Its Limits by
True to Form: Rising and Falling Declaratives as Questions in English by Gunlogson, Christine
le visage des choses: Traduction Maya Lineaire A Rongo Rongo by Roche, Maxime
Integrationist Notes and Papers 2014 by Harris, Roy
The Welsh Language in the Digital Age by
Kleer English Dictionary: A Respelling of English by Randall, Robin L.
The Grammar Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning by
The History of Basque by Trask, R. L.
Developing Materials for Language Teaching: Second Edition by
Developing Materials for Language Teaching: Second Edition by
Translation and Translation Studies in the Japanese Context by Sato-Rossberg, Nana
See More