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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2014

The Pragmatic Translator: An Integral Theory of Translation by Morini, Massimiliano
Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English 2 Volume Set: Containing Words from the English Writers Previous to the Nineteenth Century Which Are No by Wright, Thomas
Junktion und Schreibentwicklung by Langlotz, Miriam
Copular Clauses and Focus Marking in Sumerian by Zolyomi, Gabor
A Movement Theory of Anaphora by Abe, Jun
Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English: Containing Words from the English Writers Previous to the Nineteenth Century Which Are No Longer in Use by Wright, Thomas
Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English: Containing Words from the English Writers Previous to the Nineteenth Century Which Are No Longer in Use by Wright, Thomas
Researching Contexts, Practices and Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes by Blaj-Ward, L.
Stylistic Approaches to Nigerian Fiction by Tunca, D.
Talking Appalachian: Voice, Identity, and Community by
Conventional Gestures: Meaning and Methodology by Epstein, Richard L.
Education Issues in Creole and Creole-Influenced Vernacular Contexts by
Multimodal Teaching and Learning: The Rhetorics of the Science Classroom by Charalampos, Tsatsarelis, Kress, Gunther, Jewitt, Carey
Global Englishes: A Resource Book for Students by Jenkins, Jennifer
Syllabaire Des Écoles Et Des Familles (Éd.1847) by Sans Auteur
Syllabaire Ou Le Petit Buffon de la Jeunesse (Éd.1842): Morale, de Petits Contes Et de Fables, Pour Donner Aux Enfans Les Principes Et Le Goût de la L by Sans Auteur
Syllabaire Ou Premiers Éléments de la Lecture (Éd.1829) by Sans Auteur
Système de Lecture. Nouvel Alphabet En Français, Divisé Par Syllabes (Éd.1850) by Sans Auteur
Nouvel Alphabet Double En Français, a l'Usage Des Commençants Divisé En Deux Parties (Éd.1829) by Sans Auteur
Nouvelle Méthode de Lecture En 13 Leçons (Éd.1845) by Sans Auteur
Remarques Sur La Langue Françoise. Tome 2 by De Vaugelas, Claude Favre
The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics by
Sadness Expressions in English and Chinese: Corpus Linguistic Contrastive Semantic Analysis by Zhang, Ruihua
Genre-Based Automated Writing Evaluation for L2 Research Writing: From Design to Evaluation and Enhancement by Cotos, E.
Pragmatic Literary Stylistics by
Pragmatics, Semantics and the Case of Scalar Implicatures by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Antagonism on Youtube: Metaphor in Online Discourse by Pihlaja, Stephen
Speech Technology: Theory and Applications by
Approaches to Language, Culture, and Cognition: The Intersection of Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Anthropology by
Reading Bridal Magazines from a Critical Discursive Perspective by Glapka, E.
Kurmali noun morphology. An inflectional study on gender and number by Dash, Biswanandan
Language Myths, Mysteries and Magic by Stollznow, K.
Language Myths, Mysteries and Magic by Stollznow, K.
Formal Approaches to Semantics and Pragmatics: Japanese and Beyond by
Literary Translation: Redrawing the Boundaries by
Die Entwicklung des russischen Kasussystems vom 11. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert by Mühlenberg, Martin
Kulturelle Schluesselbegriffe der Schweiz im oeffentlichen Diskurs: Eine kultursemantische Untersuchung by Madej, Jadwiga
The Oxford Handbook of Edmund Spenser by
Hellenica by Xenophon
A Linguistic Commentary on Livius Andronicus by Livingston, Ivy
Existential Faithfullness: A Study of Reduplicative TETU, Feature Movement and Dissimulation by Struijke, Caro
Research on Politeness in the Spanish-Speaking World by
Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self by
The Psychology of Science Text Comprehension by
How to Speak Brit: The Quintessential Guide to the King's English, Cockney Slang, and Other Flummoxing British Phrases by Moore, Christopher J.
The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics by
Discontinuity in Second Language Acquisition: The Switch Between Statistical and Grammatical Learning by Rastelli, Stefano
Language and Power by Fairclough, Norman
Language and Power by Fairclough, Norman
Applied Linguistics for English-Spanish Translation by Guerra, Ana Fernandez
Foundations of Bilingual Memory by
Aprendamos Animales y el Abecedario by Molina, Claudia
The Elements of Knowledge Organization by Smiraglia, Richard P.
The Language of Food: A Linguist Reads the Menu by Jurafsky, Dan
Body - Language - Communication. Volume 2 by
Sign Studies and Semioethics: Communication, Translation and Values by Petrilli, Susan
Dativ, Bindung und Diathese by Hole, Daniel
Indexing Authenticity: Sociolinguistic Perspectives by
Aspektualität: Ein Onomasiologisches Modell Am Beispiel Der Romanischen Sprachen by Dessì Schmid, Sarah
Grammatik im Lexikon by Schlücker, Barbara
Imperial Babel: Translation, Exoticism, and the Long Nineteenth Century by Rangarajan, Padma
Handbook of Bilingualism 2e by
Handbook of Intercultural Disc by
A Continuing Education Guide to Teaching General Semantics by Levinson, Martin H.
The Multilingual Turn in Languages Education: Opportunities and Challenges by
The Multilingual Turn in Languages Education: Opportunities and Challenges by
Foreigners, Auslaender, Extranjeros: Cultural and Linguistic Representations- Kulturelle und Linguistische Darstellungen by
Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words from Around the World by Sanders, Ella Frances
How Do You Spell Ruzevelt?: A History of Spelling in America Today and Yesterday by Ackermann, Marsha E.
Kulay: Baybayin: PrePhilippine script coloring book by Kabuay, Kristian
Theorie und Methodik des Argumentierens by Möller, Robert
Language Planning and National Identity in Croatia by Peti-Stantic, A., Langston, K.
Computer-Based Diagnostics and Systematic Analysis of Knowledge by
Translation and Localisation in Video Games: Making Entertainment Software Global by Bernal-Merino, Miguel Á.
Shall We Play the Festschrift Game?: Essays on the Occasion of Lauri Carlson's 60th Birthday by
Multi-Source, Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization by
A Journey Through Cultures: Metaphors for Guiding the Design of Cross-Cultural Interactive Systems by Salgado, Luciana Cardoso De Castro, Leitão, Carla Faria, de Souza, Clarisse Sieckenius
Semantic Analysis of Verbal Collocations with Lexical Functions by Kolesnikova, Olga, Gelbukh, Alexander
Narrative Development of School Children: Studies from Multilingual Families in Taiwan by Kao, Shin-Mei
The Language Myth by Evans, Vyvyan
Discourse and Knowledge by Van Dijk, Teun a.
Discourse and Knowledge by Van Dijk, Teun a.
Canons and Connections: A Network Theory Approach to the Study of Literary Systems with Specific Reference to Afrikaans Poetry by Senekal, Burgert A.
Second Language Acquisition and Task-Based Language Teaching by Long, Mike
SLA and TBLT P by Long, Mike
Language, Discourse, and PRAXIS in Ancient China by Sun, Zhenbin
Language, Education and Nation-Building: Assimilation and Shift in Southeast Asia by
Context by Stalnaker, Robert
Thereby Hangs a Tale by Funk, Charles E.
Pronunciation for English as an International Language: From research to practice by Low, Ee-Ling
La francophonie en Acadie: Dynamiques sociales et langagières by Arrighi, Laurence, LeBlanc, Matthieu
Worlds of Written Discourse: A Genre-Based View by Bhatia, Vijay
Opposition in Discourse: The Construction of Oppositional Meaning by Jeffries, Lesley
Experimental Perspectives on Presuppositions by
Writing about Quantitative Research in Applied Linguistics by Woodrow, L.
Writing about Quantitative Research in Applied Linguistics by Woodrow, L.
A Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin Languages 2 Volume Set by Schleicher, August
Palaeography and the Practical Study of Court Hand by Jenkinson, Hilary
A Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin Languages by Schleicher, August
A Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin Languages: Volume 2 by Schleicher, August
Interpretation selbstaendiger Saetze im Diskurs: Syntax und Intonation in Interaktion by Kaiser, Sebastian
Deviational Syntactic Structures by Götzsche, Hans
The Developmental Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning: The L2 Acquisition of Object Pronouns in Spanish by Malovrh, Paul, Lee, James F.
Task Sequencing and Instructed Second Language Learning by
Intercultural Contact, Language Learning and Migration by
The Online Informal Learning of English by Sockett, G.
Formen Des Nicht-Verstehens by
Handbook of Descriptive Linguistic Fieldwork by De Reuse, Willem J., Chelliah, Shobhana L.
The Diagnosis of Reading in a Second or Foreign Language by Haapakangas, Eeva-Leena, Huhta, Ari, Alderson, J. Charles
Blending Spaces: Mediating and Assessing Intercultural Competence in the L2 Classroom by Witte, Arnd
The Diagnosis of Reading in a Second or Foreign Language by Haapakangas, Eeva-Leena, Huhta, Ari, Alderson, J. Charles
Constructions Collocations Patterns by
Late Modern English Syntax by
Welten in Sprache: Zur Entwicklung Der Kategorie «Modus» in Romanischen Sprachen by Becker, Martin G.
New York City English by Newman, Michael
First Exposure to a Second Language by
Sounds Interesting by Wells, J. C.
Zadig, or, the Book of Fate, an Oriental History by Voltaire
Studying Second Language Acquisition from a Qualitative Perspective by
Lughatuna Al-Fusha: Book Five: A New Course in Modern Standard Arabic by Louis, Samia
Old Chinese by Baxter, William H., Sagart, Laurent
Grammar of Names in Anglo-Saxon England: The Linguistics and Culture of the Old English Onomasticon by Colman, Fran
Discourse and Pragmatic Markers from Latin to the Romance Languages by
Alphabet Républicain by Chemin-Dupontès, Jean-Baptiste
Alphabet Républicain, Orné de Gravures, & Suivi de Conversations À La Portée Des Enfans by Chemin-Dupontès, Jean-Baptiste
Researching Identity and Interculturality by
Second Language Acquisition Theory and Pedagogy by
Adaptive Multimodal Interactive Systems by Bezold, Matthias, Minker, Wolfgang
Semnificat şi cunoaştere by Martinez del Castillo, Jesus
Nouvel Alphabet 26 Mai 1811 by Steeg, Charles
Grammaire Italienne, Françoise Espagnole by Sans Auteur
L'Alphabet Français: A l'Usage Des Petits Enfans, Pour Leur Apprendre À Épeler Et À Bien Lire. Égalité, Liberté by Sans Auteur
Les Animaux Sauvages de l'Afrique. A B C by Sans Auteur
Challenging the Monolingual Mindset by
Understanding Verbal Art: A Functional Linguistic Approach by Webster, Jonathan
Challenging the Monolingual Mindset by
The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy and the Us Labor Market by
Media Transformation: The Transfer of Media Characteristics Among Media by Elleström, L.
The Semiperiphery of Academic Writing: Discourses, Communities and Practices by
The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy and the Us Labor Market by
Sèl Pou Dezonbifye Bouki by Tontongi, Eddy Toussaint
The Emphatic Diaglott: Containing The Greek Text Of What Is Commonly Styled The New Testament by Wilson, Benjamin
Vedic Theory of The Origin of Speech by Arya, Ravi Prakash
The Handbook of Conversation Analysis by
Living Language Dothraki: A Conversational Language Course Based on the Hit Original HBO Series Game of Thrones [With Paperback Book] by Peterson, David J.
Syntactical Mechanics: A New Approach to English, Latin, and Greek by McMenomy, Bruce A.
Multiword Expressions Acquisition: A Generic and Open Framework by Ramisch, Carlos
Rolle und Stellenwert von Input, Blackbox und Output beim Spracherwerb by Tsamo Fomano, Williams
Verb Sense Discovery in Mandarin Chinese--A Corpus Based Knowledge-Intensive Approach by Hong, Jia-Fei
Trilingualism in Education in China: Models and Challenges by
Partizipkomposita und ihre Anwendung by Mey, Viktoria
Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic by Croce, Benedetto
The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies, Volume II by
Computational Linguistics and Talking Robots: Processing Content in Database Semantics by Hausser, Roland
The Foundations of Statistics: A Simulation-Based Approach by Vasishth, Shravan, Broe, Michael
Language, Borders and Identity by
Language, Borders and Identity by
Die Slavischen Sprachen / The Slavic Languages. Halbband 2 by
Grammar and Dialogism: Sequential, Syntactic, and Prosodic Patterns Between Emergence and Sedimentation by
Syllable and Word Languages by
Ikonizität in Gebärdensprachen by Klann, Juliane
Idiome in der Phraseologie und im mentalen Lexikon by Terbul, Tamara
The Syntax-Information Structure Interface: Clausal Word Order and the Left Periphery in Galician by Gupton, Timothy
Motivational Dynamics in Language Learning by
Motivational Dynamics in Language Learning by
Exploring EFL Fluency in Asia by
Syntactic Reconstruction and Proto-Germanic by Walkden, George
Mind, Language and Subjectivity: Minimal Content and the Theory of Thought by Georgalis, Nicholas
Das Deutsch tuerkischer Jugendlicher hinsichtlich Satzkomplexitaet und Wortschatz im Vergleich zu ihren deutschen Altersgenossen by Sari, Maksut
Human Development, Language and the Future of Mankind: The Madness of Culture by Berger, L.
Legal Argumentation Theory: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives by
Words in Time and Place: Exploring Language Through the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary by Crystal, David
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children's Picture Books by Unsworth, Len, Painter, Clare, Martin, J. R.
108 Word Search Puzzles with The American Sign Language Alphabet: Cool Kids Bundle 01: Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs by
The Creation of Israeli Arabic: Security and Politics in Arabic Studies in Israel by Mendel, Y.
The Creation of Israeli Arabic: Security and Politics in Arabic Studies in Israel by Mendel, Y.
A History of the Concise Oxford Dictionary by Kaminska, Malgorzata
Kontrastiv-linguistische Analysen der koreanischen Sprache: Koreanisch - Deutsch by Kostrzewa, Frank
A Psychological Approach to Translation by Dehghan Ferdows, Akbar
Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy by
Teaching Languages off the Beaten Track by
What is Information?: Propagating Organization in the Biosphere, Symbolosphere, Technosphere and Econosphere by Logan, Robert K.
Neuroscience and Multilingualism by Andrews, Edna
Nouvelles perspectives sur l'anaphore: Points de vue linguistique, psycholinguistique et acquisitionnel by
Shady Characters: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols, and Other Typographical Marks by Houston, Keith
Forensic Authorship Analysis and the World Wide Web by Larner, S.
A Contrastive Study into Phonology of Vedic and Classical Sanskrit by Arya, Ravi Prakash
Chinese Discourse Studies by Xu, S.
Procedimientos de conexión discursiva en español: adquisición y aprendizaje by
Multilingual Lexical Recognition in the Mental Lexicon of Third Language Users by Szubko-Sitarek, Weronika
Retranslation: Translation, Literature and Reinterpretation by Deane-Cox, Sharon
The Language of War Monuments by Abousnnouga, Gill, Machin, David
Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning in a Virtual Learning Environment by Hamilton, Miranda
Rules of Use: Language and Instruction in Early Modern England by Lamb, Julian
The Language Demands of Immersion Teaching from the Teacher's Perspective in German-Speaking Switzerland by Browne, Colin
Functional Structure from Top to Toe: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 9 by Svenonius, Peter
Voice and v: Lessons from Acehnese by Legate, Julie Anne
Fremde Sprachen. Ihre Strukturen und Besonderheiten by Kostrzewa, Frank
Genesis in Ancient China: The Creation Story in China's Earliest Script by Chock, Ginger Tong
Place-Making in urbanen Diskursen by
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