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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2015

It's Not How, It's Why? by Samal, Ranjit
Cultural Memory of Language: Contemporary Applied Linguistics Volume 5 by Samata, Susan
International Handbook of Semiotics by
Transcultural Performance: Negotiating Globalized Indigenous Identities by Back, Michele
Marked Identities: Narrating Lives Between Social Labels and Individual Biographies by
Perspectives on Complementation: Structure, Variation and Boundaries by
Assessment and Autonomy in Language Learning by
Digital Business Discourse by
Meaning Making in Text: Multimodal and Multilingual Functional Perspectives by
The Exercise of Power in Communication: Devices, Reception and Reaction by
Specialised Translation: Shedding the 'Non-Literary' Tag by Rogers, M.
Yiddish and Power by Katz, D.
First-Year University Writing: A Corpus-Based Study with Implications for Pedagogy by Aull, L.
Assessing English Proficiency for University Study by Read, J.
Truth Without Predication: The Role of Placing in the Existential There-Sentence by Szekely, R.
Resistance to the Known: Counter-Conduct in Language Education by
Tourist Activities in Multimodal Texts: An Analysis of Croatian and Scottish Tourism Websites by Nekic, M.
Perspektiven linguistischer Sprachkritik. by
Polit-Talkshow. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein multimodales Format by
Developing Online Language Teaching: Research-Based Pedagogies and Reflective Practices by Hampel, Regine
Writing Words: The Unique Case of the Standardization of Basque by Salaburu Etxeberria, Pello
The New Cockney: New Ethnicities and Adolescent Speech in the Traditional East End of London by Fox, S.
Unequal Englishes: The Politics of Englishes Today by
Translating Evidence and Interpreting Testimony at a War Crimes Tribunal: Working in a Tug-Of-War by Elias-Bursac, Ellen
The Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics by
World Philology by Pollock, Sheldon
Kanji Alchemy II: A Strategy for Reading Japanese Characters by Nap, Harry
Kanji Alchemy III: A Strategy for Reading Japanese Characters by Nap, Harry
Dueling Discourses: The Construction of Reality in Closing Arguments by Felton Rosulek, Laura
Rabindranath Tagore in the 21st Century: Theoretical Renewals by
Correct English: Reality or Myth? by Marnell, Geoffrey Robert
Affix Ordering Across Languages and Frameworks by
The Psychology of Language: An Integrated Approach by Ludden, David
The Fall of Language in the Age of English by Mizumura, Minae
The Word Stress of Najdi Arabic: An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis by Al-Dweikat, Anas Muhsen
Selected Letters by Keats, John
Fragen von Interferenz und Code-Switching beim Sprachkontakt zwischen Deutsch und italienischen Varietäten by Mamiani, Carmen
Kasusmarkierung und Kongruenz in "Role and Reference Grammar" by Slaveva, Valentina
Multilingualism by Stavans, Anat, Hoffmann, Charlotte
The Anthropology of Intentions by Duranti, Alessandro
City Branding and New Media: Linguistic Perspectives, Discursive Strategies and Multimodality by Paganoni, M.
Navajo Alphabet: The Navajo Sound System: Vowels and Consonants by Dinetah, Native Child, Michaelis, Bernhard
Standardizing Diversity: The Political Economy of Language Regimes by Liu, Amy H.
Sprache(n) Im Exil by
Kurzer Abriß Des Madschamedialekts by Augustiny, Julius
Altlondon Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Dialekts by Heuser, W.
The Semiotics of Che Guevara: Affective Gateways by Cambre, Maria-Carolina
Language Teaching in Steiner-Waldorf Schools: Insights from Rudolf Steiner by Kiersch, Johannes
Sexing the World: Grammatical Gender and Biological Sex in Ancient Rome by Corbeill, Anthony
Family Language Learning: Learn Another Language, Raise Bilingual Children by Jernigan, Christine
Cluster Analysis for Corpus Linguistics by Moisl, Hermann
Orthographie by Karg, Ina
Frankreichs Sprachen by Kremnitz, Georg
Syntax - Theory and Analysis. Volume 2 by
Code-Switching Between Structural and Sociolinguistic Perspectives by
Syntax - Theory and Analysis. Volume 1 by
New Trends in Nordic and General Linguistics by
Verallgemeinerung Im Diskurs: Generische Wissensindizierung in Kolonialem Sprachgebrauch by Schmidt-Brücken, Daniel
Eigentlichkeit: Zum Verhältnis Von Sprache, Sprechern Und Welt by
Hermeneutische Linguistik: Theorie Und PRAXIS Grammatisch-Semantischer Interpretation by Bär, Jochen A.
Family Language Learning: Learn Another Language, Raise Bilingual Children by Jernigan, Christine
Cultural and Linguistic Minorities in the Russian Federation and the European Union: Comparative Studies on Equality and Diversity by
Icelandic Morphosyntax and Argument Structure by Wood, Jim
BAG - Bay Area German Linguistic Fieldwork Project by Rauch, Irmengard
The Golden Thread: The Story of Writing by Clayton, Ewan
Innerer Dialog und Textproduktion: Ein Beitrag zur Ueberwindung von Schreibhemmungen Studierender beim Verfassen ihrer wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarb by Huber, Emma
Das anwaltliche Mandantengespraech: Linguistische Ergebnisse zum sprachlichen Handeln von Anwalt und Mandant by Pick, Ina
Danksagungen in Dissertationen: Zur Genese einer Textsorte by Wesian, Julia
Sawabantu: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Kuestensprachen Kameruns (Bantu A.20 und A.30) by Ebobissé, Carl
The Language of Organizational Styling by Wee, Lionel
Introducing Global Englishes by Rose, Heath, Galloway, Nicola
Signalling Nouns in Academic English by Forest, Richard W., Flowerdew, John
Linguistic Ethnography: Collecting, Analysing and Presenting Data by Copland, Fiona, Creese, Angela
Linguistic Ethnography: Collecting, Analysing and Presenting Data by Creese, Angela, Copland, Fiona
Die Onomatopoesie des Luxemburgischen: Eine Erhebung zur Existenz von eigenständigen luxemburgischen Onomatopoetika by Schäfer, Clemens
Bilingual Figurative Language Processing by
Bilingual Figurative Language Processing by
The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax by
Causation in Grammatical Structures by
Continuations and Natural Language by Barker, Chris, Shan, Chung-Chieh
Continuations and Natural Language by Shan, Chung-Chieh, Barker, Chris
Language and Identity in Modern Egypt by Bassiouney, Reem
Grammatik und vieles mehr: Linguistische Grundlagen und Lernziele fuer den Deutschunterricht der Sekundarstufen by Wachtel, Martin
Vox Popular: The Surprising Life of Language in the Media by Queen, Robin
Assessing Literacy in Deaf Individuals: Neurocognitive Measurement and Predictors by
Social Identities and Multiple Selves in Foreign Language Education by
The Metalinguistic Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning by
Communicating Early English Manuscripts by
Teaching and Researching English Accents in Native and Non-Native Speakers by
A Grammar of Daakaka by Prince, Kilu Von
Bayesian Argumentation: The Practical Side of Probability by
Advances in Generative Lexicon Theory by
Syntax - Theory and Analysis. Volume 3 by
The Expression of Gender by
Metonymy by Littlemore, Jeannette
Written Space in the Latin West, 200 BC to AD 300 by
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of Spanish Language: The Spanish Language's Not So Distant African Linguistic Roots by Allyn, Legesse
Creek (Muskogee) Texts: Volume 150 by Haas, Mary R., Hill, James H.
Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork by Bochnak, M. Ryan
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of German Language: The German Language's Not So Distant African Linguistic Roots by Allyn, Legesse
Language and the Study of Language by Whitney, William Dwight
The Prosody of Formulaic Sequences: A Corpus and Discourse Approach by Lin, Phoebe
To Advanced Proficiency and Beyond: Theory and Methods for Developing Superior Second Language Ability by
Language Policy and Political Economy: English in a Global Context by
The Rise of Writing: Redefining Mass Literacy by Brandt, Deborah
Arguments in Syntax and Semantics by Williams, Alexander
Second Language Creative Writers: Identities and Writing Processes by Zhao, Yan
Second Language Creative Writers: Identities and Writing Processes by Zhao, Yan
Reliability in Pragmatics by McCready, Elin
Reliability in Pragmatics by McCready, Elin
Entextualizing Domestic Violence: Language Ideology and Violence Against Women in the Anglo-American Hearsay Principle by Andrus, Jennifer
Interactions across Englishes by Meierkord, Christiane
Audiovisual Speech Processing by
Power and Politeness in the Workplace: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Talk at Work by Stubbe, Maria, Holmes, Janet
Advances and Current Trends in Language Teacher Identity Research by
Style in Translation: A Corpus-Based Perspective by Huang, Libo
Linking Form and Meaning: Studies on Selected Control Patterns in Recent English by Rudanko, J.
Native Listening: Language Experience and the Recognition of Spoken Words by Cutler, Anne
Studies in the Composition and Decomposition of Event Predicates by
Discourse Markers Across Languages: A Contrastive Study of Second-Level Discourse Markers in Native and Non-Native Text with Implications for General by Dirk, Siepmann
Grammaticalization and English Complex Prepositions: A Corpus-based Study by Hoffmann, Sebastian
Essential Japanese Kanji Volume 1: Learn the Essential Kanji Characters Needed for Everyday Interactions in Japan (Jlpt Level N5) by Kanji Research Group
Imagination and Convention: Distinguishing Grammar and Inference in Language by Lepore, Ernie
Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education: An Introduction Through Narratives by Steinman, Linda, Swain, Merrill, Kinnear, Penny
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistically Annotated Corpora by Kuebler, Sandra, Zinsmeister, Heike
Language and Identity: Discourse in the World by
Experimental Research Methods in Language Learning by Phakiti, Aek
Linguistic Fieldwork: A Practical Guide by Bowern, C.
Where Metaphors Come from: Reconsidering Context in Metaphor by Kövecses, Zoltán
Albanisch-Übungsbuch: Übungen zur Festigung der albanischen Grammatik by Teichmann, Emine
Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education: An Introduction Through Narratives by Steinman, Linda, Swain, Merrill, Kinnear, Penny
Religion und Sprache- Religion and Language by
Retorica della Linguistica: Scienza, Struttura, Scrittura by Zaleska, Maria
The Acquisition of Creole Languages by Adone, Dany
The Semantics of Colour by Biggam, C. P.
Linguistic Fieldwork: A Practical Guide by Bowern, C.
Language, Literacy and Diversity: Moving Words by
Die Sprachliche Formierung Der Politischen Moderne: Spätmittelalter Und Renaissance in Italien by
Sociolinguistics and Deaf Communities by
Parody and Palimpsest: Intertextuality, Language, and the Ludic in the Novels of Jean-Philippe Toussaint by Glasco, Sarah L.
Horace's Art of Poetry. Translated by W. Popple. [with the Original Text.] - Scholar's Choice Edition by Popple, William, Horace
A Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Russian and Bulgarian Vocabularies by Chervenkova, Irina
Sprachwissenschaft im Fokus by
Studierte Dichter by Dehrmann, Mark-Georg
Forms and Degrees of Repetition in Texts: Detection and Analysis by Altmann, Gabriel, Köhler, Reinhard
Gesprochene Schulsprache in der Primarstufe by Webersik, Julia
Colonialism and Missionary Linguistics by
Language Empires in Comparative Perspective by
A Grammar of Unua by Pearce, Elizabeth
The Crucible of Language by Evans, Vyvyan
From Clerks to Corpora: essays on the English language yesterday and today by
Utility of Meaning: What Words Mean and Why by Enfield, N. J.
External Arguments in Transitivity Alternations by Alexiadou, Artemis, Anagnostopoulou, Elena, Schafer, Florian
The Cambridge Guide to Blended Learning for Language Teaching by
Case by Baker, Mark
Translating Evidence and Interpreting Testimony at a War Crimes Tribunal: Working in a Tug-Of-War by Elias-Bursac, Ellen
Appalachian English: Another Endangered Dialect by Richards Melinda L.
Dreams of Peace: A Dual Language Primer for Learning Hebrew & Arabic by Mann, Barry D.
Pashto Nouns by Babi, Latif J.
La terminología gramatical del español y del francés- La terminologie grammaticale de l'espagnol et du français: Emergencias y transposiciones, traduc by
Case by Baker, Mark
Pragmatische Phraseologismen und ihre lexikografische Darstellung: Am Beispiel eines mehrsprachigen elektronischen Spezialwoerterbuches fuer Uebersetz by Ruusila, Anna
Easy Thai: Learn to Speak Thai Quickly [With CD (Audio)] by Rattanakhemakorn, Jintana
Die Minnereden der Wiener Handschrift 2959: Variantenapparat und Woerterbuch by Mareiner, Michael
Assessing English Proficiency for University Study by Read, J.
Studien zu Sprache und Stil in alt- und mittelhochdeutscher Literatur by Eilers, Helge
Dinâmicas Afro-Latinas: Língua(s) e História(s) by
Accessing Audiovisual Translation by
First Language versus Foreign Language: Fluency, Errors and Revision Processes in Foreign Language Academic Writing by Breuer, Esther Odilia
Set: Lateinische Grammatik (Panhuis) Und Wortkunde (Vischer) by Panhuis, Dirk, Vischer, Rüdiger
Vowel-Shifting in the English Language: An Evolutionary Account by Kaźmierski, Kamil
Rhythm in Cognition and Grammar: A Germanic Perspective by
Truth Without Predication: The Role of Placing in the Existential There-Sentence by Szekely, R.
Language and Identity Across Modes of Communication by
Auxiliary Selection Revisited: Gradience and Gradualness by
Metapher und Metonymie by
A Grammar and Lexicon of Yintyingka by Rigsby, Bruce, Verstraete, Jean-Christophe
Syntactic Complexity Across Interfaces by
A Critical Hypertext Analysis of Social Media: The True Colours of Facebook by Eisenlauer, Volker
Corporate Discourse by Breeze, Ruth
Online Teaching and Learning: Sociocultural Perspectives by
Text World Theory and Keats' Poetry: The Cognitive Poetics of Desire, Dreams and Nightmares by Giovanelli, Marcello
Language and Neoliberalism by Holborow, Marnie
A Figure of Speech: A Festschrift for John Laver by
The Discourse of Teaching Practice Feedback: A Corpus-Based Investigation of Spoken and Written Modes by Farr, Fiona
Case, Argument Structure, and Word Order by Miyagawa, Shigeru
Markets of English: Linguistic Capital and Language Policy in a Globalizing World by Sung-Yul Park, Joseph, Wee, Lionel
After Piaget by Marti, Eduardo
Exploring Digital Communication: Language in Action by Tagg, Caroline
Exploring Digital Communication: Language in Action by Tagg, Caroline
Erzähltextanalyse [German-Language Edition]: Modelle, Kategorien, Parameter by Mair, Meinhard
Oxford Handbook of the Development of Play by
The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting by
Second Language Students in English-Medium Classrooms: A Guide for Teachers in International Schools by Sears, Coreen
Early Learning and Teaching of English: New Dynamics of Primary English by
Early Learning and Teaching of English: New Dynamics of Primary English by
Second Language Students in English-Medium Classrooms: A Guide for Teachers in International Schools by Sears, Coreen
Minima Philologica by Hamacher, Werner
Minima Philologica by Hamacher, Werner
Metrolingualism: Language in the City by Pennycook, Alastair, Otsuji, Emi
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