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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2016

Modern Language Review (111: 1) January 2016 by
Die Sprache der Versammlungsprotokolle und -beschluesse der Altglaeubigen (am Beispiel des Begriffs sobor) by Lüdke, Ekaterina
Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar by
Tres mil nombres vascos by Arias, Joaquin Caridad
Language Development from Theory to Practice by Pence Turnbull, Khara, Justice, Laura
Alif Baa Trace & Write 1: Learn How to Write the Arabic Alphabet by Khaled, Alia
Uptalk: The Phenomenon of Rising Intonation by Warren, Paul
Multilingual Perspectives on Child Language Disorders by
Multilingual Perspectives on Child Language Disorders by
Language in Prehistory by Barnard, Alan
Nomi e Numi: Lineamenti di antichità indoeuropee by Minguzzi, Edi
Foreign Language Education in America: Perspectives from K-12, University, Government, and International Learning by
Evolving Agendas in European English-Medium Higher Education: Interculturality, Multilingualism and Language Policy by Earls, Clive W.
Competing Structures in the Bilingual Mind: A Psycholinguistic Investigation of Optional Verb Number Agreement by Bamyacı, Elif
Introducing Needs Analysis and English for Specific Purposes by Brown, James Dean
Emotion, Affect and Personality in Speech: The Bias of Language and Paralanguage by Johar, Swati
Princess Bee Color Me: Coloring Book by Whitelocke, Donald, Mahoney, Anetta
Acoustics of the Vowel: Preliminaries by Maurer, Dieter
Simply Speaking Verbs 1 by Carroll, Sterlyn K.
Crosslinguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition by
Crosslinguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition by
Introducción a Los Estudios de Traducción by Aranda, Lucía V.
Communicating with Asia by
Intermediate Written Chinese Practice Essentials: Read and Write Mandarin Chinese as the Chinese Do [With CDROM] by Kubler, Jerling Guo, Kubler, Cornelius C.
Futures for English Studies: Teaching Language, Literature and Creative Writing in Higher Education by
Autonomy in Language Learning and Teaching: New Research Agendas by
Intermediate Written Chinese: Read and Write Mandarin Chinese as the Chinese Do (Includes MP3 Audio & Printable Pdfs) by Kubler, Cornelius C.
Introducing Needs Analysis and English for Specific Purposes by Brown, James Dean
Risorgimento in Exile: Italian Aemigraes and the Liberal International in the Post-Napoleonic Era by Isabella, Maurizio
Disnarration and the Unmentioned in Fact and Fiction by Lambrou, Marina
Teófilo Braga e a Poesia Popular: Análise Linguística, Estilística, Literária e Proverbial do Cancioneiro Popular Portuguez e Cantos Populares do Arqu by Marinovic, Anamarija, Bravewolf, James
Le affinità tra friulano e rumeno: in una pubblicazione giovanile di Graziadio Isaia Ascoli by Orlandi, Guglielmo
Struktur und Grammatik der Gebärdensprache by Akin, Hilal
Discourse and Management: Critical Perspectives by Mautner, Gerlinde
Der Majuskelgebrauch im Deutschen by Müller, Hans-Georg
Aspects of (Post)Colonial Linguistics: Current Perspectives and New Approaches by
Textuelle Historizität by
Linguistische Pragmatik in Historischen Bezügen by
Einführung in die französische Morphologie by Schpak-Dolt, Nikolaus
Einführung in die italienische Sprachwissenschaft by Michel, Andreas
Die Syntax Von Selbstreparaturen: Sprach- Und Erwerbsspezifische Reparaturorganisation Im Deutschen Und Spanischen by Di Venanzio, Laura
Formen und Funktionen der Negation by Köller, Wilhelm
Language Change in Central Asia by
Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe by
Cognitive-Functional Approaches to the Study of Japanese as a Second Language by
English Pronunciation for Speakers of Spanish: From Theory to Practice by Gómez González, María de Los Ángeles, Sánchez Roura, Teresa
Komplexe Attribution by
Morphologisch-semantische Modellierung internationaler Fachsprache: Die sicherheitsrelevante Ortungsterminologie der Landverkehrsfachsprache in Deutsc by Yurdakul, Ayşe
Aviation English: A Lingua Franca for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers by Farris, Candace, Molesworth, Brett, Estival, Dominique
Russian-Speakers in Post-Soviet Latvia: Discursive Identity Strategies by Cheskin, Ammon
La Migana o Mingana. Jerga o Jerigonza de tratantes, muleteros y esquiladores: Jerga o Jerigonza de tratantes, muleteros y esquiladores de Milmarcos y by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Research Methods in Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide by
Research Methods in Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide by
Languages in the World: How History, Culture, and Politics Shape Language by Carter, Phillip M., Tetel Andresen, Julie
Languages in the World: How History, Culture, and Politics Shape Language by Carter, Phillip M., Tetel Andresen, Julie
The Foreign Language Educator in Society: Toward A Critical Pedagogy by Osborn, Terry A., Reagan, Timothy G.
Names and Nature in Plato's Cratylus by Barney, Rachel
Language Comprehension As Structure Building by Gernsbacher, Morton Ann
Private Speech: From Social Interaction To Self-regulation by
Auditory Representations in Phonology by Flemming, Edward S.
Consonant Strength: Phonological Patterns and Phonetic Manifestations by Lavoie, Lisa M.
Compensatory Lengthening: Phonetics, Phonology, Diachrony by Kavitskaya, Darya
Discourse and the Translator by Hatim, B., Mason, Ian
Translating Style: A Literary Approach to Translation - A Translation Approach to Literature by Parks, Tim
Language Processing in Bilinguals: Psycholinguistic and Neuropsychological Perspectives by
Antonymy: A Corpus-Based Perspective by Jones, Steven
Language and Linguistic Origins in Bahrain: The Bahārnah dialect of Arabic by Al-Tajir, Mahdi Abdalla
The Formal Grammar of Switch-Reference (RLE Linguistics B: Grammar) by Finer, Daniel L.
Studies in Linguistic Geography (RLE Linguistics D: English Linguistics): The Dialects of English in Britain and Ireland by
Studies in Turkic and Mongolic Linguistics by Clauson, Gerard
Morphology and Mind (RLE Linguistics C: Applied Linguistics): A Unified Approach to Explanation in Linguistics by Hall, Christopher J.
Criticism and Literary Theory 1890 to the Present by Baldick, Chris
Children's Literature in Translation: Challenges and Strategies by
Two Grammatical Models of Modern English: The Old and New from A to Z by Stuurman, Frits
Reduced Constructions in Spanish (RLE Linguistics E: Indo-European Linguistics) by Moore, John C.
Linguistic Convergence and Areal Diffusion: Case Studies from Iranian, Semitic and Turkic by
Sprachauffälligkeiten bei Kindern. Möglichkeiten der Sprachförderung durch Bewegung by Wedel, Britta
Feministische Linguistik in der Politik. Analyse einer Rede von Katja Kipping by Akin, Hilal
An Elementary Grammar of Old Icelandic by Buckhurst, Helen MacMillan
Basic Word Order (Rle Linguistics B: Grammar): Functional Principles by Tomlin, Russell S.
Modality and Propositional Attitudes by Hegarty, Michael
Regional Variation in Written American English by Grieve, Jack
The Multilingual City: Vitality, Conflict and Change by
The Oxford Handbook of Historical Phonology by
The Multilingual City: Vitality, Conflict and Change by
Sprache und Genus - Geschlechterstereotype im Sprachgebrauch: Wie unterschiedlich sprechen Frauen und Männer? by Bergengruen, Anna Maria
Media and Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
The Visual Narrative Reader by
Discourse in Context: Contemporary Applied Linguistics Volume 3 by
Intercultural Contact, Language Learning and Migration by
Task Sequencing and Instructed Second Language Learning by
Sadness Expressions in English and Chinese: Corpus Linguistic Contrastive Semantic Analysis by Zhang, Ruihua
The Visual Narrative Reader by
Language Policy and Language Planning: From Nationalism to Globalisation by Wright, Sue
Language Policy and Language Planning: From Nationalism to Globalisation by Wright, Sue
Paradigms for a Metaphorology by Blumenberg, Hans
Language Soup: A taste of how diverse people around the world communicate by Knox, Kathryn a. T.
Sprache und Kolonialismus by
Sprachforschung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus by Maas, Utz
Locative Expressions in English and French: A Multimodal Approach by Tutton, Mark
A Corpus-Driven Approach to Language Contact by Adamou, Evangelia
Improving Foreign Language Speaking Through Formative Assessment by Tuttle, Harry Grover, Tuttle, Alan
Readings in Language Studies, Volume 5, Language and Society by
Readings in Language Studies, Volume 5, Language and Society by
Animals Brew Coffee: 26 Letters & 40 Paintings by Calavara, P.
Between East and West/Word and Image by Youzhfuang, Geng
Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice by Bell, Roger T.
Method in Translation History by Pym, Anthony
Speaking With Style (RLE Linguistics C: Applied Linguistics): The Sociolinguistics Skills of Children by Andersen, Elaine Slosburg
Alphabet Des Petits Voyageurs Dans Les Cinq Parties Du Monde by Hocquart, Édouard
Alphabet Des Petits Fabulistes, Par Édouard Hocquart, by Hocquart, Édouard
Alphabet Des Petits Voyageurs Dans Les Cinq Parties Du Monde by Hocquart, Édouard
Le Livret Des Écoles Primaires, Ou Alphabet Moral Et Instructif . Par Un Professeur de l'Université by Professeur de Universite
Mythology and Ideology of the Basque Language by Tovar, Antonio
Textlinguistik by Adamzik, Kirsten
Discursive Constructions of Consent in the Legal Process by Ehrlich
Teaching and Researching Translation by Hatim, Basil A.
Can Theory Help Translators?: A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface by Chesterman, Andrew, Wagner, Emma
Representing Others: Translation, Ethnography and Museum by Sturge, Kate
Advances in Written Text Analysis by
Interpreting and Translating in Public Service Settings by
Sociolinguistic Market Of Cairo: Gender, Class and Education by Haeri, Niloofar
Mythology and Ideology of the Basque Language by Tovar, Antonio
Translation in Systems: Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained by Hermans, Theo
The Structure of Spoken Language: Intonation in Romance by Martin, Philippe
Why We Gesture: The Surprising Role of Hand Movements in Communication by McNeill, David
Harvest of Hawaii Plantation Pidgin: The Japanese Way by Ikeda, Myra S.
Chomsky by Smith, Neil, Allott, Nicholas
Names and Naming: People, Places, Perceptions and Power by
Names and Naming: People, Places, Perceptions and Power by
Die Ursprünge der türkischen Runenschrift by Dincer, Cilen Laura
Intermediate Japanese Workbook: Activities and Exercises to Help You Improve Your Japanese! by Kluemper, Michael L., Berkson, Lisa
Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film by Metz, Christian
Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film by Metz, Christian
Tuttle English-Vietnamese Dictionary by Hoa, Nguyen Dinh, Giuong, Phan Van
Tuttle Vietnamese-English Dictionary by Giuong, Phan Van, Hoa, Nguyen Dinh
Intermediate Japanese Textbook: Your Pathway to Dynamic Language Acquisition: Learn Conversational Japanese, Grammar, Kanji & Kana: (Audio Included) [ by Kluemper, Michael L., Berkson, Lisa
Philosophical Approaches to Proper Names by
Liberating Content by Cappelen, Herman, Lepore, Ernie
Diversity in Sinitic Languages by
Sociolinguistics in Ireland by
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language by
Pictish Ogham Decipherment: Translation of all known Pictish Oghams by Harris, Stuart L.
Projecting the Adjective: The Syntax and Semantics of Gradability and Comparison by Kennedy, Christopher
Nsw.T Bjt.J (King) in Ancient Egyptian: : A Lesson in Paronymy and Leadership by Imhotep, Asar
Unspeakable Sentences (Routledge Revivals): Narration and Representation in the Language of Fiction by Banfield, Ann
El español y la lingüística aplicada by Zyzik, Eve C., Blake, Robert J.
Formalizing Natural Languages: The Nooj Approach by Silberztein, Max
Structure and Meaning in English: A Guide for Teachers by Kennedy, Graeme
Dialogue Interpreting: A Guide to Interpreting in Public Services and the Community by Tipton, Rebecca, Furmanek, Olgierda
Study of Language: from Babel to Comparative Philology by White, Andrew D.
Evolving Agendas in European English-Medium Higher Education: Interculturality, Multilingualism and Language Policy by Earls, Clive W.
Literary Translation by Wright, Chantal
Ideas in History 9, 1-2 by
Leserbrief und Identitaetskonstitution: Am Beispiel von Diskursen der ost- und westdeutschen Tagespresse 1979-1999 by Wachowski, Goulnara
Deaf Tend Your: A Guide to Mouth Morphemes in American Sign Language by Bridges, Byron, Metzger, Melanie
Global Conceptual History: A Reader by
Rethinking Parameters by
Grammatik: Eine Einführung by Imo, Wolfgang
A Poetics of Translation: Between Chinese and English Literature by
Vergleich des 'Cortegiano' von Baldassare Castiglione mit dem 'Principe' von Niccolò Machiavelli by Wolf, Julia
Writing Postcommunism: Towards a Literature of the East European Ruins by Williams, D.
The Crucible of Language: How Language and Mind Create Meaning by Evans, Vyvyan
Die Thalassämie als genetisch bedingte Erkrankung des Blutes by Wolf, Julia
Practical Corpus Linguistics: An Introduction to Corpus-Based Language Analysis by Weisser, Martin
Literary Translation by Wright, Chantal
Linear A Decipherment: Translation of Minoan inscriptions in Linear A by Harris, Stuart L.
Dialogue Interpreting: A Guide to Interpreting in Public Services and the Community by Tipton, Rebecca, Furmanek, Olgierda
Second Language Assessment and Mixed Methods Research by
Multimodale Kommunikation: Bericht aus einer Textwerkstatt by
The Sociolinguistics of Digital Englishes by Friedrich, Patricia, Diniz de Figueiredo, Eduardo
Greek Alphabet Coloring Book by Blank Books, Lazaros'
Lehrkraft-Eltern-Interaktionen am Elternsprechtag by Wegner, Lars
Diskurse des Alter(n)s by Krüger, Carolin
Sprache und Lebensform deutscher Studenten im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert by Objartel, Georg
Convergence: English and Nigerian Languages. A Festschrift for Munzali A. Jibril by
The Dynamics of Nominal Classification: Productive and Lexicalised Uses of Gender Agreement in Mawng by Singer, Ruth
Cityscapes and Perceptual Dialectology: Global Perspectives on Non-Linguists' Knowledge of the Dialect Landscape by
Semantic Fields in Sign Languages: Colour, Kinship and Quantification by
Sprachliche und kommunikative Praktiken by
Experience Counts: Frequency Effects in Language by
The Writing System of Scribe Zhou: Evidence from Late Pre-Imperial Chinese Manuscripts and Inscriptions (5th-3rd Centuries Bce) by Park, Haeree
Variation und Wandel by Schuster, Saskia
The Spanish of the Northern Peruvian Andes: A Sociohistorical and Dialectological Account by
The Sociolinguistics of Digital Englishes by Diniz de Figueiredo, Eduardo, Friedrich, Patricia
Das Alignmentsystem im Türkischen. Subjekt- und Objektalignments in verschiedenen Satzkonstruktionen by Dincer, Cilen Laura
Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasion by Arvatu, Adina, Aberdein, Andrew
Textual Linguistic Theology in Paul Ricoeur by Lakshmanan, Xavier
Zur Typologie der Texte. Grundfragen der Übersetzungswissenschaft: Klassifikationsmodelle nach Glinz, Neubert, Koller und Große sowie Texttypologie na by Zahn, Sybille
Negotiating and Contesting Identities in Linguistic Landscapes by
Antagonism on Youtube: Metaphor in Online Discourse by Pihlaja, Stephen
Rules of Use: Language and Instruction in Early Modern England by Lamb, Julian
Community Translation by Taibi, Mustapha, Ozolins, Uldis
Community Translation by Taibi, Mustapha, Ozolins, Uldis
Retranslation: Translation, Literature and Reinterpretation by Deane-Cox, Sharon
Die Evaluation von Sprachentwicklung und die Implikation für die Praxis by Kipchen, Sandra
Second Language Acquisition: A Theoretical Introduction to Real World Applications by Angelovska, Tanja, Benati, Alessandro G.
Hebrew Grammar by Jensen, Lars E.
Translation as Innovation: Bridging the Sciences and the Humanities by
Chomsky by Smith, Neil, Allott, Nicholas
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